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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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Really hard to resist trolling the rageprone commanders, especially when they start typing in stanza.

It rains Emperyal fragments if you do dungeons/wvw even at casual levels. Dragonite is a little harder to come by, but hitting up world bosses every once in a while has kept me well ahead. The slowest bit for me is the low/mid level planks.

But I'm annoyed at how quick bloodstone dust piles up, especially since it cost 15 silver per 100 to use it. Its practically a fee on keeping your inventory clean. Deliberately Champ farming would make it even worse.


I think also worth mentioning is how minuscule the stat increase from exotic to ascended is.

for example
995 – 1,100
+179 Condition Damage
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality

1,045 – 1,155
+188 Precision
+134 Power
+134 Condition Damage

They are in no way required for you to be competitive in any aspect of the game. They're simply for players who have the gold/mats/whatever and need something to spend it on.

If you are struggling to put together the mats for an ascended weapon, or think it's too much. Don't craft it. It's not worth it at that point. Wait until you can craft it more comfortably. I guarantee you won't see hardly any difference at all when you do get it. If you lose to someone in pvp 99% of the time its not because he had 10 more vit than you.

leng jai

Yeah there's really zero point in getting an Ascended weapon for the stats especially if it's a struggle for you gold wise. It's really just a pointless grind that was added in so people had something to do.
Ascended stuffs would be cooler if you could combine stats to build up "prefixes." I'm not interested in Legendaries yet, but I would like to horizontally work on making my weapon better. The thing that sucks about being an Ele is you can only have one weapon on at a time. Thus you'll have many weapons of the same type with different prefixes hogging up your inventory. If I could just have one staff, a couple of dangers, and a scepter that I could change from berserker to soldiers, that would be great. Don't get me started on multiple armor sets.

Ascension was something that allowed you to change your secondary in GW1. Since secondaries don't exist in GW2, it should be something that you would have to work for to eventually change your prefix out of combat at will.


I love the Ascended things. But I'm also a min/maxer. It also gives me something to strive for, since it's something I can do by myself.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Ascended stuffs would be cooler if you could combine stats to build up "prefixes." I'm not interested in Legendaries yet, but I would like to horizontally work on making my weapon better. The thing that sucks about being an Ele is you can only have one weapon on at a time. Thus you'll have many weapons of the same type with different prefixes hogging up your inventory. If I could just have one staff, a couple of dangers, and a scepter that I could change from berserker to soldiers, that would be great. Don't get me started on multiple armor sets.

Ascension was something that allowed you to change your secondary in GW1. Since secondaries don't exist in GW2, it should be something that you would have to work for to eventually change your prefix out of combat at will.
Yeah, that would be awesome and make me actually want to work toward ascended weapons actively rather than not caring about them.


Ascended stuffs would be cooler if you could combine stats to build up "prefixes." I'm not interested in Legendaries yet, but I would like to horizontally work on making my weapon better. The thing that sucks about being an Ele is you can only have one weapon on at a time. Thus you'll have many weapons of the same type with different prefixes hogging up your inventory. If I could just have one staff, a couple of dangers, and a scepter that I could change from berserker to soldiers, that would be great. Don't get me started on multiple armor sets.

Ascension was something that allowed you to change your secondary in GW1. Since secondaries don't exist in GW2, it should be something that you would have to work for to eventually change your prefix out of combat at will.

Yeah, that would be awesome and make me actually want to work toward ascended weapons actively rather than not caring about them.

Yeah, I'd love this. Even if they made putting prefixes on them more difficult than just buying them, I'd be OK with that.

Perhaps have a limit on the total you can have attached, instead of having every one like legendary weapons.


I think also worth mentioning is how minuscule the stat increase from exotic to ascended is.

for example
995 – 1,100
+179 Condition Damage
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality

1,045 – 1,155
+188 Precision
+134 Power
+134 Condition Damage

They are in no way required for you to be competitive in any aspect of the game. They're simply for players who have the gold/mats/whatever and need something to spend it on.

