I'm on JQ and you guys have our deepest sympathies. We all went WTF when SBI got SOR lol.
Slaughtered Simin pretty handily this time. Felt good taking her down. Good work Arah P4 team.
Lyssa was pretty lulzy with that glitch.
all the lulz that fight.
like that, but with less yellows.
Part 1:
To clarify some common questions:
What does optimization mean in terms of the original post?
Im working primarily on server-side (as mentioned in the title) optimizations. Not to say that this doesnt have some smaller impact on the client, which I mentioned in posts elsewhere that there will some client-side gains as the changes rollout. Client-side changes are being worked on completely seperate and will release seperately and, sadly, slower. Im not going to get into the client-side portion of our optimization initiative, because Im not directly involved with what we have going on there.
What exactly do these server-side optimizations do?
As pointed out above, they will mostly be noticeable with latency in skill execution in heavy battles. I mentioned WvW being a benefactor because that has one of the most consistently dense battles going on. Thats not to say that this wont be noticeable in other parts of the game; it most definitely will.
Though server CPU usage is the biggest factor here, there are other optimizations as part of the changes going on. Bandwidth is another thing that plagues players with slower internet connections. That is something that were actively rolling out changes for, with the next set of changes coming at the end of October.
Removes the bottleneck in almost all of the game systems. Most of what goes on in the game is processed on the server, including combat, skills and movement. When this bottleneck is relieved, the changes will pretty much speak for themselves. A common example goes back to skill usage where in heavy battles, you press and skill key, but that skill never fires or your auto-attack skill fires instead.
Part 2:
Moving onto a few specific questions:
Q: My 1st question is : Can you be more specific of what optimization means and will it affect the skills as we know it by any negative way ?
A: These changes will go unnoticed functionality-wise. The only changes will be positive in that skill usage will be constantly more responsive.
Q: My Second question is : Wasnt all these problems caused because you have to broadcast every single condition/buff to everyone which is currently pushing your systems and servers/internet to its limits ?
A: This is a good question. Buffs are a large part of Guild Wars 2 and at first glance youd definitely think that telling everyone about them would be really expensive. In reality, this is only a hit with server->client traffic, which has been significantly improved with the handful of bandwidth optimizations that have already gone out. As far as server processing, its pretty minuscule (thankfully).
Q: My 3rd question is :If you ever have a solution to this are there any plans to lift the AoE Limit for both WvW/PvE/PvP because thats why this AoE limit exist in 1st place Isnt skill delay in big battles (WvW or PvE like Taco) a direct result of those?
A: <<< The AoE hit limits exist for more than just performance reasons. We already have a lot of places in the game where AoE limits are extremely high (WvW siege) or uncapped (monster skills). The last thing we want to do is relieve one problem only to introduce it somewhere else.
Q: When you say optimization, do you mean making your engine more compatible for multi-core systems? Right now your games engine runs primarily on single-thread, which Intel CPUs seem to thrive on; while at the same time your games engine is poorly designed for multi-thread CPUs, which AMD is best at.
A: As I outlined above, this is mostly server changes that Im involved with, but there are client optimizations in the works, but we dont know when those will go out. Optimizing is extremely dangerous and requires a lot of testing. The server side changes are more controlled in the sense that we dont have to worry about testing on different hardware configurations like with the client. Its unfortunate, but necessary to ensure that the changes dont end up doing more harm than good.
The engine isnt as single-threaded as you might think. It will only use as many threads as your machine can support. if you have a 4 core processor, you may only get 2 threads plus an additional 2 worker threads for processing things like animation. Though I we are definitely looking at other ways to improve other game systems to take better advantage of using multiple threads while theyre not in use.
Q: You said that when that patch note comes through, expect a very different WvW experience. should we expect to see these optimization on 15th October? or was that just writers freedom of speech?
A: I Apologize for any misunderstanding here. But the answer to this is no, there isnt really anything of note coming next week. Though I did I have large hand in the skill and combat related changes coming in that release . We definitely do have a few things thatll help, but most likely wont be noticeable.
Q: Thank you but what about client side optimizations? We were promised some major engine/client side optimizations to improve our fps in WvW 6~ months ago, has this project been dropped because I havent seen anything regarding client performance since then
A: Again, like I mentioned above we are working on client changes, but they are on a much slower release cadence and have to go through a rigorous test cycle before ever being on deck for release. Patrick, the slayer of culling, is a large part of these changes thatre being cooked up.
To respond to the large response by Demosthene.2195:
The idea for having some sort of central location or issue tracker as you mentioned, I think theres definitely something there. I think that central location would make sense to be on the Guild Wars 2 launcher itself, which from what I understand is going through a makeover. I think thats definitely something for the Community team to investigate.
