What's the least squishy ranged class?
From my experience all the classes can do ranged.
What's the least squishy ranged class?
From my experience all the classes can do ranged.
Guardian has the weakest ranged DPS options from what I've played (thief, warrior, guardian).
From my experience all the classes can do ranged.
I guess I meant traditional ranged, magic user, ranger, etc...
It really is hard to answer. Necromancer is possibly the answer you're looking for, but they can be totally melee, too.I guess I meant traditional ranged, magic user, ranger, etc...
So I MAY be doing Sorrow's Embrace later if a guildie is on (the ranger from the last dungeon), any tips or things I should watch out for? Also easier than TA/AC or harder?
Melee is pretty pointless in the 3x Golem fight. Bring a lot of condition removal because there is a boss that does ridiculous burn damage.
The story tells you what level it's intended for- be at that level or above (or one below, once you get comfy) before trying a story quest.Just started this up, only level 4, should I level up before moving on with the story or does the story act as a tutorial, playing as human, haven't went inside the huge town yet right in the beginning.
Swapping over to a tanky warrior condition build with mass regen, holy shit. It's amazing. I can 1v3 people and come out on top.
Funny? That looks awesome! I wish that transmutation stones worked across gear class, although it'd make recognizing people impossible.you can preview gear that you cannot wear for funny combinations
Funny? That looks awesome! I wish that transmutation stones
worked across gear class, although it'd make recognizing people impossible.![]()
Ya I didn't mean funny bad. That was just the first one I clicked on there are probably really good light + heavy shoulder combos out there.Funny? That looks awesome! I wish that transmutation stones worked across gear class, although it'd make recognizing people impossible.![]()
Wtf, is there no armor affix that gives healing power/toughness/condition damage in non-spvp settings? Can't find any on the TP... Really disappointing if true... Closest I can find is ones with Dolyak.
B2 will be fantastic (i'm hoping) but it also won't have the longevity of GW2. It is really great. There are a few beefs I have with it - it can feel a bit grind-y and repetitive at times - which is to be expected when you unlock all available slots by 30 - so really the next 50 levels is just traits and other skills you more than likely won't be using that much if you've chosen worthwhile ones ahead of time for your playstyle and decide not to change them out.
DEs are fun but can devolve into utter chaos with tons of people - which, for me, lessens the experience due to the skill floor at that point being non-existent.
Dungeons are great, exploration is there if you are into that sort of thing, plenty of achievements to hunt, crafting is pretty par-for-the-course except for discovery (which IMO should be the only way to craft, personal preference), PvP so far for me has been fun. A bit too much Zerg in WvW but if you roll off the beaten path with a small group it gets hella fun sneaking into enemy territory and stealing bases/supplies - so I stay away from all out AOE fest zergs. sPvP seems great except there could be a few balance tweaks(?) - I haven't studied up on proper sPvP builds so I take my own comment with a grain of salt since I need to work on a proper build and actually practice for a while. It seems like it is on the right track for being so early on in its release.
Plenty of fun to be had - but you will have a tough choice with your main character tho - they are all very fun to play - some more straight forward than others (which could be why I feel things get grind-y and repetitive at times) - but if that is the case - you can always play on another toon. I will probably break from my Warrior this week and concentrate on my Ranger. I like both bow styles and they have an excellent array of melee options even though they are (technically) a ranged class.
You will enjoy it. There ARE hiccups this early on since it is an MMO - so it would be understandable if you feel the product is slightly "incomplete" at this time. It's all a matter of personal preference on how you view those hiccups.
6 months from now will paint a much better picture of the game as I feel there is a lot of ironing that needs to be done to a few basic and more complex systems of the game - but it is not in a broken state so I'm OK with that.
I say get it if you can - even if you don't like the release period of new MMOs - you can always come back a few months from now when I'm sure the experience will be far smoother than it is now.
Being able to finish people from stealth can fuck right off anet. Such a joke. If they are allowing that give me an AoE fear so I can stop it. Finally rank 10 in sPvP though. God damn is that infuriating: Such bad gameplay mechanics on thieves the game simply rewards poor play.
