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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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I think Anet's reasoning on forcing so much horizontal progression comes down to this:

"People aren't making diverse builds or learning the game's mechanics. Therefore, we need to do a better job of teaching them to people. Spreading them out over a longer period of time forces people to notice what they've gained and put it to action."

While this line of thinking isn't incorrect, I don't think it's the best solution. Quite frankly, the reason people don't tackle diverse builds is because the game doesn't require it. There's simply not enough feedback built into the game to really get people to shake up their builds.


Guardian GMs seem...I dunno.

-Burning damage from Zeal is great and all, but it doesn't make us a good condition damage class. I'm sure a number of what-ifs could come to pass to have someone ticking for an absurd amount of damage, but I'm not sure it would be worth the cost. +% damage *and* VoJ active cannot be cleansed? That I would take.

-Retal scaling with condition damage could be interesting if it scales well, but I think it falls under the same problem as Zeal. 30/30/0/0/10 could be potentially interesting if it scales well, though.

-AoE aegis on block I think will come down to buff priority in some way. I could see it being pretty solid, though.

-300 vitality is good, if not a little boring. May increase gear build diversity though, so that's something. Again I'm all over this when I'm in YOLO WvW mood.

-Virtues GM will be pretty lame by itself but pretty damned strong if it works with Battle Presence, which it really should.

It's a decent start, and I'm not as jaded as most of the guardian forums, but overall it's a little too passive for my tastes. Hope this starts a trend of more frequent trait and skill rollouts, though.


There are people who want ANet to put PROGRESHUNS into sPvP. This is likely the least sinister version of that. We're sadly at a point in gaming where there has to be a carrot for players or they don't care. The sPvP crowd are typically the most vocal and whiny when it comes to these things. The amount of Counterstrike I played over a 2 year period would make a lot of people look at me in disgust and I got absolutely NOTHING for it with no new maps, game modes, or much of anything outside of a couple bug fixes in that time frame. Yet here we are 1.5 years out from launch and we've got 3 new maps, a spectator mode, custom arenas, solo queue, eventual new reward system, the ability to level up in PvE, bags, etc. Now we have a new game mode and map coming in a month. So as little support as people believe ANet puts into sPvP, that still shits on the rest of the genre by a large margin.

I've been out of the loop for a while now but sPvP players do not want to have to unlock skills or traits. sPvP players whined about the glory rank curve, subpar rewards, and lack of unique rewards. The main gripe I saw over and over was that If you played PvE for 500 hours you would have a ton more achievement points, more titles, unique living story skins, even a legendary weapon if you worked at it. Now compare what you actually have to show off if you play sPvP for 500 hours.


The Sigil and Rune changes are going to make them far far more important IMO. As it stands, I feel like Sigils and Runes are kinda just there but I don't really think too much about how they can synergise with my build. They've changed every Rune in the game and 30+ Sigils, plus Trait changes and the 40 new ones. That's a hell of a lot of stuff to wade through and I think will do a lot to change up builds. Especially now that we can change out Traits on the fly.


Oh, +1000 toughness on stun break combos with Frenzy...


I main a warrior and even I can say that this is pushing it.


Burst Precision (auto crit on burst skill) would work obviously well with a Soldier or Valkyrie gear setup. Any build that tried to make use of Sigils of Intelligence can find use with the trait.

Honestly, my first thought when I saw Synaptic Overload (quickness on successful knockback) was Static Discharge. That doesn't seem quite good enough.

People complained about Longbow specific buffs, but Survival of the Fittest (Fury and 2 Condition removal on activation of a Survival skill) with the Keen Edge trait now counting as a Survival skill activation feels like a move aimed at Shortbows. The only issue is that it's in the Nature Magic trait line and not Wilderness Survival, but that trait line also provides Boon Duration so maybe some other synergy can come out of it to make the build I'm imagining worthwhile.

Phalanx of Strength (might to allies whenever you apply might to yourself) might cause me to experiment with a build not using Fast Hands. And experimenting with a build without Fast Hands makes me feel like I'm walking into a trap.

I wonder how Sigil of Earth (bleed on crit) will be changed.

