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Guild Wars 2 |OT| Buy Once, Sub Never, Fun Forever

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yeah, there use to be something else you did between 25-50 but apparently it was changed to skill 50. So I figured I'd wait for the trading post to work on my jeweling, but that hasn't gone over well.

I think you used to be able to make filigrees at 25-50 so it opened up a ton of discovery options. Now necklace+filigree is at 50? and then silver comes into play at 75 so once you get over the hump it's pretty easy to get going if you have all the mats. The grind in 25-50 was painful though.
Can you walk in this game? Every video I've seen has characters running, but I would like to be able to walk in towns, instead of run.

There are a lot of functions that are not mapped to any keys by default. Check out the key config in the options menu.

There is a walk function but I don't think it is bound to anything by default. I mapped mine to the "Z" key.

Another example is sheathing and unsheathing your weapon. I mapped that to both "E" and one of my extra mouse buttons.



While I agree that the presentation and mechanics of the hearts/events are different from quests, my issue is the content. I'm currently level 18, have explored 3 1-15 areas and 2 15-25 areas (so maybe it changes later on)

Personal Story - the dialog and story itself are very dumb (and no cutscenes? really? :() and the quests up to this level have been OK but not that interesting or involved. For example, a level 19 story was me going from outside a house to inside (fighting some bugs and insects), fighting a bigger spider and then reading a letter.

Hearts - these are very mindless quests. If you're lucky you get an event that will help you finish it, but otherwise it takes a while and so far they have all been "interact with an object or fight a type of enemy". Sure it's not a quest to collect bear asses, but is it really that different?

Events - So far there have been 4 types of events I've seen
1. fight waves of enemies - pretty standard stuff, the best thing about them is that they often complete a heart quest as well
2. protect a cart going from point A to point B
3. collect certain objects and turn them in to the NPC - this one depends a lot on other people, sometimes everyone contributes and it does well and other times only a few people do it and it takes forever
4. fight a boss - these are great. It's really fun to fight a big monster with a bunch of other people

My issue with these things is that by their nature of not being quests, they only allow for the most basic level of interactivity - fight the enemies or pick up objects. Even something like putting on a disguise or reading a letter (things done in the personal quest) aren't going to happen here because the events are designed for people to wander in and be able to contribute right away


Gold Member
The more I play this game the more I like it. And I really liked it before. The world is amazing to explore and the combat system is truly interesting.

The only thing keeping me from full on slobbering fanboy mode is the teething problems. The lack of trading post has been a major drag as has been the overflow problems.

So far my least favorite part is the My Story. I mean, the story is interesting (and I had a good Obsidian-esque choice to make early), but the scripting has some issues.

Has anyone tried any of the structured PVP? It seems
most folks are enjoying WvW (as am I), but I dipped into the sPVP a few nights ago and honestly had a blast with it. Only downside is that there's only a single mode, but that's nothing that can't be remedied with patches/expansions.

sPVP is awesome! I haven't put the time I want to into it. I feel like I learn more about my character from messing around in PVE and experimenting with different attacks. But it's great.


Any EU people suffering the error 1022 when choosing to exit or re-queue in the overflows? I get kicked out quite a bit, which is becoming really annoying.


But how late in the game do you get to discover stuff? Harvesting and salvaging everything in the starter zones only gives me one or two combinable objects in the discovery panel. I've no idea how people are getting three or four item discoveries.
Pretty much right away. The trick is that a lot of your discoveries will involve combining other items that you craft. For example, with Weaponcrafting, you can craft the base parts for each type of weapon and you can craft inscriptions which give the stat boosts (and weapon tier) to the crafted item. So you craft a dagger blade, dagger hilt, and a +Healing inscription, and then combine these in the Discoveries tab to make the blue dagger, and you get a huge experience point bonus for it. Repeat this process with other types of weapon & inscription and you're quickly going to lunge up the crafting skill list.

Other Discovery items tend to be the special crafting items -- the stuff in the same bank section as Vials of Weak Blood or what have you. If you kill enough stuff, you'll start having some interesting combinations show up.
"My issue with these things is that by their nature of not being quests, they only allow for the most basic level of interactivity - fight the enemies or pick up objects. Even something like putting on a disguise or reading a letter (things done in the personal quest) aren't going to happen here because the events are designed for people to wander in and be able to contribute right away"

While I'm normally the first person to shit on this game's PVE, this is actually not entirely true. There are some hearts and events that do require you to speak to the renown heart vendor/specific NPC in order to get things like a disguise or a special weapon or something like that to do what they want.
My mesmer will definitely be a chef.

It's a lot of fun to discover recipes and the food items themselves are actually pretty useful. I dropped weaponsmithing temporarily for cooking but it's getting expensive.

I can't decide if I want to do all crafting on one character or spread it out among my different alts. Hmmm...


