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Guild Wars 2 |OT2| Funding An MMO Entirely On Quaggan Backpacks

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they can split for wvw as well. different servers also.

it's really mind boggling that no dev does that still. it seems way to early to have these huge nerfs going out. is there even a true meta in spvp yet that is causing this? it's obviously not wvw as they have stated they aren't balancing around it(who knows if they are/aren't tho).


What word?

-Snip- No longer necessary.

The Jumping Puzzle yesterday with NGAF (EU-Gaf) was pretty fun. Can't imagine why Naito hasn't posted the pics here too since they're pretty good, so I'll do it instead.

Spekk's Laboratory (open images in new tab for full size)





Dunno why they would change those phantasm recharges honestly. Most phantasms already need a lot of care to set up and still die too fast because they are practically rooted in place. They aren't pumping out extraordinary damage even if you trait for them fully and even more miraculously manage to keep them alive. I would've been fine if they bumped their health up a little if they're gonna increase the recharges.

Granted, it's only gonna be a few seconds, but the recharge for the swordsman was just right for me honestly, now I probably have to wait a few seconds after each kill :(

Here are the modified recharge times in case you're interested

Swordsman: 15->18 seconds (+3)
Duelist: 15->20 seconds (+5)
Warlock: 18->20 seconds (+2)
Chaos Armor: 40->35 seconds (-5)
Chaos Storm: 30->35 seconds (+5)
They rearranged the greatsword skills for conformity (two-handed skillsets are arranged in order of ascending cooldown times). But that was a decision made with massive blinders on, because people who aren't just picking the class up today won't care, and have the muscle memory for their skill rotations down as intended.

They should have just lived with the aberration in conformity and left the skills the way they were assigned despite the cooldown changes. A truly dumb move and I wouldn't be particularly surprised if they just switched it back; then again the longer they wait the more people will get used to it, which would then make switching back equally dumb.

Yeah, but what happens when they fuck with the cooldowns again, do they switch them around then? I mean seriously, how long was this game in beta? I'm a very unhappy customer right now. familiarity is what makes or breaks an MMO for me, it's why I always went back to WoW after trying out mediocre MMO's and now the devs themselves are breaking it for me, thanks dicks!

PvE players thank PvP, these nerf wasn't for PvE they were PvP based nerfs lol, GUILDWARS ONE had a skill split system, where they nerf one skill in PvP and not be affected in PvE, how do you go backwards? why wasn't that system implemented in GW2? you totally fuck up PvE based on PvP.......stupid Dev....why release PvE in the first place...

I may be in the minority but I have no problem with them basing this around PVP as that was what I got into this game for and I believe is their main focus of the game. What I don't like is them leaving SO MANY FUCKING PROBLEMS glaring them in the face and they decide to fuck with such a small aspect.

I'm hoping I get over it, but I have come across so many bugged quests and skill points post 35 (now 40) that it's become kind of a chore to find shit to do in PVE.

Should I just be leveling through dungeons? It doesn't seem right with how much running around I have to do to get some XP going ... I definitely won't disregard any "ur doon it wrong" posts either because honestly, I might be. I try to do WvW but the que's range from 30 minutes to hours. You can't just drop in/drop out. And sPVP is my favorite part of the game so far but I can't level doing that!

I'm hitting a wall here.


GAF parliamentarian
Not having a pvp split is the best thing. If they start drastically changing the skills through splits and creating stupid overpowered PVE versions to manage bad balance, I'm out.


Dunno why they would change those phantasm recharges honestly. Most phantasms already need a lot of care to set up and still die too fast because they are practically rooted in place. They aren't pumping out extraordinary damage even if you trait for them fully and even more miraculously manage to keep them alive. I would've been fine if they bumped their health up a little if they're gonna increase the recharges.

Granted, it's only gonna be a few seconds, but the recharge for the swordsman was just right for me honestly, now I probably have to wait a few seconds after each kill :(

Here are the modified recharge times in case you're interested

Swordsman: 15->18 seconds (+3)
Duelist: 15->20 seconds (+5)
Warlock: 18->20 seconds (+2)
Chaos Armor: 40->35 seconds (-5)
Chaos Storm: 30->35 seconds (+5)

Agree. If they wanted to up the cooldown then make them be able to take more than 1 hit. This really makes one of the slowest PvE classes even worse.


