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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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The Cryptarch's Bane
I don't think Lunar or Retro were arguing that anyone out there is intentionally attempting to ruin the experience of others by participating, just as the groups that yelled at me for interrupting their fights weren't doing so to make me feel shitty. It's a side effect. If "obviously those are the ideal conditions and cannot all be met every single time," stuff like that comprises the "other times."

This is an issue I am very sympathetic toward, because while I may disagree about its appropriateness on the WvW maps, I fully acknowledge that the GvG-fights-in-BLs "scene" is simply not for me and I'm not particularly qualified to comment on their experience. While I'm not sure I accept the proposition that WvW is a sandbox, I do feel that as long as the self-contained actions of others aren't hampering my own enjoyment, I don't mind at all. It has simply been my subjective experience, in the two instances in which I had interaction with them at all, I was made to feel pretty shitty. In neither event did I have a clue what was going on. The first, which was months ago but definitely in NA primetime, was just a 1v1 duel with tons of people hidden watching behind the windmill. Not recognizing it as a duel I just saw an opportunity for two easy kills and I'm pretty sure I was on my Ele and straight up Rode-the-Lightning into the midst of their fight. Then the whooole group I didn't see streams out from behind the windmill and starts yelling at me for interrupting, plenty with all caps and the expected slurs, plus lots of instructions ("go around, this area is for duels right now, etc."). The second more recent instance was with a full-on GvG match that I interpreted as just a bizarrely placed battle between the two other servers. Once again I didn't understand what I was looking at until I was being told that I had screwed it up.

In both instances, I apologized, went on my way and remembered to avoid the area for the rest of my session. But internally I did feel pretty shitty, on the one hand because I inadvertently messed up some people's fun, and on the other because I did so simply by, from my perspective, following the intended conventions of the game mode unaware of specially imposed rules. It's an identical sensation to minding your own business in Queensdale, rolling around and happening upon a champ to solo, then being yelled at for screwing up the train. Or completing the Warmaster event in Cursed Shore and accidentally depriving the farmers of their embers. The argument seems to hinge a lot on "who are you to tell others how to play?" but in all of these instances, it was groups of players telling me how to play for failing to acknowledge that their activities relied on ignoring the self-explanatory design of the game in favor of customized restrictions.

Of course I can't hate on all GvG, or all farmers, or any broad swath or types of players for these experiences. They are merely the outlying negative consequences of contradicting intended design- again, even if 97% of the time those consequences are mitigated by proper etiquette and civil behavior. I really don't have anything against the communities as a whole, or necessarily even against the individuals to whom I apologized, but I hope this provides a little perspective.

In any event, it is certainly comforting to me that the Obsidian Sanctum, which always struck me as far more intended for these sorts of "anything goes" situations detached from the main aims of WvW, has been chosen as the future home for the bouts.


I don't think Lunar or Retro were arguing that anyone out there is intentionally attempting to ruin the experience of others by participating, just as the groups that yelled at me for interrupting their fights weren't doing so to make me feel shitty. It's a side effect. If "obviously those are the ideal conditions and cannot all be met every single time," stuff like that comprises the "other times."

I think this is probably the most reasonable outcome both sides can come to, and thank you for putting it into words for me, because I was trying and it wasn't working.

Let's just get along, yeah?

For example when is the last time you saw me in here complaining about casuals ruining my experience? Even though I have very good reasons to do so, and many anecdotes to support it, I just don't.

So please meet me halfway on this one and stop insinuating that the hardcore community is full of terrible people. That's what really makes my blood boil.


It's...really not a hardcore/casual thing...I'm unsure why it's being painted that way.

If you accidentally run into a gvg or duel (which...the less you wvw the lesser chance of that even occuring), just apologize and move on. I don't get why it has to be more than that.

It seems like a lot of people are taking offense to the concept of gvg taking up wvw slots when they themselves aren't even in the queue most of the time in the first place.


It's...really not a hardcore/casual thing...I'm unsure why it's being painted that way.

If you accidentally run into a gvg or duel (which...the less you wvw the lesser chance of that even occuring), just apologize and move on. I don't get why it has to be more than that.

It seems like a lot of people are taking offense to the concept of gvg taking up wvw slots when they themselves aren't even in the queue most of the time in the first place.

I have yet to hear an explanation why an apology is necessary. Demanding one is what makes it a hardcore/casual thing. Honestly that's the part that gets me the most. People interrupting GvG shouldn't be made to feel like they should apologize. Explain it to em and if they move on, great. If they don't, they don't.