If you are struggling to put together the mats for an ascended weapon, or think it's too much. Don't craft it. It's not worth it at that point. Wait until you can craft it more comfortably. I guarantee you won't see hardly any difference at all when you do get it. If you lose to someone in pvp 99% of the time its not because he had 10 more vit than you.

yup, this is why I wont hurry to make ascended armor. The weapon was easy for me and didnt require much farming. Plus it was a fun goal. Just not sure I'm all about armor that requires gathering a crazy sum of mats(most likely). I'll make it when i can if anything.
I think also worth mentioning is how minuscule the stat increase from exotic to ascended is.

for example
995 – 1,100
+179 Condition Damage
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality

1,045 – 1,155
+188 Precision
+134 Power
+134 Condition Damage

They are in no way required for you to be competitive in any aspect of the game. They're simply for players who have the gold/mats/whatever and need something to spend it on.

If you are struggling to put together the mats for an ascended weapon, or think it's too much. Don't craft it. It's not worth it at that point. Wait until you can craft it more comfortably. I guarantee you won't see hardly any difference at all when you do get it. If you lose to someone in pvp 99% of the time its not because he had 10 more vit than you.

That's why I haven't really chased after them much. The stat difference is negligible, especially since I only play PvE and sPvP. They are nice to go after as an extra crafting task on the characters where I was already maxed out but, that's all for me really.


Getting into the game now. I do like how the starting stuff is no the same thing over and over. Nice to have some variation.

Tried out all the classes now and its tough to pick one I like. Engineer is fun but not clicking just yet.


Getting into the game now. I do like how the starting stuff is no the same thing over and over. Nice to have some variation.

Tried out all the classes now and its tough to pick one I like. Engineer is fun but not clicking just yet.

A lot of professions don't really 'click' until you get access to stuff later (which, ironically, flies in the face of the "you get all your skills early and nothing new ever again" complaint), like traits or the more advanced Utility skills.

For engineer, I had a blast with the Rifle, but I really fell for the class when I got my hands on the Flamethrower kit. Combined with the right traits (Juggernaut, HGH) you become an unstoppable inferno of might.


Mesmers are terrible early on but post level 40, they're pretty fantastic.

I'd look up a leveling guide because otherwise Mesmers are really boring. Other classes have leveling guides too.


level in the mad kings lab imo. scale up to 80 and always a huge zerg to follow for safety.

pretty much how i leveled my mesmer during the gauntlet thing. get xp food and you're good to go.
A lot of professions don't really 'click' until you get access to stuff later (which, ironically, flies in the face of the "you get all your skills early and nothing new ever again" complaint), like traits or the more advanced Utility skills.

For engineer, I had a blast with the Rifle, but I really fell for the class when I got my hands on the Flamethrower kit. Combined with the right traits (Juggernaut, HGH) you become an unstoppable inferno of might.

I didn't really like engie too much till then ether. But now? I feel liek the damn Fury. In zerg events, it's damn useful, as you tag scores of foes and get insane XP.

the other kits don't feel nearly as fun, so I find myself rarely using them thusfar while leveling. .
I am actually having more fun with leveling my Elementalist then I had with leveling my warrior or ranger to 80. It might be the fact that I am limited to 1 weapon at a time but I get 20 skills for that weapon to cycle through. I find it makes me think more about how I approach a situation then when I play my warrior where I just run in and eat any damage I take while go through skills 1-5 then switch to weapon 2 and go through 1-5 again.

I tried an Engineer briefly but it didn't click, I don't know why. Once I get enough to get a new character slot I might try the class again though.


A lot of professions don't really 'click' until you get access to stuff later (which, ironically, flies in the face of the "you get all your skills early and nothing new ever again" complaint), like traits or the more advanced Utility skills.

For engineer, I had a blast with the Rifle, but I really fell for the class when I got my hands on the Flamethrower kit. Combined with the right traits (Juggernaut, HGH) you become an unstoppable inferno of might.

At lower level, it the normal turret or flame turret worth getting? Also, what is the grenade kit?


Obligatory: take your new professions to the Heart of the Mists via the PvP tab. All of the weapons and traits are immediately available to test for free. It's even more useful now with the updated tooltips.


the other kits don't feel nearly as fun, so I find myself rarely using them thusfar while leveling. .

I kind of agree. I feel like the Juggernaut trait (You gain toughness while wielding a flamethrower. In addition, gain might at regular intervals while using this weapon kit.) could be expanded to include the Elixir Gun, which sort of feels like a thematic pairing. There's already two traits that benefit both (Deadly Mixture in the alchemy line gives both more damage, Fireforged Trigger in Firearms reduces their CDs).

