"Durmand Priory armor sets, don't know if these are unique per order."
They are.
They are.
A few quick observations from me:
Durmand Priory armor sets, don't know if these are unique per order.
Light armor
Medium armor
Heavy armor
Ignore the dull grey dye job, I just slapped on a random colour to show off the armors.
Ahh, you're really making me want to switch from my engineer to mesmer. I really like magical thief style characters in games. I hate having two classes I really wanna play and not being a fan of alts.A few quick observations from me:
So starting to feel a bit lonely out there still being guildless and all so just a quickie:
I signed up on Gafguild.com when you were able to but is there a quicker way to get invited on Gandara?
Or do I just have to suck it up and wait some more![]()
A few quick observations from me:
- From a total skeptic, the 360 controller configuration is really, REALLY good. I was doing some test riding on it late last night with Hawkian's help and it is super well done. I don't have the full muscle memory down yet, but it's fairly intuitive and a completely viable alternative to the kb/m concept. From a purely combat-focused dynamic, it's actually even easier to access all your skills and abilities than the traditional kb/m setup. From a movement standpoint, there are fairly even with kb/m coming out slightly ahead. Menu management and navigation is a wash, although it takes a bit of adjustment to get used to pointing and clicking on the controller.
- I suffer from altitis with the best of them. At this point, I've taken every character I am interested in to at least the 8-10 range. Thief, guardian, necro, engineer, and mesmer. Here is my mini-take on each class for those also on the fences.
1) Thief: a blast to play, spammable initiative skills give the class a speed-demon feeling. Lots of mobility, lots of get-out-of-jail-free cards when you're overwhelmed, decent damage. The pistols and bow add a whole separate dimension to the traditional "rogue" setup and make this class a lot of fun to play. Extremely squishy when your escape cooldowns and dodge aren't available. Heartseeker will either get an increased initiative cost (most likely) or a cooldown (least likely). It's broken as it because you can spam it 3-4 times, it creates a moment of invulnerability for you, and it totally jacks stuff up.
2) Guardian: equip a greatsword and you will understand why this class is so popular in game. Excellent defensive skills, complete with some of the old paragon standards from GW1. Can go toe-to-toe with multiple monsters at once and come out on top. A bit lacking on the ranged front compared to other classes, but that's not exactly what this class is designed for. No idea how well they'll hold up offensively compared to the others, but I wouldn't approach the guardian class if your sole goal is to make things explode quickly. For people who want to be unique snowflakes, this is probably not your class unless you want to be male human guardian #247,093.
3) Necro: One thing you need to be aware of from the start is that pets really aren't holding up too well. Their AI is stupid, they don't regen health between fights, and they don't last very long. I suppose if you trait appropriately you could pull off a minion master build, but if your sole reason to play a necromancer is to lead an army of death you should probably fire Diablo 2 back up. That said, this class is beastly in terms of AOE (when you equip a staff) and applying conditions. I could see them absolutely wrecking havoc in a PVP zergfest provided you aren't being focused. I have no problem getting golds on every dynamic event since I basically tag everything with the marks on the ground. Also, for a light armor class the necro is remarkably durable. Death shroud is an additional health bar and a very unique skill.
4) Engineer: A purely ranged class from what I've seen. Very limited weapons options (hope you like pistols and rifles). The kits are what adds the diversity to the class, but I found them cumbersome. The grenades in particular, as I mentioned in my last post, are a pain to work while you're kiting away. Turrets suck at low levels but supposedly rule later on. People say this class really opens up and gets fun at the 20 range, and that's probably true. It may very well be my alt in the future since I love the steampunk feel, but right now I'm putting the profession on the back burner.
5) Mesmer: My new main. A great ranged class with solid enough melee options for people like me who like to dance in and out of combat (or more likely when you aren't given much of a choice by your opponent). The clones aren't a cumbersome mechanic at all like I originally expected, but instead a sheer joy to play. I may be the only person in the world who appreciates that they don't stick around after your target dies. This class feels like a magically-inclined thief, complete with the stealth, dazing, and controlling options. My character may end up hitting like a wet noodle at 80 for all I know (though I've read they hold their own), but at the end of the day this game is about having fun and the mesmer clicks for me. Unlike the guardian, THIS is the class to play to satisfy any absurd unique snowflake desires you may have.