Ok, I will restate it.

Either apologize and move on or be swarmed by members of 2 servers that can hit you and members of 1 that can yell at you a bunch in say chat..

Or just stick around and watch the fight, it can be quite fun simply spectating.


It seems like a lot of people are taking offense to the concept of gvg taking up wvw slots when they themselves aren't even in the queue most of the time in the first place.

More annoyed at being told I'm playing the game wrong when I'm doing it right, plus the WvW forums and discussions are constantly dominated by GvG intrusions. I could give a shit how people play as long as it's not interfering with me or drowning out all other discussion.


Ok, I will restate it.

Either apologize and move on or be swarmed by members of 2 servers that can hit you and members of 1 that can yell at you a bunch in say chat..

Honestly that's fine with me. Unlike TrounceX I actually believe it's a true sandbox. Settle it and move on. Although demanding an apology is still a dick move if it was an honest mistake. Just explain it to em and give em a chance to leave. Never took you for a bully before, Levyne. Disappointing.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So please meet me halfway on this one and stop insinuating that the hardcore community is full of terrible people. That's what really makes my blood boil.
I hope, at least, that I haven't insinuated any such thing. For one thing, the "hardcore community" is probably way too large a collective in total to try and draw any conclusions about.

You just have to mitigate these things through design. So much of GW2's design framework marginalizes griefing (or even accidentally working against other players) that the remaining instances really do stand out, and all the etiquette in the world can't prevent either "side" from slipping up once in a while, and suddenly one player is having a crappy play session.
If you accidentally run into a gvg or duel (which...the less you wvw the lesser chance of that even occuring), just apologize and move on. I don't get why it has to be more than that.
Xeris is taking the emotional reproach to this and there's an extent to which I really see where he's coming from. Try and see it from the "random dude who understands WvW basics, but has no idea about GvG/dueling"'s perspective. That was me, the first time- I didn't even realize it was a "thing" (the second time I knew all about it by that point, but didn't recognize it on sight, I think the spectators were out of my LoS again).

Is it appropriate for them to apologize? What is it that they have done wrong? I'm not asking these in a loaded way where I feel like I have the answer locked down- I'm legitimately asking you. And again I say this from the standpoint of someone who did apologize when confronted with the situation personally; I realized I had screwed something up, something being done by more serious and more numerous players. It was just in retrospect that I started thinking about what it meant that I was expected to apologize.
Either apologize and move on or be swarmed by members of 2 servers that can hit you and members of 1 that can yell at you a bunch in say chat..
Hah, this reads a lot like "apologize or die!"

I definitely give credit to whichever guild it was for letting be recover back up from downed state.


I have yet to hear an explanation why an apology is necessary. Demanding one is what makes it a hardcore/casual thing. Honestly that's the part that gets me the most. People interrupting GvG shouldn't be made to feel like they should apologize. Explain it to em and if they move on, great. If they don't, they don't.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to organize 40 people at once? Especially when there is no game mode available to help facilitate the organization, and especially when you can easily be trolled or griefed or accidentally interrupted dozens of times while in the process.

Do you not understand why that would be annoying to someone? If you stumble into a GvG in action, there has been hours of preparation going into that, just to be ruined in a split second.

It's understandably frustrating and you should probably apologize for it out of common courtesy, NOT because the game is a true sandbox and therefore you aren't accountable for anything.

More annoyed at being told I'm playing the game wrong when I'm doing it right, plus the WvW forums and discussions are constantly dominated by GvG intrusions. I could give a shit how people play as long as it's not interfering with me or drowning out all other discussion.

It's not all about you man.


Do you have any idea how hard it is to organize 40 people at once? Especially when there is no game mode available to help facilitate the organization, and especially when you can easily be trolled or griefed or accidentally interrupted dozens of times while in the process.

Do you not understand why that would be annoying to someone? If you stumble into a GvG in action, there has been hours of preparation going into that, just to be ruined in a split second.

It's understandably frustrating and you should probably apologize for it out of common courtesy, NOT because the game is a true sandbox and therefore you aren't accountable for anything.

It's not all about you man.

I have to say, you're doing a great job showing why many people think hard core pvp types are jerks. It's all about you you you. Screw the new guy who made an honest mistake right? I love how you tell Retro it's not all about him, but you're making it all about you. And honestly I don't care how hard it was to set up. Why should I? And if one person can ruin it, or even a small group, then apparently it wasn't all that great to begin with. But I understand. You only want people you approve of in wvw.

