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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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First person camera is neat for screens at least. Bit better with graphics turned up.





if theres a round 2 with sign ups for the Edge of the mists i might be joining if it does not gets on my mystic epic quest for epic loot to gather the legendary gems to make the last journey to SBI

TLDR: if theres a second round for sign ups for EOTM i might join, if it not interrupts my gold farming for transfering to SBI.
Logged on for the first time in forever today and, good Lord, I can't play without a controller. I hadn't used a mouse and keyboard in the game for so long that it felt weird.


wvw commanding is the greatest thing in this game. So long as you, nor anyone around you doesn't take it too seriously.

I also only do it when no one else wants to, so that might add to the enjoyment as well.


Don't really post much here but my guild Knights Templar is in the Edge of the Mists on AR too. See ya guys out there!

Pocket Knight.
I agree 100% with Hawkian's post, and entirely understand how he feels. Ironically enough, it's playing WoW that perhaps makes me more indifferent to others', less than positive opinions. In WoW, from day one, EVERY SINGLE CHANGE made meant that "Blizzard killed WoW", and EVERY SINGLE THING they didn't change meant the game was stale and doomed. Again, I'm not referring to the current situation: such was the discourse even before the very first expansion arrived (back when WoW was the freshest thing to ever happen to MMOs). After several years, it progresses from baffling to irritating, then to hilarious.

It was WoW that taught me that, no matter how awesome something is, someone will revile it; and no matter how terrible something is, someone will love it. There are no exceptions. Obviously, with gray areas, the number of people both adamantly defending it and vitriolically tearing it apart will be much higher. Because that's the nature of Internet discussion; everything is either the best thing since sliced bread or worse than ripping out your fingernails. There are no "I'm not sure about this"'s or "let's see how it pans out"'s.

Precisely because of my "hands off" policy regarding complaints (warranted or not) I've not commented about the "content quantity and quality should be the same whether we pay for it or not", but I will now, simply to make it obvious that Hawkian's opinion is shared. Frankly, and sorry if this sounds offensive, but I find the notion preposterous.

First of all, the amount of content GW2 provides is comparable, if not superior, to most if not all MMOs out there. Second, yes, stuff needs money to be made. I feel stupid stating this, but it seems like people are contesting it! No money, no wages for people making stuff: it's that simple. Thirdly, no, the Gem Store is not the same as a subscription model in terms of revenue. Just look back at Hawkian's post. Few would deny he's probably on the higher part of the player spending curve; I mean, how many of you have put more than 170$ into the game? And yet WoW's mandatory subscription would have netted more money than that. How much money can we expect the average GW2 player to spend, aside from the box? Perhaps 20-30$ a year? I think that's being generous as a lot of players will not pay a dime (and even then, lots of boxes have been sold at discounted 25-30$ price points). Please compare it to the yearly 160$ minimum of WoW. Now multiply that for the millions of players WoW still has. That's easily ten times as much revenue for WoW. Do you feel you're getting ten times more content in WoW?

It's even more ridiculous when you compare it with a regular, non MMO game. I mean, why shouldn't we? Is not GW2's paying model the exact same as a "normal" game? Simply compare GW2 with any game you bought this or last year. Would you say it has less content? That it has had less updates or free content than them? Why is it entirely fair to compare GW2 to WoW or other subscription-based MMOs, but not to regular the retail games it more closely resembles, monetary-wise?

Frankly, at this point I think the argument is less "being free is an excuse", "having less players is an excuse" or "being newer is an excuse", rather than "I want more content than WoW and the realities of logistics mean less than a rat's fart to me.". It's nice to want things, but please stay within the realm of realism.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Two little events this weekend:

Saturday at 7:00PM EST - Arah Story

Anybody who might need their Arah Story done- especially those like me who have yet to complete the final PS quest "Victory or Death," should feel free to join. I hope to set out right at 7- it's not THAT long a dungeon, but just so we don't risk coming up against our missions.

