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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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The Cryptarch's Bane
I ate a bunch of ectos yesterday actually. Om nom nom.

Sounds like it was fun on EB yesterday. I love defense. And I hear you on communicating more with the community, it really is what you make of it. Now that I think about it I don't think I ever went into EB this week, was just hanging out on the borderlands. Granted I realllllly hate queues so I might've saved myself some annoyance. Wonder who we'll get tonight.

edit: Man I really kind of feel like those patch notes are totally fake. Just feels like Sacrx trolling to me. Hope I'm wrong.


Yeah, I don't do bosses unless I've got nothing better to do. Which this week, WvW was pretty boring so I actually did Maw, FE, Golem, and a few others for the first time in over a month.

I kind of like the way the karka queen is setup. You actually need people that work together to accomplish things in order to gain the reward (which is where the invasions are greatly flawed). Not just show up and zerg spam 1. The improved drops have certainly helped the interest in helping anytime GAF decides to do it.
If they do that to all the bosses (as unlikely as it is), there just needs to be a balance between farming champs or world bosses. Need to make the bosses worthwhile doing over champ farming. I know I stopped doing Jormag long before I stopped doing world bosses because the fight was boring, long, and my RNG luck on that one rarely got me more than 1 crappy rare. I could do Maw and FE in a fraction of the time and normally would get 2-3 rares each one.
And with the improved drops for Taco while increasing the difficulty, they seem to realize this.


Warrior healing shout buffs essentially confirmed. *squeal

The dev post also confirms ele staff and conjure buffs, as well as expounds on ranger buffs I didn't see in the leaked patch notes. Sic 'Em will now reveal stealthed players, and several pet support abilities will be buffed (i.e. moas). Looks like both my alts will make a comeback.

Edit: We have to wait until Oct. 15? *bawls


Guardian meditations are now instant. Huh, bout time. Still don't know if I should even look at them.

edit: Man I really kind of feel like those patch notes are totally fake. Just feels like Sacrx trolling to me. Hope I'm wrong.

Given that this post from Jonathan says so much more than those notes did, those notes were either trolling or taken from an incomplete list

EDIT: "Some of these may not make it in for that release" Ah. Those notes were probably correct then.


Warrior healing shout buffs essentially confirmed. *squeal

The dev post also confirms ele staff and conjure buffs, as well as expounds on ranger buffs I didn't see in the leaked patch notes. Sic 'Em will now reveal stealthed players, and several pet support abilities will be buffed (i.e. moas). Looks like both my alts will make a comeback.

Edit: We have to wait until Oct. 15? *bawls



So here's my input on the whole Sacrx thing.

He's angry and looking for someone to blame. He saw issues with WvW coming and those are the issues that people actually have complained the loudest about throughout the first year of the game, presumably without his input. Stuff like skill lag (too many people in one map), server loyalty (if you don't handle transfers well then everyone is going to try and transfer to a super server), and even queue problems (if you have guesting anyway, make more servers for people to choose their WvW "faction").

He rants and in my mind he unfairly blames any and everyone who put their hands into trying to make PvP the best it could be, to what he feels is the expense of both PvP and WvW modes of the game. But he makes a few valid points.

I mean, people have always wanted WvW to be a bigger deal in this game. I was hoping that at the very least for it to be like the Hall of Heroes in GW1, where having control of key structures or being the team leading in points or points per tick would open up a dungeon or some other major reward for the PvE folks.

But ANet went with the route of trying to keep all three modes separate. Unfortunately we weren't even at that point at launch considering the reward structures in WvW that took months to turn around.

PvP also had problems considering that they wanted us to pay money for tournament tickets before they even had private servers and spectator mode out the door, which also took months.

I mean, I get it. There were server problems. And on top of that they went on a valiant crusade against culling and related back end problems, especially after the Lost Shores event put it in everyone's face. Then came the Living Story team transitions, and after that the work for the China launch came in.

But it doesn't change the fact that a year after launch, I've become a total cynic to any and everything that isn't PvE content.

PvP launched way too early. Back end problems that were never prioritized enough before launch (and if they weren't known then it means they weren't properly tested for) ended up taking many of the early months of the game that should have been used to finish up private servers. Solo queue at least came as promptly as possible but I wish it was there sooner as a replacement for GW1's random arenas.

