That's the monster from the GW2 trailer we never saw. Welp.

Why hello there asshole.
Q&A with Devon Carver (Lead WvW guy)
Read the posts with the green part on the left. Lots of info in there about what they're working on right now.
There should be WvW rewards based on point spreads. Like if the rankings predict a one sided matchup the underdog world might be assigned a target of 100k points to beat the spread and get bonus rewards while the favored world has to try for over 300k. So even if you're losing the matchup hey at least you can still get out there and try to beat the spread.
This Female Sylvari model looks quite animu.
Sylvari are dissapointing. They're just humans in a new skin. Boring.
Norn, human and sylvari all have the same animations.
Putting leafs on humans isn't that great really. They should have gone all out and made them more planty, more unique.
That's why asura and charr are the only good races.
I agree with you.I love the current Sylvary, sue me.
I love my sallads.
Way better than Animu girls with leafs as hair
Sylvari are dissapointing. They're just humans in a new skin. Boring.
Norn, human and sylvari all have the same animations.
Putting leafs on humans isn't that great really. They should have gone all out and made them more planty, more unique.
That's why asura and charr are the only good races.
I love the current Sylvary, sue me.
I love my sallads.
Way better than Animu girls with leafs as hair
From an aesthetic standpoint, I agree. When you add in lore and personalities, then Charr become the one true race that doesn't make you want to kick a character in the teeth.
I agree that the lore is good, but the story and events ingame are not up to par to say the least.
I'd say some of the events have pretty interesting self-contained stories as well, and there are lots of little bits of lore you can put together from clues in the environment even if there's no ambient dialogue or events present. Actually everything besides the mainline presented story meant to be followed is all quite good. But nostalgia goggles aside this is exactly the way it was in GW1 so it's no real surprise.Yep, I agree. I'd say that in-world ambient dialogue is pretty great, though.
I'm still such a noob at this game![]()
I greatly enjoy the lore of the humans. They have all the previous lore from GW1, and I think the "backed into a corner" angle works really well. I think it makes the more interesting than other humans in other games. I like that they're not the "newcomer" race in this iteration. But in game? Snooze fest. This goes for most races though, so it's not really human specific.
A Norn and a Charr (Braham and Rox) were a good combination, but I really would have loved an Asura/Norn combo. Brains and Brawn, as they say. Plus we just need more Asura that aren't complete assholes. I know they're supposed to be arrogant, but it's kind of outrageous sometimes.We also need Evon Gnashblade to be more involved in story stuff. I think he's pretty great, honestly. Just underutilized.
Also, I'm dying for some big Norn festival. It'd be great! A really big Moot or a new Great Hunt or something. They could have a bunch of Skaalds come down and tell some interesting side stories. There's fun stuff they could do with the lore there. Plus maybe a Keg Brawl championship to incite some interest in that mini-game. Norn are party animals (literally), so it's shocking to me that they didn't get a single holiday.
Were just starting work on a number of bigger systems/features for PvP, and as is our policy until they are far enough along that we wont throw them out or change them massively we wont talk about them quite yet. Were working down a list of big stuff though, and there are more folks working on PvP related projects right now than ever.
And as a reminder, things weve already said were working on currently that are far enough along for us to discuss are:
- Fixing rewards and progression in PvP to make the game type much more rewarding.
- Investigating new game types for PvP.
- Improving the game and experience for the core base in general to make it more fun for more casual or casual-competitive gamers to play PvP.
- Improving and continuing to support and grow the competitive scene.
In January, things should hopefully be nailed down enough we should be able to go into much greater detail on the other systems and features were working on right now on top of the stuff listed above.
An Asura worked with a norn once.
His name was snaff and he died shortly thereafter.
As are many problems both in Tyria and right here on Earth.
Weve recently begun work on finding a reasonable space to accommodate the desires of players in World vs. World who wish to participate in organized, large-scale battles. We have decided to add an area to the Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle that is large enough to fit the fights and is removed from the entrances to facilitate some of the basic rules that are used during these fights. In addition, we will be disabling the borderlands bloodlust buff inside the map so that the players will be on a relatively even playing field. Finally, to make it easier to get to the map, well be adding the map to the dropdown menu of WvW maps, allowing you to enter it from anywhere in the game. The space being added is really amazing and I think you are all going to enjoy battling it out in there if it is your preferred way to play. We decided to put this area in the jumping puzzle with the hopes of providing a space for people who wish to play the game this way to be able to do so without causing friction between them and other players who wish to focus on the other aspects of the game in WvW.
