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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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The game literally has insane amounts of rewards now. Any more and it gets ridiculous.

Its already reached that point. The profession rewards are utterly stupid.

Not only is most of that shit, and the shit used to make that shit, account bound, but its also a huge money losing sink.

What happened to professions... making money? Crazy idea I know, but how about letting people sell the shit they make if you make it this stupidly hard and time gated?

Ridonkey kong.

Anet makes so many stupid little mistakes like this along the road.

Also, SAB is just JANKKKKKKKKKK. Its stupid to try and put in this game type with an engine and gameplay completely unsuited to it. Its like sticking Mario in a goddamn final fantasy game. Does not compute. Also way to run something into the ground, most people appear to hate the new SAB. Smart people anyway.

And scarlet isnt dead? Fuck offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff........ More loose ends to go with all the other loose ends that are so loose even hookers think they should stop putting out.

Shes such an awfulfuckingly stupid character. And she will be back? yay. I guess you dont have enough shit out there to keep us busy, we need more comic book shit to go into it all. Dragons? New continents? Other races? A million unended stories in game? Heres one more none of you were clamouring for! Badly written, stupid characters, and awful plot points! Have at it guys! 2 weeks till we move on to something completely different and unconnected cause why not!?

See, its quality not quantity. Blizzard didnt have either. Anet has quantity, but get your shit together mike, give us some decent shit to fill our times with and not this stupid padding that pads the padding from 1 year ago which was padded enough as is.

Hell, this game since launch? Padding, the adventures of stories that go nowhere!

And im actually scared if they do have a 'grand scheme' cause each 'revelation' has been so damn awfulllllll... Consortium? Oh yeah, what? Southsun? Huh? Flame and frost? Uhhhhhh... heres the jokers side kick enjoy!

Stop fucking up shit!

Story progression happens from both sides, keeping players in the dark, and the instory characters make no sense, it just pisses people off. And honestly, I think theyre in the dark as well, at least I hope they are, cause if they planned scarlet for anything more then a 5 minute coffee break, this story and game is going to go to hell pretty quick.

Why cant we have an iota of an idea of whats happening? Why is 99% of all the stuff I read on reddit speculating on 'whats happening' more interesting then what happens? WHY ARE YOU PAYING PEOPLE TO VOMIT WORDS RANDOMLY IN WORD!? JUST GET MONKEYS!

I swear to god its like mmo devs were designed to just piss me off with all their dumb ass choices constantly being made over sensible ones......

Theyre still stuck in the time sink mentality. And even the story is bogged down in that dreadful mud hole that not even light can escape from. /played is not good game design.


My IGN is Ketto.

The new lab area that they added with the SAB patch has an NPC named Ketto.


Right. I'm still slightly confused by the ascended crafting ritual - that's mostly because I read the guides and my eyes glaze over. The only time-gated bits are the ectoplasms ("Glob of Elder Spirit Residue", "Lump of Mithrillium"), right?

I got to 450 artifice last night (I'm going to do my Necro's staff, scepter, focus in that order because she's my "best" WvW character), and made yesterday's one of each of the refined ectoplasms. I believe all I have to do now is make those at a rate of one of each a day now, right? I can do the other bits when I construct the weapon at the end?

In other news, I am loving doing my new Norn warrior. Currently my goal is to use weapons I didn't use much at all on my Sylvari one, so I'm going with longbow, axe mainhand with either horn or sword offhand to start with.

Did the jumping puzzle with the pirate vendor with her in LA so that I could get the pirate skins to transmute onto her level 5 weapons :)

I have a pile of the level 20 scroll things, but don't really want to use them - leveling is part of the fun!


This month, I did the monthly quest on the first day (Scarlet made champs/events/group events easy, WvWvW kills are always easy). When I logged in yesterday, two of the monthly things had been reset, and the ensuing champ bag opening/salvaging party meant that I easily got the 500 salvages for the new monthly in the first half hour or so, and of course daily completion will fill up naturally (currently 3/4). Apparently this means I'm one of the "lucky" few who gets to do the monthly again for a second reward (luck thingy, karma). ArenaNet are apparently not going to fix this because:

Regina Buenaobra said:
After investigation by our programmers, they have determined that the fix to this issue would be too risky and could end up making the situation worse than it is. Unfortunately, this means that we’re not able to make changes to correct the issue. We’re sorry about this and we will be implementing ways to ensure this doesn’t happen in the future.

