In regards to the whole Wildstar thing, as Retro said it really doesn't have much hype. I frequent many forums and outside of dedicated ones really no one talks about it at all. There's more talk about FFXIV and ESO than Wildstar. Personally I think Wildstar is the damn game all of the people who jump from MMO to MMO are looking for but don't realize it. The entire game is built around hardcore raiding by a bunch of guys who made Vanilla WoW and left Blizzard. So really it's the damn game people bitch that they don't have yet don't even realize it's sitting right in front of their face. I think it has the chance to become the best raiding MMO around but Carbine is doing a shit job of promoting it.
This is what really put me off on it. I've been following the thread on Something Awful, and there were some very archaic gameplay designs Carbine is trying to bring back (for NOSTALGIA):
-mob tagging
-race/class restrictions (humans of course can be all classes)
-PvP stats/gear
-and of course the hardcore 20/40 man raids
Speaking of mob tagging, one of the devs posted this remark in that very thread (and everyone basically told him how wrong he was):
GW2 tried the "open tagging" model, and I feel like that actually discouraged grouping. People would fight next to each other, but not with each other. The only time I successfully grouped up with anyone was for dungeons (and let's not get into that aspect of the game). Tagging, when used well, can be a system to encourage grouping, not drive people away from cooperation, in my mind. WildStar also has "soft-tagging" on named mobs, so there won't be any bottlenecking when it comes to "Kill Chompy The Devourer"-type quests, solving one of the core issues of tagging systems.
In many ways Wildstar has surpassed Guild Wars 2, but the vanilla WoW mechanics basically drag it down. As for hype, it's still too early, but it will be very popular if they are not dumb enough to do a monthly subscription. It's just not for me.
One MMO I'm excitied for is The Division, but it's fucking Ubisoft so they'll somehow screw it up.