Any EU people suffering the error 1022 when choosing to exit or re-queue in the overflows? I get kicked out quite a bit, which is becoming really annoying.
Don't have that problem, I however seem to get kicked often whenever I leave a story instance.


My issue with these things is that by their nature of not being quests, they only allow for the most basic level of interactivity - fight the enemies or pick up objects. Even something like putting on a disguise or reading a letter (things done in the personal quest) aren't going to happen here because the events are designed for people to wander in and be able to contribute right away

Norn starter area has a heart quest where you have to talk to the heart person to get turned into a leopard to hunt.


Prodigal Son
Norn starter area has a heart quest where you have to talk to the heart person to get turned into a leopard to hunt.
I think the quests where you can get transformed are kinda lame since you lose the abilities you're used to, so I just do the objectives that don't require the form. You know what I found really refreshing in that area? The raven riddles (though really easy).


Is there a Point of Interest in Queensdale that is hard to locate? I'm at 20/21 and complete on all the rest, and I've been looking for a while now...

Try the bottom right hand corner of the map. There was one down there that I completely missed thinking it was part of another zone.
I think the quests where you can get transformed are kinda lame since you lose the abilities you're used to, so I just do the objectives that don't require the form. You know what I found really refreshing in that area? The raven riddles (though really easy).

They are sometimes lame, but they are mostly good for mixing things up since otherwise it would just be the same thing you have been doing a thousand times before.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I think the quests where you can get transformed are kinda lame since you lose the abilities you're used to, so I just do the objectives that don't require the form.
And you can do either one you want, or a combination of the two. I mean, that just strikes me as unique in and of itself. Maybe I haven't played enough MMOs and this is common now.
You know what I found really refreshing in that area? The raven riddles (though really easy).
Good point, the mental challenges are nice to mix it up every so often. In Metrica Oola's recording makes you memorize a little speech and get quizzed on it for a skill challenge.

They should have some hearts you can fill in this way. I guess there is the one with the Skritt test subjects... haha
"And you can do either one you want, or a combination of the two. I mean, that just strikes me as unique in and of itself. Maybe I haven't played enough MMOs and this is common now."

It's not common but it's also not really a big deal in practice, either.


The Cryptarch's Bane
It's not common but it's also not really a big deal in practice, either.
It strikes me as a big deal because you aren't locked into to doing literally the same one thing, and also because if you don't want to do something, like Songbird, you can still complete the quest without incident.


Prodigal Son
Wasn't trying to be a downer, I just don't think the form changing's that great. You can still hug the puppies in the Caledon Forest! Aww.

Good point, the mental challenges are nice to mix it up every so often. In Metrica Oola's recording makes you memorize a little speech and get quizzed on it for a skill challenge.
In the Brisban Wildlands you're tasked with reconfiguring portals through numerical puzzles.


"And you can do either one you want, or a combination of the two. I mean, that just strikes me as unique in and of itself. Maybe I haven't played enough MMOs and this is common now."

It's not common but it's also not really a big deal in practice, either.

Except when Guild Wars 2 does two dozen of "not a big deal, but nice" things properly, and suddenly you have an overall experience whose approach IS a pretty big deal.

It strikes me as a big deal because you aren't locked into to doing literally the same one thing, and also because if you don't want to do something, like Songbird, you can still complete the quest without incident.

I am a boring guy in this regard: every time I had objectives like "pick up x/y stuff OR kill enemies", I just killed. Chance for salvageable stuff >>>>> picking chickens up from the ground! :D

DarK SouL

So someone tried to reset my pw... Yeah lol...

Thankfully they couldn't

Change your email ASAP, I had been receiving those emails for a couple days now and completely ignored them, and today they finally got in, no Idea how as I had a strong password, they changed my email and now I can't get recover my account. :/
I was thinking of some of the unique events in the game after Hawakian mentioned the pig one from Kessex. I remembered there was one in Queensdale where you play a trivia game with the town's children. You have to answer their questions which you probably wouldn't know unless you learned the information beforehand by speaking to NPCs in the area or looked up the answers online.


Has anyone tried any of the structured PVP? It seems most folks are enjoying WvW (as am I), but I dipped into the sPVP a few nights ago and honestly had a blast with it. Only downside is that there's only a single mode, but that's nothing that can't be remedied with patches/expansions.

How do you do sPVP instead of WvW? Not sure what options to pick to do it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
There's a long chain in I think Queensdale where you tame a bunch of skale with a tranquilzer gun, then you lead the friendly skale army to assault a seperatist camp.
How do you do sPVP instead of WvW? Not sure what options to pick to do it.

Open your Hero sheet (H), click the crossed swords icon at the bottom on the left, 'Enter the Mists'.