I should take the Professor into dungeons more often, my build right now is pretty much DPS (lots of elixirs though, so the toolbelt allows a little support... plus Supply Drop) and I want to see what a more support-oriented build can do while still being a pyromaniac when the situation calls for it.

I liked Land Mines more when they were a kit as it allowed you to place traps in specific places and sort of set an elaborate trap (which, let's face it, sounds like it's right up the engineer's alley). The way they work now is okay, but having them as a 'kit' felt like fun.

I try bomb / grenade kit, but the timing of the former doesn't mesh well with my playstyle and the latter just gets kind of uncomfortable and boring after a while (fun underwater though). I almost wish they rolled Bomb and Mine kit together, so the variety of condition-inflicting bombs were proximity or trigger-based instead of timed. Then you could detonate them manually if you wanted. In the chaos of combat, timed bombs can be invalidated by a few simple missteps by you or your group.

Grenade Kit could stand to be target based instead of manually targeted, or at least allow a trait to make them that way.

I'm also holding out hope that when they hand out new skills eventually, Engineers get a crazy "Swiss Army Rifle" weapon kit. Give it a sniper shot (increased damage the further you are from target), rapid fire (like the Warrior's Volley), and an underslung grenade launcher with two skills. The first would be a straight up incendiary grenade that leaves a short duration AOE fire field, the second a shrapnel grenade you can detonate manually for a larger AOE field (ala the Thief's Cluster Bomb). The last skill would let you toss the gun manually, to be picked up by another player (who can then use it like the Elementalist's conjured weapons) or as a knockback proximity mine if an enemy steps over it.

At lower level, it the normal turret or flame turret worth getting? Also, what is the grenade kit?

Early on, the turrets are okay (better now that they manually target what you're attacking). I found the Thumper turret to be useful as a distraction. I guess dumping a lot of turrets down at once and keeping them repaired with the Tool Kit is something they want to do, but in a game with so much emphasis on mobility it seems like sitting still is problem (Shamans in WoW had the same issue with Totems).

Grenade Kit is alright; it's 5 manually-targeted AOE attacks that inflict different conditions (bleed, poison, chilled and blind). The problem is that you're constantly chucking grenades and since you're manually dropping them, it starts to be a little carpel tunnel-y after a while. It does respectable damage, but it can kill your hands and get boring after a while.


The Cryptarch's Bane
My engi's closing on 80 and I love it. Really complex to think of multiple builds the way I do with all my characters. Of the kits, tool kit and elixir gun are actually my favorites, but I also really like elixirs and even the gadget line since the changes. Honestly haven't even equipped flamethrower yet. Grenades are fine on the controller but I got kind of bored.

I haven't tried turrets since the new changes, but they were always a little lacking. I am interested to pursue it with the traits and tool kit though. I think to really get the most out of the class I just need templates, which the game doesn't have yet. But it's still a great class.

Hidden pistol, the charr racial skill, has an awesome toolbelt utility that's a lot of fun. But obviously you gotta be charr.


Got enough time (away from my regular node farming time) to get back out into WvW. All I can say is what they flying hell? I thought the skill lag may have been a little exaggerated.....yeah, boy was I wrong. WTF happened?? It really is unplayable.


Got enough time (away from my regular node farming time) to get back out into WvW. All I can say is what they flying hell? I thought the skill lag may have been a little exaggerated.....yeah, boy was I wrong. WTF happened?? It really is unplayable.

More and more people wanting to play. They're working on server side latency optimizations at the moment, going skill by skill and optimizing them. There was a big post by the dev heading that on the official forums laying it all out about a week ago.


Yeah. Colin was talking about it this morning, so knew it was being worked on. I was just blown away at the reality of it (the skill lag).


It feels like they're getting a lot of returning players back - in spite of all the players I see at events, the mid level zones are still a wasteland

They really need to do a hotzone daily type deal to encourage people to revisit zones and do events in them


More and more people wanting to play.
I don't see how it can all be swept under the title of more demand when there have been queues for months on the high tier servers. Presumably the number per map hasn't changed, yet the lag is palpably worse.

However since we know the servers aren't truly separate, perhaps increased demand across the mid and low tiers is draining the resources for all WvW maps.