WvW launched without enough care. You could barely get anything out of the game mode reward wise. I'm talking about rewards for winning, rewards for fighting, rewards for defending, rewards even in the form of achievement points. This mode oh so desperately needed a LFG tool instead of leaving it all on commander tags. And commander tags are to this day in need of more functionality beyond "group up here!"

Finally, the number one thing they could have done for both modes is add content as frequently as they are for the Living Story. The LS is a tool that constantly keeps people watching the PvE content, but we don't really have that same fervor for PvP and WvW. For PvP this would have meant more frequent map additions, more armor and weapon skins (I have no idea why there is no glory-only method to gain even half the skins added through the LS), and even more game modes (even if it's just adding PvP activities like Sanctum Sprint and Snowball Fight to only be accessed from the Mists in a rotation). WvW needed it's own array of skins beyond the Invader and Crafted sets, more map diversity instead of three mirrored borderland maps (if you're going to make EB asymmetrical...), and more things to do in the downtime based on how well your server is doing (basically, more cordoned off dungeon-like areas similar to the EB jumping puzzle, and at least one for each borderland).

At the very least, if players at the top of your game are leaving as a direct response to certain decisions, I can't help but think that where there's smoke there's fire.

If they all just believed in what we thought GW2 was going to be, rather than what they missed the developers saying GW2 was becoming, then yes it was their fault. But then those players can't do much for their happiness other than leave the game.

On another note, I never ranted about this on GAF, but I'm of the opinion that WvW abilities are the same as Ascended tier, i.e. vertical progression that probably never should have existed. Ascended just grinds my gears more.

Edit: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/October-15th-balance-skills-updates-preview/first

I feel like it's some what of a PR move to get in front of the fact that PvP balance won't change for another month. Still nice to have though.


Sick ‘Em will now apply ‘Revealed” to enemies they target. We want to introduce some counter play to Stealth (players have asked for that for a while), so we thought a pet “catching your scent” might be a cool way to insinuate some anti-stealth into the game.

Thieves get fucked





I feel like it's some what of a PR move to get in front of the fact that PvP balance won't change for another month. Still nice to have though.

Of course it's a PR move, PR is Anet's strongest skill.

But seriously, haven't we covered this ground already? As someone who plays sPvP and WvW almost exclusively, I don't dispute any of the commonly cited flaws. But we really have no recourse but to sit back and wait for them to be slowly ironed out.

The complaints I don't understand however are the demands for "rewards," which seem to miss the fundamental point of PvP- the thrill of victory itself. If you don't love the game for its own sake, you won't continue to play no matter the shiny digital trinkets offered (or if the trinkets are too great, it will corrupt PvP a la the Badges of Jumping era). If you do love the game itself, you will continue to play it for years without any reward greater than pride in your own progress and skill (hint: there isn't one).


Bought myself a new 39" TV to replace the 26" one I used for years in my room.
Now trying out the gamepad mode for GW2. This is tricky, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
welp, those leaked notes looked real enough now.
Yep, just for October 15th. Lots of high-level stuff I liked plus many tasty buffs. Psyched for real but hype momentum back to zero 'cause it's actually all a month away. Kind of a wash but better than them not being real!
Bought myself a new 39" TV to replace the 26" one I used for years in my room.
Now trying out the gamepad mode for GW2. This is tricky, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.
Remind me, you're on Win8 right? We need to verify that the script is working...
Better fast cast ground targeting:
We split this into 3 different options; so that players can more easily cater how ground targeting works for them.
Double tap to cast
Press the button to cast
Release the button to cast
Interesting. Wonder if any of this would be relevant to us gamepad users. "Double tap to cast" is essentially exactly how our solution works already, but would this be just taking away the AoE indicator?
Also, pistol main hand may see one of its skills reworked to better support allies.
Whaaa the pistol attacks are all perfect. I don't want to support allies with my pistol mayne -_-


Yeah, my laptop runs Windows 8. Everything seems to be working fine.

Running SAB World 1 with it.

Edit: Okay figuring out how to kill the Toad King was annoying, lol. Didn't realize I need to pan the camera up.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah, my laptop runs Windows 8. Everything seems to be working fine.

