Noisy Ninj4
Yeah, me neither.I remember this one mmo thread that didnt have drama. Oh wait no I dont.
Retain some perspective, folks.
Yeah, me neither.I remember this one mmo thread that didnt have drama. Oh wait no I dont.
I remember this one mmo thread that didnt have drama. Oh wait no I dont.
The camera is pretty terrible I have to say. In the forest you can't see shit and it's far too close underwater.
Who wants to explain to me how bonus XP works?
The camera is pretty terrible I have to say. In the forest you can't see shit and it's far too close underwater.
Who wants to explain to me how bonus XP works?
The camera is pretty terrible I have to say. In the forest you can't see shit and it's far too close underwater.
Who wants to explain to me how bonus XP works?
Wow this game amazes me every day I play it. Today I decided to roll my Asura Elementalist alt, and going to one of the very first Asura Tasks has the option to "Experiment on Sleeping Golems".
On my Sylvari, the options were like, "Cut the green/blue/yellow/random wire", "Turn the round thing/Wiggle the square thing/Push the triangle thing", etc., and the result was always that the golem turned into a bomb and exploded.
On my Asura, the options are much more Asura-like: "Ether-the dynamo server/Invert the mood matrix/Cross the poli-ellipsoid aggression relay/Yank that thing out", "Tweak the multiphased polarity/Replace the pyrolithic sub-node/Prime the necrochromatic over-field.", and the result is sometimes your experiment actually doesn't blow up the golem!
I realize this is a rather small thing to be so amazed about, but I thought it was awesome!
The camera is pretty terrible I have to say. In the forest you can't see shit and it's far too close underwater.
Who wants to explain to me how bonus XP works?
Personally just trying to avoid any drama going forward. Just let it go.Let's not be so quick to point fingers when it comes to drama, as I don't see you as blameless in that. Hawkian and Thetrin may have been a bit dismissive in their responses, but you are putting a hell of a lot of words in their mouths, and assuming intentions that I don't believe are actually there.
Maybe just chill for a bit, and then you can discuss it in a less accusatory manner.
Personally, and I've said this before, I usually wait to pass judgement on MMO mishaps for about 6 months. Everything will be rocky.
Again, my concern with defending those who voice their concern is not defending their point of view directly, but defending them from people like Hawkian and thetrin who reduce their own points of view by resorting to childish attacks at posters in question because their experiences are different.
My respect for those two dropped by a zillion. People are often most vocal and judgmental about things they like - which is why I voice my concern for what I feel are my game-breakers. Coming at someone with snide remarks for voicing concern because you don't happen to think those concerns carry weight - speaks volumes about the characters of Hawkian and thetrin.
Personally directed attacks because they don't care about X the same way someone else cares about it is uncalled for. It's bullshit behavior that belongs elsewhere.
I expect them to act better. Disagreement is 100% acceptable. Disagreement with personal attacks? PFFFFT.
EDIT: I also find it highly comical that an OFFICER of GAFguild would be the one to start "drama". Don't we have a no drama policy? Or are officers immune to guild rules and can freely talk trash to whomever they want? If that's the case - I'm out.
Who gives a shit and just play the game? That's my take on drama.
Finally got to 400 armorsmithing. That was a bitch. I don't really like the way crafting works in this game, it has its nice things and all, but it's just as shitty as in most MMOs. At least I crafted some exotic dragon pants that look pretty cool.
I really, really hate leveling crafting right now. The amount of mats and their type for Armorsmithi is just stupid to me.
Yeah. Armorsmithing is not fun. I am level 30 something right now and I don't have enough materials to craft anything worthwhile. My armorcraft skill is still stuck at ~50 as a result.
Cooking is basically the only tolerable one for me.
Also as far as traits go, how is this for Guardian? Maxed Zeal, Maxed Honor, 10 in Virtue.
The game keeps freezing for me so I have to pass the time either writing the review or posting here.
I love the tribal looking set you get around level 30 for humans. Been keeping the skin the whole time.I was feeling pretty demoralized until I picked up some sweet-looking armor. Feels much more fun pounding people in WvW when you look like a badass.
That was a fun AC run just now. Wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be!
I'm not sure why it's not a symmetrical tri-spoke for truest balance.And the West and East sides of the WvW map are so uneven. The West side is much easier to defend and much easier to push north. East side is ridiculous, it's a joke they playtested this and thought it all balanced out.
I'm burning through my coins to buy mats and keep up my crafting with my level. I've had at most 54 silver at one time and I'm level 30. Never had a gold coin to my nameYeah. Armorsmithing is not fun. I am level 30 something right now and I don't have enough materials to craft anything worthwhile. My armorcraft skill is still stuck at ~50 as a result.
To think that ArenaNet should let the "community" guide their hand in anything is wishful thinking at best, and dangerously misguided at worst. I can't express how relieved I am that ArenaNet would never do such thing. If there's one single thing worse than design by committee, it's design by audience.
I'm all for consumer entitlement (heck, I'm the first to complain when a company screws over their consumer, which is pretty much daily), but I think ArenaNet can't really do much more than what they are doing. Believe me, all the whining you can do is orders of magnitude less pressing to them than the company reputation they are perfectly aware of losing. I very much doubt any marketplace ever has gone from zero to hundreds of millions of items being listed worldwide without a hitch; crafting materials hover around the several hundreds of thousands of units each, and realize each individual item has an associated user id and price (among others). The volume of information being accessed in real-time is quite staggering.
That said, people fail to see the bigger picture, which is that the game itself is more stable and lag-free now, at less than two weeks after release, that most MMOs are within months of their launch. How quickly do people forget about stuff like WoW's loot lag, etc.
Finally, could we (and I mean both camps) please take the ad-hominem attacks out of this forum? We can discuss different and even opposing points of view without degrading those in front if you. I know we are better than this.![]()
Can I just go on the record and mention that I can't believe I lost my anonymity hood.
For crafting discovery, can anyone confirm for me that the QUANTITY of a material matters and a new recipe won't show up (or even be alluded to) unless I have enough of a said material, i.e., I can't have one of each level-appropriate mat and go crazy. Because if true then my alt's life is going to be much tougher given how much coin I've donated to the WvWvW cause![]()
The longer the mob has been alive in the game the higher the exp bonus. It's easy this way to get bonuses larger than the base exp if you go kill stuff in remote places.
Finally got to 400 armorsmithing. That was a bitch. I don't really like the way crafting works in this game, it has its nice things and all, but it's just as shitty as in most MMOs. At least I crafted some exotic dragon pants that look pretty cool.
Man I should have gotten the Karma helmet instead of the chestpiece from the Balthazar karma vendor. I look pretty dumb.
Exotically dumb.
In every game I've played I've always made it so my helm doesn't show (if that's an option).
Oh god, thats hilarious. that helm is horrifically awful in an amusing way
We can't discover the insignias themselves?Not really sure what you mean, but so long as you have both pieces of gear and an insignia you should be able to get a discovery. quantity really doesnt matter in that situation. You just have to have a combination of the 2 piece equipment and insignia that you havent discovered yet.
We can't discover the insignias themselves?
Start up a new thf and chuck the hood into your bank?
You must have at least 1 lowbie character you can delete for a little while
All the newbie stuff you start with is character bound.
GAF, help me decide which alt to play first!
I have the gems to make a male Sylvari mesmer too, but I don't really like the class
I love the vistas in this game.
I'm level 28 and all the greatswords I've acquired still look like the default one. Boo.