Great night defending and upgrading SBIBL. Pulled all over for the first few hours before we got some time to retake the South, but there were a ton of great fights. Got plenty of bags and didn't die once. Zed is a really solid commander.


It feels like they're getting a lot of returning players back - in spite of all the players I see at events, the mid level zones are still a wasteland

They really need to do a hotzone daily type deal to encourage people to revisit zones and do events in them

They do. Every day there's a daily asking you to go to the Shiverpeaks, Ascalon, Kryta, or Maguuma. But it's easy to skip them much of the time, or people end up going to the highest or lowest level of that area to do it.

I'm not sure if it's wise to target specific zones, as that will probably increase the chances of those dailies getting skipped.


I'm not sure if it's wise to target specific zones, as that will probably increase the chances of those dailies getting skipped.

Not to mention that putting it into specific zones limits the number of players who can participate, unless it's always in a low level zone... which doesn't solve the problem of middle-tier zones being 'empty' anyways. I still see people in places like Dredgehaunt and Lornar's Pass, so I'm not entirely sure they're completely dead. Certainly not as active as stuff like Queensdale.

The best way to get people to go to low and medium level zones is to add new things to them. Like, add some giant structure that appears under mysterious circumstances to draw people there. I wonder if they'd ever do something like that....


Not to mention that putting it into specific zones limits the number of players who can participate, unless it's always in a low level zone... which doesn't solve the problem of middle-tier zones being 'empty' anyways. I still see people in places like Dredgehaunt and Lornar's Pass, so I'm not entirely sure they're completely dead. Certainly not as active as stuff like Queensdale.

The best way to get people to go to low and medium level zones is to add new things to them. Like, add some giant structure that appears under mysterious circumstances to draw people there. I wonder if they'd ever do something like that....

I think you may be on to something.

leng jai

Why don't they just randomly add chests near vistas in each zone with decent drops that you could loot once a day? Seems like it would be an easy way to lure some people into other areas.


i hope the krait stuff is more than what we've been getting. like no more invasions stuff. make it more involving than killing wave after boring wave of mobs.

lets see us having to actually build defenses and attacking on multiple fronts.
I'm just clearly still missing something; you can't sell any basic ascended mats anyway. Bloodstone Dust is all you get from champ farming, so if you already had that...?

I'm just confused because you said the process pushes you toward (seemingly only toward) champ farming. Champ farming even for 400 hours will not get you any of either of these mats. Whether or not they "come easy" kinda depends on what you do while playing I guess. I have well over 1000 of each and I really did not specifically "go after" them at all.

To clarify,
Empyreal Fragments come from jumping puzzles/open world chests, guild puzzles/rushes, dungeons/fractals and camps and towers in WvW
Dragonite Ore comes from World Boss chests, guild challenges, and keeps and castles in WvW

Just over the course of playing the game as I do, I've amassed stacks of these to the point where the most appealing thing about leveling my crafting wasn't getting my first ascended weapon, but reclaiming the inventory space taken up by all my mats (I have started to suspect, looking back, that this was intentional).

But if I had wanted to acquire them at a much faster rate, this area of the game rewards you heavily for having multiple characters:
-Here's a ludicrous map for farming Empyreal Fragments making 500 per play session quite practical if you have 3 or more high-level characters
Empyreal Fragment dungeon rewards are also not daily-bound, so you could just repeatedly run a rotation of the quickest paths multiple times for 20 per run.

-Dragonite Ore comes in ~20 increments from the dragons, Golem, and Fire Shaman, and a guaranteed 30 from the Orr temples and Karka Queen (lesser from everything else so if speed if the factor, they're not worth it). This is also character bound, like fragments, so if you have multiple characters, keep your eyes on a page like this and combined with guesting, it's again totally possible to get 500 within a single play session (15 Orr temple events, or 10 temples plus a handful of others, etc.)

Again I want to stress I'm not advocating doing it this way (it would bore me quickly), just pointing out that it's quite possible and not particularly difficult to rapidly acquire these materials.

All basic Ascended mats are account bound. RNG being the limiting factor here, definitely makes dark matter the most annoying. I'd just suggest making sure to use a Black Lion kit, and as far as obtaining your exotics, anything from the 180-token level from dungeon vendors (such as helms or greaves) is great (because running them will also have earned you gold and empyreal fragments).