Running SAB World 1 with it.

Edit: Okay figuring out how to kill the Toad King was annoying, lol. Didn't realize I need to pan the camera up.
Well you don't if you have him targeted. You might not be used to how tab targeting with the stick works yet, though.

When you press the back button once, does your cursor reset to the top/center of the screen and then disappear?


QOL all up in this mofucka

Trait tooltips

Traits will now have tooltips in the same way that skills do. This means that you’ll be able to see EXACTLY how long an effect lasts, what its cooldown is, etc. We want this system to be as transparent as possible for our players, so that they can make the best decisions when creating their profession builds.

Skill tooltips as they pertain to traits

As traits impact a skill, we’ve also made it so that as skills are impacted by a trait, the skill’s tooltips adjust accordingly. Again, we want players to be able to see these details in their builds, so that they can build their characters exactly the way they want! We’ll be using different colors to show this so that it’s easier for players to see!


Well you don't if you have him targeted. You might not be used to how tab targeting with the stick works yet, though.

When you press the back button once, does your cursor reset to the top/center of the screen and then disappear?

No, it remains in the place it was last at, then disappears.

And you're correct, I'm not used to the targeting control yet.


The Cryptarch's Bane
No, it remains in the place it was last at, then disappears.
That means the AHK script is not working. :'(

Aiming AOEs is so, soooo much more natural and awesome with it. I wish I knew what to do...

Hmmm my mom just got a Win8 hybrid. Wonder if I can borrow it for a couple days to test some stuff.
And you're correct, I'm not used to the targeting control yet.
It becomes second-nature quite quickly. I suggest just going to the training dummies in LA or the golems in the mists and you have it down in a couple of minutes.


So, which server is everyone playing at?
I feel that every time I come back, I find my server a little bit more empty.

I'm at Gunnars Hold, and I'm European. Should I just jump to Stormbluff even though it's NA?


The Cryptarch's Bane
So, which server is everyone playing at?
I feel that every time I come back, I find my server a little bit more empty.

I'm at Gunnars Hold, and I'm European. Should I just jump to Stormbluff even though it's NA?
If you can afford it, why yes yes you should.

post a character or account name for a guild invite!


If you can afford it, why yes yes you should.

post a character or account name for a guild invite!

Felix Aurius.
I'm going to check the prices. I want to come back to Guild Wars on a regular schedule, but playing alone demotivates me. My Guild to whom I played with until December simply stopped...


Of course it's a PR move, PR is Anet's strongest skill.

But seriously, haven't we covered this ground already? As someone who plays sPvP and WvW almost exclusively, I don't dispute any of the commonly cited flaws. But we really have no recourse but to sit back and wait for them to be slowly ironed out.

The complaints I don't understand however are the demands for "rewards," which seem to miss the fundamental point of PvP- the thrill of victory itself. If you don't love the game for its own sake, you won't continue to play no matter the shiny digital trinkets offered (or if the trinkets are too great, it will corrupt PvP a la the Badges of Jumping era). If you do love the game itself, you will continue to play it for years without any reward greater than pride in your own progress and skill (hint: there isn't one).

Well, the issue comes from the fact that the modes don't feel rewarding enough intrinsically, so people start looking for extrinsic rewards to fill the gap, no?

Skins are just a nice perk that should be had. More content such as new maps, new objectives, new systems for both WvW and PvP would do a much better job. We just aren't seeing enough of that, and often the reason cited is "too much work with not enough time."


The Cryptarch's Bane
Felix Aurius.
I'm going to check the prices. I want to come back to Guild Wars on a regular schedule, but playing alone demotivates me. My Guild to whom I played with until December simply stopped...
If you can't afford it, we have a fund, but it was just used so it will take a little while for collections again.



Bastards. Had to quit in the end.

I hate tribulation mode more than w2z2.

Not even giving me clues about traps (falling through ground, really?!?) and simply relying on trial and error makes me lose interest real quick. I'm not going to brute force my way through something. That isn't fun.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Well, the issue comes from the fact that the modes don't feel rewarding enough intrinsically, so people start looking for extrinsic rewards to fill the gap, no?

