One thing to make note of, storywise, is that Scarlet has now exploited the pasts of two Destiny's Edge members. First was when she had the fake Rytlock bring up more private parts of his feud with Logan. Now she's using Caithe's secrets against her. It's safe to say she she knows a great deal about Destiny's Edge and is targeting them specifically.
Also, total tangent: Now that Gnashblade is not on the council, I'd love to see a living story update with him involved. He's a fun character.
Final Tangent: Only thing I don't like about this update is that this is two Aetherblade dungeons in a row. Kinda gettin' tired of those guys.
Had a quick question Lunar. So obviously we know the Aetherblade are the most important enemy of Scarlet's. My question to you is would you rather they go off on some other seemingly unrelated but related story thread to introduce new enemies and come back to the Aetherblades later or wrap up the Scarlet/Aetherblade stuff soon and then move onto something new? Dat run on sentence.
Off the top of my head there are at least 16 dungeon paths that can be completed in under 30 minutes, and maybe half of those in under 15. I don't get why "dungeon" as a type of content is a thing that should mean a set amount of time. There should be longer ones and shorter ones. It strikes me as a much better idea to adjust the rewards to be better for longer paths that require more effort, rather than arbitrarily make them all short. Thus the 1g for SE2 remains totally baffling to me, but whatever. This one feels about right to me.I'm with you, dungeons should be 30 mins max. They should be, I have an hour and I want to do something, type thing.
It still makes no sense to have an hour long dungeon when you can cut it in 2-3 ~20min paths.Off the top of my head there are at least 16 dungeon paths that can be completed in under 30 minutes, and maybe half of those in under 15. I don't get why "dungeon" as a type of content is a thing that should mean a set amount of time. There should be longer ones and shorter ones. It strikes me as a much better idea to adjust the rewards to be better for longer paths that require more effort, rather than arbitrarily make them all short. Thus the 1g for SE2 remains totally baffling to me, but whatever. This one feels about right to me.
Anet did do a dungeon like this before. Look up Domain of Anguish from Gw1. Great content and challenge divided into smaller chunks that gave greater rewards if you did them all at once. Then a big boss once the first four parts were done. Slaver's exile dungeon was like that too.It still makes no sense to have an hour long dungeon when you can cut it in 2-3 ~20min paths.
It's still a win-win for the guy who loves dungeons, since he can just run all paths at the same time if he's got that much time.
I loved all the elite explorable realms in GW1 and I'd love for them to put some in GW2, but they'd almost be a whole new content type distinct from dungeons (just like GW1 didn't have dungeons in this sense).
Anyway so far as I understand killing Mallyx took wellllll over an hour![]()
Jesus. DIdn't used to be like that. Is that from entering the DoA?Mally is a pushover with a decent gimmick team. 15-20 minutes.
oh no. A full DOA run would take 1-5 consets (30-150 minutes) depending on coordination and team comp. Hardcore runs involved highly specialized team builds that could power through doa.Jesus. DIdn't used to be like that. Is that from entering the DoA?
PS. Siafra was really bad at dpsing and stacking!
You'd have 1 gold.If I had a gold for everytime I had to res you on the final boss...
aha that sounds more like what I remember them saying, lol.oh no. A full DOA run would take 1-5 consets (30-150 minutes) depending on coordination and team comp.
i'm gonna try and get in for the SBI kill pre-reset. Hopefully I get home from work quick enough.Don't you guys want to do a Taco kill pre-reset?
We get loot either way and I can't be here for post-reset kill
Don't think it's actually been altered. Seems like a 30 min countdown and a 1hr window, I think?how often is teq spawning now?
Oh right, I noticed that note and then forgot about it. I'll jump in and check it out when I get home if no one has answered by then.No wifi until Sunday at earliest. It would be really nice if someone explained the new changes to Temple of the Silent Storm, in particular what happens when you enter the central pit from the top.
Ahhh damn I guess Teq is happening now....
Will there be another before reset or just the reset one...?
ok. so i just downloaded and bought the game. any tips for a rookie?
ok. so i just downloaded and bought the game. any tips for a rookie?
Throw out about 90% of what you know about MMOs.
Don't think it's actually been altered. Seems like a 30 min countdown and a 1hr window, I think?
Countdown appears to be 35 minutes after he dies/leaves (he just did so).About an hour for the countdown with an hour window I think.
ok. so i just downloaded and bought the game. any tips for a rookie?
So i keep getting black screens whenever I play. I takes it so that I have to restart the game. Anyone know what this is?
Jeez, do you have anything open that puts an overlay on your screen?So i keep getting black screens whenever I play. I takes it so that I have to restart the game. Anyone know what this is?
Thanks man. Glad you got in!Good job everyone on Teq. The last time I did Teq was the first time SBI beat him. This time was a LOT less frantic and seemed to flow so smoothly. Great job Hawkian on DPS and Siafra on turret D.
Thanks man. Glad you got in!
There's no doubt we played a large role, but I'm pretty confident in SBI as a server in our ability to take him down. That was a 4:30+ run. We can safely abandon them for a reset kill elsewhere I think.
What were the rewards?
2g total, one of which isn't daily, 4 dragon chests, and just a bunch more rolls in each one. I got like 6 rares and piles of greens.
Vigil medium set makes you look like a gladiator.Coats with belts, coats with buckles, coats with pouches, coats with knives.