Oh and not sure how to multi-quote, but actually I agree with Levyne about exiting the area. It's TrounceX's attitude that's the problem.


Has there been any more information released about the sexy trait update next week? I'm bored and want new things to play with.


I'm cool with backing off the issue. I can definitely sense a more personal and irrational argument coming from myself, and that's helpful to no one. I think I set the wrong tone for this entire argument by being a grump about it, so I'm sorry if I offended. However, as Levyne said, I've really got no place to whine since I'm hardly ever playing WvW.

As I said, I've always wanted good GvG content. I just don't want to do it in WvW. No offense meant to the people playing it. Hopefully Anet will make it a fully fleshed out mode, and I'm happy they were able to make a short-term compromise that helps both parties. I think the crux of both arguments, from those that do it and those that do not, comes down to the fact there is a demand for this kind of content, but the game is woefully equipped to accommodate it. That's two unhappy parties, and that's on Anet to fix.

For what it's worth Trounce, I've always respected your insight into WvW just because you're way more into it than anyone else in this board, and you do a good job of explaining things in ways I can understand. I honestly do like to hear how things are going in that community, and I normally sympathize with the problems that community has with the mode.

Has there been any more information released about the sexy trait update next week? I'm bored and want new things to play with.

Surprisingly, no. We've actually only been going off a leaked list that could be changed by this point in time. It'll be interesting to see what, if anything, has changed.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Honestly, I'm seeing a lot of clashing and not always even internally consistent viewpoints here. There's a lot of blinding-by-perspective going on from all sides.

It's annoying to me to try and paint "the hardcore community" as some monolithic entity in universal agreement, and it's just as annoying to universally characterize those who interfere with a GvG match. So I don't like seeing "those people" from Ash, I don't like the phrase "casuals ruining my experience" from Chase, and I don't like Retro either characterizing right and wrong or being told that he's claiming the mode should accommodate only his own preferences.

We're talking about huge, disparate groups of gamers which themselves are composed of individuals who may disagree on things all over the place.

Obviously someone who's trolling or griefing is not going to apologize. They want you to get upset. If taking part in an activity that was integral to gameplay success as designed, their presence would honestly be ArenaNet's responsibility to deal with; the modifications to the turrets at Tequatl a recent example. As it stands for GvG they are the shitty inevitable "if they can do it they will do it" element- these are the truly terrible people- and there's not much that can be done to counteract them other than kill them quickly.

But let's look at the "accidentally interrupted" set. Let's consider my random player again, just trying to have a good time in WvW. For her, all of those "do you have any idea...?" questions you could possibly ask are met with a resounding no. They have no clue, they don't have any perception of the effort that goes into setting up a GvG match, they (I) might even have thought they were doing what they were supposed to at that particular moment. For this player, not only is it not "understandably frustrating," it's not even understandable. Is it really merely common courtesy that should compel this player to apologize?

And while I completely agree with Levyne that simply exiting the area silently is consideration enough, I have to reiterate that my apologies followed not just my realization that I'd screwed something up, but hostility from those I had frustrated. I got "gvg asshole" or "gvg moron" as a PM, and this was the first time I'd received a PM from a WvW combatant. It left a bad taste in my mouth, certainly. And while I can certainly sympathize with the frustration of setting up and attempting something the game isn't providing you the tools to do properly (and have experienced this in other areas), I hope this provides a little perspective on behalf of those who don't get what they've done wrong. Is it legitimately reasonable to expect every new or casual player to understand?

Again, these issues are never resolvable through an objective determination of who is right and who is wrong. They have to be mitigated by design.
Has there been any more information released about the sexy trait update next week? I'm bored and want new things to play with.
Here's the preview from Jonathan Sharp.


Also the argument's kind of moot now anyway since they've removed it from the map. It wasn't real bright of myself to bring it up in the first place. While "busy at work + very little sleep = irrationally grumpy" doesn't justify rude behavior, it's certainly a factor.


So yeah, I'm going to try and drop the issue after this post as well. I think I've done a decent enough job of articulating my position.

Xeris, if you really see my attitude as the problem and that I'm a PvP jerk, then I don't know what to tell you man. I guess all I can do is apologize. ;)


GvG's can be beneficial to the server. it's not always done at the "expense" of "real" or "intended" wvw.

Guild groups that defend the borderlands learn how to better compose their teams, player skill improves, and hell, DR joined SBI after TE gvg'd with them a few times. So now we've got another strong guild fighting for the server because we wanted to test ourselves against them, and even though they won, they liked our demeanor enough, or desire to get better, so I feel they joined us as a partial consequence.