Skins are just a nice perk that should be had. More content such as new maps, new objectives, new systems for both WvW and PvP would do a much better job. We just aren't seeing enough of that, and often the reason cited is "too much work with not enough time."
Isn't intrinsic reward pretty subjective?

I think Moondrop's point was pretty cogent. If you aren't deriving enjoyment from it in and of itself, then increasing the extrinsic rewards to "fill the gap" is just another problem, not a solution.
I hate tribulation mode more than w2z2.

Not even giving me clues about traps (falling through ground, really?!?) and simply relying on trial and error makes me lose interest real quick. I'm not going to brute force my way through something. That isn't fun.
for you ;)
Isn't intrinsic reward pretty subjective?

I played Soul Calibur in the arcades for about 10 years. No unlocks, no skins, no progression other than personal skill...

How DID gamers ever bother to play games before cheevos, progression unlocks and perks? :p

(Side rant about how modern gaming is less about playing a game, and more about being habitually rewarded for the most inconsequential of actions, or just for even showing up).

leng jai

I played Soul Calibur in the arcades for about 10 years. No unlocks, no skins, no progression other than personal skill...

How DID gamers ever bother to play games before cheevos, progression unlocks and perks? :p

(Side rant about how modern gaming is less about playing a game, and more about being habitually rewarded for the most inconsequential of actions, or just for even showing up).

MMO's are different though. The biggest point of the genre is permanent progression for most people.
MMO's are different though. The biggest point of the genre is permanent progression for most people.

I was talking about sPvP, which I don't think needs any progression at all beyond the glory rankups, to be honest. But bear in mind, I see the sPvP in the same way I see Tekken or Street Fighter or Unreal Tournament. The fact that everyone has access to all gear, instant max level, makes it a 'fighter' for me. Not an MMO.

As for progression being the "biggest point" for most people, I feel kind of sorry for them. For me an MMO is a place to be, content to experience. Progression is kind of a side-effect and benefit. I worry about people who focus only on the carrot.

If you want progression, FFXIV is amazing - the sheer amount of stuff you can level there, a million crafting jobs, a billion professions, so much gear loot token grind it makes GW2 look like a candy story handing out free candy.

I forgot how bad most MMOS were, designed to keep you playing as long as possible, keeping things out of your reach, slowing you down as much as they can without making you quit, to force you to pay for another month of sub. Guild Wars 2 has almost nothing in common with the traditional MMO makeup, and thank heavens for that.


I played Soul Calibur in the arcades for about 10 years. No unlocks, no skins, no progression other than personal skill...

How DID gamers ever bother to play games before cheevos, progression unlocks and perks? :p

(Side rant about how modern gaming is less about playing a game, and more about being habitually rewarded for the most inconsequential of actions, or just for even showing up).

I was talking about sPvP, which I don't think needs any progression at all beyond the glory rankups, to be honest. But bear in mind, I see the sPvP in the same way I see Tekken or Street Fighter or Unreal Tournament. The fact that everyone has access to all gear, instant max level, makes it a 'fighter' for me. Not an MMO.

As for progression being the "biggest point" for most people, I feel kind of sorry for them. For me an MMO is a place to be, content to experience. Progression is kind of a side-effect and benefit. I worry about people who focus only on the carrot.

If you want progression, FFXIV is amazing - the sheer amount of stuff you can level there, a million crafting jobs, a billion professions, so much gear loot token grind it makes GW2 look like a candy story handing out free candy.

I forgot how bad most MMOS were, designed to keep you playing as long as possible, keeping things out of your reach, slowing you down as much as they can without making you quit, to force you to pay for another month of sub. Guild Wars 2 has almost nothing in common with the traditional MMO makeup, and thank heavens for that.

You..I like you. Yeah I played CS 1.5/1.6 for over 2 years straight with absolutely no reward systems of any kind. My "reward" was that I could see I was getting better. You're absolutely right that sub based MMOs are all designed to keep you playing for as long as possible and by extension paying money.

leng jai

I too played the likes of CS 1.6/Source, Virtua Tennis and BF2 for years without any real progression beside the fact that I was getting better. To me when I play a MMO it's all about investing in your character within a persistent world.
I too played the likes of CS 1.6/Source, Virtua Tennis and BF2 for years without any real progression beside the fact that I was getting better. To me when I play a MMO it's all about investing in your character within a persistent world.