Should I just be leveling through dungeons? It doesn't seem right with how much running around I have to do to get some XP going ... I definitely won't disregard any "ur doon it wrong" posts either because honestly, I might be. I try to do WvW but the que's range from 30 minutes to hours. You can't just drop in/drop out. And sPVP is my favorite part of the game so far but I can't level doing that!

I'm hitting a wall here.

I never had to level in dungeons or WvW to get past a dead spot post 35. I ran into quite a few broken events, and a couple nearly broken hearts, but it wasn't enough to stop my progress leveling. I don't know, maybe things have become much worse since I hit 80.

Open up your map and take a look at the level ranges for zones. What I did was go to each zone post 35ish. With the level scaling your scaled down to the zone anyway, so the content is still useful to you for leveling. There should be a couple zones per level range (40-50, 50-60, etc) along with one in between. It should be more the enough content, even with broken events, to get you through.

Harathi Highlands: 35-45

Blazeridge Steppes: 40-50
Mountains Dredgehaunt Cliffs: 40-50

Bloodtide Coast: 45-55

Iron Marches: 50-60
Mountains Timberline Falls: 50-60

Sparkfly Fen: 55-65

Fireheart Rise: 60-70
Mount Maelstrom: 60-70

Straits of Devastation: 70-75

Frostgorge Sound: 70-80
Malchor’s Leap: 75-80

Cursed Shore: 80-80

I didn't do a single dungeon other than AC until I hit 80, so they're not required to level. I did next to no WvW before then, either. I was 80 before I even hit Orr.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Should I just be leveling through dungeons? It doesn't seem right with how much running around I have to do to get some XP going ... I definitely won't disregard any "ur doon it wrong" posts either because honestly, I might be. I try to do WvW but the que's range from 30 minutes to hours. You can't just drop in/drop out. And sPVP is my favorite part of the game so far but I can't level doing that!
Here are my thoughts/suggestions:

-I'd be slow to assume you're "doing it wrong"- it's not likely, cause you seem to be taking a pretty pragmatic approach (looking for XP from multiple sources). However, I would be interested in a little bit more info about what you are doing that you feel gives you unsatisfactory XP. 100%ing Fields of Ruin last night, I went from level 39 to 43.5 in about 4 hours, so a rate of more than one level/hour. Personally I can't argue with that, especially as the rate of leveling seems only to increase after level 40 in my opinion. I didn't repeat any events, though I did do almost every event that popped up in the area while there (there are a lot more than I realized in that zone!)

-Dungeons are great XP too of course, and become better XP the higher level you are, which is pretty awesome. But I definitely don't recommend just leveling through dungeons at all, though. In fact, it's kind of detrimental to your enjoyment to approach the game from "what should I do next to level up?" at all. Just think "what do I want to do next?" and do it, and you'll get XP.

-Are you gathering every node you see, and making sure to complete your dailies every day? Remember, you get a chunk of XP for every milestone during your daily, plus XP for completing it.

-How's your crafting? Good for a handful of levels every time you sit down at the crafting station for a while with new discoveries.

-Bugged content (especially skill points which can keep you from 100%ing a zone you've got everything else in) is totally frustrating, of course. There's definitely less this week than there was last week in my opinion, and less last week than two weeks ago, etc. But there's plenty of work to be done. However, definitely a key point- bugged content shouldn't come anywhere close to keeping you from leveling at a steady pace, there's just that much XP to go around.

-Finally, if you're really looking for something different to get a handful of levels, you might be surprised at how much XP you can get by fully 100% exploring all of the cities.

-If sPvP is what you like best, you can thankfully just play that as much as you want without having to worry about leveling at all! Maybe it would ease your frustration to just stick to that for a while, and come back to PvE when you miss it- this might sound idiotic, but there's no reason to do anything you don't enjoy for what's ultimately an arbitrary purpose.