There's a long chain in I think Queensdale where you tame a bunch of skale with a tranquilzer gun, then you lead the friendly skale army to assault a seperatist camp.

I loved that quest in Plains of Ashford, if only because it once again highlighted the Charr propensity for puns.
"It's a full skale assault, hyuck".


is there any way to know how much time I spend playing the game ?
I logged in to my account on the website and couldn't find anything


The Cryptarch's Bane
Ah Plains of Ashford, right. I gotta go do that again, I did it in BWE2 and it was a lot of fun.

edit: use /age in-game to find your playtime.


If someone has been trying to reset your password it most likely means they are using a list of username/passwords they found or stole from another source and yours is on it. I changed my GW2 username immediately and changed the password.
There's a long chain in I think Queensdale where you tame a bunch of skale with a tranquilzer gun, then you lead the friendly skale army to assault a seperatist camp.

I already have 100% Queensdale and explored the area like crazy, including returning on occasion to gather materials and never stumbled upon this event. I'm sure there are others I probably missed too.

I was backtracking around areas in Kessex that I already completed to buy some karma gear and I stumbled upon at least 3 different events that were not available when I initially went through the area.


Hey guys,quick question about the Utility skills...on my Mesmer for example,I got the Signet of Inspiration,at the top it says Passive,it adds buffs(boons)on me...and Active the boons on allies...how do I switch between the 2?...is it only active on others if I use it per say and it works during the cooldown on others?


Hey guys,quick question about the Utility skills...on my Mesmer for example,I got the Signet of Inspiration,at the top it says Passive,it adds buffs(boons)on me...and Active the boons on allies...how do I switch between the 2?...is it only active on others if I use it per say and it works during the cooldown on others?

Passive is just that, always on and passive EXCEPT when it's on cooldown. For example, it says passive +power. While your signet is on your bar and not on cooldown, you gain power. If you USE the signet and it's on cooldown, you do not get the passive until it is not on cooldown any longer.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I already have 100% Queensdale and explored the area like crazy, including returning on occasion to gather materials and never stumbled upon this event. I'm sure there are others I probably missed too.

I was backtracking around areas in Kessex that I already completed to buy some karma gear and I stumbled upon at least 3 different events that were not available when I initially went through the area.
I think it's actually Plains of Ashford, got confused

Hey guys,quick question about the Utility skills...on my Mesmer for example,I got the Signet of Inspiration,at the top it says Passive,it adds buffs(boons)on me...and Active the boons on allies...how do I switch between the 2?...is it only active on others if I use it per say and it works during the cooldown on others?
All signets are like this in GW2 apparently... a passive (always on) effect, and an active effect you can use (which turns off the passive bonus until cooldown is over).


Saint Nic
Necro question.

Signet of Undeath...Is it working as intended? We were fighting some giant, uh, giant yesterday, and I tossed Signet of Undeath on top of a group of dead allies. They didn't rez like they were supposed to?


Sonic handles my blue balls
Necro question.

Signet of Undeath...Is it working as intended? We were fighting some giant, uh, giant yesterday, and I tossed Signet of Undeath on top of a group of dead allies. They didn't rez like they were supposed to?

I was looking into all of the ressurection skills some time ago and can't look it up right now to confirm but:

The necro revive skill only works on downed player (still can attack with a faded health bar), not dead players (can't do anything).


That last boss in the first dungeon (AC) was just stupid..or rather the dungeon mechanics in this game are.

Having a waypoint right beside the boss, literally makes it impossible for you to fail. But at the same time I did not learn shit, I was almost always instakilled just running into the room, but it didn't matter because I would just respawn and run right back in....

I've accepted the loss of the trinity, but I 100% believe the boss should be locked down fight from waypoints. You can be rezzed but it needs to be someone in the pary during the fight that does it


No. And I'll tell you why. The event says to do a specific task. Stop an enemy. Bring back certain items. If you don't participate in the way the event states, you don't get credit. Rezzing people is only going to help them get a better participation. You should rez them, then go right back to nuking. Other people will rez as well, don't worry. It's not your job.

Okay. With all due respect, 'cause I like you and appreciate your perspective, this right here is nonsense. And I'll tell you why. It runs completely contrary to the entire design of this game. This game invites you to build a profession in the manner you feel is most beneficial. This does not always necessitate high DPS; and given the profession of your main, you should know that all too well. If damage is all contribution factors in, it invalidates any versatility a profession has.

And here's the thing: Those people outputting massive amounts of DPS may have died long ago without my or someone else's contribution. The people keeping their asses up should get something for that beyond a consolation prize. From buffs to protection to other types of support, what other people do MATTERS - and it should be accounted for.

What you're describing is the same nonsense I saw all the time with WAR's scenario rewards system. It was broken to hell then and it doesn't work well now. Damage and healing are NOT all that matter, especially not in a game built by developers who pride themselves on the notion that each profession is not a one-trick pony.

