Super interested on your impressions after some time with it.
Just PM me as a reminder. I'm a student so I got some free Prime. I'll have it by the 6th.
Super interested on your impressions after some time with it.
Is there a way to preview items from a vendor? (like karma merchants)
Greatsword and Something/Torch. Suggestions on the something?
Greatsword and Something/Torch. Suggestions on the something?
Is there a decent gaming mouse out there with maybe 3-4 thumb buttons? 10 is just too much, but I wouldn't mind an extra one or two buttons over the usual 2.
I wish there were something like the Corsair M90 with just half the thumb buttons.
Completed CM with this nice bunch of GAF
Too bad I was a frame away from capturing the barrel exploding for the fireworks
What builds are engineers going? I'm 43 on my Asura engineer going dual pistols and loving it. Stacking bleeds and crit, with burn on crit and using the grenade pack. Feeling pretty squishy at the moment compared to the guardian I'm levelling with, and actually surprised that he seems to be doing more damage and has just as much if not more mobility than me. Plus all the additional effects he has stacked on himself. Kind of feel they're a little too powerful. Maybe it's just that he's direct damage and I'm going conditions and effectively AoE. And I've heard that ranged does less damage than melee in this.
Finally in the GAF (overflow) guild, thanks Hawkian! Was hoping to get in the main guild...oh well.
How do i know if i'm representing the guild or not? I press "Represent" and nothing happens.
Cant you right click on them?
There was a house with a door that can be opened, talk to a guy and this came up..
Can someone explain how the meet highest buyer option works? Do people go into the trading Post and say what they want then wait or something?
Mmm, thought I was the only one. Just quit my session today because of DA LAG. Hope it's better later tonight when I play.Damn, the lag is nuts today. I could barely function in some of the gigantic DEs. Think ill go to a lowbie zone and take it easy exploring it. dont want to be lagging this bad in the next zone
Can someone explain how the meet highest buyer option works? Do people go into the trading Post and say what they want then wait or something?
It's pretty bad until later levels.
Are you forcing FXAA in the drivers to pull that off? Because that shouldn't happen if the game has implemented FXAA properly.
I rock dual pistols with grenades, flamethrower and elixir B. And like I said, am specced 20 into alch, 10 into precision, and am working on Vit at the moment (43 also).
for mesmer... you don't really need to? it all depends on what ya trying to do.
Or... give more details lol.
ahahahahaRealized I looked like a TMNT with my broken chest armor
Is anyone here having the same problem? Can't decide on a single character, always want to switch classes.
Warrior I've had the most fun with (but I'm not sure if I like the story choices I've picked). Guardian is powerful too, but has less weapons and the Staff seems hard to use right. However, using the Torch is pure joy.Give me a quick paragraph on your experiences as a warrior, gurdian and ranger. Help me decide!
Edit: Although it looks like you're having the same trouble yourself.![]()
Is anyone here having the same problem? Can't decide on a single character, always want to switch classes.
Bought the game, downloading now...
Any comments on what starting area is the most attractive in terms of lore and art design?
Milele, Norn Mesmer.
Is anyone here having the same problem? Can't decide on a single character, always want to switch classes.
My highest is 33. I keep going from Warrior to Ele to Necro to Ranger... fml. I absolutely LOVE ranger though.. almost more than my Warrior.Is anyone here having the same problem? Can't decide on a single character, always want to switch classes.
If you like Avatar, sure. Norn if you like Skyrim. I, for one, really like the Charr and Human areas.Sylvari is the best start area imo. Can't go wrong with any though...but human is obviously the most generic.
Sylvari is the best start area imo. Can't go wrong with any though...but human is obviously the most generic.
Sylvari starting area is the ultimate. If I had known this from the start I would have no doubt picked that race over the human race. In fact the "human" story beats are kind of boring me.
Is there a decent gaming mouse out there with maybe 3-4 thumb buttons? 10 is just too much, but I wouldn't mind an extra one or two buttons over the usual 2.
I wish there were something like the Corsair M90 with just half the thumb buttons.
Just got a bunch of new gamepad adopters in the overflow guild. I'm beaming with pride![]()
Just got a bunch of new gamepad adopters in the overflow guild. I'm beaming with pride![]()
What's it called when looking for the Asura gate to it?
Is anyone here having the same problem? Can't decide on a single character, always want to switch classes.
So i'm completely new to the trading post and every time i log on, it seems to be under maintenance.
What kind of items sell for a nice price there? (Nice price would be a few silvers)
I feel like i'm selling some valuable stuff to vendors right now and I don't want to facepalm my forehead into oblivion when I look at trading post and find out I could be a millionaire.
Lvl 41 thief here, I wish I could level faster. :/
Has any good ways, apart from crafting, been developed yet to level up quickly solo?
Lvl 41 thief here, I wish I could level faster. :/
Has any good ways, apart from crafting, been developed yet to level up quickly solo?
Is anyone here having the same problem? Can't decide on a single character, always want to switch classes.
Ive been playing all my alts, but have spent the most time with my engineer. warrior next most. Others ive just kinda fooled around with. But yea, Im not hitting 80 any time soon