I'll admit that I feel I have a different mindset than a lot of people who comprise the highly-active segment of the MMO community. Maybe it comes from my stubborn refusal to ever pay a monthly fee for any game ever, but I can't imagine getting to a place where I would refer to the developers of a game as "assholes" or "dicks" or that bannable one (a brief aside: hilarious to consider all of these anatomical metaphors being simultaneously applied). Or rather, if I did get to that point, I can't imagine it would come alongside any desire to continue playing the game- of course I understand being frustrated and even offended by changes made by the dev team and wishing things would go in a different direction sometimes, but on the whole I'm always conscious that these decisions are made in good faith, that there's no reason the company would intend to upset their player base, and on the whole I ultimately enjoy the game an enormous amount and find it very difficult to imagine any given patch or class change (which there will be hundreds of by the time I'm done) being substantial enough to change this fact.

I really do wish I could understand it better- it makes my brief sojourns to the official forums kind of tough to stomach, because it appears to the casual observer that a majority of the playerbase disagrees with me- that such changes really completely alter their perceptual enjoyment of the game, that some aspects of the game are so upsetting that the developers must be malicious toward their customers, that certain buffs or nerfs are so offensive that the game must be dying, and so on and so forth. I can see how, if one was paying a monthly fee, or used to paying a monthly fee, this kind of thing would be absolutely egregious. That is to say, under that model, every moment I spend waiting for content to be fixed or adjusting to a balance change I dislike is actually a potential decrease in the value of an ongoing investment- one which, after six months at $10 a month, has already doubled the cost of being able to play the game. I can actually only begin to imagine the frustration of being in this situation, because the longer it would take for things to get to the point of "getting my money's worth," the more money it would have cost me- one of a handful of aspects of the tradition pay to play model that has prevented me from ever being willing to do it.

On the other hand, with GW1 and GW2, every hour of enjoyment I obtain from the product solely increases the value of the initial investment, just like a singleplayer game. In fact, in this case the value will in fact occasionally spike over time; we're getting free Halloween content of some sort quite soon, just over a month after release. This makes the frustrations and patience required as things are fixed immeasurably more tolerable to me. Any time spent that I'm not counting toward my "hours of enjoyment" causes the value of the product (at the moment, roughly 15 cents per hour for me) to stay the same for me rather than decreasing. To me this is a huge deal- it seems to not make much of an impact on others, which I can respect as well, but I do have difficulty understanding it.

I know I went off on kind of a rant here, but I guess I wanted to share the nature of my near-constant enjoyment of this product despite its flaws and the mechanism by which I've maintained my sanity while playing it :p

Note that I'm not, as I have been accused of a couple of time, saying to any degree that "no monthly fee means everything is perfect." That's ludicrous, everything that's broken can and should be fixed; everything that's flawed can and should be improved; everything that's imbalanced can and should be tweaked. I'm merely saying that no monthly fee makes the wait tolerable (or, I can only hope, more tolerable if you're coming from a paid MMO), and makes it easier for me to continue enjoying the game without much frustration in the meantime.

In other words: On a personal level, I don't get why pistol whip was nerfed, but damned if I don't prefer an occasional inexplicable nerf to $10/month. :p

edit: The above is very helpful, here's the way the Wiki lays it out which I think is really handy:


Dunno why they would change those phantasm recharges honestly. Most phantasms already need a lot of care to set up and still die too fast because they are practically rooted in place. They aren't pumping out extraordinary damage even if you trait for them fully and even more miraculously manage to keep them alive. I would've been fine if they bumped their health up a little if they're gonna increase the recharges.

Granted, it's only gonna be a few seconds, but the recharge for the swordsman was just right for me honestly, now I probably have to wait a few seconds after each kill :(

Here are the modified recharge times in case you're interested

Swordsman: 15->18 seconds (+3)
Duelist: 15->20 seconds (+5)
Warlock: 18->20 seconds (+2)
Chaos Armor: 40->35 seconds (-5)
Chaos Storm: 30->35 seconds (+5)

Patchnotes lied. Phantasmal Swordsman is up to 20 seconds cooldown, 16 if traited. I think all phantasms are now 20 sec cooldown.

+5 seconds is a lot, but I'll deal with it. I expected a nerf to Blurred Frenzy tbh.
Good points all around. The nerf to GS Guard doesn't even bug me, it's the rearrangement of skills. But I'll adjust.