Hell, talking to the DR leader in TS about using Rangers as a sort of "periphery" class in large scale battles has opened the door to me playing the class slightly differently in such fights. It might seem like a weird anecdote, but what I'm trying to say is we don't just pick fights to pick fights and then gone on to the next in a vacuum and keep track of wins and losses and that's that. The consequences are significantly more nuanced than that.


GvG's can be beneficial to the server. it's not always done at the "expense" of "real" or "intended" wvw.

Guild groups that defend the borderlands learn how to better compose their teams, player skill improves, and hell, DR joined SBI after TE gvg'd with them a few times. So now we've got another strong guild fighting for the server because we wanted to test ourselves against them, and even though they won, they liked our demeanor enough, or desire to get better, so I feel they joined us as a partial consequence.

Hell, talking to the DR leader in TS about using Rangers as a sort of "periphery" class in large scale battles has opened the door to me playing the class slightly differently in such fights. It might seem like a weird anecdote, but what I'm trying to say is we don't just pick fights to pick fights and then gone on to the next in a vacuum and keep track of wins and losses and that's that. The consequences are significantly more nuanced than that.

Ok one more post because I can't help it. Also because work is boring.

Levyne, you are absolutely correct. For example Tempest Wolves on SoR, which is largely considered the best NA guild in the game at this point, was on the verge of quitting last spring due to boredom. That is until Red Guard (That's Sacrx btw) joined JQ for a week in order to GvG. Well, TW ended up losing to RG10-0 which pretty much shocked the entire community.

After that, TW realized there was still a lot more to this game than meets the eye, got reinvigorated and motivated to play, and are still going strong to this day. It's not a stretch to believe that if TW quit, all of SoR would fall around them (who will defend our home bl without the Wolves lurking?)

The consequences of that match also started a sort of arms race, where guilds were trying to discover the secret of RG's success. This led to an elevated and rapidly deepening meta which led to more guilds playing more often. It's not a stretch to think that the steady population in T1 is due to in large part to the quickly evolving meta, of which GvG was the catalyst.


To add to a side discussion, In WvW I don't think you can see Rangers as anything but a periphery class in most situations because of their pets. But they can be very good at it, much like Thieves who generally will melt in the middle of a big battle but can snipe members off on the side. Rangers are the same, except they also have an easier time doing it at range.

Unless you can wade through the middle (Warrior, Guardian, and a couple other bunker builds) or push out consistent AoE damage from a distance (Necromancers and Elementalists) then you're either AoE utility or a sniper/assassin in a big fight. Thief, Ranger, and Mesmer are all classes that are very good at getting around the sides of a fight, tying up a key target, and then getting away alive if they get focused on.

Sadly, I'm not very good at playing those classes that way. Between Spectral Claw and the Deathshroud teleport, if I play that role in a fight it's while I'm using my power Necro.


To add to a side discussion, In WvW I don't think you can see Rangers as anything but a periphery class in most situations because of their pets. But they can be very good at it, much like Thieves who generally will melt in the middle of a big battle but can snipe members off on the side. Rangers are the same, except they also have an easier time doing it at range.

Unless you can wade through the middle (Warrior, Guardian, and a couple other bunker builds) or push out consistent AoE damage from a distance (Necromancers and Elementalists) then you're either AoE utility or a sniper/assassin in a big fight. Thief, Ranger, and Mesmer are all classes that are very good at getting around the sides of a fight, tying up a key target, and then getting away alive if they get focused on.

Sadly, I'm not very good at playing those classes that way. Between Spectral Claw and the Deathshroud teleport, if I play that role in a fight it's while I'm using my power Necro.

Mmhm, I agree. I've really enjoyed being a type of "backline seeker". I've done well enough that the TE leader has given me a long leash to basically play Ranger even though I have other classes available that are typically more useful in a large group. Being able to keep playing what I like is victory enough.

Lately though we've been struggling with a Necro-heavy Maguuma group where I spend more time dodging circles and less time hitting stuff. Will be fun learning how to tackle them.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Using structured GvG battles to evolve the large-scale combat Meta in WvW under controlled conditions is honestly not something I had considered for a second, and makes a lot of sense. It is certainly the most cogent counter-argument to the "taking up spots in WvW" aspect of this discussion that I've heard and I'm surprised it hadn't been brought up before.