Mesmer: "My name is Legion: for we are many."
Whats your gw tag?
I already posted this earlier in the thread, but I'm getting desperate.
Does no one have a spare Guild Wars 2 serial code for sale for slightly cheaper than retail? The thing that sucks is that I actually bought the game, but my serial code kept coming up as used, even though I never entered it. I tried contacting GW2 support, and they told me to take it back to the retailer I bought it from, but they refuse to exchange it for me because the serial code might've been used by me, and that I'm trying to get another one.
This is so damn frustrating, and and I can't do anything about it I feel like.
Honestly, you should probably contact where you bought it from since that might be faster.
I already posted this earlier in the thread, but I'm getting desperate.
Does no one have a spare Guild Wars 2 serial code for sale for slightly cheaper than retail? The thing that sucks is that I actually bought the game, but my serial code kept coming up as used, even though I never entered it. I tried contacting GW2 support, and they told me to take it back to the retailer I bought it from, but they refuse to exchange it for me because the serial code might've been used by me, and that I'm trying to get another one.
This is so damn frustrating, and and I can't do anything about it I feel like.
This may be a really dumb question, but is there any dungeons or instances like in WOW? I am at the Brisban Wildlands and I haven't seen any instances that you can do with 5 people like in WOW. Is there a instance finder or something where it can group you up automatically like in WOW? I know I probably sound like a complete scrub, but WOW is the only other MMO I have played.
They wouldn't return it for me because it might have been used by me.
Don't ask for a refund then. Tell them to give you another code. Assert that the code was used and you have proof that other people are also getting used codes all over the country from various buyers.
Don't ask for a refund then. Tell them to give you another code. Assert that the code was used and you have proof that other people are also getting used codes all over the country from various buyers.
and tell them you got the physical box/code to prove it
Character creation is down![]()
I was hesitant on this game after being burned by so many other MMOs that promised the world then left me crying in the corner like a heartbroken teenage girl that just got trained by the football team. So I waited to try it out on my buddies account, to see if I would actually enjoy it. And now that I have decided to give it a whirl...
It's sold out everywhere. I can't find physical copies anywhere near me, and digital downloads are vanishing faster than I can get to them. This is kind of frustrating. A bunch of my friends are playing, and here I sit waiting. Looks like a nice long solo grind ahead of me to play catch up.
Affirmative.Error 42?
When does the look of your gear change? I'm at L20 my gear looks exactly the same as when I started, even though the stats have changed.
At least it's well designed gear and not just blurry textures on the same model like WoW, but I'd still like to see some variety.
Risen Priest of Balthazar is absolutely silly. Absolutely. I'd really like to know who at ArenaNet thought it'd be great to have an encounter where a mob fears large groups of players into instant death. Not downed, straight to dead, return to waypoint, pay 2 silver. Also nearest waypoint is a 2 minute walk away. Also near-instant random blink on players then hitting them for 15000 damage. 3 zeroes. I am all for difficulty, but this was just some random numbers and abilities thrown into the game.
not much variety from what I hear
How are you selecting area's for your area of effect spells?
When does the look of your gear change? I'm at L20 my gear looks exactly the same as when I started, even though the stats have changed.
At least it's well designed gear and not just blurry textures on the same model like WoW, but I'd still like to see some variety.
are we allowed to vouch for friends yet for the overflow guild? got a few that would like to join.
Make sure to check all Karma vendors after you finish heart quests. There really isn't a whole lot of variety in the early levels though.
Wait...the heart guys are gear vendors?
Wait...the heart guys are gear vendors?
They are but you have to use karma to purchase, and it sounds like it is best to save karma for end game.
Also the mail you get from completing hearts has money. >.>