I think I'm stuck on trying to complete areas too much. For instance with Harathi, I ran around there looking for stuff for an hour or so, moved to higher level hearts (I was 38 at the time). I just felt there was so much to do I was overwhelmed in the lower levels but now I feel so spread out.

I think I'll just jump into a different zone altogether and maybe come back to the completionist stuff later.

I hit a wall for a bit but what Hawk and nataku said is probably right, I'm just not looking in the right places.

And while I like sPVP as my favorite part (it alternates between WvW and sPVP) the PVE is a close second as I've had a ton of fun with it for the most part.

It also might be I just drink too much and forget what I'm doing and get distracted. I think I'll switch to a totally different zone tonight as Centaurs are really getting old.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Pistol whip. :(
Bizarre, eh? It's not like it was a HUGE source of damage (maybe with 30 into Deadly Arts it was?)... Not what I used it for anyway.

Oddly enough, it came just as I'm getting ready to made sword an alternate in my inventory and switch to dagger main once I complete my Infiltration set. Clearly they are reading my every word and nerfing accordingly (my mesmer was 100% unaffected by the new changes).

edit: D'oh, my essay on the merits of MMO value was at the bottom of the page and lost forever. Oh well... killed some time on a Monday morning


I wish they would take the Diablo 3 approach and buff underpowered skills instead of nerfing stuff they thought was op. That really is the right approach as no one will ever wine about nerfs and it makes other skills viable to use.

From the outside, all the changes Anet has made so far seems reactionary rather than really balancing and that's bad in the long term, imo.


I got a quick question. Just got to rank 10 in spvp last night and haven't spent any glory yet. Is it worth trying to figure out how to get new skins or should I save up the glory for the higher ranks?


I wish they would take the Diablo 3 approach and buff underpowered skills instead of nerfing stuff they thought was op. That really is the right approach as no one will ever wine about nerfs and it makes other skills viable to use.

From the outside, all the changes Anet has made so far seems reactionary rather than really balancing and that's bad in the long term, imo.

As shitty as nerfs are, sometimes they are needed, especially in a game revolving around PvP. Diablo 3 has yet to implement any PvP.

And even then, you probably haven't seen the latest 1.05 patch notes for D3. They've nerfed Barbarian's WW build, Wizard's Energy Twister builds, and a whole bunch of other stuff.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I got a quick question. Just got to rank 10 in spvp last night and haven't spent any glory yet. Is it worth trying to figure out how to get new skins or should I save up the glory for the higher ranks?
This is one of the few topics I know absolutely nothing about- I still haven't played a single match of sPvP. Really looking forward to it, but anyway:

Most helpful I can be is to point you to this page: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_reward

Looks like you can view the skins and all the mystic forge recipes for them.


I got a quick question. Just got to rank 10 in spvp last night and haven't spent any glory yet. Is it worth trying to figure out how to get new skins or should I save up the glory for the higher ranks?

You can start spending glory now cause you'll have accumulated more than enough later on. Plus, any item you get from chests that you don't need can and must be salvaged for Arcane materials, which are needed for pretty much every PvP recipe. Only thing that'll become useless later are those rank tokens that you may get from salvaging (ie. Rabbit token, Deer token, etc.) cause they're only useful for crafting the current rank of gear.

This is a great guide on it:


See the first link in that post as well for a How To.
Played a warrior tonight from 1-11 after needing a break from my guardian (plus to possibly lose the muscle memory) and I'm really loving greatsword warrior with a rifle as off-weapon. Amazing. Should've stuck with it from the first, especially since my favourite class in Guild Wars 1 was Warrior.


Swordsman: 15->18 seconds (+3)
Duelist: 15->20 seconds (+5)
Warlock: 18->20 seconds (+2)
Chaos Armor: 40->35 seconds (-5)
Chaos Storm: 30->35 seconds (+5)

As has been mentioned, these times are off.

Swordsman: 20 seconds
Warlock: 18 seconds (didn't get an increase for some reason, wtf)
Duelist: 20 seconds (only one that is correct)

With the sword trait and Illusionist's Celerity (5 points into Illusions) you can reduce the Swordsman to 12 seconds (4 and 4 seconds off), so that's 3 seconds more than it was before the patch. This is the same for the Duelist.


