I think I agree with almost all of that Levyne, and I too can even see what people mean about the "graduation" to WvW, even if players are all very different and will wind up spending time where they have the most fun. Compared to PvE, the effort and consequences- what's at stake- are greater in WvW and the feeling of overcoming poor odds against actual human beings is exhilarating. At the same time, depending on the mood I'm in, following a commander in a huge zerg can be just as unengaging to me as the easiest PvE content. Sometimes I really like the feeling of being a tiny part of a massive army, but other times the idea that things would be going exactly the same way whether I was there or not just makes me get bored.
Truly, it's all what you make of it. Like you, I gravitate toward PvE content that is more active, challenging, or able to be handicapped- Guild Challenges with <15 people are a great example. All of those successes and even the failures have been fun for me under those conditions (okay, maybe not Save Our Supplies). I love doing Zho'Qafa in a small, group, though it's hard to get people to come with me
To tie it back to WvW, obviously in the same vein I prefer havoc or small-scale tower capture and defense to being where the most people are- really psyched for the BL changes personally.
The tougher large-scale PvE stuff is great too. I've had a lot of fun hunting down the Karka Queen (even if missing a stupid waypoint meant I didn't make it to her last time :'(). Sad I missed the last couple of times Ash ran Balthazar, cause it's satisfying to beat as well. Thinking it over now, it's been quite a while since I've done Grenth and now I really feel like trying it again. Really looking forward to Teq being at the top of this list.
Meanwhile the "pinata" world events never really attract me anymore. I haven't seen the Shatterer in months, nor Ulgoth. Maw, Wurm, SB, I've done maybe once or twice a week. Commi I'll do if he's up before or after an SE run. There's just so little there other than push button, receive prize and while I very much don't
mind that kind of stuff being in the game for the people who dig it, it's not compelling over the other ways to spend my time. Cautiously optimistic to see what's in store for the lot of them come Tuesday.
I will say that I do love the invasions, but likely because I always try to stay engaged and forget about the champ bags, and just do whatever I can to help the server win. I consider the scaling tech during them to be really impressive, and you can really start to understand the impact you can make as a single player or small group. Of course it isn't as "rewarding" (read: lucrative), and the conflict with Aetherblade farming does bother me. Nice that at least some further step will be taken about it on Tuesday.
The variety of stuff there has been to do at any moment even outside of the world bosses just really works for me. I loved the gauntlet, absolutely everything about the Bazaar and Labyrinthine Cliffs, love soloing random champs or going hunting with the guild, enjoy a majority of the dungeon paths in the game, I like all 4 activities (though I am beginning to understand that I suck at Sanctum Sprint... where's my Aspect Arena at?!), love most guild missions, obviously love SAB, and so on and so on, and enjoy both WvW and PvP. I'd change a lot of the extrinsic rewards for them, but I find the concept I'm starting to get preemptively pumped for the next dungeon revamp, too.. even if nobody ever wants to do Kholer or Colossus Rumblue legit with me
Bah, I rambled.
let's do megadestroyer with the guild on tuesday