Dunno about anyone else, but we're pulling for Mag or FA to take 6th. Gold pretty much means our weekend roaming is dead as we know it.
This overflow beat teq with 5:15 left and got flawless defense lol.
These new ones are OP as hell (if what I've seen are true), especially that mesmer oneEven without that (which, honestly, is overdue, most professions have one, maybe two that are decent), the leaked notes we saw earlier, if true, would make this a pretty significant update.
I don't see how a gendered insult is helping matters. There is nothing fun about not being able to do anything on any map. I enjoyed last week's matchup; that had the right amount of challenge and activity.
That looks nice.
do you get rewards based on rankings?
I wouldnt roll on stormbluff if you like wvw. Theyre the PUSSY server these days.
I wouldnt roll on stormbluff if you like wvw. Theyre the PUSSY server these days.
Unfortunately, SBI is a "Very High" server which means an 1800 gem transfer fee. Actually...I played for about a month, maybe two at launch and I think I'd like to come back and experience some more GW2.
I'm on Maguuma currently... how much would it cost for me to transfer to NeoGAF's server since I really do enjoy WvW and would prefer rolling with a guild who participates?
Don't have much else in NA these days...
I don't know why you need to lie? We all know you will have all the cheevos tonight!Meh. Might wait a few days to even bother patching
Enjoy the path notes: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/info/updates/Game-Update-Notes-October-15-2013
Next update teaser:
Looks like a Lich!
The Mad Kings Labyrinth has been thrown into conflict as the Mad Kings and Bloody Princes armies clash. Watch the Thorns bicker in the map as their forces fight for control. Three legendary bosses patrol the maze: the Skeletal Lich, the Grand High Viscount of Candy Corn, and the Labyrinthine Horror.
The Mad Kings Clock Tower has returned with all of its jumping challenges. While ascending the tower, the player will remain fully visible, but fellow players will be shown with a mist effect.
Looks like skins are from the BL Chests again. Rofl.
Re: Necro changes
Tranfusion, deathly invigoration, and ritual mastery together is insane. With all cleric's gear (except accessory slots, which are berserker), I can pull off 5100~ hp heals every 34 seconds with life transfer, and 950~ heals every seven seconds when coming out of life shroud-- both in an AOE. I can then use my actual healing ability, well of blood, for a 7k self heal, followed by another 7k hot over the duration of 10 seconds, every 32 seconds.
Fucking nuts.
Krait structures, often titled with the word "Deeps" (e.g., Stygian Deeps and Stormwreck Deeps), stretch from the ocean depths to just above the surface. Their cities are often built around one or more of the great obelisks, elaborately built to incorporate coral reefs and natural caverns. The city usually contains underwater hatcheries, palatial living areas, arenas for gladiatorial combat, and long lines of glowing road markers which can be seen from the surface. Slaves are penned in small chambers at the top of the structures until it is time to be eaten or sacrificed. This top part is often built from shipwrecks or materials stolen from the land.
Religion is at the heart of krait society, and in turn, the obelisks are at the heart of krait religion. The obelisks are rare, eerily smooth stones made from a unique material found on the ocean floor. According to the Oratuss, the priesthood of the krait, the obelisks mark the sites of the "ascension" of ancient krait prophets to some higher realm, but land-based scholars speculate that they are simply ancient krait monuments whose purpose have been long-forgotten due to the oral nature of the krait's religious texts.
Krait doctrine fortells the return of the obelisks' prophets, bringing with them massive armies to flood the surface of the world and destroy other species. It is to these prophets that the krait sacrifice their slaves, believing that they will serve the prophets as they expand their otherworldly armies. The krait regularly use magical and mathematical means to attempt to predict the time of the prophets' return, but have yet to be successful.
Like their obelisks, all krait are steadfast and immobile in their beliefs. Their legends say those on land were driven out of the sea by the prophets and forbidden to return. This regarded with a degree of scepticism by other races but the krait refuse to listen such things and are happy to kill to ensure that the krait religion is not defamed. All krait are willing to die for the continuity of their species and for the cause of their prophets.
The religion of the krait is what allows the Oratuss to control the entire race. Religious "texts" followed by the krait are passed down verbally through these priests and priestesses. The vast length of the texts allows the priests, who have dedicated their lives to the texts, to make subtle changes to the wording and manipulate the interpretation of their legends to serve their purposes and support their power.
I'm looking forward to the update. I'm ready to get my Halloween on.[/QUOTE]
Arg. I'm sitting in class right now. I need some GW2 Halloween. So good.
Oh god....that shield and staff! I have 1 BL ticket....to buy more keys or not?! I love you Anet.
Oh .. and I'm not into mini's, but OMG......mini baby ghost trick or treat quaggan?!!!! /dead