I think, Lunar, in your case specifically you're waiting for something to happen but even you don't know what that is. You don't actually know what you're wanting or waiting for because you haven't seen it yet. When you do see it, then you'll be like oh man this is it! Thing is, as you said this will take time...could be after SAB could be 12 months from now, we just don't know. Also, it's well known that ANet doesn't talk about stuff till they're ready and they don't give dates cause that locks them in and if they delay people bitch up a storm. But hey we have PAX on the 31st and there's gonna be multiple things revealed there (Colin said as much to me). So who knows, maybe they'll preview something for the LS that's being worked on that will come out in a couple months that's exactly what you want.
The work they do is very significant, it's just in 2 week increments instead of many months all at once. Big changes have come already and continue to do so, just not all in one go.
Oh, I don't doubt why they do what they do. And in many ways I completely agree with the two week system. My posts are less angry rants and more just weird ponderings. GW2 is a really, really weird game, and Anet is a really really different developer. I'm the kind of guy who tries to break down things, such as why a developer does something, or where or a story is going. It's in my nature, even if it's ultimately meaningless. It's less "god this is awful please stop" and more "all of these things are weird, I wonder why they're happening and where it's heading".
I think the posts are coming more from the fact that I'm getting more questions than answers lately, both from the story and from the development of the game. I'm not used to playing a game where I don't really know what's going to happen to that game. This is not a bad thing, but it's mind bending to someone like myself who has endless curiosity and a constant desire to break things out and define them.