some of us have jobs![]()
+ my wife leaves me at level 11 with only one character.
I love that I'm not feeling forced to play more due to a sub fee.
some of us have jobs![]()
Never played guild wars, played a little of WoW, played SWTOR till level 30, played Rift to level 40. I usually lean towards healer/support characters, but mainly healer type classes. So for GW2, which class/race would be best if I traditionally like more healer type classes?
Sounds like it. You should send a support ticket.
just did. holy shit, you mow shit dddooooown. And so much colors and shit.
but you know what? the greatsword you buy from vendors is the most shitty looking pos ever.
Fuck Arenanet.
I haven't clicked a god damn phising e-mail or anything.
I played WoW for 10 god damn years without being hacked without an authenticator.
If my character is gone, I'm done.
So playing around with traits some more.. I think concentrate stuff on being slippery as possible in WvWvW as my thief. Then my gear will have all the damage+crit stuff to make up for the durability traits I'm going into.
Think a straight up glass cannon would be better in sPvP though. Run speed and such doesn't seem as important.
I max out toughness on my ranger. I think I am going to put some into Power now.. I got like abysmal power.. lol
Spin to win! GG.
They start looking cooler later in the game.
Never played guild wars, played a little of WoW, played SWTOR till level 30, played Rift to level 40. I usually lean towards healer/support characters, but mainly healer type classes. So for GW2, which class/race would be best if I traditionally like more healer type classes?
After getting one of those emails i changed my password to some god awful long thing, probably my most secure PW yet.
After getting one of those emails i changed my password to some god awful long thing, probably my most secure PW yet.
Hold on. Are people getting emails from Anet asking them to reset their password? Did you initiate the reset? If not, you should not follow any links found in the email. You should go directly to the website to change your password.
OK, so if you're in more than one guild and you use /guild chat does it go to ALL guilds?
wow. rerolled a guardian. 2h hammer is fun. smash shit like nothing.
It only goes to the one you're representing atm.
Fuck Arenanet.
I haven't clicked a god damn phising e-mail or anything.
I played WoW for 10 god damn years without being hacked without an authenticator.
If my character is gone, I'm done.
too many guardians in the game though![]()
sadly enough, healing is... something everyone can do... really shitty.
elementalist has some great support skills. So does guardian.
Yeah, it sucks so much that any group make up can get through a dungeon.![]()
Hold on. Are people getting emails from Anet asking them to reset their password? Did you initiate the reset? If not, you should not follow any links found in the email. You should go directly to the website to change your password.
WvW is fun until you are on my server where you are bugged and up against the highest populated server there is and its just you getting steamrolled.
Thief is ok so far...the skills are fun but i just run in a circle and shoot bullets. I feel like Im worthless in pvp
Sucks you got potentially hacked but tell me is that ANet's fault?Man.
Fuck Arenanet.
I haven't clicked a god damn phising e-mail or anything.
I played WoW for 10 god damn years without being hacked without an authenticator.
If my character is gone, I'm done.
That totally sucks.
Did you use the same password as any other accounts? Or the same email/password combination as any other accounts? Or an easy password to guess?
Could be any number of things. I am dreading this right now, so I went in and adjusted my password to a brand new password I have never used.
I stated earlier in the thread, one way to solve this would be to limit access based on region/IP location. Hell, if they wanted, even limit it by IP if you have the luxury of a static.
Sucks you got potentially hacked but tell me is that ANets fault?
which just means dungeons are EASY
Can't believe some people have super high lvl dudes already. I just can't seem to decide on 1 class.
They all have cool bits but some not cool bits. :S
Sucks you got potentially hacked but tell me is that ANet's fault?
I've been trying to "Authenticate" my e-mail since headstart period, but everytime I click on my e-mail I get an invalid/expired link. Should I be scared??? I just thought it was server overload and it'll fix itself over time.
I just came home and tried to log on.
It's saying "The email address you entered was not found."
I try to log in to the website "Name provided does not belong to an account."
So what the fuck is going on?
It feels like I'm leveling super slow for some reason. Though it might just be me (level 19).
