Wow, I haven't had any time to play for like a week now.
Feel like I've fallen horribly behind.
whats the rush? it isnt a race
Wow, I haven't had any time to play for like a week now.
Feel like I've fallen horribly behind.
anyone else think its bullshit that Norn, Char and Human have more than just a starting zone but Asuran an Slyv dont ?
The Asura and Sylvari share Brisban Wildlands, while the other races have a 15-25 zone apiece.
I love it there, so I don't really mind.
Why does the Ranger start off with axes, you would think bow and arrow, no?
Of course, in this case the two races' starting areas just happen to both connect to that zone rather than each connecting to a different one. it's almost like a "lore" complaint. Kessex Hills is a "human" area, Snowden Drifts Norn, Diessa Plateau Charr, and Brisban WildlandsOh. But aren't they also right next to Kessex Hills?
It's all shared, isn't it?
Of course, in this case the two races' starting areas just happen to both connect to that zone rather than each connecting to a different one. it's almost like a "lore" complaint. Kessex Hills is a "human" area, Snowden Drifts Norn, Diessa Plateau Charr, and Brisban Wildlands
So reddit has found an ingenious way to level artificer WITHOUT using Fine materials. I leveled artificer from 200-400 today (cost ~1gold after selling my wares)
I posted this in guild chat and I believe another guild mate was able to go from 1-400 today
Enjoyand buy those Dust, Carrots and Sage quickly before they jump in price haha
Well, my Sylvari personal story took me to Kessex Hills, and never even touched Brisban Wildlands (though I did 100% the zone anyway), so if anything Sylvari and Humans share Kessex Hills.
Interesting, I didn't know that.
Hey guys I screwed up the message box in the bottom left hand corner, cant see chat, anyway to put to default or what was is default, I can just add correct?
Went from 0 to 400 artificing within the span of an hour with this guide. Sage prices are soaring at the moment, though.
Woah that is super awesome, thanks! Now I know not to waste my time with Norn female cultural rank 1...
Question about the dungeon sets, can you pick and choose to buy any of them with dungeon tokens or do you have to do certain things to get certain sets?
Does anyone know the name of the piece that begins at 1:27? It's beautiful.
Did you just complain about balance while attempting to do the hardest dungeon in the game with three out of five players?
You'll figure it out as you play.Anyone have any good builds/opinions on tanking with a guardian? I'm still a fairly low level, but wanted to spec into it asap. What traits/skills are crucial and which are useless? I'd wanna tank in both pvp/pve.
Is there a site or maybe even in game thing that shows how the servers pair against each other in WvW? I want to see how our server, Stormbluff, is doing in WvW. I don't care if we're the top of the top, and I know we're not that, but I would like to see what our actual ranking is (I think we're near the top, if I'm not mistaken).
Also, is the Abyss dye really that rare? I got it a day ago and used it but I saw it going for 4 gold on the auction house. 0.o
Press b
Black is popular. Really popular. So everyone wants it and it's a rare drop. This was the case in GW1 too.Also, is the Abyss dye really that rare? I got it a day ago and used it but I saw it going for 4 gold on the auction house. 0.o
I want to level up my elementalist cuz of this armor.. oh man...
What do the sun icons underneath the world names in the WvW panel (when you press B) mean?
Black is popular. Really popular. So everyone wants it and it's a rare drop. This was the case in GW1 too.
Black is dark.
Abyss is darker.
Timberline Falls + SweetFX = mmm
Today my guild 3 man the first boss in Arah, and was killing the second boss had him down to 40%, when he 1 hit kill our warrior, 20k in one hit, tried to get him up when he was down but the boss just destroyed him for a game with no trinity system that's some fucked up balance, him dying fuck up every thing, because he was able to feed on the grubs.
Timberline Falls + SweetFX = mmm
Is there a site or maybe even in game thing that shows how the servers pair against each other in WvW? I want to see how our server, Stormbluff, is doing in WvW. I don't care if we're the top of the top, and I know we're not that, but I would like to see what our actual ranking is (I think we're near the top, if I'm not mistaken).
found people ERPng in the woods....
Just learned the hard way that the cow catapult betting event in the Diessa Plateau is A TRAP.
I need a location.found people ERPng in the woods....
YES! I thought you needed to bet to progress the event, didn't read the italic text at the top until I had lost a gold to the bastard. I mean, 50 silver a shot? Seriously?Just learned the hard way that the cow catapult betting event in the Diessa Plateau is A TRAP.
Final dungeon/personal story spoilers
Wow that was a let down...seriously, who designed that last fight and actually thought it was epic and enjoyable?
This is the entire fight, that's it. You press 2 until he dies..what the fuck?
The helm is garbage as usual for dungeons but at least the xp is good.
The ending itself just felt somewhat empty and anti-climatic. I hope that ArenaNet will improve on the dungeon and story mission design in the next expansion back because it's pretty disappointing here. Traherene basically takes over what is supposed to be your "personal" story and it becomes all about him. I think having the Desiny's Edge dungeon mission type structure as actual quests instead of group dungeons would have been more enjoyable but that's just me.