Were you drinking Pepsi?
No, I save that for missions!
Were you drinking Pepsi?
This is fun, keep it goin'! hehe
- About 50-50 split pure DPS and pure support, on a thief
- Critically pulled off the zergball to spike down a finger at southern turrets and repair one
- Picked up an ice bow Aodh must have dropped by the turrets to bring back to Teq
- Mad rezzin' of the stragglers the spirits and banners missed
- Died right before Teq did to lull him into a false sense of security
My Tequatl soundtrack, courtesy of Mastodon:
Hearts Alive
Blood and Thunder
Black Tongue
And during the celebratory dance party:
Dance Across the Floor
What are these things actually called, ahahaha
- Used S/D #2 and #5+#1 to Root and Stun Bloaters headed to East Battery
What are these things actually called, ahahaha
Great job by the way, the cc on those guys was so clutch.
Infiltration Step, Cloak and Dagger and uhh.. whatever Slice n Dice turns into when you're stealthed? lol
Edit: Infiltration Strike* and Slice* turns into Tactical Strike* when you're in stealth. I should learn these better but I don't write guides much. I just know what they do.
/High five
and Black Tongue is perfect for that fight
Grats GAF.
I got a good workout at the gym instead so I can't really complain.
Commanders work out at the gym BEFORE teq runs
No dude. I know thief sword and dagger skills haha, I meant the "bloaters"
They're like... Risen... Something... Creeper... Bloater things
Wow they really are named after minecraft.Oh! lol Bloated Creeper's.
What were YOUR main contributions to SBI's first Teq kill?
- Traited Ranger elite spirit for regen and expanded resing.
- Cleared Teq Fingers during battery defense to maximize output during stun phase.
- Longbow dps during range, sword dps during stun.
- Helped bail out overrun south turrets halfway though fight.
How about you?
With the way they're announcing and tracking each server first, I imagine this release has been a data collection frenzy for them. I bet their BI team is having a field day watching what has gone on this week.
Whole thing makes me wonder if the invasions were really just one big overflow stress test to prepare for Tequatl.
Looking forward to another Teq run, hopefully kill, today. Think I'm only gonna give it one go a day now, though. Committing to 2 or more goes is basically commiting to ~4 hours in sparkfly, unless you really enjoy spam clicking the party join.
I think the one thing Anet should work on for future events of this scale is dealing with AFK players. The window for getting kicked for inactivity should decrease significantly once the event kicks off. That way we can clear the way for more people trying to get in and thus increase the ability for more people to participate..
Looking forward to another Teq run, hopefully kill, today. Think I'm only gonna give it one go a day now, though. Committing to 2 or more goes is basically commiting to ~4 hours in sparkfly, unless you really enjoy spam clicking the party join.
Invasions and Taco are all just one big stress test for the eventual return of Zhaitan.
Controlled by Scarlet.
I'm not positive but I think he was referring to very much alive AFK players standing by the waypoint which is very close to the turrets.At the very least, there should be two changes to the Downed system;
I'm not positive but I think he was referring to very much alive AFK players standing by the waypoint which is very close to the turrets.
I really want to be in for another kill tonight too, and I'm betting it's gonna happen. I really hope it's not the 7:30ish one though cause I'm probably still gonna be at family dinner.
I too look forward to the days when the popularity has died down a bit and we can be like "oh hey, Teq's coming, let's all get to Sparkfly" and make it happen. You have to secure your slot/get a ferry so early on for the moment that it really is a commitment. Overflows are improving (getting better at Teq) but it's SUCH a crapshoot and communication is hamstrung. "Kill Teq in an Overflow" should be a 25 pt achievement, lol.
Too many people play this game -_-
We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Cross-server guilds like TKS (which has hit its cap at 500 already, not just 150+) that are formed to find a viable location to kill Teq are a pretty critical opportunity for players who want to contribute to victory but whose home servers don't have the organization and coordination needed to do so (or haven't achieved it yet). Considering how relatively lenient their requirements for entry are ("have exotics of some kind") per the difficulty of the fight, this strikes me as almost antithetical to the concept of elitism. Scenarios like that make it possible for more people to have the chance to complete it, and especially those who might not get the chance otherwise.Nah. There are already 150+ player guilds created specifically to kill Teq that intentionally ferry to the most empty overflow they can find to make sure there are no "randoms" in the attempt. It's the closest thing that I've ever seen to Elitism in GW2. An achievement would just support more people doing that unfortunately and would ultimately still result in the average casual player never learning how to execute the fight. ;/
Sucks but that's how I see it going down.
We'll have to agree to disagree on this one. Cross-server guilds like TKS (which has hit its cap at 500 already, not just 150+) that are formed to find a viable location to kill Teq are a pretty critical opportunity for players who want to contribute to victory but whose home servers don't have the organization and coordination needed to do so (or haven't achieved it yet). Considering how relatively lenient their requirements for entry are ("have exotics of some kind") per the difficulty of the fight, this strikes me as almost antithetical to the concept of elitism. Scenarios like that make it possible for more people to have the chance to complete it, and especially those who might not get the chance otherwise.
And evaluating their exploits so far, they may have gone to overflows to do this, but they've also intentionally guested to lower-population servers and worked with the locals to complete it, which gives them the chance to do so in addition to the TKS members. This was how Vabbi got its first kill.
I'm not really advocating that achievement as a great idea, I was just kidding about that because when you wind up in a random overflow it's typically a massive challenge to attempt to organize the ragtag groups that have shown up and do well against him (though not impossible). I just don't think "supporting more people doing that" is bad, elitist, or relevant to the average casual player learning the fight. After all, the average casual player learning the fight has to do so somehow.
edit: Also, just seems appropriate to mention... we've discussed doing this sort of thing with US as a scheduled guild event. While I'd have no problem helping the "randoms" we come across whatsoever, I would also want us to find the most empty instance of the map we could so that as much of the attempt as possible was GAF. I think it'd be fun :-/ Sorry if the idea seems exclusionary... it just never struck me as that extreme.
I'm not positive but I think he was referring to very much alive AFK players standing by the waypoint which is very close to the turrets.
I did a lot of Guardian stuff but I don't know how much help I was to the DPS group :S
-Casted Hallowed Ground as quick possible when waves are coming XD
-Wall of Reflection when people in Teamspeak called fingers
-Shouted out tips on map chat or regurgitated what people said on Teamspeak to the people in the game
-Did as much healing and shielding as I could
-when it came to DPS I spammed virtue of burning (forgot the name) and all my other attack skills
Did someone say Banners!?
(taken from our attempt last night)
Really curious what our next WvW matchup will be. Hopefully something harder, maybe someone we haven't fought in a long time.
I think my favorite part of turret defnese was right when the lighting changed as tequatl jumped out of the sea. One of the turret pilots typed in chat, "Welp, we're in your hands now"
...Then the risen started coming.
I love melodrama
YESDid someone say Banners!?
(taken from our attempt last night)