The rest of your post starting going off-topic. I will say that I want to make sure that people realize that we dont always have the time to respond to every question, concern and issue that arises, even though we would love to. I constantly say how I try to be more involved and transparent with you guys, but obviously I dont have the ability to spend time on the forums every day. We love our player-base and appreciate how passionate they are. Your feedback doesnt go unnoticed, even if it seems like it does.
Also, thanks for the links, thats really cool to see other developers be so open with their player-base about issues.
Part 3:
So what am I working on besides ensuring player skills are efficient? Well with our two week release cadence, I work along-side our shiny new Technical Design team and Living World teams to ensure their content is efficient. Im also constantly exploring other ways to improve the game, which led me to something that I literally just finished wrapping up today. This change will go directly into testing early next week, which will then help us determine how significant it is and when we are comfortable enough to push it to the Live game. Im really optimistic about this change in particular; seeing massive drops in server load .
In closing, I want to let you guys know what the release plans are for optimizing the game server. To put it simply, the plan is changing almost every day. We have the ability to ship changes whenever theyre ready. And because of our current release cadence, that means that we can literally get these changes out to you guys in a matter of 2 weeks. That being said, optimization is dangerous, especially to a live game. Ideally I will continue to sneak in changes every 6 weeks or so, and when there are changes that players will notice, by all means there will be a release note to call them out.
Sounds like WVW turned to shit then. Glad I'm taking a break.
I hope this played at the end.
Also, you know there's a whole Persona community thread, right?
I think you are wrong in that assumption because seems like people had a lot of fun last night and we battled pretty well but overnight we got stomped because SoR is front loaded with oceanic players.Sounds like WVW turned to shit then. Glad I'm taking a break.
Sounds like WVW turned to shit then. Glad I'm taking a break.
Na, SOR usually doesn't try to demoralize servers not named BG. After a comfortable lead has been built up it'll be a relaxing week of drunk karma/world exp train-ing during the off hours and good fights during NA prime time. I think SBI can give TC a run for that 4th place slot though.I think you are wrong in that assumption because seems like people had a lot of fun last night and we battled pretty well but overnight we got stomped because SoR is front loaded with oceanic players.
We won't win this but there is a chance we can go to #4 in the rankings (not from this week but during league play) which means a huge jump and possibly just as good rewards as being #1 or 2.
There is a chance that we will be too butt hurt and just stop playing which will push us down to silver league.
We won't win this but there is a chance we can go to #4 in the rankings (not from this week but during league play) which means a huge jump and possibly just as good rewards as being #1 or 2.
Na, SOR usually doesn't try to demoralize servers not named BG. After a comfortable lead has been built up it'll be a relaxing week of drunk karma/world exp train-ing during the off hours and good fights during NA prime time. I think SBI can give TC a run for that 4th place slot though.
What this means is our Sea can go full offensive tonight, and unless you have a massive Sea force, this match will be over by morning.
I think you are wrong in that assumption because seems like people had a lot of fun last night and we battled pretty well but overnight we got stomped because SoR is front loaded with oceanic players.
Also realize that this is what WvW looks like in T1 every single night, and we will be coming for you like this 24/7 until next week. Get ready.
we will be too butt hurt and just stop playing which will push us down to silver league.
TrounceX saying the match will be determined in a day? That just makes me smh. I'm sure at lower tiers it's a bitter fight to the end, and that's more preferable to me IMO.
This man gets it.
Reasons T1/T2 are Not Ideal
- Zergfest
- Underhanded tactics
- Sabotage
- Coverage > Skill
- Bandwagoning tendencies
These were just the general feelings of why we the server are tired of fighting "at the top." All of them sum up to a feeling that it's not fun. We'll be happy with whatever lower tier we end up in. (Source)
We have certainly met our betters and we aren't at their level, but if more people from SBI that enjoy WvW are enjoying WvW then that's really all that matters.
All of this is solid reasoning to be interested in a season rather than the weekly matchups with no consequences.Likewise. There's nothing exciting about a shutout where two servers struggle to gain a toehold for 6 days straight and the third server just sits and watches and calls in the zerg if anybody sticks their head up anywhere.
That was in beta, and as much fun as it was (and frustrating as it must have been for them) just holding one tower has very little overall impact. Doing stuff like that is what I enjoy most as well, but don't try and paint it as some kind of unorthodox and effective tactic you'd want to use during a close matchup.There was one fun night where Ash and I and a bunch of GAFers sat on a tower in the enemy borderlands and kept a whole corner of the map locked down against several frontal zergs. I think it was getting on 3am when it was just a handful of us left that we lost that tower. Good times.
