One mistake I've seen a lot of people make (and thus have exp woes) is not following Dynamic Events. Most, if not all of them, are chains. There was this Asura NPC in an area asking for some enemy parts, so you killed stuff in the near vicinity and bring them to him. Around 8/10 people were contributing to it with me so it filled up pretty fast, then after like 30 seconds everyone got a reward. At this point everybody left. I followed the NPC back to a settlement where he began talking to other NPCs. They did something together and another, bigger veteran enemy was summoned that when killed gave even more exp/karma/gold. I was the only one there to fight him together with some NPC guards.
This is but a short example of what happens with DE yet if people are not told by the game exactly where to go (or are not paying attention to the NPC's dialogue) they have no clue. There are events that have 4 or 5 stages.
I am going to agree that maybe more stuff to do could and should be added around, but exp is so easy to come by it's not even funny. I am currently getting 850 exp for every node gathered. I need 180k to level up and this is a lvl 70-75 zone where I have uncovered maybe 40% of it and I am already level 75, heck there are not even hearts in this area, everything chains together through DEs. If you are constantly under-leveled you are doing something wrong imo.
This is but a short example of what happens with DE yet if people are not told by the game exactly where to go (or are not paying attention to the NPC's dialogue) they have no clue. There are events that have 4 or 5 stages.
I am going to agree that maybe more stuff to do could and should be added around, but exp is so easy to come by it's not even funny. I am currently getting 850 exp for every node gathered. I need 180k to level up and this is a lvl 70-75 zone where I have uncovered maybe 40% of it and I am already level 75, heck there are not even hearts in this area, everything chains together through DEs. If you are constantly under-leveled you are doing something wrong imo.