Are there capes in this game?
Are there capes in this game?
Now we've stepped into trainwreck territory. ArenaNet, you're driving me crazy!
In WvW I'm sporting a Toughness/Crit/Vit build (Inventions, Firearms and Alchemy), with power and prec on my armor and vit/tough on jewelry. I mostly harass and sustain enough damage to be on my own most of the time.
While defending I use the rifle with extended range, Elixir B, Elixir U with reduced CD and Extended duration, Flamethrower for the toolkit skill and Mortar as Elite and Healing Turret.
When someone is in range, I pop all my elixirs and Incendiary and watch the damage go in the crazy numbers reign.
After that I place the mortar and get everyone moving out from the barrage of AoE damage I unleash. Rinse and repeat until everyone is gone.
When on attack I use Rifle or Pistol+Shield with extendend range, Elixir U, Elixir S, Slick Shoes and Med Kit for mobility.
I just got there. I decided to take a break. At least it's not covered in centaurs...right?
I'm not sure if this is the proper thread to post this on but I don't know where else to post.
I recently got a iMac, 27 inch, i7, 4gigs, 1gb graphics card, I installed windows 7 on boot camp on my mac, and it has crashed on me a few times. I played last night and i checked the vent and felt the back on the mac and it was pretty hot. Not sure if the mac can handle it.
Has anyone else run into similar issues? Can the mac handle Guild Wars 2 while in windows mode?
I don't see why it should cause any problems. With it having an i7, I would think whatever card they have inside would be good enough to play it. Does it literally just crash to desktop? Does it tell you anything?
Nooo should have maxed cooking while I could, only at like 160
What happened?
Just sold hundreds of crafting materials and didn't get the money for them. Pleasant. =/
· Updated the Engineers Firearms trait Juggernaut. New text for the trait: You gain 200 Toughness while wielding a Flamethrower. In addition, gain might for 15 seconds every 3 seconds, as long as you remain in this weapon kit
· Fixed a bug with Go For The Eyes. It can now only trigger once every 10 seconds.
· Fixed a bug with Signet of Illusions. It now give phantasms 50% more health instead of 300% more.
· Fixed a bug that should help resolve almost all of the broken skill challenges players have been running into.
· Ranger pet swap recharge is now the same in and out of combat. This closes an exploit with swapping ranger pets to generate very long buffs.
· Ranger pets should now immediately use their F2 skills when told instead of first performing an auto-attack.
· We discovered a bug in Monthly achievements that was causing some players to complete in August while others did not. We ae forcing completion on all players who are currently at 100% to even out this bug for those players who have completed their monthly achievement. In the future, monthly achievements will turn over on the first of the month at midnight UTC. Daily achievements also roll over for all players at midnight UTC.
· Fixed numerous events and event chains that were blocked.
· Max Glory cap per PvP match is set to 350. You now receive an achievement for reaching this cap in a given match. This closes an exploit that was letting players farm hundreds of glory per match by trading wins.
· Fixed a blocking issue in Forging the Pact.
· Players can now do the production portion of crafting without having to pull the resources from their bank. Note: Discovery still requires use of the bank. This is something we would like to change but decided that getting part of the way there was better than making players wait for the entire fix.
· Fixed a bug with the recipe for Ginger Pear Tarts that excluded Dough from the recipe.
· Increased the karma costs of all Bulk Cooking Materials.
· Increased the refinement costs of all Wood Planks from 2 logs to 3 logs.
· Yellow Dye recipes now include Onions instead of Celery.
· Adjusted the ingredient costs on Dye recipes.
· The following Cooking Materials are no longer sold for Karma and are now acquired through drops, gathering nodes, or loot bags: Butter, Chocolate, Vanilla, Chili Peppers, Thyme, Black Peppercorns, Cinnamon, Bay Leaves, Walnuts, and Oranges.
Sword/Axe with that rifle. Bleeds plus bleeds - unless you are just using rifle for vulnerability and going for burst with Axe. Running a bleed build is very powerful in PvE. Get 4 or 5 enemies on your hook... circle them so they all cram up, pop Fury, pop Flurry then jump around watching them die from a zillion bleed stacks.Love how you don't have to pull mats from the bank now while at a crafting station. Oh man this game keeps getting better.
I went back to my Charr Warrior last night (usually play Engineer) and now my Warrior is my highest level (28). I absolutely love using 2 axes and a rifle. So much fun.
does anyone else feel that the dynamic events arent a good replacement for quests/ missions from first game.
they feel to repetitive and no where near as fun as the missions and quests from the first game.
"Is the stuff the karma merchants at the heart spots sell randomized? I could have sworn I bought some cherries yesterday and when I went back today he doesn't sell them anymore. Same with the chocolate bars..."
They nerfed this just yesterday. So now, Cooking is not only more of a pain in the ass to level, you still don't make any money off of it! GJ ArenaNet.
does anyone else feel that the dynamic events arent a good replacement for quests/ missions from first game.
they feel to repetitive and no where near as fun as the missions and quests from the first game.
does anyone else feel that the dynamic events arent a good replacement for quests/ missions from first game.
they feel to repetitive and no where near as fun as the missions and quests from the first game.
So I finished the WvW jumping puzzle at last and got one gold and thirty silvers worth of loot from the chest.
Ha... Hahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!![]()
I'm still pretty new to cooking, but the dye ingredient still seems high, no?Adjusted the ingredient costs on Dye recipes.
Dear God. Where is that? In the Eternal Battlegrounds?
Prices on the trading post are kinda crazy. Copper ore going for 17 c a piece while you can pick up lvl 80 weapons for a couple of silver. Crafted items are almost always selling for less than the cost of the mats.
There is a mystic portal in the keep which teleport you to the puzzle. It's akin to a level in Tomb Raider. Yes it's THAT long. Bring friends or you'll get crunched by one of the other two sides in WvW.
Ended up with the highest tier of blueprints, a catapult and a bunch of blues.
Certain cooking ingredients were removed from vendors to bring cooking in line with the other professions and people are throwing themselves off any high object they can find because the game has one small balance change and it's completely broken now, as is tradition with MMOs.
Thanks for the explanation, that makes sense. So now Cooking is exactly like all the other crafting skills, so it's fair.
This is a good point. It's not like cooking meals and snacks to resell is lucrative in any way, it's not at all. While the other professions can make bank easilyother skills dont require nearly as many ingredients and cooking is shit for making money (it's actually a huge money/karma sink if anything), it's basically about the enjoyment of it ,which is now lessened since you have to grind/buy on TP and the XP gain
other skills dont require nearly as many ingredients and cooking is shit for making money (it's actually a huge money/karma sink if anything), it's basically about the enjoyment of it ,which is now lessened since you have to grind/buy on TP and the XP gain
I just logged out but it was at a vista on top of a mountain you get to from a cave. Area is the Norn snow area, vista is at bottom. No joke, 14x small venom sacs in 20-some minutes and they sell for a silver. Easy to do. A veteran spider always keeps spawning too
other skills dont require nearly as many ingredients and cooking is shit for making money (it's actually a huge money/karma sink if anything), it's basically about the enjoyment of it ,which is now lessened since you have to grind/buy on TP and the XP gain
Got 56 small venom sacs (which I put all up for 1s 35br and they sold in under 60 secs), 4 unid dyes, lots of armors/weaps vendored. Over a gold in one hour and it wasn't too boring because you can't just afk there you have to kite and be careful. I was downed a few times. There's also a steady stream of players going in and out because of the vista so it doesn't feel lonely or anything. I used rocket turret, flame turret, rifle turret, then Supply Crate elite skill (drops turrets and bandages).
Edit: Come at me bro