Nothing is stopping you from doing that. But sPvP isn't PvE.

leng jai

Nothing is stopping you from doing that. But sPvP isn't PvE.

It's still sPVP within an MMO so the same expectations come with it. I actually think the worst thing about sPVP is that you don't share gear with skins with your PVE toon. Feels like a completely different game to be honest.
It's still sPVP within an MMO so the same expectations come with it. I actually think the worst thing about sPVP is that you don't share gear with skins with your PVE toon. Feels like a completely different game to be honest.

It's the one thing I'm glad they kept from GW1 - keeping the PvP separate, almost like a separate game. Nothing ruins PvP in an MMO more, than it being tied to the PvE - like in WoW. It becomes unbalanced, people pay to win, skill means nothing vs grinding for gear.


It's the one thing I'm glad they kept from GW1 - keeping the PvP separate, almost like a separate game. Nothing ruins PvP in an MMO more, than it being tied to the PvE - like in WoW. It becomes unbalanced, people pay to win, skill means nothing vs grinding for gear.

Yep, someone could be the best player in the world just starting out but then they stop playing cause Timmy spends 15 hours a day grinding gear so his math is better than the guy just starting. Stat grinding has no place in a competitive PvP environment.

leng jai

It's the one thing I'm glad they kept from GW1 - keeping the PvP separate, almost like a separate game. Nothing ruins PvP in an MMO more, than it being tied to the PvE - like in WoW. It becomes unbalanced, people pay to win, skill means nothing vs grinding for gear.

I'm more referring to the aesthetics really.
Would still be nice to get some gold per spvp rank.
Something like 2g for 1-9, 5g for 10-19, 10g for 20-29, etc.

You wouldn't feel like a PVE poor scrub if you jumped back to it.


Isn't intrinsic reward pretty subjective?

I think Moondrop's point was pretty cogent. If you aren't deriving enjoyment from it in and of itself, then increasing the extrinsic rewards to "fill the gap" is just another problem, not a solution

That was exactly the point I was making. The game doesn't feel intrinsically rewarding enough, which is the problem. The solution, other than leaving for another game, is to put out new maps and new modes until you find something that sticks.

Just like when people come here and say they can't stop playing Sanctum Sprint or whatever new activity comes out for an update, you need to keep trying stuff until you find the thing the majority of players want to keep returning to.

I do agree, LS updates should add ways to get the new armour skins just via PvP, like through the tournaments.

I mentioned this in my post as well. What I did forget to rant about was an update months ago that in the run up of its release they talked about how they were going to add the ability to move your look between your PvE and PvP character.

Then the update comes out and I find out that it's only one way. So playing PvE to PvP gets rewarded, and not vice versa.

But I'm conflating the two again. What I should say is that ANet tends to focus on extrinsic rewards in GW2 these days, so I end up offering solutions in that vein.
At the end of the day, and while this may sound apologist - a year is still nothing in the lifespan of an MMO. Still early days for GW2 yet. I'll wait and see how things pan out. I can understand the impatient people, or those who don't want to dedicate any more time, checking out. I don't begrudge them that.

But even with its issues, it's still the *best* MMO on the market (for me). It's a good thing I like it too.


An update on how the LFG tool will be rolled out:


With Tuesday’s release we are gearing up to launch the new Looking For Group tool for Guild Wars 2. As the system comes online, our primary focus is with the quality and the stability. To ensure a solid rollout, we’ll turn on the LFG tool in beta form to a subset of players. As the week goes on, we’ll periodically unlock the system to additional groups of players.
In Tuesday’s release notes, you’ll see the complete list of what the feature will do once we’ve fully unlocked the system. However, during the beta rollout not everyone will be able to use the LFG tool and the World vs. World subcategories will be disabled.
The Looking for Group feature has been highly requested and we’re excited to be this close to its final release, but quality is paramount. Therefore, we ask for your patience and understanding while we work through this phased beta rollout and with any problems we encounter.

I wondered if they'd have to do a little bit of a phased rollout to prevent it from getting destroyed by everyone on every server trying it out at once.
Playing the Vigil storyline again with my alt. I know everyone loves Tybalt, but Forgal gives the best Claw Island speech of the three.
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