Sunday at 5:00PM EST - Fractal Clinic

Anyone who might be interested in checking out the new release on Tuesday but feels intimidated by or just doesn't really understand Fractals, this will be a great crash course.
My shiny new level 80 Guardian, made mostly for WvW Season 1. Still getting a feel for the class.


A huge invasion force ( less than 10% shown in the shot ) that rampaged through the Ebay and CD borderlands earlier, was a lot of fun.


I do wonder, once season 1 is over, how many people will stick around in WvW.


Probably those that enjoyed it before the season junk.

SBI, and a few other servers, saw a lot of bandwagoning just as the season came up, so it'll be interesting to see what happens. Either we get dragged kicking and screaming towards tier 1, or everyone abandons ship and we go back to poking Yaks and Borlis. I guess a four-way deadlock with SoS, Magumma, and FA is possible too.


Neo Member
Fractured livestream has been moved to November 25th and there will also be another livestream this Friday November 22nd where they will show the process of creating PvP Maps specifically Skyhammer but they will also show game mode prototypes the PvP Team have been are currently working on.

Next Wednesday's behind-the-scenes livestream has moved to Monday, Nov. 25. Join us for a preview of Fractured! http://ow.ly/r1KW8 ~RB2

This Friday’s Guild Wars 2 Developer livestream will focus on what it takes to make a PvP map in GW2.

Darrin Claypool and Jon Peters will be on hand to illustrate the complete process of the creation of the Skyhammer map, from the first brainstorm to the final polish. They will also show some alternate prototypes that didn’t make it to the final map, and give a first look at some game mode prototypes that they’re currently working on.

If you’ve got questions about PvP map development, post them here and Jon and Darrin will try to answer some of them during the livestream. The livestream begins this Friday, November 22nd, at noon PST on http://www.twitch.tv/guildwars2 –don’t miss it!






there was a time like a year or two after wow launched chilling on vent saying how blizzard should do this. pretty sure they listened in and finally did it years later. it actually was kind of cool.

i maintain that mini games are the greatest thing that people don't realize they want and developers don't realize they should do. but hey, keep adding grinds.


There's another Edge of the Mists test today. I wonder if they had enough time to change much.

Also, thanks to the email change scare that everyone got, enough people reported the alpha forum URL to make Chrome treat it as a phishing site. I put up a counter report, but the fact that that happened is both sad and hilarious.


There's another Edge of the Mists test today. I wonder if they had enough time to change much.

Also, thanks to the email change scare that everyone got, enough people reported the alpha forum URL to make Chrome treat it as a phishing site. I put up a counter report, but the fact that that happened is both sad and hilarious.

About that, I completly forgot that I posted my other email in the GAFguild thread. So, now I just checked it and found out I have a Guild Wars 2 Alpha "[ArenaNet Confidential] Edge of the Mists Testing Credentials", but when I click on the download link account-dev.ncplatform.net, Firefox says that the site is blocked due to malwares of some sort. And when I try to log in with the credentials they have provided me (which have nothing to do with my game account in any sort), it asks for authorization. I get the authorization mail, allow it and then I'm presented with a "Unknown Authorization" error.

Edit: Just tried the link to the testing forums, logged in without problems. Downloading the client right now. Hope to see you ingame after few hours! I'm kinda excited, will be able to play with fellow gafers for a first time. :)


There's another Edge of the Mists test today. I wonder if they had enough time to change much.

Also, thanks to the email change scare that everyone got, enough people reported the alpha forum URL to make Chrome treat it as a phishing site. I put up a counter report, but the fact that that happened is both sad and hilarious.

Supposedly the buffs will be altered based on the forum response. They were place holders or something. Should have just removed them altogether than have them in that format on Tuesday. Buff that makes you invulnerable for 2+ min but can still do a ton of damage and cap or prevent capping? Yeah, that really needs to be tested to make sure its not exploitable.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hello Guild Leaders and Representatives,

This is our official notice that both Chrome and Firefox have currently marked the Edge of the Mists Test forums as phishing websites (despite this not being the case). We are currently contacting both Google and Mozilla to resolve this situation, but in the meantime, you are safe to ignore the warning and proceed.

