All classes are pretty easy to play and generally utilize. Mesmers and Elementalists are no different. My argument lies in skills caps.
But you didn't give me examples of said skill cap. Tell me how they're so difficult to play.
All classes are pretty easy to play and generally utilize. Mesmers and Elementalists are no different. My argument lies in skills caps.
WvW is fun but pretty messy. Also seemingly useless unless you're level 80. I'm 35 and managed to only get 2 tokens after like 4 hours. I must have spent well over 10 s on repairing my equipment from dying so much.
WvW is fun but pretty messy. Also seemingly useless unless you're level 80. I'm 35 and managed to only get 2 tokens after like 4 hours. I must have spent well over 10 s on repairing my equipment from dying so much.
I'd like to know exactly how the skill cap of a Mesmer is so high then. If anything, other classes without clones/phantasms require a higher skill to play in my opinion.
Guardian virtue of justice burn reveals them if they try and stealth whilst on fire.
But you didn't give me examples of said skill cap. Tell me how they're so difficult to play.
Aw shit, so there are large portions of the map that we can't explore? I feared this was the case, but didn't know for sure until now. Not that what we got isn't enough, but it's kind of a bummer that I can't revisit the ring of fire islands or the crystal desert again. I'm guessing they're saving them for expansions.
Aw shit, so there are large portions of the map that we can't explore? I feared this was the case, but didn't know for sure until now. Not that what we got isn't enough, but it's kind of a bummer that I can't revisit the ring of fire islands or the crystal desert again. I'm guessing they're saving them for expansions.
Zerg on one side, another zerg on the other side. Damn that WvW! Not touching it till level 80 if I ever get there.
Aw shit, so there are large portions of the map that we can't explore? I feared this was the case, but didn't know for sure until now. Not that what we got isn't enough, but it's kind of a bummer that I can't revisit the ring of fire islands or the crystal desert again. I'm guessing they're saving them for expansions.
Aw shit, so there are large portions of the map that we can't explore? I feared this was the case, but didn't know for sure until now. Not that what we got isn't enough, but it's kind of a bummer that I can't revisit the ring of fire islands or the crystal desert again. I'm guessing they're saving them for expansions.
Okay this is useful, guess I will equip a longbow on my Warrior in WvW for the AOE burn.
I doubt it. They'll most likely be content patches to keep us busy until the expansions.
So I downloaded and set up Mumble earlier while joining some [GAF] members for some WvW, I got some message about having the "incorrect password for unregistered accounts" or something along those lines.
I asked on Guild chat too at the time and didn't get a response, doesn't mention anything like this in the post on the first page? :S
I know I asked this earlier, but it appears that it's not beneficial to move or cast another spell while caster meteor shower as an elementalist.
According to the GW2 Wiki, "moving while casting this spell will prevent full activation"
Now i'm curious, what exactly is full activation? Does it last longer? Do more damage?
Aw shit, so there are large portions of the map that we can't explore? I feared this was the case, but didn't know for sure until now. Not that what we got isn't enough, but it's kind of a bummer that I can't revisit the ring of fire islands or the crystal desert again. I'm guessing they're saving them for expansions.
Some fuckers spoiling ASoIaF in the Heart of the Mists chat.
Gotta love MMO players.
I find it very easy to ignore the Main Chat though. As long as I'm doing something, while it's on.![]()
Some fuckers spoiling ASoIaF in the Heart of the Mists chat.
Gotta love MMO players.
is seeing folks botting at event locales common?
it's kind of a bummer that I can't revisit the ring of fire islands or the crystal desert again. I'm guessing they're saving them for expansions.
Some fuckers spoiling ASoIaF in the Heart of the Mists chat.
Gotta love MMO players.
There is no password, try a different user name.
is seeing folks botting at event locales common?
is seeing folks botting at event locales common?
So what's everyones general feeling on the game a couple of weeks in?
So what is the first instance called? and where is it? I just hit 31 and I want to see about running it...
I am in Shiver Peak mountains. IS there an easy way to get there or do I have to walk all the way there.