The forum thread is a thing of whining mastery: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/for...nthly-Achievement-Rollback/page/2#post2764214

Apparently, according to some "taking advantage" of this is "exploiting". Come on. It's not like the people who got the monthly done in the first few days could know in advance that they would reset. And monthlies are trivial to complete within the time (a month of normal play easily completes them, usually it takes me four days). What am I supposed to do? Not play for a month so that you don't feel like you've missed out on ten laurels?

As someone who does (highly specialised) tech support as a living, this is an excellent study on why too much communication with certain types of customer is a disaster. Very early on in the thread, Regina posted this:

Regina Buenaobra said:
This is definitely not intended. Thanks for the reports, all. The team is aware of this problem and they are working to resolve it.


Is interpreted by certain members of the customer base as a promise:

Windu The Forbidden One.6045 said:
Not to mention we were promised that it would be fixed, only to get slabbed in the face.

Because of a mistake they made, many people got screwed over while other people get double rewards this month. And they won’t do anything to remedy this bad situation, this is completely unacceptable and yet we can do nothing but accept it because they are the devs.


The lesson here is that the "we're working on it" response is not suitable. We send those messages because we are trying to be helpful and we want to reassure the customer that we are working on their issue. It's not a promise of a resolution. Perhaps Regina should have hedged her statement even more into complete meaninglessness? No wonder support staff never update people when things are going wrong.

And the tone is ridiculous. It's a few points in an online game, and people are seriously comparing it to mistakes in medical software.

Some people.


got crafting to 450 easily enough. made some gold off it since i had all the mats and just sold whatever i could that i made.


So MegaDestroyer does not have Dragonite Ore in its big chest.
No Dragonie Ore, no bonus chest... This guy can rot in the lava!
So MegaDestroyer does not have Dragonite Ore in its big chest.
No Dragonie Ore, no bonus chest... This guy can rot in the lava!
I really do not know why they won't update him to world boss. More fun to fight than the golem. The only thing I could think of is that they do not want two world bosses in one zone.


I really do not know why they won't update him to world boss. More fun to fight than the golem. The only thing I could think of is that they do not want two world bosses in one zone.

It really makes no sense... Especially since it requires more effort and some coordination to get MegaDestroyer pop compared to Golem.


Although I see people talking about it every so often in guild chat I am wondering... how often do people usually run Arah, if at all? I have never been there before but I really like the armor so I would like to start running it and try to get a few pieces... which paths are 'easiest' or take the shortest amount of time in order to effectively run it? I don't have much time per day to play so at most I would be doing like 1 path a day...


So we should run karka queen more often, right? The rewards were crazy and a bunch of people flocked in when they saw we were there, so we probably don't need the 70some that were on last night. On the other hand I imagine she'll just go down more regularly anyway with the new rewards.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You guys end up finishing the Temple of Balthazar yesterday?
Haha, unfortunately not. Both Central and Southern chains failed really close to done :-( Bunch of SBI randoms ran in at that point and we started with just one reinforcement, made it to the base of the temple but then failed. We did wind up doing Melandru and Lyssa after that though. Yesterday I did fire ele, an invasion, SE1, our karka queen slaughter, temples, and then god knows how long facesmashing in Tribulation mode 1-1... barely stopped to breathe, but got a bunch of gold and a pile of new mats without trying. I think I'm gonna focus on just making profit from the disequilibrium while everything is crazy and then focus on my own crafting when things calm down a bit. By that point I'll probably have close to all the mats I need to collect just from playing.
So MegaDestroyer does not have Dragonite Ore in its big chest.
No Dragonie Ore, no bonus chest... This guy can rot in the lava!
Don't get me started :( One of my favorite events and he was never even made a daily bonus. At least he drops a champion box now... used to be a couple of whites was all I'd walk out with.
So we should run karka queen more often, right? The rewards were crazy and a bunch of people flocked in when they saw we were there, so we probably don't need the 70some that were on last night. On the other hand I imagine she'll just go down more regularly anyway with the new rewards.
I thought the rewards were pretty convincing too. Once the 4 settlements are held, the event pops on the timers so SBI began to show up. I guess a group of 10-15 can get it into an attempt state and make a try for it with whoever shows up.

We can try to just call for it like an Orr temple in guild chat now (rewards are daily) and see how it goes I guess. Maybe we should have a scheduled one once a week though... or any time we have to hit Southsun for a Rush or Challenge :O
Although I see people talking about it every so often in guild chat I am wondering... how often do people usually run Arah, if at all? I have never been there before but I really like the armor so I would like to start running it and try to get a few pieces... which paths are 'easiest' or take the shortest amount of time in order to effectively run it? I don't have much time per day to play so at most I would be doing like 1 path a day...
You want path 3 but you got to run it with some Arah veterans who will show you all the shortcuts. Veterans of Arah on our guild are Adriaaa and Sophrelia.