Please relay this information to your guilds to assure them that the website, and this email address, are safe.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us at gw2_alpha@arena.net.

Thank you!

~ArenaNet Alpha Team
I will be able to participate in most of today's test!

If you're in the alpha group but haven't done so yet, there is a [GAF] guild that etiolate/Zed Zebes made that you can join. I actually don't think I'm even an officer in it yet, but hopefully we'll work out the best way to get people in during the first bit of the test today.

If anyone wants to party up with me, I will be focusing on exploration and looking for any bugs within the map itself. I will try to push as far toward the boundaries of the map in every direction and see if I can note any holes or glitches. Any events or objectives that come across my path will be attempted but I will be avoiding entering combat with players if possible.


I will be able to participate in most of today's test!

If you're in the alpha group but haven't done so yet, there is a [GAF] guild that etiolate/Zed Zebes made that you can join. I actually don't think I'm even an officer in it yet, but hopefully we'll work out the best way to get people in during the first bit of the test today.

If anyone wants to party up with me, I will be focusing on exploration and looking for any bugs within the map itself. I will try to push as far toward the boundaries of the map in every direction and see if I can note any holes or glitches. Any events or objectives that come across my path will be attempted but I will be avoiding entering combat with players if possible.



I'm going to be fighting. If supply works there's a lot of supply flow in the map I want play with and see what happens. Then there's siege placement to think about. And seeing what events can be used to your advantage.

Last time, at the very end, Red Team came in with a bunch of Siege Golems into our Blue Keep. Thanks to that, we found out that the keep waypoint wasn't set to get contested when under attack. In fact, there isn't even an event that pops up; I only found out because I noticed that some guards were dead on one of the doors and investigated. Unfortunately by then a lot of our side was off doing other things or grabbing supply for siege from other maps so there wasn't enough of us to defend.

And despite the fact that they came in, knocked around our keep lord, and got into the capture circle, I could still waypoint back in again and again until it was officially captured.


Hopefully we aren't out numbered this time, and the superbuff is gone. If supply is working, I'd like to try getting all the events in our area working. I want to see this air strike stuff.


And despite the fact that they came in, knocked around our keep lord, and got into the capture circle, I could still waypoint back in again and again until it was officially captured.

Yeah, they'll likely have to rethink the placements of the WPs or idea of a keep on a map like this. With walls wide open and portals that didn't work, its really hard to figure out what's intentional or just there in the interim until they change it. Guess I should just go in and write up my thoughts on the map overall.

One thing they'll have to think about is the fact that onesided matches are going to cause this place to be even more barren than WvW is at times.


you are wrong she is the dumbest thing ever and they had months to exlpain what NOTHING here some words for you all "1) The issues with Scarlet often revolve around her obscene levels of power and control over other races. So far, three of the most xenophobic and hostile factions in all of Tyria have bent over backwards to fulfill her will, without any explanation as to why. The Flame Legion are misogynistic, xenophobic, and highly pyromaniacal, and yet the Living Story expects us to believe they dropped everything and bowed down to a foreign and highly flammable girl. The Dredge would die before they allowed themselves to be enslaved again, but they were somehow bullied or coerced into serving a single sylvari.

The Krait never, ever, ever negotiate with outsiders…unless it’s Scarlet, in which case they’re sitting down at the conference table. To use the Joker analogy, imagine that one writer decided that the Joker was suddenly in command of the League of Shadows, formed an alliance between the Sinestro Core and all of Lexcorp while calling the shots for both, and then got Apokalypse to combine tech with Thanagar in order to give him more minions. That would not be “good characterization”. That would be absurd. Until the writers justify why anyone listens to a single psychopathic sylvari, the last eleven months of kooky alliances make Scarlet appear absurdly overpowered and completely unsuited for her “ultimate mastermind of all evil factions” role.

Speaking of pacing… 2) It’s not that Scarlet has no plan. It is that the story has failed to demonstrated one. We have fought her for eleven months. Tell me, where do you think we are in the story? Is she about to unveil her ultimate plan, or is she starting to begin her actual goal? Are we winning the fight due to our efforts to destroy her facilities, or are we losing the war as her influence expands? Are we one month away from the grand climax, or will it take six? We don’t know. That’s because the story has not revealed anything concrete about her methods or her ultimate goal. We are fighting her because she is the only thing on television right now, and we can’t change the channel. We could be two episodes in to a full twenty-four long season, or one episode away from the finale.