Prices have gone up (and seem to be stabilizing gently now), but even so, this list is a bit miselading. It certainly looks overwhelming, but discounting the Ectos (which you can obtain in like an hour of doing world bosses, which would also be getting you Dragonite... notice a pattern emerging? :p) we're honestly looking at less than 20 gold for this list. And you can mitigate that even further; even outside of gathering yourself, if buying you should be buying ore rather than ingots and refining yourself, and you can look into material promotion in the MF which can save you even more- bear in mind that you can do this for refined materials too, i.e. planks/ingots versus logs/ore.

On this list, the Shards are the only onerous bit: either an open Balthazar temple for Skill Points, a variable amount of Karma for Orr Jewelry Boxes, or Fractal relics. The rest is ultimately pretty trivial, honestly.

Truly, by far far far far the most burdensome part of creating an Ascended weapon is getting the crafting discipline to 500 in the first place. That will take either far more money or far more time than the above. However, it also only needs to be done once per craft, and once reached, another avenue of profit is open to you in selling the refined Ascended mats that people want to make their weapons quicker.

Not just primary and secondary weapons, I want every weapon type each of my character classes can use! I'll just craft one as each character reaches the ascended mats needed per weapon; there's no reason for me to rush. And I think it's this point where we come up against a philosophical distinction... why do you feel like you have to go out of your way right now? Or maybe, if you feel like you have to go out of your way, why do it at all? I guess there's deciding to get it as quickly as possible, deciding not to put any effort toward it at all, and everything in between. But if you decide you must have it as quickly as possible, I dunno how anything done along that path could be going out of your way.

Honestly, it seems like a lot when you're just looking at the broad view of everything you need to make one weapon, but ultimately given enough time I can already tell they will start to feel pretty trivial to acquire (like all other gear in this game, except Legendaries and the crazier unique Exotics :p).

Let me clarify how I have played since ascended weapons was introduced.

I have a main character, lvl 80 Warrior who I did the Aetherblade Dungeon, Teq attempts(still not succesful) :( WvW, Mad King and yeah the occassional champ farming. Out of doing these activities, the only thing I got a lot of was bloodstone.

I got very little dragonite, and little Empyreal Fragments too! to get 500 of these, when you get 3-5 for taking a keep in WvW. that will take a long time.

I'm starting my ascended path well because, I have the gear I want for my main. I gave up on a legendary, I have my tier 3 cultural armor, and I have my exotic skins that I most want in the game. Only my rings and backpacks are not ascended, and since I really, really, really dislike fractals, doing my ascended weapon(s) makes sense.

But where the game is full of champs in every map, it just seems to me getting the dragonite/empyreal requires a lot more. Thats just how I feel about it. I get ascended weapon should take a long time, but it could use the world itself better. That's what I meant by fleshing it out.

much like laurels are more fleshed out now. So too could these ascended mats be. ascended mats in dailys, in achievement rewards, for doing events, opening chests in the world, looting off high ranking players in WvW. it wouldnt have to be much, - just a more steady and broad stream of getting them.

if im lone wolfing or not doing world bosses I feel these are a lot less to come by for example.


gw2stuff.com & CoF1, HotW1, and AC3 will get you all the dragonstone and emp fragments you'll need inside of a week. CoF1, HotW1 and some world bosses can be done inside of an hour. AC3 slows it down a little, but its easier and pays out a little more. When I want an a new ascended weapon, I try to hit those every day. Usually between 3 dungeons and some world bosses dailies will finish along the way.

Either most of FA is in zerker armor, or they have a lot of upscaled people. But they're still winning by 12k points. Their coverage must be a lot better than ours. I wonder if we can still win silver if we lose this week.
If we do not win this week the only way for us to win this season is if we win every match after this, especially last week where the matchup is the same as this one.

If the last match of the season FA comes second and we come first and we both won the other matches, I think it will be a tie for first place.

I guess to win for sure we have to make sure that on the last week we come first and DB comes second so that FA gets the least points.