Edit: Since no one's posted it, here's the blog post about the Tournament of Legends https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/announcing-the-guild-wars-2-tournament-of-legends/


The Cryptarch's Bane
April 15th


Had a really good time in-game tonight. I don't even know how to express what I'm getting at right now, but in large part all this meta-commentary is irrelevant. Guild Wars 2 will be a continuing success for many years.
April 15th


Had a really good time in-game tonight. I don't even know how to express what I'm getting at right now, but in large part all this meta-commentary is irrelevant. Guild Wars 2 will be a continuing success for many years.

Same. I loaded up an alt, did some Personal Story, and just explored. At one point I had to get through the northern Tamini parts of Gendarran to get to my next Personal Story, but I was woefully underlevelled for the area. Skirting around, trying to get through without being spotted, I eventually came across a charr Necro who seemed to be having the same deal: trying to get to a zone boundary but not strong enough to make it. Without a word between us, we started fighting together: they'd range the Tamini in, and I'd use skills to knock them back out and generally cover their back. This went on for about 20 minutes as we slowly, methodically, fought our way through. Once we hit the gate, they /waved, I waved back, and we went our separate ways.

Nothing people on reddit or on the official forums say about the gorram meta balance of WvW, makes a damned difference to how great those 20 minutes was. Neither them nor I are likely to post about it on reddit, or on the official forums. So it won't get a billion views, arguments about how unbalanced Necro is, or how the game fails to facilitate proper co-op, or how the Tamini encounters were lame or badly designed or whatshit. Nope - all the best parts of the game go completely without notice, except between the people who experience it.

And that matters a hell of a lot more than all the arguments on the internet.

EDIT: Found a screenshot even!



"or how the game fails to facilitate proper co-op"

I can't imagine how anyone could have any argument for that. I mean GW2 is the only MMO in town that COMPLETELY encourages playing with others AT ALL TIMES. Yeah you can play solo, but there's nothing stopping you from grouping and you're going to have a better experience in doing so (assuming you don't hate people).
"or how the game fails to facilitate proper co-op"

I can't imagine how anyone could have any argument for that. I mean GW2 is the only MMO in town that COMPLETELY encourages playing with others AT ALL TIMES. Yeah you can play solo, but there's nothing stopping you from grouping and you're going to have a better experience in doing so (assuming you don't hate people).

One word. "Trinity". (Their complaint, not mine); :p


One word. "Trinity". (Their complaint, not mine); :p

Yeah because the trinity completely encourages playing co-cooperatively /s. Meanwhile you spend 40+ min waiting for a group cause you picked the wrong archetype. Not to mention crap like you're not this EXACT build so you can't take part in any content, please try again.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Same. I loaded up an alt, did some Personal Story, and just explored. At one point I had to get through the northern Tamini parts of Gendarran to get to my next Personal Story, but I was woefully underlevelled for the area. Skirting around, trying to get through without being spotted, I eventually came across a charr Necro who seemed to be having the same deal: trying to get to a zone boundary but not strong enough to make it. Without a word between us, we started fighting together: they'd range the Tamini in, and I'd use skills to knock them back out and generally cover their back. This went on for about 20 minutes as we slowly, methodically, fought our way through. Once we hit the gate, they /waved, I waved back, and we went our separate ways.

Nothing people on reddit or on the official forums say about the gorram meta balance of WvW, makes a damned difference to how great those 20 minutes was. Neither them nor I are likely to post about it on reddit, or on the official forums. So it won't get a billion views, arguments about how unbalanced Necro is, or how the game fails to facilitate proper co-op, or how the Tamini encounters were lame or badly designed or whatshit. Nope - all the best parts of the game go completely without notice, except between the people who experience it.

And that matters a hell of a lot more than all the arguments on the internet.
I am clinking very happy glasses with you at this moment.
I want to try GW2 on a controller, Dual Shock 3 preferably. Do you absolutely need motionjoy for it?
Yes. In that, motioninjoy is the basic "make it work" provision for the DRS


My only issue right now with complaints on the new traits (although a number of them are legitimate) is the fact that many of these Grandmaster traits are specifically designed to synergize well with traits in another line. Because you only get three trait choices at maximum in a single line, the new Grandmasters often say "Here, try a fourth trait option for your gameplay focus, and try to figure out a Master and Adept trait in this line that also work with the type of build you want to use." One clear example of this is Force of Will, which also happens to be in the same trait line as Two-Handed Mastery and Vigor on Crit, both traits that are extremely useful for any offensive Guardian.