Another Guardian checking in so this is just letting me vent. I know the "reasons" behind the change but whatever.

I could careless about changing the cd on the skills but for me the killer is switching them around. I did CM explore last night and felt like a complete idiot because my usual combo I use I was unable to hit. I have spent 130 hours on this character playing one way and now they decide to change it all around. I saw on the forums the community manager responded to someone asking about rebinding keys and said they would adjust. No shit we will adjust over time, but at the moment it seems pretty fucked up to have a level 80 that is playing like a new character because I am always jumping out of my combo field or using my finisher before I put down the field. Honestly now when I log in and see my guardian I just get pissed and don't even want to play it.

/End Vent

Looks like I may play thief more but for some reason the class is not grabbing me like the guardian did. I may try making an engineer and see how that plays or looking at the balances they are doing it seems like the warrior is the way to go if you want to avoid them screwing with you.


You can start spending glory now cause you'll have accumulated more than enough later on. Plus, any item you get from chests that you don't need can and must be salvaged for Arcane materials, which are needed for pretty much every PvP recipe. Only thing that'll become useless later are those rank tokens that you may get from salvaging (ie. Rabbit token, Deer token, etc.) cause they're only useful for crafting the current rank of gear.

This is a great guide on it:


See the first link in that post as well for a How To.

Awesome. Thanks for the info. Exactly what I was looking for.
Another Guardian checking in so this is just letting me vent. I know the "reasons" behind the change but whatever.

Yep, pretty fucking weak about their reaction too "you'll adjust" is such a fucking sarcastic attitude. I don't care how insignificant this looks to the majority, it really sets a tone for what I thought was a great company with great user feedback.

Yeah, probably overreacting but still, it really irritates me.

Anyway, I might pick up my Warrior who is 16 at the moment like somebody said to "lose the muscle memory" plus they seem to like just fucking with every class except for the Warrior so might as well play their golden child.


I started my Guardian back up again after the change and I can certainly understand people who arn't used to it just yet but it didn't take too much time for me to get used to. After like an hour or two, it clicked again.


Yeah, I'm just bitching like a little girl. Getting it out of the way then I'll go back to enjoying the game.

I am doing the same but for me it is just so hard to get back to the game cause every time I think about it, I get mad. Maybe I will take a break and play some of the other games I have sitting around.


Mesmer changes make me happy that I never put any real time into the class.

The Guardian changes look like somekind of a troll by ArenaNet. Like they want to drive home a point about the "greatness" of uncustomizable skillbars.

ACE 1991

Played a warrior tonight from 1-11 after needing a break from my guardian (plus to possibly lose the muscle memory) and I'm really loving greatsword warrior with a rifle as off-weapon. Amazing. Should've stuck with it from the first, especially since my favourite class in Guild Wars 1 was Warrior.

I love the damage from using a great sword, but the skills are painfully boring IMO.


What races did Warrior-GAF settle on? I'm playing a human female, but the human stories are excruciatingly bad. I might not be able to bare it for much longer.

Only really tried Char besides human, but their story was far better.

What are Sylvari like?


Audίoboxer;42982438 said:
What races did Warrior-GAF settle on? I'm playing a human female, but the human stories are excruciatingly bad. I might not be able to bare it for much longer.

Only really tried Char besides human, but their story was far better.

What are Sylvari like?

asura warrior is the only other option :p


Audίoboxer;42982438 said:
What races did Warrior-GAF settle on? I'm playing a human female, but the human stories are excruciatingly bad. I might not be able to bare it for much longer.

Only really tried Char besides human, but their story was far better.

What are Sylvari like?

Mine warrior alt is a Norn and fits the warrior class pretty good imo.


The Cryptarch's Bane
While I totally understand the frustration with having your skillbar fucked with (and still do and will continue to think it was a bad idea), and definitely understand the need to vent a bit, I have a hard time comprehending the malice toward the company- as if what they really wanted wanted was tot mess with you, to make you have less fun while playing their game. There isn't any reason any company would ever want to do that, even companies that don't really care about their customers (and I do not believe ArenaNet is close to one of these).

