Was anyone in the GAF guild even able to complete it? All I've heard were cries about hard impossible it was.![]()
Dunno, I just want the loots.
Was anyone in the GAF guild even able to complete it? All I've heard were cries about hard impossible it was.![]()
How do you refine materials? Does GW2 have tattoo armor like in GW1?
I'm rather upset that the name Valnen was taken. =/
Through the discovery panel, right?
Make up a last name, or just call yourself Valnen the first. Sucks, but best thing to do is try to find a decent sounding way around.
EDIT: What does AC stand for?
Did anyone else not have to get through Email Authentication yet? I'm getting a bit worried here, haha.
Me. I haven't gotten any email about that yet either. Dunno if it's a good thing or bad thing.
Through the discovery panel, right?
"Kits are a very poor substitute. Backups should not flood your whole bar with skills, and by forcing it to be like that you a) lose your weapons and b) skills devolve into "Skill A, Skill A + Condition Effect, Skill A + Different Condition Effect", etc."
Your two points seem to contradict each other. You say weapon swapping isn't optional, but you criticize kits because they replace your weapon bar? Furthermore, an important point you didn't touch on is that kits *aren't* affected by the in-combat swap cooldown that weapons and Ele attunements have. There's a ton of CC and valuable conditions in some of those kits that I'm sure plenty of classes would love to have without being locked into a different weapon for 7? or however many seconds.
"Kits are a very poor substitute. Backups should not flood your whole bar with skills, and by forcing it to be like that you a) lose your weapons and b) skills devolve into "Skill A, Skill A + Condition Effect, Skill A + Different Condition Effect", etc."
Your two points seem to contradict each other. You say weapon swapping isn't optional, but you criticize kits because they replace your weapon bar? Furthermore, an important point you didn't touch on is that kits *aren't* affected by the in-combat swap cooldown that weapons and Ele attunements have. There's a ton of CC and valuable conditions in some of those kits that I'm sure plenty of classes would love to have without being locked into a different weapon for 7? or however many seconds.
"AC is making me rethink my decision of playing Guardian. ;_;"
It shouldn't, Guardian is really useful with the condition removal in that dungeon. Ascalonian Ranger poision is no joke.
"AC is making me rethink my decision of playing Guardian. ;_;"
It shouldn't, Guardian is really useful with the condition removal in that dungeon. Ascalonian Ranger poision is no joke.
Anyone know how to get this POI? I swam all around looking in the water, run all over the land. I've obviously missed the entrance and it's driving me crazy.
pretty sure itts underwater, so you might have simply missed it some how
Is there a standard "best" build for the Guardian?
I've been increasing Honor and basically using +Vit/Tough gear.
I also use Greatsword + Sword/Torch (or Sword/Shield).
I really have to say I dislike the Honor bit once you have 5 invested. You get 1 second of Vigor for every crit landed. My crit chance is 4%... big fucking whoop.
Is there a standard "best" build for the Guardian?
I've been increasing Honor and basically using +Vit/Tough gear.
I also use Greatsword + Sword/Torch (or Sword/Shield).
I really have to say I dislike the Honor bit once you have 5 invested. You get 1 second of Vigor for every crit landed. My crit chance is 4%... big fucking whoop.
Anyone know how to get this POI? I swam all around looking in the water, run all over the land. I've obviously missed the entrance and it's driving me crazy.
Yeah, I swam around it a couple times and didn't see it. Time for a break, then I'll give it another go.
"Kits are either way too specific in use (like bombs) or too gimicky (like grenades or flamethrower) to compare to a set of actual weapon skills, though. When I switch weapons I can gurantee my next set of 5 will compliment each other and feel like a complete build - in other words, there's no "loss" associated with it
There is loss when switching with an Engineer, in both weapon stats and versatility. It's cool and all that Engis can in theory swap from one specific set to another as each situation arises, but in practice I could not get it to work that way."
You're viewing weapon kits in the wrong way. They are not simply a weapon swap, but instead more like a potential 5-15 extra utility skills. Blinds, poisons, chills, knockbacks, etc. on demand without being locked out of your main weapon. Grenades (especially the toolbelt skill) are really, really far from being gimmicky. You don't swap to them, blow all your cooldowns and then swap to your next kit, blow all your cooldowns and so on. You freely swap to them whenever you like to get the extra utility that said kits afford. It's going to take some time for players to get used to using the kits fluidly and not simply thinking of them as a weapon swap but an extension of your bar.
I swam around that damn island for over 40minutes with 10 other people. We were all going crazy after the first 20minutes and we just kept persisting in doing it.
After 40minutes, some guy just went on youtube and led the whole group to the cave. I hate that POI with all my soul.
I swam around that damn island for over 40minutes with 10 other people. We were all going crazy after the first 20minutes and we just kept persisting in doing it.
After 40minutes, some guy just went on youtube and led the whole group to the cave. I hate that POI with all my soul.
The heart, go there to the heart person. to the left while facing him from the outer section (where you swim to there), is an underwater passage, swim all the way through.
Shield and mace, probably. Also try and body block mobs as much as possible. Also learn your combo fields/finishers and which ones create condition removal.
"The 3rd skill does a blind and the ice nade slows a bit "
3rd skill also increases cooldowns of affected enemies by 66%. Pretty important! When you consider that most heals are 20-40 second cooldowns, adding ~12-25 seconds onto that is pretty significant. With the 3 grenade trait, the duration of chilled stacks, so you can really hose over someone when they use their cooldowns while affected.
Yeah, I don't think mace has a finisher at all, but it does have light field on a really short cooldown for your allies to use to create condition curing with from their finishers, also a heal on the auto attack and AOE protection.
Perhaps I am viewing it in the wrong way. All I know is that I find swapping between two sets of fully featured and complimentary skills is far more enjoyable and compatible to my playstyle than juggling kits for (ostensibly?) the same result.
I'm sure for some the kit switching feels very natural and versatile, but I did not feel like I was gaining anything more than I have now.
I'm not sure if this has been stated earlier in the thread, but to anyone looking to buy a digital copy of the game, BestBuy.com has them in stock. Oh, and the digital limited edition can be had at GameStop.com
Hope that helps someone looking to play the game tonight!![]()
Lots of story problems if you look on gw2guru. I cant progress past level 76 story because of a bug where the NPC doesn't give you something you need. I actually read of the same issue as you have though not sure if it was the same quest. Saw it on gw2guru. There are a few threads there in general you should look at.Has anyone had this major bug?
Basically me and my gf were going through my personal story and completed the one called Evacuation (level 47).
When I completed it, it didn't pop up for her "Do you want to accept this outcome" so we exited the mission thinking we would have to do it again.
After exiting the instance, the reward screen pops up and after accepting it, in the story section of the H panel it shows she completed it but the green personal story section in the top right doesn't show anymore and when going to the next area for our story, the indicator isn't there for her so it's like her personal story has finished and is incomplete while mines is fine and I can continue if I want but I won't til this is fixed...
I was hoping it's just server lag but it's not popped back up in the last 10 - 15 minutes so this may be a support issue and they are swamped with tickets so we will have to wait a week anyway :/
Probably the worst bug we've seen yet.
Lots of story problems if you look on gw2guru. I cant progress past level 76 story because of a bug.
I'd submit a ticket but who knows how long it will take. The bug I'm getting was submitted 5 days ago and a lot of people have it :/Yeah but all of those allow you to still play them and not lose them from the green thing in the corner like this. They are all "I have done this 2/3/whatever times" rather than "I did this 1 time, got a reward and now it's completely gone from my top right list" or anything like that