Path 3 can be quick if the running parts are done right and if you get Lupicus on first try. Anytime those go bad it could add 30minutes to your run.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Although I see people talking about it every so often in guild chat I am wondering... how often do people usually run Arah, if at all? I have never been there before but I really like the armor so I would like to start running it and try to get a few pieces... which paths are 'easiest' or take the shortest amount of time in order to effectively run it? I don't have much time per day to play so at most I would be doing like 1 path a day...
Get good at Path 3 and it's perfect for a daily run. Not very time-consuming with a good group at all. 2 isn't as popular but I think it's pretty awesome. 1 and 4 are very tough and long.

It's run fairly often though admittedly I've frequently joined a group with Adriaaa and Sophreila that remained the 3 of us until we went to bed. :p


Sounds good. I'll keep an eye out next time you guys are looking for more people to run Arah P3... as long as you don't mind a noob tagging along :p


I think I'm gonna focus on just making profit from the disequilibrium while everything is crazy and then focus on my own crafting when things calm down a bit. By that point I'll probably have close to all the mats I need to collect just from playing.

I think I'll steal this idea, bought a bunch of mats for ~20G and got to 437ish, all I want is a dagger for my main - it can wait. If I do an ori run on each of my eighties every now and then I should be able to get the mats soon enough without bankrupting myself.
I think I'll steal this idea, bought a bunch of mats for ~20G and got to 437ish, all I want is a dagger for my main - it can wait. If I do an ori run on each of my eighties every now and then I should be able to get the mats soon enough without bankrupting myself.

Better make it a full Ori/Ancient Wood run. I've been banking mats for a long time and have plenty of Ori but not enough Ancient Wood for the dowels.

Also, pretty annoyed that since I don't have a Huntsmen profession leveled, I either have to level that to 500 or hope to get a drop in order to get my Shortbow. ;/


I sold off all my excess high value mats today. Not a lot of wood unfortunately but plenty of metal. So I have some compromise between making money and getting my own crafting up.

Considered just selling the tp-able ascended mats as I make them but unsure I want to..maybe


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just played around on spidy a bit, holy hell I gotta go for a combination of crafting and trade profit myself. The tradable mats are a gold mine for the moment...
I got a question for guys who use DarkD3 or SweetFX injector. Whenever I use either of them and want to take screenshots so I can compare, it always takes a screenshot of the default look of Guild Wars 2, even when DarkD3 or SweetFX is enabled on my screen. Do I need to use a separate screenshot taking program or do I have to enable something in either of those to be able to take a screenshot with them enabled?


The Cryptarch's Bane
SweetFX itself can take pretty good screenshots. It should be saving them in whatever directory your sweetfx files are in. I think printscreen is the default..


Sonic handles my blue balls
Just played around on spidy a bit, holy hell I gotta go for a combination of crafting and trade profit myself. The tradable mats are a gold mine for the moment...

I'm completely uninterested in ascended crafting and have not looked into any of it.

Am I missing out on that much money?!


I was able to make a profit upcoverrting a bunch of mithril (since Crystalline dust is still cheap), otherwise sell ancient/ori anything if you don't care to craft. You could probably upconvert elder too but I had like 12 stacks of mithril and 2 of elder. Just make sure the relative prices haven't equilibrated,,,
I'm level 74 right now and it is very tedious to get from 70-80. From what I'm seeing so far there's only 2 lvl 70-80 areas and one of them is all point of interests and waypoint discoveries, and the other one is so weird with all the caves and water that it's hard finding quests within the lvl 74 range.

In a little while I should be lvl80 finally, but I guess my friend wasn't lying about going from 70-80 being weird.


You don't have to restrict yourself to the designated 70-80 zones. Literally any zone in the game will give you XP, even if you are scaled down. Not to mention dungeons and WvW. And crafting, if you have the means.
I'm level 74 right now and it is very tedious to get from 70-80. From what I'm seeing so far there's only 2 lvl 70-80 areas and one of them is all point of interests and waypoint discoveries, and the other one is so weird with all the caves and water that it's hard finding quests within the lvl 74 range.

In a little while I should be lvl80 finally, but I guess my friend wasn't lying about going from 70-80 being weird.

Do stuff like dungeons, personal story, finish off crafting levels, wub wub, etc. It will go quickly.


I'm level 74 right now and it is very tedious to get from 70-80. From what I'm seeing so far there's only 2 lvl 70-80 areas and one of them is all point of interests and waypoint discoveries, and the other one is so weird with all the caves and water that it's hard finding quests within the lvl 74 range.