The contribution system needs to be dramatically more comprehensive than this. And if it's not, if this is by design? Then someone in ANET needs to get bonked on the head and woken the hell up, 'cause it makes no sense in this game especially. That, or it's laziness, not wanting to put the effort into determining how to calculate so many different variables. Well guess what? Those other variables are where fights are often won - get them in there.

Secondly, on the subject of contribution: Something is screwed up with engineer's kits and how they're factored. I tested it the other night and found that if I use just my rifle, I'd get gold without fail; if I used the grenade kit, even while increasing my DPS, I would get a bronze without fail. Understand, this also included minutes of the boss chasing my ass like a puppy, so it obviously considered my grenades dangerous - but the game? Not so much.

Also: In a game in which everything and your dog scales, 'contribution' should scale also. If you're level 11 and doing a DE surrounded by a bunch of 14s, your contribution should be scaled relative to theirs - not 1:1 with it. If you're doing everything you can, you should get rewarded for it, not short-changed.

So yeah, contribution - either by design or by logistical issues - is borked, IMO.

Once they get all the other core problems with the game out of the way, they need to completely retool the contribution system. Hell, sometimes I'll tap on an enemy in the zone once while passing through and I'll get gold. Other times, I'll work my ass off in an event and get a bronze.

The same event.


Saint Nic
I was looking into all of the ressurection skills some time ago and can't look it up right now to confirm but:

The necro revive skill only works on downed player (still can attack with a faded health bar), not dead players (can't do anything).

Damnit, I'm so dumb for not realizing that...I guess it's still awesome and useful, but not NEARLY as rad as I was hoping. The regen health in combat is nice, but I can't see myself keeping that as my final utility skill while leveling anymore.

I started a log on karma vendors over at GAFGuild. I'll be doing higher level areas soon! Hope this helps people looking for slot upgrades. :p

Holy damn, this is sweet. Thank you!

Next step is to mouse-over to get actual stats. ;)


Ressing people doesn't contribute unless ressing the character in question for the quest (such as one of the NPCs). That said, given how group-oriented most quests are, it's probably useful to keep people alive as often as possible. What's more, for collection quests and the like, the advantages are obvious to keeping many players alive. Pure DPS quests (such as defend point X) it's a bit more nebulous. There's also the fact that ressing people gives way more experience than killing enemies does, but I guess that's something else entirely.


Okay. With all due respect, 'cause I like you and appreciate your perspective, this right here is nonsense. And I'll tell you why. It runs completely contrary to the entire design of this game. This game invites you to build a profession in the manner you feel is most beneficial. This does not always necessitate high DPS; and given the profession of your main, you should know that all too well. If damage is all contribution factors in, it invalidates any versatility a profession has.

And here's the thing: Those people outputting massive amounts of DPS may have died long ago without my or someone else's contribution. The people keeping their asses up should get something for that beyond a consolation prize. From buffs to protection to other types of support, what other people do MATTERS - and it should be accounted for.

What you're describing is the same nonsense I saw all the time with WAR's scenario rewards system. It was broken to hell then and it doesn't work well now. Damage and healing are NOT all that matter, especially not in a game built by developers who pride themselves on the notion that each profession is not a one-trick pony.

The contribution system needs to be dramatically more comprehensive than this. And if it's not, if this is by design? Then someone in ANET needs to get bonked on the head and woken the hell up, 'cause it makes no sense in this game especially. That, or it's laziness, not wanting to put the effort into determining how to calculate so many different variables. Well guess what? Those other variables are where fights are often won - get them in there.

Secondly, on the subject of contribution: Something is screwed up with engineer's kits and how they're factored. I tested it the other night and found that if I use just my rifle, I'd get gold without fail; if I used the grenade kit, even while increasing my DPS, I would get a bronze without fail. Understand, this also included minutes of the boss chasing my ass like a puppy, so it obviously considered my grenades dangerous - but the game? Not so much.

Also: In a game in which everything and your dog scales, 'contribution' should scale also. If you're level 11 and doing a DE surrounded by a bunch of 14s, your contribution should be scaled relative to theirs - not 1:1 with it. If you're doing everything you can, you should get rewarded for it, not short-changed.

So yeah, contribution - either by design or by logistical issues - is borked, IMO.

Once they get all the other core problems with the game out of the way, they need to completely retool the contribution system. Hell, sometimes I'll tap on an enemy in the zone once while passing through and I'll get gold. Other times, I'll work my ass off in an event and get a bronze.

The same event.

Agree 100%, as I normally play a healer I tested this out the first chance I got.

Removing conditions, healing and rezzing during a large scale public quest = Bronze
Autoattack and nothing else = Gold

I test it in every MMO, but was actually disappointed in this game for all the Anet hype of how things would be different
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