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Guild Wars 2 |OT| Buy Once, Sub Never, Fun Forever

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It's up, and it's spectacular.

Thinking about stealth logging in from work to clear out the rest of my crafted inventory and pick up the profits from my listings last night. Then crafting frenzy when I get home. I bet I can break 200 jewelcrafting in 10 minutes with all the stuff I know to try for discovery.

I see...

Time to go shopping.
hmmm eles are fun and look quite pretty, but juggling elements all the time while still being quite squishy is just not my cup of tea.

maybe i should stop going dual dagger lol, but pve is so boring with staff :S



I feel like I have been getting very little dye drops myself. I have about 40 hours played and have gotten 5 unidentified dyes so far. Going off guild chat I would think people are getting dye drops every couple minutes. :lol I realize it's not that common, but 5 over 40 hours seems low.

Yeah that's pretty low, I think I've gotten about 2 drops every 3 hours. Only one uncommon and no rares though. I did get "Sea Ice" and "Humiliation" which are pretty awesome

I'm kinda tempted to just buy dyes on the TP but half the fun is getting that unidentified dye and not knowing what it's going to be

Also it sounds like the TP is driving down the prices on nice looking greens, is that right? I can't wait to get rid of the skirt on the male warrior armor so I might just get a nice level 40 set
I see...

Time to go shopping.

It's the time to buy since prices are all over the place since no one knows what to price things at. People are just dumping stuff on the market to see what they can get with many selling really good stuff for ridiculous prices when the mats costs so much more.

It will take a while for the market to stabilize and define itself, so right now is best time to get some deals on underpriced goods.


I think my honeymoon period with the game is over. Currently sitting with two characters. A level 19 human guardian and a level 9 Charr engineer. Think I'm enjoying the Charr more so I think I'll stick with that for the foreseeable future unless the story takes a bad turn. He's the newest of the two. I don't think I'll be playing this regularly, as in everyday. Won't be putting in the time I would put into a normal subscription based MMORPG. Especially since I don't have to pay anything to keep playing. The "get your monies worth" in the back of my mind just isn't there thankfully. So I can see myself logging in one or twice a week at this point. Or perhaps just a few minutes here and there to complete a quest heart or two.

I thought that wouldn't happen and I'd be going into the game everyday for at least a few hours at a time. That hasn't been happening outside the first two or three days I was able to play. I do have my issues with the game but overall I am still enjoying it. I just thought it would take up more of my gaming time. In a way I'm glad it won't be honest. I'm loving The Last Story and part of me wants to sign back up for The Secret World for another month or two and that's ahead of schedule.

Anyone else feeling this way after the initial love?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Ugh, man crafting (Armorcraft and Huntsman) can be brutal on mats. Even concentrating one at a time. =/ Will ignore it for now I guess.
I think my honeymoon period with the game is over. Currently sitting with two characters. A level 19 human guardian and a level 9 Charr engineer. Think I'm enjoying the Charr more so I think I'll stick with that for the foreseeable future unless the story takes a bad turn. He's the newest of the two. I don't think I'll be playing this regularly, as in everyday. Won't be putting in the time I would put into a normal subscription based MMORPG. Especially since I don't have to pay anything to keep playing. The "get your monies worth" in the back of my mind just isn't there thankfully. So I can see myself logging in one or twice a week at this point. Or perhaps just a few minutes here and there to complete a quest heart or two.

I thought that wouldn't happen and I'd be going into the game everyday for at least a few hours at a time. That hasn't been happening outside the first two or three days I was able to play. I do have my issues with the game but overall I am still enjoying it. I just thought it would take up more of my gaming time. In a way I'm glad it won't be honest. I'm loving The Last Story and part of me wants to sign back up for The Secret World for another month or two and that's ahead of schedule.

Anyone else feeling this way after the initial love?

Not really. I honestly thought I would end up this way because it started to get that way during the BWE's, but now that the game is actually out I have been playing it as mush as I can(which actually hasn't been that often because I've been busy). I have been finding myself logging on for a few minutes when i really don't have the time, just to check the TP, or see if I can get an event in or something, or doing some crafting.

I have been wishing I have actually had more time to play, and I haven't even touched WvW or SPvP yet since release. I have a feeling it's going to be even worse once I get into those aspects more.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Real world time passes in WvW like nobody's business. The flow of XP if you get in a groove can be outstanding too, probably one of the most efficient ways to get it in the game.


Can anyone give me tips on how to get into the crafting groove? My ranger has leatherworking and huntsman in the early 20s, but for the life of me I can't get into it. Most of the stuff I collect is for level 75?


