Being playing the ChinaGW2 for the better part of the weekend.
Aside from that ridiculous "anti addiction" system, everything else looks really good. Don't believe the outrage about how the Chinese game is destroyed.
The progression is gated, true, but not limiting at all.
Unlocks like offhand weapons and skill slots are every level and it helps guide the new players through the skills and mechanics. Even in the first few levels (5 or 7 I think), when you are at low HP, a big arrow will appear, pointing at your heal skill. By the level of 12, the player have all weapon skills and swaps unlocked. And we all know how fast is to reach level 12. Just for example, I reached 24lvl in under 5 hours total, including the fact I was playing some PvP as well. So, at least up to this point, I don't think the leveling curve is that much steeper.
The third utility skill is unlocked at 35, while the elite at level 50, which is kinda high, imo.
About POIs and Vistas, they are unlocked early on, and by "unlocking" I mean, you get to see them on your (mini)map. Not having them unlocked doesn't mean you can't interact with them. The same cannot be said about skill points. Until the level of 13, you cannot gain any skillpoints.
As far, as the VIP system goes, It's really mostly bunch of things, that are already in the gem store. Nothing extreme. Altho, when I brought it (you get like 3750 "test" gems) it gave me a purple bag, which contained this new dye indetificator, some gems and another bag (bagception!) with 1 gold in it.
When you get an achievement point, it also goes towards the vip title, which ranks up and unlocks more of these purple bags.
Maybe the most annoying thing was the "anti-addiction system", which is like a timer that cut's your rewards (pve exp, wvw exp, gold etc) in half after 3 hours of play, and completely stops rewarding you after 5 hours. I did not get how exactly it works. It's supposed to reset after some time of inactivity, but mu Chinese goes as far as taking a screenshot, running it through FineReader's OCR and copy the text into Google Translate.
Here is an album with few screenshots
(on the third screen you can see "hi gaf" in the chat, just to prove it's me, while on the last screen you can see the white text under the expierence gain which informs you it's halved by the antiaddiction system)