Also a fun fact, if this (https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/wuv/wuv/WvW-Season-1-Schedule) is any indication we will be green for every single match up.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Got enough time (away from my regular node farming time) to get back out into WvW. All I can say is what they flying hell? I thought the skill lag may have been a little exaggerated.....yeah, boy was I wrong. WTF happened?? It really is unplayable.
I had over an hour queue last night starting at ~10pm eastern before giving up for the night, so I haven't even been able to experience the unplayable skill lag! I'll try to get in at an even less primer-time at some point, this matchup seems like an interesting one.

Oh well. Hopefully it'll improve naturally soon or they'll do a bit of a boost to the backend. Tequatl main before reset saw some nasty lag for me too, whereas overflows felt solid. From my perspective the Edge of the Mists can't come soon enough :p
Let me clarify how I have played since ascended weapons was introduced.

I have a main character, lvl 80 Warrior who I did the Aetherblade Dungeon, Teq attempts(still not succesful) :( WvW, Mad King and yeah the occassional champ farming. Out of doing these activities, the only thing I got a lot of was bloodstone.
Just to be clear the only reason I responded with all that info about how you can most easily get the mats was that you said the ascended grind pointed players toward champ farming and I couldn't wrap my mind around that. Especially if bloodstone dust was the only thing you already had, I don't understand what make you think more champ farming would be a useful approach. You said, "the way you play to get the materials is very specific to train-farming champions," and I just didn't get how that worked. Honestly I still don't know exactly what you meant, but I just wanted to stress that that was why I responded. The rest of your complaint makes sense to me.

I mean you're definitely correct, doing one dungeon (released before Ascended matierials existed), failed attempts at one world boss, and champ farming will not fill up your stock of mats. No regular dungeon runs, jumping puzzles, or world bosses... means the most ore and fragments you've been getting have been from guild missions (if you've been making those), which is definitely going to be a painfully slow rate. I think it definitely makes sense that keeps should give more than 5 dragonite ore in WvW; the empyreal fragment gain seems fine from camps/towers to me though.

So I hope some of the resources I linked to upstairs make the remaining grind for you less inconvenient. If you want to lone wolf the process, the giant-ass fragment chest map will help enormously... even with just one character, you can rack up 100+ with pretty little time and effort (although personally I would recommend dungeons, because they get you lots of other good stuff too); guesting to attacking Orr temples will fill up your dragonite. Of course, alternatively just hit a dungeon or two, and a world boss or two, each session as you play, and build the mats up over more time.

I'm starting my ascended path well because, I have the gear I want for my main.
I'm kind of starting to feel this way too as I close in on 500 in my first crafting profession. I'm somewhat getting the appeal of "okay, what's next?" having a clear, "just do this" answer (though I sure as hell remain glad that the stat difference is negligible). I'm still not convinced that Ascended gear was a net positive for all players, but I think eventually it will feel like a sensible addition that doesn't contrast with the accessible spirit of the game.

One side effect is I find it much easier to justify my love for non-80 exotics when gearing up alts. They're "until you deserve it!" purchases, since you can't just buy an ascended weapon and there's no such thing as a non-80 ascended piece. Even though I can afford the 80s now, the savings are so tasty for getting ones just a couple levels below, plus I can get some life out of transmutation stones.

ascended mats in dailys, in achievement rewards, for doing events, opening chests in the world, looting off high ranking players in WvW.
Achievement chests shower you will just about everything else regardless of usefulness, so why not. High-xp player loot in WvW makes sense too, good idea!

Chests in the open world already give empyreal fragments! The little queensdale loop alone gets you what, 25+ per character? And as far as dailies and events... I have to tell you, as much as I do sympathize with you acquiring the mats at a slower pace than you'd like, as someone who hasn't gone after them specifically... let's just say it was very satisfying to clear my inventory (and raise my crafting a bit more) by making bloodstone bricks, dragonite ingots and empyreal stars- and I ran out of obsidian shards before finishing up the stacks I already had. Dailies and events are things I do all the time as well; we might be talking about oversaturation at that point.


On the topic of "hot zones," I actually think it's a good idea for the mid-level ones, but not as an entry in the current daily system (which works just fine). Having events from the living story in the open world works well to populate the zones, but they're not on daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly rotation- it's a "whenever it occurs in the story" schedule. This is good for immersion- it made sense that adventurers were swarming the mountains to eliminate the Molten Alliance bases, fight off Scarlet's Invasions, help quell the violence on the settled Southsun resort, etc.- but poor for having a regular body of players in any zone at any given time. Something like the Zaishen challenges on a schedule would be awesome.