Fixed! The framework is mine but he really did the heavy lifting- the underlying features that really make it such a joy to control.

But yes, if the idea appeals to you to any extent, even on a "huh, how could that even work" level, you owe it to yourself to give it a shot. It's just such a blast.

I'm working on putting together a package to show ArenaNet as a proof of concept for native support. Honestly, there are aspects of the game's design that almost seem intended for it. Options like automatically choose a target/not promoting skill targets to full targets/the fact that the 5 weapon skills are static.... it's all just really well-suited.

That would be awesome! Good luck!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Can anyone give me tips on how to get into the crafting groove? My ranger has leatherworking and huntsman in the early 20s, but for the life of me I can't get into it. Most of the stuff I collect is for level 75?
I can't specifically help with those professions, but jewelcrafting has that issue in a big way too. It too me like 12 off and on hours to get to 50, and in 15 straight minutes I got from 50 to 80.

Now that the trading post is up, just get anything you haven't done through discovery yet.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Haven't done any crafting outside of making 8 slot leather bags for myself at around level 8.

At level 67, I'm pretty sure that if I crafted all of the mats I have accumulated I could reach 80.
Since ArenaNet finally fixed the story quest "Stealing Secrets", I was able to progress my Personal Story and got a letter in the mail about the AC dungeon. I already completed the AC Story Mode dungeon before this point, so do I need to do it again? Seems like it...

I would love to try AC Explorable mode too. It seems like there are three more paths I need to unlock for the achievement. Maybe we can organize another GAF Guild event for Explorable mode.

I'm gonna have stockpiled quite a few blueprints from doing the jumping puzzle so many times.

You can do this more than once and get the reward? What is the cooldown on that? Also, does this work for other jumping puzzles or just the WvWvW one?

I still have my two blueprints from the first WvWvW tour. It would be nice if we could organize a full WvWvW event with commanders and squads, once everyone is more familiar with the game (and saved enough gold to get the commander's cap).

So I have to ask...

2) While ANet prides themselves on the fact that group comp doesn't matter, it feels gimpy when you lack certain classes with certain abilities. Would the fights be easier if we had certain classes? We ran it with two thieves, a ranger, a necro, and a warrior.

I think some group compositions will have an easier time than others. We had an Elementalist and Guardian in our group so we had some decent healing and boons active regularly, and some of our members were several levels above the intended limit for the dungeon. Even though these members were scaled back statistically, they still had traits, abilities, gear, and elites that most of us at level 30 wouldn't have yet.

We didn't use the boulder method at all. We did manage to keep them mostly separated inside the room but I definitely got one-shotted a number of times and as my gear became more damaged, I started to go down a lot faster. I probably died about 4-5 times during that encounter but it wasn't really a big deal with the waypoint being so close.

I definitely want to try Hawkian's method of locking one of them out of the room though. That seems like the way to go.

That's a thing?

I feel like you guys would all be in a different world though... I kinda just picked one without thinking about it. I don't play a lot of large MMOs so this is the first time I've really had to think about the server I was on. I'm on Fort Aspenwood, if anyone else is there.

Switch to Stormbluff Isle while server transfers are free. GAF Guild is already capped at 500 members and is very active. We recently had to open GAFO, the GAF overflow guild. Not sure how many people are in that one yet, but it seems like a good number.


hmm we lost our Korean guilds? maybe that is why :|

No, we didn't. They are still here on SB, was playing with them most of the late shift. I think something was wrong with SB's queue because around 2 AM nobody ever really came into Dragonbrand Borderlands. We had Shad keep fully upgraded from earlier in the night, and when JQ finally got around to pushing up there (which was like 6:30 AM) it was literally me and two or three WM guys, even though a lot of them (50-ish) had been online a few hours earlier.


I have to say, Ive been digging the mesmer a lot more now that i havent been putzing around with the scepter and greatsword like i did preivously

Sword/torch and Staff are much more fun and glad I gave up my Necro. Im finding it much more enjoyable


The Cryptarch's Bane
Switch to Stormbluff Isle while server transfers are free. GAF Guild is already capped at 500 members and is very active. We recently had to open GAFO, the GAF overflow guild. Not sure how many people are in that one yet, but it seems like a good number.
112 as of last count. 612 guild-associated members running around Tyria...

I have to say, Ive been digging the mesmer a lot more now that i havent been putzing around with the scepter and greatsword like i did preivously

Sword/torch and Staff are much more fun and glad I gave up my Necro. Im finding it much more enjoyable
Love greatsword but scepter is not for me. The torch offhand skills are great. Maybe I'll try Sword/Torch and Greatsword.