Edit: Another thing, wouldn't the new Engineer Grandmaster that drops mines on critical hits also combo with Alchemic Explosions (explosions heal or something)?

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
April 15th

April 15th


Had a really good time in-game tonight. I don't even know how to express what I'm getting at right now, but in large part all this meta-commentary is irrelevant. Guild Wars 2 will be a continuing success for many years.

April 15th.


April 15th

oh wait you guys already said that

Funny thing.

Take number 1 away and you get April 5th, my birthday :p


Oh crap, that's right, Stone Heart + Conjured Weapons!

Busy over the weekend, but once the next week starts I'll probably write down a list of all the current trait and skill synergies I can find that each of the new Grandmasters provide.

I actually saw people in Queensdale forming a guild *just to farm Champ trains*. From level 1 to 80, and beyond, all they'll do, every day, all members, is just farm champ trains on all maps.

Effect? You think it will take people away from Guild Wars 2?

Sure. For some people, WildStar's cartoony look and sci-fi theme is just a better genre fit for them. It will give them what they wished GW2 did. I'm sure both ESO and WildStar will take some regulars away from GW2, and siphon off some new players who might have tried GW2 but prefer the other two instead. But will it *matter* that it does? Not in the slightest.


So I was poking at my little trait overhaul concept last night, and I realized something that was bothering me through the whole livestream yesterday. More than any other MMO, weapon choice has the most impact in Guild Wars 2 , but so many traits are weapon-centric. Which wouldn't be a problem except they're locked into rigid trait lines. And yes, being able to swap builds on the fly would sort of help this, but in an indirect way; you're just picking traits to compliment your weapons instead of there being a sort of natural synergy with whatever weapon type you prefer.

That's not my only complaint with traits, but it's one I was bothered by enough to mock up part of my concept so I could explain it. That'll have to wait since we have this goofy party to go to today, but I'll probably post something about it tonight.

Oh crap, that's right, Stone Heart + Conjured Weapons!

Busy over the weekend, but once the next week starts I'll probably write down a list of all the current trait and skill synergies I can find that each of the new Grandmasters provide.

You know, as insane as Stone Heart sounds at first blush, it's not that powerful. Berserkers still hit like a truck because of the Power stacking, this just flattens out the spikes. You also have to stay in Earth attunement for it to work, which isn't exactly the best damage stance. I'm sure it will see some gimmick play in PVP/WvW, but there are more dynamic options than this floating around. It'll fucking rock (pun intended) in dungeons and such though, where Ele Tanks could be pretty rad.

At the end of the day, it's a very 'under-the-hood' trait that negates math. A skilled player won't be deterred by suddenly finding they can't crit.

Hope the imminent bomb that is wild star doesn't effect this game.

I'll do the impossible and make a short post, because with all the big GW2 news happening the competition commands almost no consideration whatsoever. Single snark-saturated sentence summaries;

If you're a Skyrim fan who has never played an MMO and thinks the mod community's bug fixes and game-changing mods aren't that big a deal, have we got a F2P game for you in 6-8 months!

Wildstar has a ton of bullet points on the box; it's just too bad they're all bullet points circa 2007.
In other news:


Ranged is so nice, so graceful, so beautiful. Melee is like..






Oh, there I am!


Mesmer illusion is like, "I HAVE ESCAPED!"




Oh, that's right - I was fighting troll. Almost forgot.


I'm pretty amped for guild missions tonight, since I missed Sat last week and nothing happened on Sunday.
Some people like easy, mindless farming. And that's fine - I'm not against it. I'm just against the 'it's our way or the highway' attitude, and the toxic atmosphere the Queensdale train has created. Notice nobody ever complains about the Frostgorge train.