Looks like the Tower of Nightmares preview page is up!


I don't love krait, but boy am I happy to see some new enemies.

Tower looks interesting. Is it a new dungeon? Kinda vague there.

Also, a new healing skill for all professions as a reward? That's interesting.


The Cryptarch's Bane
The "nightmare krait" or whatever they're branded look nasty. Bet they have twice as much CC :p

I'm doubting "dungeon" per se, as that would be two (non-holiday) dungeon updates in a row. I expect the content for this not to be instanced, but to be difficult and reward partying.

edit: No doubt that this is all quite mysterious though. This is one of their most sparse release pages ever.

Adding a skill point spot to the home instance as a reward so that you can mine and then charge your quartz strikes me as a kind of cool way to reward loyal players with some extra convenience, and feels a little like a "progression" for the home instance.

Completely reserving judgement on the new healing skill. Very surprised to see it here actually, but I'll never say no to a new skill. One imagines there must be some way for players to acquire it on a permanent basis after this event, right?
Antitoxin Spray
Prepare for battle with a new universal healing skill! A dose of this cutting-edge Antitoxin Spray will cleanse yourself and nearby allies of poison, torment, confusion, and toxin. This skill is available to characters of all professions.
"Toxin," eh? I'm going to hate these super krait so hard
If you guys watched the video it says that a "Mysterious Benefactor" is behind the Krait rising up like this, and that the Nightmare Court is also helping them out. Now I know for sure that Scarlet has something to do with this.

I hope we are able to scale this tower on the outside like a spiral, all the way to the top, instead of actually going inside of it in an instance.

I hope this LS is not just the introduction of the tower, and that we actually get to interact with it. I worry that ANET will do what they usually do which is introduce a cool, mysterious thing into the story but all we are left with is a bunch of questions and no answers.

New Krait and new weapons.

New Krait and new weapons.

do you think the greatsword could be a thin lightsaber type weapon?

look - I'm a fanatic about greatswords, and I personally think I have the best looking one, but man. I can't wait until Cantha too get a real Katana. I need a long, thin but classical nuanced weapon that is not overblown on the hilt, handle or blade.

these daggers looks really cool, and they remind me of those bad ass nunchucks they have on hangar carriers

commando with D/D.

I came up with a bad joke in guild chat when levelling my new necro.

"what did the dredge say to the skritt?"

nobody had any real guesses. then I hit them with the worst of pun of all time;

"I may be a dredge, but at least my name doesn't rhime with s**t".

then they threatened to guild kick me:'( they really enjoyed it in queensdale general chat though, so I guess that's something I can tell my psychologist next week *sigh*.


Use of the word Nightmare really only makes me think of one thing: The Nightmare Court.

Plus the tower is full of vines and what looks like a really huge spore at the top. Definitely something plant related.

It makes sense. Anet's ideas for new enemies seems to come from combining two existing enemies. Molten Alliance: Dredge + Flame Legion; Aetherblades = Pirates + Inquest; Nightmare Krait = Nightmare Court + Krait.
You'd think people would notice the Krait building a huge ass tower in the backyard of the human's Queendom.

Also, someone has been watching too much Naruto it seems.
Use of the word Nightmare really only makes me think of one thing: The Nightmare Court.

Plus the tower is full of vines and what looks like a really huge spore at the top. Definitely something plant related.

It makes sense. Anet's ideas for new enemies seems to come from combining two existing enemies. Molten Alliance: Dredge + Flame Legion; Aetherblades = Pirates + Inquest; Nightmare Krait = Nightmare Court + Krait.

Working in secret, the sinister reptilian krait have created the Tower of Nightmares with the help of the Nightmare Court and some other mysterious benefactor. Players will have to join forces with Marjory Delaqua to discover the secret to attacking the Tower, uncover clues and force the Krait back into the depths.
This is a quote from the GW2Hub article. http://www.guildwars2hub.com/features/editorials/tower-nightmares

You'd think people would notice the Krait building a huge ass tower in the backyard of the human's Queendom.

Also, someone has been watching too much Naruto it seems.
It was behind a magical force field that we could not break down.

Doesn't it look like a portal into the tower right behind the krait's right arm?
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