It's not surprising to me at all that the relevance of this scenario is higher the more serious guilds are about WvW in general and the higher up you go into the tiers, to the point where it might not be something the lower tiers ever see, but actually a crucial component of the experience at the top levels of play. I want to thank the two of you for bringing that up as it definitely puts things in a more interesting light for me.

Of course, the pragmatic changes being implemented are still best for everyone; for the GvG participants because they can avoid the scale-tipping effects of the Bloodlust buff, and for the rest because of the potential issues described ad nauseum above.
Unless you can wade through the middle (Warrior, Guardian, and a couple other bunker builds) or push out consistent AoE damage from a distance (Necromancers and Elementalists) then you're either AoE utility or a sniper/assassin in a big fight. Thief, Ranger, and Mesmer are all classes that are very good at getting around the sides of a fight, tying up a key target, and then getting away alive if they get focused on.

Sadly, I'm not very good at playing those classes that way. Between Spectral Claw and the Deathshroud teleport, if I play that role in a fight it's while I'm using my power Necro.
Funny, I think I must be the opposite but the reasoning makes perfect sense. I find myself racking up kills and being able to take down a target of my choice with my Thief and Mesmer, but very unsure of my contributions with my Ele. Granted, I haven't put the time into making a specific WvW set for my Ele at all yet.


Any suggestions as to what weapon I should make my ascended chest into? It's Sentinel stats.
Right now I have a Necro/Mesmer/Ranger/Warrior/Thief

Should I wait until I make a Guardian and he hits 80, and make a staff? (That's my next planned)


Any suggestions as to what weapon I should make my ascended chest into? It's Sentinel stats.
Right now I have a Necro/Mesmer/Ranger/Warrior/Thief

Should I wait until I make a Guardian and he hits 80, and make a staff? (That's my next planned)

I'm crafting a sentinel's hammer for my guardian atm. PVT is pretty much the go to for Guardians so I guess it depends what weapon you plan on using with them the most.


Hi everybody! Chris is encouraging a new era of developer/player interaction which I’m pretty excited about. So I’ll add my 2 cents to this thread. I don’t speak for all devs, but here’s what I personally would find most helpful…

Josh Foreman’s Tips for Constructive Feedback:

1. It’s most helpful if you state your request or actionable item at the top. Then your reasons below. This helps us find and reference your post, pass it around for discussion, etc.

2. Don’t assume the reason that things are the way they are due to developer incompetence, laziness, apathy, stubbornness, greed, selfishness, lust or any of the other deadly sins. There are other possibilities beside developer personal defects. “Just” changing one thing usually has ramifications on other things that are hard to anticipate. An MMO is an incredibly complex web of interdependencies, and tweaking any individual part runs the risk of breaking many other parts. That’s why we don’t typically jump to instant ‘fixes’ (even though it’s tempting!) and why things that seem like obvious problems can take a lot longer to address than many would intuitively think they should. There is no MAKE IT WORK button that we refuse to push out of spite. Even if that were the case, it just doesn’t make sense to insult the party you are requesting something from. In what part of the real world does that ever work? No one wants to ‘slap you in the face’ or make the game less fun. We love you guys, and are thrilled that people play our game!

3. Don’t assume that we can just rearrange resources to work on your particular issue. Most of our teams are very specialized. It takes a long time to build the experience necessary to be a good productive member of the PvP, Story, Systems, or any other team. Just because we have X programmers working on bug fixes and Y working on Gameplay improvements, doesn’t mean we can arbitrarily move those numbers around. It’s just not that simple.

4. Please stop calling us liars when we fail to implement something we intended to months ago, but for some technical, balance, or other reason found it to be untenable. We can’t be very open about our plans if every word we say is taken as a contractual obligation. Imagine if every word you said to your friends were recorded and played back at the most inopportune time in order to make you look like a fool. You’d probably clam up pretty quickly. Making an MMO, especially one as experimental as GW2 requires… experimenting. Requires making plans, following through, finding dead ends, back-tracking and trying something else. Sometimes that means that we will state a clear goal, test it internally and find out it just won’t work. The idea that this means we don’t have a clear vision is wrong. There is a difference between a core vision for our design principles, and the implementation of specific systems. We are very clear about the mountain we want to scale, but whether we do it in 4×4, on foot, with a grappling hook, or a hot air balloon are all contingent on the terrain we discover as we progress.

5. You are not “all players”. Please stop saying “Players want X” just because you want X. The fact is that players want X, Y, Z, and the rest of the alphabet, and most of those desires conflict with each other. And I guarantee you, anything that the vast majority of the players want, we (as players of our own game) also want. If you don’t understand why something the vast majority of players and the devs want is not implemented, see the above points 2-4. I have a people-pleaser mentality, so this is one of the hardest pills for me to swallow as a developer. I want EVERYONE to be happy. Unfortunately, the rules of the real world make that impossible.