Guild vs. Guild is a gametype that has a lot of potential and one that we would never do anything but the best possible version of. That version, if it comes, will have to wait until the resources are available to build it. This change is an attempt to provide a workable solution in a timely manner, one that will ease some of the conflict that we have seen arise on the forums and in the game. WvW is an incredibly successful and engaging part of our game. It will continue to be a major focus for us as a studio and we will continue to put our effort into changes that are in the best interests of WvW as a gametype and the WvW community as a whole.
As is our practice, we wont be releasing this until it is ready to go.
Devon Carver
WvW Coordinator
Well, to be fair to humanity, both in Tyria and on Earth, Logan is a... special case.
Weve recently begun work on finding a reasonable space to accommodate the desires of players in World vs. World who wish to participate in organized, large-scale battles. We have decided to add an area to the Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle that is large enough to fit the fights and is removed from the entrances to facilitate some of the basic rules that are used during these fights. In addition, we will be disabling the borderlands bloodlust buff inside the map so that the players will be on a relatively even playing field. Finally, to make it easier to get to the map, well be adding the map to the dropdown menu of WvW maps, allowing you to enter it from anywhere in the game. The space being added is really amazing and I think you are all going to enjoy battling it out in there if it is your preferred way to play. We decided to put this area in the jumping puzzle with the hopes of providing a space for people who wish to play the game this way to be able to do so without causing friction between them and other players who wish to focus on the other aspects of the game in WvW.
Guild vs. Guild is a gametype that has a lot of potential and one that we would never do anything but the best possible version of. That version, if it comes, will have to wait until the resources are available to build it. This change is an attempt to provide a workable solution in a timely manner, one that will ease some of the conflict that we have seen arise on the forums and in the game. WvW is an incredibly successful and engaging part of our game. It will continue to be a major focus for us as a studio and we will continue to put our effort into changes that are in the best interests of WvW as a gametype and the WvW community as a whole.
As is our practice, we wont be releasing this until it is ready to go.
Devon Carver
WvW Coordinator
Hi All,
Sorry for not getting back sooner, i have been rather busy this morning. Also thanks for continuing the brainstorm, so really good ideas.
So here are the current actions:
1: Chris to chat with the team about creating 3 threads in each main part of the forums. We should be able to start this of on Monday.
2: Chris to write the rules of engagement (-: Just laying out what we can and cant talk about.
3: Peeps on this thread to continue to discuss the best way to prioritize the topics for each main area that will run for 2 days each cycle and then rotate.
4: Polls: I am going to raise this as a separate thread early next week to continue discussion as it is a complex topic.
I will try to respond as much as i can today and will update on my actions later today or tomorrow. Meanwhile lets discuss how best to prioritize topics?
. said:Greetings,
Weve recently begun work on finding a reasonable space to accommodate the desires of players in World vs. World who wish to participate in organized, large-scale battles. We have decided to add an area to the Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle that is large enough to fit the fights and is removed from the entrances to facilitate some of the basic rules that are used during these fights. In addition, we will be disabling the borderlands bloodlust buff inside the map so that the players will be on a relatively even playing field. Finally, to make it easier to get to the map, well be adding the map to the dropdown menu of WvW maps, allowing you to enter it from anywhere in the game. The space being added is really amazing and I think you are all going to enjoy battling it out in there if it is your preferred way to play. We decided to put this area in the jumping puzzle with the hopes of providing a space for people who wish to play the game this way to be able to do so without causing friction between them and other players who wish to focus on the other aspects of the game in WvW.
Guild vs. Guild is a gametype that has a lot of potential and one that we would never do anything but the best possible version of. That version, if it comes, will have to wait until the resources are available to build it. This change is an attempt to provide a workable solution in a timely manner, one that will ease some of the conflict that we have seen arise on the forums and in the game. WvW is an incredibly successful and engaging part of our game. It will continue to be a major focus for us as a studio and we will continue to put our effort into changes that are in the best interests of WvW as a gametype and the WvW community as a whole.
As is our practice, we wont be releasing this until it is ready to go.
Devon Carver
WvW Coordinator
Hmm just heard that Anet is putting out a GvG map. Apparently it will be similar to the EB jumping puzzle where you can enter from the map, or alternatively you can queue up directly from the menu. It will have it's own separate player limit and obviously will not be affected by the bloodlust buffs.