In a little while I should be lvl80 finally, but I guess my friend wasn't lying about going from 70-80 being weird.

To be honest I got much better XP burning through lower level zones I hadn't completed during my 70-80 trip. You can swing back around to Frostgorge and Orr later to pick up WPs and world completion, but it's by no means necessary to do so now.


Looks like there might be more to SAB than just the min-game aspect. There might actually be some story in it.


I'll wait for the Woodenpotatoes video. No need to actually play it, because I do not like it.

We'll just have to start an anti-SAB dungeon train or something for those of us with finer tastes in interactive entertainment.

I'm level 74 right now and it is very tedious to get from 70-80. From what I'm seeing so far there's only 2 lvl 70-80 areas and one of them is all point of interests and waypoint discoveries, and the other one is so weird with all the caves and water that it's hard finding quests within the lvl 74 range.

In a little while I should be lvl80 finally, but I guess my friend wasn't lying about going from 70-80 being weird.

Zone completion is the worst way to level up, especially in higher levels. You're much better off doing events like invasions, running dungeons, going into fractals, and generally staying with groups. It's still something that's poorly communicated to players that are just so used to clearing out zones in a methodical fashion from previous MMO's. Back when I hit 70, Orr was a big event chain zerg, and I just hung around with that and knocked out all 10 levels in a day's time. Now, Scarlet's invasions are an excellent way to level up, although it's on a lower frequency.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm level 74 right now and it is very tedious to get from 70-80. From what I'm seeing so far there's only 2 lvl 70-80 areas and one of them is all point of interests and waypoint discoveries, and the other one is so weird with all the caves and water that it's hard finding quests within the lvl 74 range.

In a little while I should be lvl80 finally, but I guess my friend wasn't lying about going from 70-80 being weird.
*blink* Hmmm. Your friend may have not been lying but he's a little on the wrong side!

1) If you want to level in the open world, you don't have to limit yourself to the 70-80 zones (which there are actually 5 of, and that's if you don't count Mount Maelstrom and Fireheart Rise which are 65-70). Any zone you haven't been to before will be just fine in terms of XP. You don't have to be doing stuff "at your level"- in either direction if you're confident enough with your class. Remember you want events over anything else- the map completion stuff isn't where the real value is.
2) The daily world bosses, even in the newbie zones, are great XP, and a Scarlet invasion win or lose will basically get you a full level regardless of zone.
3) Any dungeon run will get you almost a full level.
4) Depending on your resources and stockpile you could easily craft yourself to 80.
5) You might have amassed an experience booster or two, been using those? Also most food gives you +10% experience if you want to max it all out.

For all of my characters so far 70-80 came the quickest of any level range. Doing the easy dungeon paths would be my primary recommendation.


Anyone experimented with the new Superior Traveler Runes? Specifically as a Guardian, the +25% movement speed bonus seems so nice but I'm not sure if it is viable giving up my 6x Soldier runes.


To my knowledge, it's not that valuable if you can keep swiftness up, which overrides it. I guess if you don't go staff often..


To my knowledge, it's not that valuable if you can keep swiftness up, which overrides it. I guess if you don't go staff often..

My second hand is almost always a staff and when I'm doing certain things (such as champion farming) I cast the symbol as often as I can while running... but there is swiftness downtime (unless I suppose I am popping shouts as well, but again, downtime) so i thought +25% speed all the time would be nice... as long as it doesn't make my entire build completely useless


interesting, are those still available? pretty sure i have some toons since launch.

You should get one from the Massive Achievement Chests awarded every 5,000 achievement points or in the mail as part of a character's birthday gift - just log in to each character and see if one arrives. You can use the /age command to check how old each one is as well.


So how long before I can buy an ascended weapon off the TP? Because that's all I really care about.

I will not be crafting and messing around with materials if at all possible. Aint nobody got time for that.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Aha... so apparently, the Empyreal Fragments you can find in daily locations including Dungeons, Fractals, JPs, Minidungeons, wvw camps and towers, are once per day per level 80 character and not account. Meaning you can do the same JP, or dungeon or whatever, on the same day on a level 80 alt, which should considerably cut down on the time to acquire the 500 needed for an ascended piece. Non-80 characters do not seem to receive any fragments from this content at all.
So how long before I can buy an ascended weapon off the TP? Because that's all I really care about.

I will not be crafting and messing around with materials if at all possible. Aint nobody got time for that.
Who knows, maybe never. I'd definitely bet on other methods besides crafting and random drops being added though just like more multiple methods were added for each type of trinket.
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