Sorry for being dense, but I can't seem to figure out how to utilize the "Call Target" function. I originally presumed that you just highlight a target and press CTRL+T, and then you should be able to press T at any time to instantly re-select that target (like how "Focus Target" works in Warcraft, for example). There's no visual indication that pressing CTRL+T does anything, though, and when I press T after dropping or cycling targets, I'm not automatically brought back to the called one. I must be misunderstanding the feature! Does it only work in Parties, perhaps?
This game is seriously cool. It kindles my passion to explore simply for the adventurous joy of it all -- an experience most recently mirrored in Dark Souls, albeit painted there with a much grimmer brush.
I love how Guild Wars naturally fosters cooperation between friends and strangers. It's especially impressive when I compare it to my time with Warcraft, where for the most part, the only people I'd chat with were my close friends or guildmates. True, interactions with others will always depend upon your motivation -- if you don't make an effort, why should you expect anyone else to? -- but in the past week of playing for a couple of hours every night, I've realized that Guild Wars, through a series of very simple tweaks to fundamental mechanics, has changed the social landscape I'm used to encountering in an MMO.
In seven years of playing Warcraft, I can't remember very many run-ins with random strangers that ended with a pleasant story to retell later by the hearthstone. We usually passed each other by, tangled in our own journeys and quest logs, or we fumed at each other silently (or not so silently) for reaching the rich Thorium vein or rare mob first. The game simply isn't built to make you want to do stuff -- or, in the worst cases of ninja looting or griefing, even feel comfortable doing stuff -- with random people. In one week of playing Guild Wars for no more than a couple of hours each night, I've found myself constantly interested in other players. "Where's that warrior going? Exploring that cave? Looks like fun!" "Whoa, that Mesmer is about to get bushwhacked by that train of Grawl. I should go help!" "Dredge running rampant on fallen allies? Not in this Norn's hills!"
Guild Wars is fresh, so some of that is to be expected -- and I don't begrudge Warcraft at all, I've had a super fun time with that game -- but still, I can't attribute all of it to that new MMO smell alone. A small example, but it honestly struck me: every player I've seen revived has thanked the folks who helped them. And why shouldn't we help and thank each other? Monsters can't be tagged and reserved, resource nodes can't be stolen or exhausted in one person's favor, events scale in difficulty to the number of active participants, experience and loot are shared and distributed equally regardless of whether or not everyone is in a party together... build a framework that promotes benefiting from mutual interests, and people will be more inclined to work together. It's incredibly engrossing, and I've never encountered it in an online game before to this extent (and I'd like to think I'm a pretty empathic person).
Well, my train of thought went completely off the rails there, but yeah - I'm really enjoying this game. Now to figure out how to call targets properly!
I disagree about the social aspect and here's why:
Just took that pic moments ago... I don't mind SMALL groups... fine. I love them. But large groups are just zergs and, well, with that many people - they HAVE to be because the situation devolves into one.
For me, this means one thing: I can't play melee successfully if I want to because I just flat-out can't see shit ha!
I like going back/forth between ranged/melee depending on my mood - but when I'm in a skull-crushing mood - sometimes I just need to whack things over the head, you know?
I will say this - I stayed in melee range the whole time during that fight - the only way I knew i was in range were numbers popping up on my screen dictating I dealt damage.
The entire boss fight I lived without barely a scratch. Never dodged, moved, ranged - I just stood still and mashed buttons.
This is why I loathe DE's which require 0 skill. I'd rather have 5 of us try to take this sucker down than 30. 30 means there's a good chance I will be ignored if I just stand still whacking at the boss. 5 people means there's an excellent chance I'll pull aggro and actually have to do more than just stand there.
Anyone else like smaller groups in times like these? Meaning - you actually have to work to kill something?
This is one of the reasons I dislike the DE system - when one pops up - 90% of the time there will be a ton of people sucking the fun out of combat for you.
I like how everyone can work together - I dislike the fact that the larger the group - the more life is sucked right out of the event and there is less fun to be had
Sometimes I wish you can form a group of 5 and instance yourself from the rest of the world... I wish when I wanted to get into the thick of things I could with just a few friends. Too many people around just suck the life out of the game for me with DEs... which makes the rest of the PvE game feel grind-y.