They made a change that reordered the cooldown of certain skills over others, so they reordered the skills to reflect this. They were thinking long-term, in that, all two-handed weapons will forever be organized this way (assuming no more or only a couple more changes of this nature for the duration of the game's lifespan). I still think it was a bad idea; I'd have preferred they sacrifice conformity for the sake of continuing to reward muscle memory. However, I also know the decision wasn't made just to be mean or fuck over their players.

I guess put another way: I can understand being really annoyed or even outright angry about this change, but with a wider-view lens I don't think it's a good idea for them to change it back, and the annoying adjustment period for existing guardians will one day be a distant memory. If it's upsetting you enough to actively hamper your enjoyment while playing, I definitively suggest taking a break- you might find that just letting some time pass will make it less annoying when you return.
I am doing the same but for me it is just so hard to get back to the game cause every time I think about it, I get mad. Maybe I will take a break and play some of the other games I have sitting around.
Exactly- I think that's a great idea. There's nothing compelling you to play or keep playing this game and if your enjoyment is lessened, absolutely take a break and cool off. If/when you find yourself saying, "you know what, I really feel like some GW2 again," it might well bother you a whole lot less when you come back as well.

I dunno. I guess my rant on MMO value has put me in sort of a reflective mood this afternoon. I just came across this post on the official forums and it's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about.

So you don't have to click/login:
Nerfing anything that is hard to counter, making anything to easy….
Rly? -15% to pistol whip? OK then let thiefs do damage by looking only… And leaving warrior as is? Sure kids play warriors, let’s make kids happy.
I see Guild wars 2 becoming Kids Wars 2 really fast. WoW became this after giving up to kids demands…
I like this game, please do not let the kid’s demands ruin it..I try to bring my friends in to play with me…..Please do not make me tell them “a warrior is the only choice” when they will ask me which profession to play…

Of all the things in this patch...

First off, Pistol Whip is an amazing skill, and that has very little to do with its damage output. To be more specific, Pistol Whip:
1) Stuns any enemy that lacks defiance (almost anything besides champs and bosses)
2) Interrupts almost any enemy including bosses
3) After the stun, puts you into an almost-invulnerable evade state (not quite a dodge, but still amazing; avoids AOE entirely for one, and completely changes the Subject Alpha fights for a thief) which you can also cancel out of if you whiff
4) Due to the duration of the move, the ability to cancel it, and initiative regen traits, you can chain it to stunlock a huge number of enemies, including some bosses depending on how they react to interrupts
5) Does pretty decent damage

Now sure a 15% damage reduction sucks, but only the fifth point is affected by the change. Yet to this guy on the forums, the change means the game is on the path to becoming WoW...? Or a kids' game? Due to a 15% damage reduction on what remains an incredibly awesome skill? The mind boggles.

More germane, there's this post on guardians, entitled Please Remove Guardian Class from GW2:
Arena Net, if you really hate guardian so much please remove this class completely instead of nerfing us slowly.
We do not have enough HP, if we go to high damage build we will die more frequently than any classes in GW2 when doing dungeon. I don’t really play PvP but only PvE.
So I try a defensive build, the only damage output I have are from Greatsword and Retaliation. But I don’t have much HP, I need to keep healing myself. I can’t do kitten damage like Warriors do to the monsters without dying.
Why? Why you hate guardians? I start to wonder if Blizzard bought you company?
Please, reverse these changes.
He doesn't even mention the key reassignment (o_O)- just the changes to retaliation themselves are enough to make him wonder if Blizzard bought the company.

And in all honesty I'm not even decrying this attitude as wrong! More than anything I just wish I could relate to it, and like I hypothesized in my previous rant, I wonder if it has something to do with never having been willing to pay a monthly fee.

With this game, if you find you aren't enjoying yourself, you can take a deep breath at any time, look over your backlog and take a break to play something else for a few days, weeks, or months. You won't be spending money on the game during that time; you won't be losing value by not playing a certain amount per month.