If there is a couple of you, spam 2-3 and get free kills hurrar! :/
yeah i hate thatBeing able to finish people from stealth can fuck right off anet. Such a joke. If they are allowing that give me an AoE fear so I can stop it.
thieves in spvp literally make my blood boil. literally.
i just can't beat them one on one.
Why is stomping from stealth such bad game design, exactly?
Why is stomping from stealth such bad game design, exactly?
Of course not... why would you think that...They can stealth 'finish you' >.>?
They can stealth 'finish you' >.>?
If we put clones aside, an effective use of the weapon skills is far harder to achieve with the elementalist than it is with the mesmer. There's a psychological effect with clones play, and decision making with shattering, but playing with your mesmers weapons is somewhat of medium difficulty and leads to good results with ease, especially for the swords. While a Mesmer can simply burst and be safe with a Blurred Frenzy, giving them time to breath, for the elementalists to achieve the same thing, they would need to switch to earth for their instant-cast earth invulnerable spell, only to attunement change again and chain two-three skills for an equal burst, and then they would be crippled by twice the cooldown rates, and that's not even considering if their fire attunement was already on recharge, which wouldn't even allow them to do any burst at all.Elementalists are semi-situational based due to different elemental attunements allowing for various conditions and utility. Mesmer takes this idea and implements it in a different way that allows for more complicated play. However this complication in combination with conditional play, situational play, manipulation of player movement is essential for Mesmers, especially in PvP.
By utilizing clones and phantasms, the players are able to craft their own battlefield and instantly turn it into their advantages. They allow the player to create psychological chaos by creating a forest of illusions in which you're a tree to hide in. This psychological aspect of interpreting, analayzing, processing, and following through with is one reason in which mesmers have a high skill cap. This can be categorized into player movement in ways because how you respond when putting up phantasms matter. Are you going to stand still? Are you going to follow your dolls? Are you going to make them do certain things while act like something else? All of this matters.
Additionally, you can create environmental effects that aren't limited to just elemental conditions. Chaos is extremely pivotal when controlling Mesmers because they have the ability to absolutely obliterate someone using conditions. They're one of the two classes that can generate Chaos of their own skill pool alone, meaning all conditions are pretty much fair game on the opponent. A lot of Chaos skills can be target based but some are areas so they create the idea of displacement. While most people don't want to run into a firestorm, it's much more disadvantageous for a person to walk through an area that will deal conditions. It's just that much more scary. Manipulating such a vital resource and asset is pivotal when trying to play Mesmer. how you go about about dictating said skills will differentiate the best and average mesmers.
I can go on but I really don't want to reiterate why Mesmer's have the highest skill cap. Simply put, Elementalists only have skills to worry about and don't really add in anything beyond the mechanics of the game. Mesmers require creativity and genuine inspirational battle tactics to win.
Why is stomping from stealth such bad game design, exactly?
Sell all the things :OSomeone teach me how to make gold!
It doesn't remove the risk, holy crap. You're not invincible when stealthed.Removes the risk/reward of the ability. With a good revive you can turn a 1v1 in to a 1v2 or keep someone off you long enough to get a revive off a team mate.
Having someone stomp you from stealth removes the risk for the thief and often provides them with a free get away too.
dat sword, holy shit what is that
It doesn't remove the risk, holy crap. You're not invincible when stealthed.
Removes the risk/reward of the ability. With a good revive you can turn a 1v1 in to a 1v2 or keep someone off you long enough to get a revive off a team mate.
Having someone stomp you from stealth removes the risk for the thief and often provides them with a free get away too.
Removes the risk/reward of the ability. With a good revive you can turn a 1v1 in to a 1v2 or keep someone off you long enough to get a revive off a team mate.
Having someone stomp you from stealth removes the risk for the thief and often provides them with a free get away too.
Someone teach me how to make gold!
Stop being silly, Anet makes no mistakes. Peasant. You probably suck and need to get better.