With SoR now completely dominating the map we are still beating SoS, who is ranked above us, and we should be able to hang onto that heading back into NA primetime. I'm starting to get kind of curious, were the true shutouts over the last few weeks less boring to you guys because it was us on top? The only thing interesting about the matchup before last week's was that I got a bit more map completion.We'll see how it shakes out, but seeing as how SoR is sitting on 73% of the map in the middle of the day on a weekend and there are 6 days left, I don't see how there will be much more than a boring shutout, leading to repetitive brick wall head bashing, etc.
As long as you kind of think of it in terms of a battle for the middle, it could be a lot of fun when the season starts.Gold league sounds exciting. I hope the server can keep its spirits up until I come off my self-imposed break. I'd love to start focusing on WvW more when I come back.
It's just not really your role to ensure they understand what is or isn't tenable. Look, I'm getting the impression that if we do get a lot of bandwagoning and people hopping off to remain safely at the top, you'll be like "welp, here we go again" even though that's theoretically what you want, and if we do manage to eke out some position stable in T2 or between 2 and 3 (again, T1 is not happening) then you're positive you won't be able to enjoy yourself on spec. We start getting into "doing slightly better is bad" territory.Retro said:That's fine, and I'm glad they're having fun (which is fine, I don't want people to not have fun, I just want them to understand that the situation is very likely untenable). But in the long term, when they get sick of "the server not supporting them" or "the casuals running off to do PVE", they'll likely shuffle off for whichever server is tops or trending like last time. And if it doesn't happen and they're able to maintain this upper tier nonsense, I guess it just means that part of the game isn't allowed to be fun for the rest of us again.
Are you mad, man?!Been tempted with GW2 for ages, yet it still seems to be pretty expensive. Loved GW1.
Are you mad, man?!
No offense at all to Gw1, which I adored, but GW2 at this stage in its life is quite a better value. $42 on amazong is a steal in my super humble opinion
I have mixed feelings about being in gold league. We now stand zero chances of actually placing first in our league and will probably get shit consolation prizes for placing last in gold versus awesome stuff for 1st in silver. GG SBI.
That was in beta, and as much fun as it was (and frustrating as it must have been for them) just holding one tower has very little overall impact. Doing stuff like that is what I enjoy most as well, but don't try and paint it as some kind of unorthodox and effective tactic you'd want to use during a close matchup.
I'm starting to get kind of curious, were the true shutouts over the last few weeks less boring to you guys because it was us on top? The only thing interesting about the matchup before last week's was that I got a bit more map completion.
I don't know how to formulate the words to respond to you guys. FIghting FA and SOR have been some of the most memorable battles for me. Maguuma is a slightly unique and annoying snowflake, but at the same time, I can't wait to face them again, whether that is in league play or after.
Why the heck is this even important.
How Soloable is GW2? I do like to be in guilds and run instances etc but I also like to know that I can solo through the majority of the game and not feel like I am gimped in some way.
middle of gold > top of silver > bottom of gold and I'm giving no thought whatsoever to whatever tangible rewards there are. that's about as much thought as I'm gonna put into it
edit: Raide, there is plenty to do solo, and there is no penalty for "impromptu grouping" (not partying up), there's no kill stealing or single loot rolls or anything.
Soloing is totally OK. Dodging attacks is a big part of combat, and everyone has self-heal skills.
Ahh thanks both.
Also, is the double class thing still there from GW1? Just working my way through Wiki's and youtube videos.![]()
No, that was taken out. GW1 eventually had too many skills that all did the same thing so they cut back on skill bloat considerably for GW2 as it's much easier to balance. Let me give you a link to my megapost, do note that it hasn't been updated since launch though as it was just a primer for people.
Read that, do note that info there can be outdated/changed now. Also, here's a link to the updates to the game:
New releases are every two weeks, next one is this Tuesday (15th).
So in other words, it's all about the coverage, and no matter how well anyone actually plays, having an overnight crew to sweep through and take everything will likely be the determining factor. Shocking. Who could have predicted such a thing. Such mystery.
Thank ye kindly. Digesting the information now.
this is a huge problem, imo. its way too easy to flip shit and just wipe out hours of time. one of the reasons I stopped playing WvW. My prime time would be during that early am and it was boring as fuck fighting like 30 people and just sweeping everything.
Also, I don't mind playing the higher tiers. I enjoy being an underdog in pvp. I did play a warlock in wow pre deathcoil, after all.
I don't know how to formulate the words to respond to you guys. FIghting FA and SOR have been some of the most memorable battles for me. Maguuma is a slightly unique and annoying snowflake, but at the same time, I can't wait to face them again, whether that is in league play or after.
Why the heck is this even important.
Nope, the one thing I miss most.Ahh thanks both.
Also, is the double class thing still there from GW1? Just working my way through Wiki's and youtube videos.![]()