I have to say, Illusionary Leap confuses me. There's so much potential with the swap I'm sure I'm not using it right.


So we ran AC story mode last night, and I have a few complaints.

Mechanically, the fights were pretty neat. I really appreciated the fact that they weren't all designed as tank and spank routine MMO fights. But I felt like the damage was WAY over-tuned on the bosses. Everyone complains about the lovers, so I will, too...I get what they were trying to do, but that fight took us SO many attempts because of random one-shots. It's almost not even predictable. I would be picking up a rock and get insta-cast hit by a lightning bolt and die. I mean, our group understood what to do and how to do it, but we were victim to RNG more often than we liked.

The final fight in there was reminiscent of Sindy from ICC (WoW), but again, he would target one of us and swing twice and kill us. I don't get it. We all understood to run and hide and get out of the red, etc., but more often than not, it just resulted in us chain-rez zerging him.

So I have to ask...

1) Are the PvE dungeons highly over-tuned, or are we just bad/doing it wrong? Most of us had done the fights before and knew how to do it, but it just felt SO random.

2) While ANet prides themselves on the fact that group comp doesn't matter, it feels gimpy when you lack certain classes with certain abilities. Would the fights be easier if we had certain classes? We ran it with two thieves, a ranger, a necro, and a warrior.

1) I had trouble with a pug, so I can imagine if you ran it with people who actually communicated and had issues, then yea it's likely over-tuned(hearing it other places as well).

2) I ran it with 2 eles, warrior(me), a ranger, and a necro...lets just say it was a VERY trying experience. Not a fan at all of the lack of trinity, and honestly I kind of doubt I'll set foot in a dungeon ever again with a random pug.


Did my first real 'large' event today, with Kol


10 minutes later as we move outside, all those people in combat looks like this :p



Question: I've got several items that I can't salvage or sell to NPCs (I guess I must've bought them for karma). What are you supposed to do with those? Just destroy them?

They are probably Heart-specific items; you can destroy them if you've done the specific heart associated with it.


Switch to Stormbluff Isle while server transfers are free. GAF Guild is already capped at 500 members and is very active. We recently had to open GAFO, the GAF overflow guild. Not sure how many people are in that one yet, but it seems like a good number.

I'll definitely look for it. Hopefully Stormbluff Isle frees up a bit. Thanks for the tip.


Is there not a spell/special effects min/max slider?

Not that I see in the options. There should be one to disable everything but your own effects, as it can get beyond ridiculous at times with the amount of zerg fights the game has.

That goes for grass/rain slider as well. They still need to work on getting more graphical options into the game.


Some have chests, some don't. I've had champion battles where I got no new items. But they are always tied into a dynamic event so you get a good dose of exp, plus they're fun to fight.

Not every champion is tied to a DE. Had a couple just camping out in front of skill challenges being assholes
Not that I see in the options. There should be one to disable everything but your own effects, as it can get beyond ridiculous at times with the amount of zerg fights the game has.

That goes for grass/rain slider as well. They still need to work on getting more graphical options into the game.

Being able to lower amount of effects would help so much, right now the zerg of effects makes these boss battles so bad. And you can often not see enemy aoe area indicators or tell what are their attacks from those of everyone else. RIFT had similar thing but they gave you the option to control the amount of effects shown for other players which helped the zerg fests on bosses.


Not sure if this question has been answered yet or not...

If you are a member of multiple guilds, can you have guild chats open for each one? Or can you only see guild chat for the guild you are currently representing...


Not sure if this question has been answered yet or not...

If you are a member of multiple guilds, can you have guild chats open for each one? Or can you only see guild chat for the guild you are currently representing...

Currently you can only see the guild chat of the one you are representing.

Don't know whether that will change in the future or not.


Why have I not tried Necromancer before? I really like it.
Another!? You're like me haha! I finally got my Warrior up to 37 last night tho. Was on a Ranger for a few days.

Question for Rangers... how does one Longbow in a dungeon? I found very few spots to get full on range for max damage. Is Shortbow with flanking preferred?


Elementalist is so awesome. This is one of the funnest mage classes I've played in an RPG. I feel constantly engaged due to the attunement and combo systems.
My Norn Warrior is crazy good. I've died roughly 20 times (checkey by typing /deaths in chat room) in 60 hours and deal a lot of damage. He has virtually no weaknesses so far.
My Norn Warrior is crazy good. I've died roughly 20 times (checkey by typing /deaths in chat room) in 60 hours and deal a lot of damage. He has virtually no weaknesses so far.

oh. that's how you check. i'm pretty sure i died like 100+. pretty sure at least 10 was due to falling from high places lol.
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