So there you go. That’s my advice. I really believe that devs and players can work together in a healthy way. And this is my advice for making that a reality. Thanks for reading!



The Cryptarch's Bane

Walking Kuma and then signing on.

This will be a job for The Blade. Much as it pains me to say it I don't actually trust my ability to be able to contribute in the ways necessary on my other characters.


Any suggestions as to what weapon I should make my ascended chest into? It's Sentinel stats.
Right now I have a Necro/Mesmer/Ranger/Warrior/Thief

Should I wait until I make a Guardian and he hits 80, and make a staff? (That's my next planned)

Sentinel is the one with some combination of Healing, Condition, and Toughness, right? Then there are Warrior (Sword/Longbow), Ranger (Sword/Dagger, Axe/Torch), and Thief (Dagger/Dagger, Pistol/Dagger) builds you can look up.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Nope. Sentinel is the wacky Vit primary, Power Toughness build. Guardian pure power builds are a good match, and using about half of that and half Soldier's is my concept for the ultimate bunker Necro. No conditions, though.


Lately though we've been struggling with a Necro-heavy Maguuma group where I spend more time dodging circles and less time hitting stuff. Will be fun learning how to tackle them.

Number 1 thing I hate coming up against is knockbacks/knockdowns/pulls, all that jazz. Stability is only easily available on the transform elites or from going 30 points into the death-shroud trait tree. If I'm not a plague or a lich I am a juggling ball (hello CoF3 boss).


Ok one more post because I can't help it. Also because work is boring.

Levyne, you are absolutely correct. For example Tempest Wolves on SoR, which is largely considered the best NA guild in the game at this point, was on the verge of quitting last spring due to boredom. That is until Red Guard (That's Sacrx btw) joined JQ for a week in order to GvG. Well, TW ended up losing to RG10-0 which pretty much shocked the entire community.

After that, TW realized there was still a lot more to this game than meets the eye, got reinvigorated and motivated to play, and are still going strong to this day. It's not a stretch to believe that if TW quit, all of SoR would fall around them (who will defend our home bl without the Wolves lurking?)

The consequences of that match also started a sort of arms race, where guilds were trying to discover the secret of RG's success. This led to an elevated and rapidly deepening meta which led to more guilds playing more often. It's not a stretch to think that the steady population in T1 is due to in large part to the quickly evolving meta, of which GvG was the catalyst.

See, this is the kind of info I was looking for. I find metagame discussion fascinating, and when I hear GvG was beneficial for it, it certainly goes a long way to change my opinion on the matter. I'm with Hawk in that I frankly would have never considered, which yeah, does show my ignorance on the subject.


Number 1 thing I hate coming up against is knockbacks/knockdowns/pulls, all that jazz. Stability is only easily available on the transform elites or from going 30 points into the death-shroud trait tree. If I'm not a plague or a lich I am a juggling ball (hello CoF3 boss).

Yeah. That's why a large % of guardians running "Stand Your Ground" is pretty much the requirement for any large wvw group.

Sentinel's is a good weapon choice for any weapon you wish to use in wvw. I think the math works out that it's really good for any 2-hand weapon.


We’ve temporarily disabled the pack-up skills on all of the deployable siege weapons to stop the siege duping exploit. A real fix to this will be coming with the release on Tuesday.



Nope. Sentinel is the wacky Vit primary, Power Toughness build. Guardian pure power builds are a good match, and using about half of that and half Soldier's is my concept for the ultimate bunker Necro. No conditions, though.

That's actually pretty close to Ivogar's build. So that may influence your decision depending on how much you like The Friendliest Norn Necro In Tyria (tm)


Yeah. That's why a large % of guardians running "Stand Your Ground" is pretty much the requirement for any large wvw group.

Sentinel's is a good weapon choice for any weapon you wish to use in wvw. I think the math works out that it's really good for any 2-hand weapon.

SYG and Virtues X - 3 seconds of stability on Virtue of Courage - is required for any Guardian build.

Also Guardians start creating Charged Quartz Crystals because you will want Celestial Armor after the next update. Purging Flames getting buffed hard as well.

Sentinels is recommended on weapons you are correct.




The Cryptarch's Bane
Isn't it near to a mathematical certainty with this matchup? I mean unless we get completely blown away, we'll gain from the gap...
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