wait..it's unsalvageable? FML
The only solace i found in my mistake is...AT LEAST I COULD USE THE RUNE. T_T;;
Agreed. This ain't right. Anet should either make the equipment account bound or make it so people can't buy equipment they can't use.Yeah, they did that after the karma 'exploits'. AFAIK karma vendor stuff can't be salvaged anymore. Like I said, maybe if you report it they might fix it, looks like a pretty big oversight on their part.
Is the trading post up yet? I want to buy some rare dyes.
When you're chaining events, hearts, and exploration, PvE feels great.
But man, when you're doing one heart that has terrible objectives (like clearing tunnels and waiting for spawns) the game grinds to a halt.
Today was most of the latter, tried to get to 40 but ran out of renowned hearts and my personal quest is at 42, may try to chain Hinterlands events.
Are you talking about the Harathi heart up top for clearing rubble and killing harpies? Yeah its bullshit, I couldnt find any harpies so I just had to wait for spawns
These mystic coins are really taking up my bank storage. :/
Yep that's the one, it was a nightmare. Also, I had a similar experience in some zone Something of Ruin, had to get scrap metal pieces of which there were like 6 spawns. Another objective was to kill Ogres, but there were no Ogres around.
Yeah, they did that after the karma 'exploits'. AFAIK karma vendor stuff can't be salvaged anymore. Like I said, maybe if you report it they might fix it, looks like a pretty big oversight on their part.
I think it can still be used in the Mystic Forge at least, but don't quote me on that.
So I wasted 42k karma by mistake (for some reason i bought it while previewing it) ;(
Tengu, Kodan, Hylek, dwarves and Mursaat, in that order. It has been ordained.
This means in about 1,5h from now, right?For those wondering about the TP "We've been expanding the Trading Post's capacity to handle the huge volume of requested trades. After our test yesterday, we've been working to resolve some issues reported by players. We expect to have the Trading Post online for all players this evening (edit: after tonight's software update)."
I'm really tempted to play mesmer, but I love my engineer and don't want to waste the time I put into him. Auuuuuuugh but mesmer greatsword sounds so badass
So I got glitched when I got knocked down and played my character lying down for a hour or so.
Also, a detail I REALLY like about dynamic events:
Sometimes, you're just randomly walking around in the world and see an NPC with a full name. Now it's not a hearts-NPC or a DE-NPC or just anything, really, just an NPC with a name. So i go up and start a conversation. During that conversation the person randomly starts talking about one of her students somewhere that might need help, and if you follow that convo a DE will appear in your map, somewhere FAR away from where you actually are, indicating there is a DE going on somewhere else that you probably would've missed. I've seen that happen quite a few times, it really helps with the immersion that people actually know each other and have jobs/professions throughout the world that they follow. I then went to that student and did a 3-DE-chain that led to the "student" eventually being reunited with their "professor" who I'd accidentally met before and they had a conversation. It was great.
Yeah those are really cool. Especially the multi-part ones like you mentioned.
One thing that is actively breaking immersion for me is people who won't shut up about the more infrequent large scale events in map chat. In Blazeridge Steppes: "When's the boss coming?" "boss spawned yet?" "has the pre-event for the boss started yet?" - drives me nuts.
I finally had to ask someone how to filter that talk out. For a game centered around exploration and "spontaneous" events and finding stuff on your own, people sure seem to ask a lot of really fucking specific questions that ruin the whole point of the experience IMO.
This. That and party/whisper/squad chat.Yeah I constantly only have guild chat on, I don;t look at map/local chat unless someone's rezzing me and I'm thanking the person or so. Otherwise, guild-chat only.
So much dislike for mesmer class
The start is eye gouging torture but it gets a lot more fun later on.
Yeah I constantly only have guild chat on, I don;t look at map/local chat unless someone's rezzing me and I'm thanking the person or so. Otherwise, guild-chat only.
This. That and party/whisper/squad chat.
you have some options:I actually came to this thread to post about how I'm kind of sort of not enjoying myself in Guild Wars 2. It must be because I am a Mesmer.
Seriously, I am level 18, the only quests I have available are for level 21+. My choice is basically to grind out one monster at a time, since that's about the maximum I can face safely, or try to complete quests above my level, which hasn't been working out too well.
I actually came to this thread to post about how I'm kind of sort of not enjoying myself in Guild Wars 2. It must be because I am a Mesmer.
Seriously, I am level 18, the only quests I have available are for level 21+. My choice is basically to grind out one monster at a time, since that's about the maximum I can face safely, or try to complete quests above my level, which hasn't been working out too well.
Yeah those are really cool. Especially the multi-part ones like you mentioned.
One thing that is actively breaking immersion for me is people who won't shut up about the more infrequent large scale events in map chat. In Blazeridge Steppes: "When's the boss coming?" "boss spawned yet?" "has the pre-event for the boss started yet?" - drives me nuts.
I finally had to ask someone how to filter that talk out. For a game centered around exploration and "spontaneous" events and finding stuff on your own, people sure seem to ask a lot of really fucking specific questions that ruin the whole point of the experience IMO.
you have some options:
go to another 15-20 area
do dynamic events in the one you are in again
explore your area around other entrances(sometimes you miss low level areas)
go to the level 21 area and sneak around until you see a big group of 40 doing events and tag along
personal story if not up to date
There is never ever a reason to grind monsters in Guild Wars 2.
Because in the end, people still want a mechanical experience, not a dynamic one. Guarantees are something gamers have come to expect.
Best option would probably be to go to another 15-25 area. I'll have to search for one. I've done almost all of the events I've been able to find in the area I am in and don't feel like doing them over again.
I actually came to this thread to post about how I'm kind of sort of not enjoying myself in Guild Wars 2. It must be because I am a Mesmer.
Seriously, I am level 18, the only quests I have available are for level 21+. My choice is basically to grind out one monster at a time, since that's about the maximum I can face safely, or try to complete quests above my level, which hasn't been working out too well.
Are you managing your clones and shattering often?
That's the most important bit about mesmers since their auto attacks do little to no damage. Mind wreck does a lot of burst damage if you learn how to manage clones and phantasms. Don't let any of the clones just die by tanking monsters. Get the +15% mind wreck damage trait.
I can kill melee champions and veterans by myself.
There is never ever a reason to grind monsters in Guild Wars 2.
Since we're talking mesmers, just want to say that I loooove my greatsword mesmer and am thrilled I chose it as my main alt.
Best option would probably be to go to another 15-25 area. I'll have to search for one. I've done almost all of the events I've been able to find in the area I am in and don't feel like doing them over again.
That would be more apparent if following content leveled you up at the same pace you clear the content, but it doesn't. Basically since the beginning I've been clearing content and remained 2-3 levels behind where the recommended level for the content is. That's with crafting, and getting 100% on the areas I've been to thus far. SWTOR did a far better job of this. Completing all of the content in the zones you were presented with by your class quests basically ended up with you overleveled for the next set of content you faced, whereas in this game the virtual opposite is happening for me. In SWTOR I skipped whole zones because I was so overleveled for the content, whereas in this I find myself having to seek out more zones just to keep some fresh content in front of me. I find that annoying.
Yeah I constantly only have guild chat on, I don;t look at map/local chat unless someone's rezzing me and I'm thanking the person or so. Otherwise, guild-chat only.
Why did I subject myself to that GW2/WoW thread?
Gah, trying to make all my 5 characters now, additionally to the 2 I had made right after launch, and coming up with not-taken celtic one-word names for my Sylvari is hard.