Im guessing ive spent more then 15$ a month on this game all up >_<
Did you end up getting a refund for the game, or just for the gems you spent? I can't remember which it was. It's not a loaded question or anything and you can ignore me, I'm just trying to remember which it was.
Bingo. I'd spend more than $15 a month if I felt it was worth it.
The reaction on Reddit to this datamined thing is interesting, because you have so many people flipping out that they're 'going back on their word' and offering a subscription (never mind that it's optional, for items people already buy anyways). I keep looking at my bank slots and mini collection and trying to sort out of I bought stuff with gems, got from boxes or converted gold to gems to buy, and I honestly feel like my list is lowballing it, and I'm pretty sure I fall firmly into the "I've paid more than I would have if there was a sub" camp. Because I know for a FACT my wife and I spent $150 each because I had $300 sitting in my paypal account right before the game launched. It's probably good there isn't a full record of how much I've spent, I would probably be very very surprised how fast it adds up.
Apart from the 'I chose to spend it' approach, there's also the fact that I've spent all of $40 on games last year (Most of those heavily discounted impulse purchases on Steam, like Civ V, Mark of the Ninja, FTL, Starbound, etc.). MMOs are gaming sponges, soaking up all your free time.