So what's everyones general feeling on the game a couple of weeks in?
So what is the first instance called? and where is it? I just hit 31 and I want to see about running it...
I am in Shiver Peak mountains. IS there an easy way to get there or do I have to walk all the way there.
What level are you?The biggest problem i have atm is I quite often seem to be in the situation where I open up my map and realize I only have hearts that are like 4+ levels higher than me left and feel... directionless.
I usually just wonder a bit until i find an event... but something feels... inelegant about this :/
Anyone know if you can pickup armor from other Orders, or are you stuck with whatever Order you choose? Kinda kicking myself for not choosing Whispers..the heavy boots look BAD ASS!!!
The biggest problem i have atm is I quite often seem to be in the situation where I open up my map and realize I only have hearts that are like 4+ levels higher than me left and feel... directionless.
I usually just wonder a bit until i find an event... but something feels... inelegant about this :/
Elementalists are semi-situational based due to different elemental attunements allowing for various conditions and utility. Mesmer takes this idea and implements it in a different way that allows for more complicated play. However this complication in combination with conditional play, situational play, manipulation of player movement is essential for Mesmers, especially in PvP.
By utilizing clones and phantasms, the players are able to craft their own battlefield and instantly turn it into their advantages. They allow the player to create psychological chaos by creating a forest of illusions in which you're a tree to hide in. This psychological aspect of interpreting, analayzing, processing, and following through with is one reason in which mesmers have a high skill cap. This can be categorized into player movement in ways because how you respond when putting up phantasms matter. Are you going to stand still? Are you going to follow your dolls? Are you going to make them do certain things while act like something else? All of this matters.
Additionally, you can create environmental effects that aren't limited to just elemental conditions. Chaos is extremely pivotal when controlling Mesmers because they have the ability to absolutely obliterate someone using conditions. They're one of the two classes that can generate Chaos of their own skill pool alone, meaning all conditions are pretty much fair game on the opponent. A lot of Chaos skills can be target based but some are areas so they create the idea of displacement. While most people don't want to run into a firestorm, it's much more disadvantageous for a person to walk through an area that will deal conditions. It's just that much more scary. Manipulating such a vital resource and asset is pivotal when trying to play Mesmer. how you go about about dictating said skills will differentiate the best and average mesmers.
I can go on but I really don't want to reiterate why Mesmer's have the highest skill cap. Simply put, Elementalists only have skills to worry about and don't really add in anything beyond the mechanics of the game. Mesmers require creativity and genuine inspirational battle tactics to win.
The biggest problem i have atm is I quite often seem to be in the situation where I open up my map and realize I only have hearts that are like 4+ levels higher than me left and feel... directionless.
I usually just wonder a bit until i find an event... but something feels... inelegant about this :/
Not closely related to the discussion, but I'm curious about the clones thing. People seem to be able to track me pretty easily, even if I try to stand still or whatever. Do any of the clone skills actually break targeting aside from decoy? When I fight a mesmer, I just call him as a target, and it seems to me there's the giant red cross hairs above his head the whole fight, unless he goes invisible. Does the scepter block / sword off-hand block / staff teleport break this targeting at all? I admit they can be pretty confusing if you arrive at an engagement with a mesmer already fighting somebody, but if it's a fresh engagement I feel like the clones don't really fool anybody, and I have a hunch it's because they just have you targeted. This probably warrants some testing!
You can get everywhere from everywhere, but they're nowhere near each other.Ok I may be dumb here, but is there no way to get to Black Citadel from Rata Sum? I thought that is where I would go to get there.
How can you be in this situation? Check the map, there are always multiple zones to go to, regardless of your level. Even doing the starter zones at almost any level gives you some exp, if you don't know where to go. Pick a zone that's 5-10 levels below you and go explore there, you can do any heart you want and get to explore freely.
I'm always downleveled because I hop between zones. Sometimes I'm actually surprised when I run into a heart that's my own level, and I like the experience. But honestly, I'm really just overwhelmed by the amount of content available.