I've been trying to "Authenticate" my e-mail since headstart period, but everytime I click on my e-mail I get an invalid/expired link. Should I be scared??? I just thought it was server overload and it'll fix itself over time.
Account security - We're seeing an uptick in reports of account theft and attempted account theft. We believe hackers are using databases of email addresses and passwords stolen from other games and web sites, and pre-existing trojan horses, to search for matching Guild Wars 2 accounts which they attempt to compromise. To prevent this, we have temporarily disabled the "reset password" feature, and we're working to bring email authentication online. To protect yourself, please ensure that you use a unique password for Guild Wars 2 that you don't use for any other game, email account, forum or web account.
Email authentication - Email authentication is a feature that notifies you if someone tries to log into your account from a location you've never logged in from before. Thus, even if someone guesses your game password, he can't log in unless he also guesses your email account password. You can make email authentication even more secure by using an email provider that supports two-factor authentication, such as Google or Yahoo, and taking advantage of that. We're currently preparing email authentication and intend to deploy it in a phased rollout, starting on Thursday, August 30.
In-game mail - We detected a potential abuse of the in-game mail system and have temporarily disabled in-game mail to prevent any such abuse. We'll reenable it soon, hopefully in tonight's update.
Edit: The fact that in-game mail is disabled means that it's currently impossible for account hackers to loot stolen accounts, so we're going to leave it disabled for just a little while longer, while we work to ramp up email authentication.
I received an email at 5:13am saying someone "hopefully you" has requested a e-mail change.
And now I can't login.
I've clicked nothing on any e-mail ever. I'm not retarded. As I said ... played WoW and D3 without being hacked without an authenticator.
My e-mail address and GW 2 accounts have different passwords ...
I've e-mailed ANet ... god knows how long I will have to wait. This is some shit.
Nope. All my passwords are different for every online game I play.
Which is really just LoL, D3, and GW2 currently. I have them physically written down and nowhere on my computer.
Some bullshit system Arenanet has in place if they can easily change your e-mail like this.
I've been trying to "Authenticate" my e-mail since headstart period, but everytime I click on my e-mail I get an invalid/expired link. Should I be scared??? I just thought it was server overload and it'll fix itself over time.
I'm not trying to condescend or call people "stupid" or "retarded." Just trying to help out here. Sounds like you got hacked. Sorry to hear that.
As for ferrio, I find it really weird that he got an email asking to reset his password when he did not initiate it. I guess there was a hacking attempt on his account. Don't know enough to be anymore helpful.
You never do know these days. The number one way to protect yourself is to make a strong password for sure. Not saying he didn't.Yeah not to come down on you, but it is ANet's fault for not having better password protection protocols in place. Lack of authenticator system's these days is a bit mind boggling.
I doubt he had a weak password, or did something to incite the attack.
WvW is fun until you are on my server where you are bugged and up against the highest populated server there is and its just you getting steamrolled.
Thief is ok so far...the skills are fun but i just run in a circle and shoot bullets. I feel like Im worthless in pvp
You never do know these days. The number one way to protect yourself is to make a strong password for sure. Not saying he didn't.
Engineer rifle actually does a ton of damage by itself. Jump shot does a *ton* of damage and so does Blunderbuss and Overcharged shot. Add that with the grenade toolbelt ability and maybe switch to grenades afterwards (especially when you have the third grenade trait) and yeah, a ton of burst damage. Don't neglect Jump Shot, it is not a GTFO skill, it is a blow-someone-the-fuck-up skill.
It's a ton of fun. Along with the Elixer Gun kit, Tool (wrench) kit, and Grenade kit that I mentioned... there's also Flamethrower kit and Bomb kit (like Bomberman). All these kits aren't like simple weaps you equip with a couple skills, you get FIVE full new skills + the special F2 on your bar just like a regular weapon for each one of these kits, it's awesome. Did I mention they have a full assortment of turrets as well...@Heavy - Damn, making the engineer sound like a lot of fun!
Skritt voice overs are great.
How does one work on their swagger?