But we can’t tell, because absolutely nothing has been done to convey what is going on or why we should care. That is why people say she has no purpose. No purpose has been conveyed, and after eleven months of fighting Scarlet Briar, “she might totally have a master plan that we will learn one day” isn’t giving people a reason to give a cute-baby-feline about the story. The Joker works well because he thrives on chaos using methods that oppose the Batman. His tools of the trade are cheap (gasoline and spare parts), his minions are disposable psychopaths (Harley aside), and his primary weapon is his insane unpredictability. The “crazy lunatic” villain is not a Leader of Men or supreme savant of all technology. He is chaos incarnate, and that means very few people willingly serve him except out of pure greed or their own lunacy. If you like Scarlet, you are entitled to that opinion. In turn, those who have legitimate complaints are well entitled to their opinions on the matter." post thanks to Shriketalon


The biggest issue with Scarlet would be solved if they just added more NPCs for the villainous sides. More personalities that we can see interacted with Scarlet and came with misgivings or were obviously tricked or something. It would be another way to get story-typed feedback from the enemy side.

i dont care about her plans.

i just want her dead and thats why i still fight.


Haha, after some zerging and clashes for a few hours during the test, PYRO (Maguuma) and Scnd (SBI) had an impromptu GvG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLko2VaxIPA

The world announcement afterward wasn't caught on tape, however.

Edit: I know we're not under NDA or anything but I went to reddit and felt like I needed to stop myself before going on and on about how stuff worked in the alpha. I should just go to sleep...


Last night's test was a lot better than Tuesday. There was more people for one. However, I think a lot of it had to do with not being in the desert area to begin with. The other two zones are far more interesting to roam around than the desert. Possibly just because desert is boring. But Tyler B, the anet dev on at the time, said the desert area was the least finished and I think it showed on Tuesday.

And yes, the world announcement was hilarious when they were doing GvGs.


Sucks seeing the tower always completely dead during my play time. Seems like no one does it in the early morning or midnight and later, so I don't think I'll get these achievements done after all.

You either have to do this stuff in the first few days of release or your screwed. Having champions blocking paths really sucks for people trying to sneak their way through.


Sucks seeing the tower always completely dead during my play time. Seems like no one does it in the early morning or midnight and later, so I don't think I'll get these achievements done after all.

You either have to do this stuff in the first few days of release or your screwed. Having champions blocking paths really sucks for people trying to sneak their way through.

What timezone are you? We could maybe try to do a group this weekend. I'm out Saturday night but could do something late tonight or tomorrow morning.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I would be happy to run the tower at around midnight EST tonight for anyone who might need it. But indeed, depends what time zone he is in anyway.


I'm in central time.

The weekend is no good for me unless it's past midnight again. I've got a mandatory Saturday for work this weekend (3-11:30pm, my normal shift), and Sunday I told my Dad I'd help him with building his deck, though he did say he might not need me this weekend. I won't find out for sure until tomorrow, probably.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I can't tell- would 11pm your time tonight be possible? I could probably do midnight your time (1:00AM EST) too, assuming I am not by that point too drunk to lead a group.


Sucks seeing the tower always completely dead during my play time. Seems like no one does it in the early morning or midnight and later, so I don't think I'll get these achievements done after all.

You either have to do this stuff in the first few days of release or your screwed. Having champions blocking paths really sucks for people trying to sneak their way through.

Huh? I was in there at 3 AM EST and we were destroying that thing.
I am usually on until 12:00 - 1:00 AM Mountain. I will be happy to run the tower with ya. No Commander tag to bring all the boys to the yard though, so we'd have to get a full group or wait for the zerg (if there is one).

leng jai

Been afking a lot lately and enjoying this game a lot more. Hopefully they never increase the damage threshold for boss kill credit.
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