"It gets pretty difficult in a battle when I can't see my mouse cursor and I have troubles with pressing the right keys for the right skills...."
A gaming keyboard won't help you press the right keys. Mouse cursor, I could understand that problem, but that sounds like your TV is a bit too far away. Do you not have problems with the cursor in other games?
"Maybe I've just been playing too much TERA but a lot of group bosses went from "wtf was that?" to soloable if I just concentrated on watching for the animation of the mob's massive attacks instead of bounding around like a hyperactive rabbit. Said Charr Effigy included."
I'm not really talking about PvE, since yes, a good amount of mobs do have tells for their big attacks.
A gaming keyboard won't help you press the right keys. Mouse cursor, I could understand that problem, but that sounds like your TV is a bit too far away. Do you not have problems with the cursor in other games?
"Maybe I've just been playing too much TERA but a lot of group bosses went from "wtf was that?" to soloable if I just concentrated on watching for the animation of the mob's massive attacks instead of bounding around like a hyperactive rabbit. Said Charr Effigy included."
I'm not really talking about PvE, since yes, a good amount of mobs do have tells for their big attacks.