Anyway, I'm sorry to keep going on like this, the whole reaction to the last patch has just sort of crystallized my attitude toward the game in a way that I hadn't done before.
Mesmer changes make me happy that I never put any real time into the class.
That's valid, but I have to tell you you're kind of missing out. It's an amazing class. On the one hand, these changes didn't even affect my build to any degree. On the other hand, staff mesmers I've spoken to have said that the Chaos Storm nerf doesn't actually feel that crippling in practice, and don't neglect that Chaos Armor actually got buffed in the crossfire.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I hear the circus plotline is bogus. Pity, I was really looking forward to it. I'll have to make up some auxilliary details :p


Oh, pyrandes, hawkian and others, are you guys down for some more HOTW tonight? I need three runs exactly to get the pants. I've decided that's my next piece.
Charr Warrior is awesome BTW, the race really fits the class and the storyline IMO.

@Hawk: my malice toward the company is that it seems like they aren't thinking ahead (which I know they are, I'm pissed, let me vent, lol). Does this mean EVERY weapon that has the CD's arranged through the life of the game are going to be rearranged? In 2 years when/if they add new classes and certain exploits are found and they have to adjust cooldowns they'll just change the way the look on the hotbar?

I'm sorry but it's a stupid, stupid design decision. One of the most idiotic I've seen and if you're reading the posts above you probably saw me saying so on their forums.

I'm ranting and after a day I'll get used to it (if I play my Guard, seems they have it out for this class) but is this how they are going to make design decisions down the road? If so then I can't say I'll want to stick around for that. Nerfs/buffs, you can get used to, but fucking with my UI and keybindings is where I draw the line with an MMO.

Either way, nothing I can do and their 'deal with it' attitude towards the 'dissenters' who hate this change are making me question them as a company.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Charr Warrior is awesome BTW, the race really fits the class and the storyline IMO.

@Hawk: my malice toward the company is that it seems like they aren't thinking ahead (which I know they are, I'm pissed, let me vent, lol). Does this mean EVERY weapon that has the CD's arranged through the life of the game are going to be rearranged? In 2 years when/if they add new classes and certain exploits are found and they have to adjust cooldowns they'll just change the way the look on the hotbar?
Not for nothing, but I bet they would argue that they are entirely thinking ahead (how the class will operate going forward, what retaliation should be used for, how new players will learn the class), and not at all thinking short-term (seasoned players needing to retrain their fingers from a month's worth of muscle memory). The idea is that skills will now and will always be arranged according to cooldown for two handed weapons and that means that the order won't need to be changed again for any class. Of course things won't necessarily work out that way, but that's the idea and I'd be surprised if we saw any more skill rearrangement, especially after this admittedly predictable reaction.

I'm not sure what you meant about new classes or exploits, but I surmise any new classes or new weapon sets for existing classes will continue to be organized this way.

edit: Shit, I actually missed your parenthetical entirely. Vent away lol, ignore me

I'm sorry but it's a stupid, stupid design decision. One of the most idiotic I've seen and if you're reading the posts above you probably saw me saying so on their forums.

I'm ranting and after a day I'll get used to it (if I play my Guard, seems they have it out for this class) but is this how they are going to make design decisions down the road? If so then I can't say I'll want to stick around for that. Nerfs/buffs, you can get used to, but fucking with my UI and keybindings is where I draw the line with an MMO.

Either way, nothing I can do and their 'deal with it' attitude towards the 'dissenters' who hate this change are making me question them as a company.
You'll find I generally agree with you, it was a stupid move made with blinders on. I think they should have just eaten the blow to consistency and kept the bindings the same regardless of what they did to cooldowns.

I haven't seen any of your posts or any responses from the devs on this actually, though I'd like to.

Ash, definitely down for HotW, maybe we can squeeze in an SE run too? Three runs til I get my pistol, put the rest of my Infil set together, and sort of significantly rebuild my thief :D


Ash, definitely down for HotW, maybe we can squeeze in an SE run too? Three runs til I get my pistol, put the rest of my Infil set together, and sort of significantly rebuild my thief :D

Sure man. If we start earlier we can hit that up. Whenever you're ready tonight man. You got my number.


Is it true that you get another panscopic monocle from a char quest? If so it probably makes the back pack the best engineer starter item.
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