Damn, this is very serious. Hope ArenaNet can solve this out. I haven't gotten any email authentications.............................yet.
I hope I don't get into this mess.
Me neither. This "hacking" is just getting ridiculous.
Damn, this is very serious. Hope ArenaNet can solve this out. I haven't gotten any email authentications.............................yet.
I hope I don't get into this mess.
Not only do Dolyaks give xp, they give stupids amount of karma and silver too.
So far the Renown Hearts seem like a step back from modern WoW quests. All of them seem to boil down to kill this or click this. I think the 'click this' is where I have a problem with it. Light a torch, destroy artifacts, collect items, etc all boil down to walking up to something and then clicking on it where in WoW they have added all sorts of interesting quest specific items/vehicles and what have you that you need to use.
The dynamic events can be amazing at times, when they aren't an escort, but the really cool ones are pretty rare (Caledon Forest worm was awesome).
I'm just finding it hard to get excited about the PvE in this game.
I'm hoping ANet will put in an option to tone down ability effects other than your own (similar to WoW's). There wasn't even that many people here but I'll be damned if the whole fight the boss wasn't in a cloud of everyone else's ability effects... making it nearly impossible for me to watch his animations... not that the dude was hard or anything - but triple the amount of people on a harder boss and I don't dig melee range XD
What's the deal with crafting? It seems like once you hit about skill level 25 it becomes insanely hard to level it up. Everything turns grey except for the final production step. So it takes like 10x more resources to level up. Also I'm getting Tier 2 materials at around level 15, yet I need 75 skill to use it?! Seems like I'd have to grind the hell out of the lower level areas to get enough materials.
What's the deal with crafting? It seems like once you hit about skill level 25 it becomes insanely hard to level it up. Everything turns grey except for the final production step. So it takes like 10x more resources to level up. Also I'm getting Tier 2 materials at around level 15, yet I need 75 skill to use it?! Seems like I'd have to grind the hell out of the lower level areas to get enough materials.
Pro-tip: You can get the other 2 on the opposite side of the map as well for 4x event XP.
Escorting Dolyaks in WvW is considered an event, and gives good exp rewards for completing it. If you want to mind numbingly grind your way to level 80 by basically doing nothing, that's the easiest way.
What level do you have to be to do this? Never done WvW but I could always use easy exp.
Explain more? I've been discovering new weapons (as Huntsman), but again, you need to dump a ton of resources just to make a single weapon. Are there like new components I can discover? How?
If this isn't fixed within the next hour, I will r*** on GAF like no one has ever seen.
Any level, at least as long as you can get into WvW, press Y i think?
Make sure to post your review when ever you have it done.
So I just queue up and..?
My review will not reflect connectivity issues. I feel that logging in is only an external system. Lag is different though since it really impedes on the gameplay experience. If this goes on for weeks, then yeah, I'll mention it but it won't affect the score.
Queue up to 1 of the 4 WvW servers while your in Stormbluff and look for the little Yaks icon on your map.
When you are in proximity, the quest will pop up. The trick is to find a area/route where 2 come out at once so you can follow them to their split point and get exp for "escorting" them
I"m not writing that review right now. I'm writing the Dark Souls Review.
So far the Renown Hearts seem like a step back from modern WoW quests. All of them seem to boil down to kill this or click this. I think the 'click this' is where I have a problem with it. Light a torch, destroy artifacts, collect items, etc all boil down to walking up to something and then clicking on it where in WoW they have added all sorts of interesting quest specific items/vehicles and what have you that you need to use.
The dynamic events can be amazing at times, when they aren't an escort, but the really cool ones are pretty rare (Caledon Forest worm was awesome).
I'm just finding it hard to get excited about the PvE in this game.
"Email authentication is still under investigation and causing players to be unable to login. We'll update you when you know more ^SL"
What. The. Fuck.
Seriously? Like... wow.... i just chuckled writing this. What a fucking joke.
Kind of a dumb question, How do authenticate my e-mail? I thought there was supposed to be a popup or something when I log into the launcher.
"We'll update you when you know more"
"Email authentication is still under investigation and causing players to be unable to login. We'll update you when you know more ^SL"
What. The. Fuck.
Seriously? Like... wow.... i just chuckled writing this. What a fucking joke.
"We'll update you when you know more"
C'mon guys chill out, watch a movie or something![]()
NoC'mon guys chill out, watch a movie or something![]()
That's an unusual criticism. There are a lot of quests where you gain special items/vehicles. I'd even say there's more in any given zone than I remember in WoW.
Sometimes it's not apparent because it's optional. You have to talk to the NPC to get the special item/vehicle, otherwise you can fill up the hearts in normal methods.
If I had any issues with PvE so far, it's that I can 100% a zone and still not be high enough for the next zone. And that's with xp from crafting and personal stories included. I know the scaling lets you go back to any zone, but I'd prefer saving those for alts.
Also when dynamic events turn into zergfests of 20+.. takes the fun out of it.
C'mon guys chill out, watch a movie or something![]()
I would like not waste my time or have my time wasted. If I allotted a time of the day to play the game for review purposes and stuff like this happens, I get frustrated. I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one too.
Or play Walking Dead Episode 3 like I'm doing right now. So good.
He's writing his Dark Souls review, which is good because I hear that game is really relaxingCan you not re-allot your time
Can you not re-allot your time
It's not like he isn't going to write a gushing review for it either way.