From Tea Shade to Midnight Teal:

The thieves I see in sPvP just spam Heartseeker. My builds are usually built with good escape/evasion mechanisms, so it hasn't bothered me that much. But it's sad to see the thief reduced to just one-skill spam. I *love* the thief in sPvP, and I barely touched heartseeker.thieves seem to be quite populated, especially in spvp.
From Tea Shade to Midnight Teal:
The thieves I see in sPvP just spam Heartseeker. My builds are usually built with good escape/evasion mechanisms, so it hasn't bothered me that much. But it's sad to see the thief reduced to just one-skill spam. I *love* the thief in sPvP, and I barely touched heartseeker.
I have the shield of absorption and didn't have a good first impression of it, especially in WvWvW. The shield only seems to be up for 1-1.5 seconds, and in WvWvW it draws a lot of attention in the middle of a zergfest.In Honor I'm using the shield of absorption while rezzing, and one other that doesn't come to mind. Sorry, I'm not at my gaming rig right now.
From Tea Shade to Midnight Teal:
Forgive the ignorance as I'm not playing the game yet, but I was wondering about PvE, specifically end-game.
How does this game differ from WoW and most other cookie-cutter MMOs? I know the classes are all viable for any role, and you don't have to worry about having a tank, healer, etc.. but how does this work on bigger bosses, and dungeons?
Are there any dungeons that are public? Are they all instanced? Are there ones meant for say, 5 people? 20 people? How viable is it to solo your way through things?
Let's see what I can bullet point to answer your questions.
- On bigger bosses, each character has an established role, but that role is determined by how you spec your character, rather than by the class you picked a long time ago. Every class can be anything. Yes, you will take a role, but that role is what you want.
- Endgame isn't raiding. There is no raiding in GW2. Instead, the entire island or Orr (the end game zone) is nothing but chains of huge dynamic events that, when successful, culminate in a story dungeon where you fight Zhaitan, the undead elder dragon. I haven't gotten there yet, but lots of people have said Zhaitan is awesome.
- Dungeons are all instanced. They're tuned to be done in groups of five. Otherwise, events in the world are tuned to as many or as few members as are in the area of the event upon its beginning. You can solo pretty much anything, but "solo" isn't really the same as other MMOs. You don't have to join a party to reap the rewards of a large event. You can just walk into the event, pull your weight with a bunch of random people, and you'll get your rewards. there's no kill stealing, no loot stealing, and events are designed to have lots of players spontaneously working together.
- If you are a raider and looking for gear checks, don't play GW2. It's not about gear checks, and it never will be. If that's what you go into MMOs expecting, you will be sorely disappointed. However, if you go into MMOs expecting large scale battles and fun with people you may or may not know, you will really enjoy GW2. GW2's events (outside of dungeons) are all about spontaneous grouping, and the game has that in spades.
Sounds like this is just for me, I prefer to play solo or with randoms, dont like raids and all that other stuff, thats not me, just want to play and have some fun building my character, I will be picking this up.
If you really mean this, and would agree with the statement, "what happens when I'm level 1-79 is just as important as what happens when I'm level 80," you will love this game.just want to play and have some fun building my character
Let's see what I can bullet point to answer your questions.
- On bigger bosses, each character has an established role, but that role is determined by how you spec your character, rather than by the class you picked a long time ago. Every class can be anything. Yes, you will take a role, but that role is what you want.
Is it just me or is fighting those flying boss types at melee range a huge pain in the ass?
Camera just can't cope.
Btw I'm still a bit confused with what guardians should do in boss fights if you don't want to support with staff. You can't just tank traditionally like in other mmos.
Well, there's no tanking, period. You should be using your utility and weapon skills to mitigate damage. Add vulnerability to enemies, Add boons to yourself and pull conditions off your teammates. Add shields to yourself using weapons skills and pop virtues for that extra edge.
You have an insane amount of options when you're fighting at close range.
Problem is that I have no clue who has aggro.
Hmmmm. I guess I should play around some more. I'm only lvl 20 so hopefully I can figure out a good build for my needs.
Yup. Sort of an oversight imo.Does it only work in Parties, perhaps?
I'm a little bothered by the fact that Harathi Hinterlands is basically Arathi Highlands + The Hinterlands, haha.
Yup. Sort of an oversight imo.
I agree with everything else you said too btw.
Personal story quest.
GAF party before the Shatterer fight.
The fight, easy tank and spank.
My character with charcoal and frost dyes.
Some screenshots that I took today and yesterday.
Sooooo yesterday i fought the Shatterer = no medal or chest
Today i just did the second instance, last boss bugged we had to go out
i think i'll take some day of pause
Some screenshots that I took today and yesterday.
Dat armor/color schemeSome screenshots that I took today and yesterday.
Sooooo yesterday i fought the Shatterer = no medal or chest
Today i just did the second instance, last boss bugged we had to go out
i think i'll take some day of pause
The freedom is really wonderful. It has a dark side, though. The problem of providing this kind of freedom, with still encouraging players to band together, make friends, and strategize, remains unsolved. This could still be the game; they seem on the verge of it, since the other problem of not wanting players around when you're leveling has been completely solved, so it might be that as the game evolves, it becomes what I'm asking for. Still, I wish it would have launched that way.
Some bosses seem to have it. People consistently shout for help in /map when Kol spawns. Imagine that going down in several ways on each map.
Although I haven't been to anything past level 50 areas. Perhaps exactly what I'm talking about is already in the game, just at endgame.
This happened twice to me with Shatterer. I assume it's a bug, but it's really annoying.
Gendarran Field
Dredgehaunt Cliffs
Performing unspeakable acts with a bear.
Decided to make a character as close to my appearance as possible, like Maxrpg and Kos Luftar (/salute @, see you in December). Not as close as I would like (the goatee is too thin, no hair styles like mine), but it works.
Ferny, unable to represent GAF but still fighting for great justice.
I found myself some Olive Oil rare dye. Master Chief would approve.
Finally I have the whole week-end ahead of me to play the game, so I would love a guild invite
Character name is : Wilkz
thanks in advance !
I thought about keeping the skin from one of the bow I was using but seeing as I'm only lvl 32 atm and updating my bow every 5 levels or so, I'll be going through a lot of Tranmutation stones before I get lvl 80 with a max stat bow lol
Oh the armor's quite stylish too, I just wanted to say the bow was sweet.thanks. but no love for the armor? ahww hehe. same skin for shortbow