Guild Missions tonight?
Of course, 9pm Eastern as usual. Come git yer coms.
Guild Missions tonight?
WvWers, hardcore or not, WvWed for 12 months with no rewards except loot bags, why should that change now?These days people only play games if they're rewarded in some fashion, if the WvW rewards end up sucking because we're in dead last within the Gold league, people aren't going to bother showing up to even try. I don't have the actual quote, but I remember reading that the rewards for placing higher in Silver/Bronze will net you better rewards than lower placement in Gold so that people in SIlver/Bronze will still care to even play. So now we're stuck in a place where we'll get crushed by the better servers and get shit rewards instead of crushing Silver league and getting the best rewards. I play WvW just to PvP, but you can't sit here and tell me that you'd prefer getting stomped while being handed consolation prizes over stomping Silver and getting the best rewards possible. Though it's also possible the rewards mean nothing to you specifically. I dunno I think I'm just bitter about WvW matchups since no one enjoys blowouts on any side.
Not sure when I'll be on, but sometime before that, I wouldn't mind punching the Karka Queen, she made a mockery out of us earlier today.
WvWers, hardcore or not, WvWed for 12 months with no rewards except loot bags, why should that change now?
Being stomped for eight weeks will obviously weed out many so called fairweathers, and for those that would rather have spent at 5 of the 7 weeks (can only be matched up against Mag/SoS/FA so many times) with 600+ PPT just to win Silver, pretty much needing to spawncamp to see some red tags... well, there's always PvE.
We don't even know the rewards yet, do we? If not, I really don't see how it'd make a difference in the first place. Maybe in the next season, but for right now it's so vague that I think people are just playing for the challenge and pride. Leagues
Each world will be matched up with each other world in their league at least once over the course of the season. 1st place in each matchup will gain the world 5 points, 2nd place 3 points, and 3rd place 1 point. At the conclusion of the season, the worlds will be ranked in order of the total number of points they’ve acquired and all players who have completed the season long meta-achievement will be given prizes based on that ranking.
The winning world in each league will unlock a stack of supply dolyak finishers for their use in WvW and PvP. 1st place in the gold league will get a gold dolyak, 1st place in the silver league a silver dolyak, and 1st place in the bronze league a bronze dolyak. Every player will be rewarded with WvW account bonus chests based on the weekly results. This will continue once the season is complete and be a permanent feature of WvW going forward. The rewards for each week will only be available during the following week’s matchup. If you don’t log in during a given week you will not receive the bonus chests for the previous week.
Yeah there's some kind of key you'll get based on how your server did to unlock a chest, we just don't know what's in the chest yet.
This is the only official word I've read about it. Other than that, I assume there will likely be something else directly tied to the meta achievement (which is also a requirement for the tiered reward, IIRC, will edit as soon as I find the quote in this thread).
One thing i don't like is the bit of attitude popping up in chat. Had one commander raging lastnight, then saw a couple guys whining about "didnt come here to lose" today. Annoying stuff. Don't really give a shit about rewards, but I do want SBI to stay SBI with the general "screw it, lets have fun" mindset. Not the elitist or whining crap you hear about on other servers.
I just got an email that someone from China tried to access my account. I never thought this was a thing with GW2.
I'm not at my gaming pc at the moment, so I guess I will see tomorrow if anything happened to my chars or items...
I've gotten that email twice and nothing happened to my account but each time I also changed my password just incase.I just got an email that someone from China tried to access my account. I never thought this was a thing with GW2.
I'm not at my gaming pc at the moment, so I guess I will see tomorrow if anything happened to my chars or items...
I just got an email that someone from China tried to access my account. I never thought this was a thing with GW2.
I'm not at my gaming pc at the moment, so I guess I will see tomorrow if anything happened to my chars or items...
Could I get a guild invite? Evilgamer.3964
I added everyone on the officer's list, but no one was on, probably due to the hour![]()
I finally made the choice and I am now installing GW2. EU region but is there the usual choice of picking US etc? Would be nice to see some GAF peoples on my travels.
They have said they are totally separate as far as hardware. Not sure about location.Aren't the NA and EU servers in the same physical location anyways?
Playing a Thief and actually enjoying it. Combat takes a while to adjust to. Stealing is not what I expected.Also getting skills using the weapons is pretty cool and gets me to use them all to see what stuff there is.
My University work (and Girlfriend) are siphoning my free time. Pls send help.
Aren't the NA and EU servers in the same physical location anyways?
I want to jump back into this game so badly. I think I made it to lvl 15 as a warrior back in January. Have the classes changed much since the beginning of this year?
There was a pretty big balance pass over the summer where just about every profession was touched on. Necromancers were improved quite substantially, but just about everybody got something good. Warriors specifically received quite a few buffs, including an upgrade to Sword skills (Savage Leap now cripples for 3s, Hamstring is replaced entirely with an attack that deals more against enemies below 50% Health and Impale now causes Torment, a new condition). I'm hard pressed to think of anyone who came out the other side of that update with less than they went in with.
And lucky for you, there's another big balance pass coming Tuesday as well, from some leaked notes we saw a while ago it should be pretty good too.
Should I just start over? I dont remember anything from when I played earlier this year.
Nah, if you're level 15, you're not past any point where you can't just pick it back up and figure it out. The only thing you're not going to be able to 'catch up' on is the Living Story, which has basically been "Bad guys are working together to do bad things and we're not 100% sure why." That's really all WE know, honestly, though there's returning characters and such that you might bump into in the future. Since Tuesday's update is also the Halloween update, it probably won't be too story heavy either.
Jump in, have fun. Post your name.#### for a GAFGuild Invite and there will be plenty of people on to answer any questions you have (not that you can't ask them here too, of course).
Thank you. You are a very good person.
Who wants to run Ascalon Catacombs path 2 explorable with me?
I just started doing dungeons this weekend, and I can't seem to get a group for that one. All the LFG groups are 'level 80 experienced only' and asking in guild chat didn't get any replies.
And lucky for you, there's another big balance pass coming Tuesday as well, from some leaked notes we saw a while ago it should be pretty good too.
Can confirm it will be a pretty big update if they decide to go through with all of it at once.
New healing skills for all professions inbound.
Always was kind of funny that warriors are one of the few classes all useful healing skills. Each one would tie in quite well in different builds.Even without that (which, honestly, is overdue, most professions have one, maybe two that are decent), the leaked notes we saw earlier, if true, would make this a pretty significant update.
How many gems and keys have you got stashed Ash?
I'd certainly be willing to go, but if you mean now, that's going to be a problem since I'm posting from my phone in bed. I'll be on tomorrow, but I'm guessing there's a significant time difference. What times are best for you, maybe we can hit it early (for you) / late (for me)?
Hi guys, I tried the game last week, but the keyboard control is killing my left hand as I feared.
Is this game playable with a 360 Pad + Xpadder ?
Hi guys, I tried the game last week, but the keyboard control is killing my left hand as I feared.
Is this game playable with a 360 Pad + Xpadder ?