Don't open your 5 Bags of Loot. It's based off of Magic Find right now instead of just straight exotics. They are going to fix it.
I just hit 30, where do I go to do my first dungeon?
Completely agree. Also, the bag of 'loot' was embarrassing...had to be a bug.
Some guy on our run got a "Bag of Gold" from a mob. He was raging in Mumble when he only received 20 copper from it.
Whoa, that's bad...any timetable? Was thinking of completing the personal quests today...Don't open your 5 Bags of Loot. It's based off of Magic Find right now instead of just straight exotics. They are going to fix it.
Someone did a thing with the servers here:
Hedge is on a tier of their own (of course) with Stormbluff ranked below. Keep in mind it might be some Pachter-esque analysis here so YMMV.
Those pictures look like a painting. I really gotta explore Timberline Falls, but I know it's not going to look as good as those pictures. Q_Q
Timberline Falls + SweetFX = mmm
Glad you guys are enjoying it. I know I am! It really does fix a lot of what makes the game seem visually boring to me otherwise (the ambient occlusion helps with the rest, though it sucks that it shows up through fog).That sweet fx tweek that was posted makes the game look fucking amazing. I was thinking man if only this game had some of tera's color pallet WELL BAM IT DOES NOW
Plains of Ashford. Do it quick and then get to 35 so we can do explorable mode.
Glad you guys are enjoying it. I know I am! It really does fix a lot of what makes the game seem visually boring to me otherwise (the ambient occlusion helps with the rest, though it sucks that it shows up through fog).
Here, have some screenies (some re-posts if you follow the high-res screenshot thread)
I just discovered how incredibly useful Armorsmithing and Jeweler can be as a Guardian. Being able to craft gear that is actually pertinent to my level is a HUGE change from any other MMO I've ever played. It's refreshing to know that the work I'm spending on crafting is worth my time. Nothing feels better than getting a new set of armor put together that I made myself (and not having to smash the never ending loot pinata for).
Oh, the reality that will hit soon...
Yay, level 80!
After reaching it I went to TP and bought rares for all my slots for 2g total. Hope it wasn't a really stupid decision. Now to transmute the stuff using the 10 stones I've got from a bl chest.
Oh, the reality that will hit soon...
Exotics? Meh, now I can finally complete the rest of the puzzles and 100% all the zones!Now you can begin your search for exotics.
Why? I'm thinking about going armorsmith on my warrior so I don't have to rely on the TP for my crafted exotics like on my last character.
Why? I'm thinking about going armorsmith on my warrior so I don't have to rely on the TP for my crafted exotics like on my last character.
Exotics? Meh, now I can finally complete the rest of the puzzles and 100% all the zones!
And of course exp mode dungeons with you, awesome people <3
You're in luck, because dungeons are a great way to get exotic dungeon gear.
How long does it take to get the exotics? (how many dungeon runs about). I remember seeing it cost quite a few tokens to get one piece of an exotic, but wasnt sure how many tokens you get in a run
I'm at level 40 and haven't even done/seen a dungeon yet. I must be going to the wrong areas.
Shared cooldown. Would be ridiculously overpowered with some weapons otherwise.Stupid question time: Let's say I equip the same weapons in both my weapon sets. Will they share their cooldowns, or will I be able to use the skills twice as often?
I've done them all except for the lv 80 one. Some of them were fun, some not so much. The Norn lv 76 one was bugged to hell and back for example...I'm at level 40 and haven't even done/seen a dungeon yet. I must be going to the wrong areas.
Looking around the net, I'm probably one of the few suckers having problems with this, but the blue mat requirements for insignias are just stupid. As in, the amount. I'm 125 Armorsmithing and I have insignias that require 12-15 of a blue mat to craft just one.
That's wy I asked the guy with 400 armorsmithing which darklord he prayed to so I can join him. I don't want to farm so I'm pretty boned.
It's not just you. Rare mats are pretty scarce in the game and cost an obscene amount on the TP. It's sort of ridiculous.
Had my first loot-rare drop from one of those random lootbags you get from enemies, at level 40... so yeah...
Those things are even more scarce now that half the time stupid butter falls out of those bags lol
I think I finally found my class in warrior.
I'm never gonna get to lvl 80...
Just reiterating this. Lot of fun doing all 3 wings last night of CM explorable. Ill be looking forward with more fun runs. Hopefully AC gets fixed soon.
In lieu of AC, Ill prob start a TA story run tonite, for those on Stormbluff who havent gone thru it yet and want to run thru it.
Question for all you rifle/grenade engineers out there (PvE). What build are you guys running?
Right now im running a 30 power/20 precision/20 tool kit (eventually). I am damn squishy atm, but will stack vit and toughness on my gear once i hit 80.
Not really a huge fan of any of our heals, honetly. Elixir was probably my fav, but thats out the window now that im not specced into aclhmeny. med kit is just a pain, and healing turret doesnt do enough heals
Wait, there are different rarities for crafting materials? I thought only the end pieces were color-coded. Rare insignias for armorsmithing require 15 fine crafting mats, I think masterwork require 8.Looking around the net, I'm probably one of the few suckers having problems with this, but the blue mat requirements for insignias are just stupid. As in, the amount. I'm 125 Armorsmithing and I have insignias that require 12-15 of a blue mat to craft just one.
TA Story was a good time. Not so challenging for a good group, but I love the environment. Psyched to do explorable, but it's bugged along with AC. New build tonight!
Is the game down right now?
Nooo. I just hit 50 and wanted to go down to do TA story and explorable.
"Right now im running a 30 power/20 precision/20 tool kit (eventually). I am damn squishy atm, but will stack vit and toughness on my gear once i hit 80. "
I go full glass cannon. Same build as you, but all power/precision/crit damage gear.
"Not really a huge fan of any of our heals, honetly. Elixir was probably my fav, but thats out the window now that im not specced into aclhmeny. med kit is just a pain, and healing turret doesnt do enough heals"
Healing turret actually has two heals. If you drop healing turret then immediately detonate it, you get an AOE heal combo. Healing turret also has condition removal.
for me too, so yeah.