You know, as insane as Stone Heart sounds at first blush, it's not that powerful. Berserkers still hit like a truck because of the Power stacking, this just flattens out the spikes. You also have to stay in Earth attunement for it to work, which isn't exactly the best damage stance. I'm sure it will see some gimmick play in PVP/WvW, but there are more dynamic options than this floating around. It'll fucking rock (pun intended) in dungeons and such though, where Ele Tanks could be pretty rad.

At the end of the day, it's a very 'under-the-hood' trait that negates math. A skilled player won't be deterred by suddenly finding they can't crit.

PvP-wise it's like popping Protection. If a burst combo is coming at you there's now an option to press F4 and mitigate a ton of it like Mesmers can do. Even better is that you can activate it after being stunned, which is the point when a lot of burst combos are committed. Primarily it's a hard defense against Thieves, who have been ganking Elementalists for the past couple months. Another way to look at it is that every 10-13 seconds you have the option to give your opponent an uncleansible superior Weakness debuff. Berserker players will lose the effectiveness of 2/3rds of the gear stats and any on-crit procs they may be depending on. It'll make it like a lot of cases with condition builds against Water focused Elementalists, that could go into a cleanse rotation every 10-13 seconds and neutering your damage in the process.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Why do folks care so much about the champ trains?
Not only do I not care that much about the concept of champ trains, I very nearly like them. I'm not much for mindless farming, but some people enjoy it or find it relaxing or just won't be able to enjoy themselves without making in-game gold the easiest way possible, and as variation on the typical sort, it's not half bad. At least you're not standing in a single spot, killing a mob as soon as it spawns and then waiting for it to pop again. You get to see a lot of zone real estate. Doing the Frostgorge train with 5-10 in the early champ loot days, I honestly rather enjoyed myself.

However, and this is a massive gaping however, it doesn't belong in Queensdale. In the very first open world zone people hit after creating a character with by far the most common race, it's very easy to get the impression that that is "what the game is like." That there must be one on every map, that it's the best way to level, that it's what people do playing Guild Wars 2. Furthermore, when that train is "disturbed" (as in the reddit post, or just by a legitimate "accidental" kill of a champ by someone out in the zone) the people running sometimes react with a hostility that has no place in GW2, let alone a newbie zone. It just doesn't belong.


I REALLY think the facilitating friendly play blogs are going to touch on Queensdale. Turning the champs into silvers would create such salty tears and it will be delicious.


Not sure, they just showed the prizes for the top places.

With 10% loss is berserker still a very strong option for someone doing more smack smack damage than conditions?

Will combination x become objectively better option for certain builds/classes?


With 10% loss is berserker still a very strong option for someone doing more smack smack damage than conditions?

Will combination x become objectively better option for certain builds/classes?

IMO right now speculating on anything is pointless because we've only seen high level balance changes, 3 of a rebalance of every rune in the game, no idea about any trait changes, only 3 of the 30+ sigil changes. The feature update is going to be a massive change where IMO you might as well start your build over from scratch.
With 10% loss is berserker still a very strong option for someone doing more smack smack damage than conditions?

Will combination x become objectively better option for certain builds/classes?

My thief is at 104% crit damage, remember seeing that 100% was the cap, if they removed the cap things could be very interesting depending on how the new traits are set up...


With 10% loss is berserker still a very strong option for someone doing more smack smack damage than conditions?

Will combination x become objectively better option for certain builds/classes?

In most PvE, zerk will very likely remain the top option.

With the way combat works, all you need is a dodge roll to avoid most damage in PvE. Plus super dangerous stuff will murder you no matter your defensive stats. I don't like it, but it is what it is. On a positive note, we know ANet sees the issue, and hopefully future content will strike a better balance.


In most PvE, zerk will very likely remain the top option.

With the way combat works, all you need is a dodge roll to avoid most damage in PvE. Plus super dangerous stuff will murder you no matter your defensive stats. I don't like it, but it is what it is. On a positive note, we know ANet sees the issue, and hopefully future content will strike a better balance.

This is true. Active defense is the strongest skill in the game. Even in games that don't have rolling and only have basic kiting it can be more powerful than stats.

I was thinking of a hypothetical with pow/pre/condi gear that doesn't actually exist. There is a certain tipping point where rampager would become the new zerk armor but we probably aren't near that.
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