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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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eep still doesn't work even tried disabling firewalls, anti-virus, stopping non MS services, running the gw2.exe as administrator

Try deleting the local.dat file. The forums also think that changing your language from English to a different language (other than Spanish, letting it finish and then changing it back might help. Not sure why that would work, but supposedly it does.

Beyond that, you may have to post on the support forums: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/support/tech


Trait revamp

(This post not pointed solely at you Retro)

So I realized something. I don't dislike "passive" traits. What I dislike are boring traits. I dislike traits like the little 10% more damage traits that just become a matter of "gobble all the little bonuses you can!" Especially on Thief. None of these traits alone tend to change the way you approach a fight. I tend to not dislike many of the Grandmaster minor traits in this category as much, but that's mostly because they tend to be thematic and therefore take a type of playstyle to keep turned on.

I'm fine with certain "uncounterable" traits. That's because many of them are build defining. The issue comes to their trade off and design. What people want are more opportunities. One example is Fresh Air, a trait that you can't completely avoid allowing to trigger but you can mitigate the advantage and the opportunities it gives the Ele player through good play. Using the word "passive" is disingenuous to a lot of traits.

Part of the problem is the ease, or lack of, in playing against it. Some traits gain their opportunity by being defensive minded, and it's harder in this game to change up your method of offense than your method of defense. Examples of this are in Automated Reponse and Diamond Skin.

But I digress. What I really wanted to do was make a comparison to Monster Hunter. The thing is, most of Monster Hunter's closest equivalent to GW2's trait system, the armor skill system, is used to improve some thing you already do by X%. The primary difference is that those changes make huge mechanical differences for different weapon types (classes). One example is the fact that everyone in Monster Hunter has an endurance bar for dodging, but many weapons come with different additional ways to use endurance so getting more or less regeneration changes the opportunities and decision making for them. Even raw attack damage has a place because it can effect flinches, trips, and limb breaking of the monsters.

Monster Hunter is the kind of system GW2 only partially arrived at. Monster Hunter is made off of a baseline of systems that you tweak and alter. Things like the overall boon/condition system shared among the classes follows this. Monster Hunter also allows for specializations that create roles in battles like being a trapper, a bomber, a disabler, a buffer, and a couple of other things. Certain types of weapons (again, like classes) are better at performing certain roles but there are armor skills out there that allow almost everyone the option to contribute towards almost any role.

Your system, Retro, would make GW2 even less of an RPG than Monster Hunter in ways. Not saying that that's good or bad, but an observation of parts like the Weapon Traits (although that can also be seen as just a streamlining).

It's also why I see potential in a large majority of the new Grandmaster traits. While most see them as underpowered or useless, I see opportunities created for a lot of types of builds that are nowhere near the radar of the meta. Even something simple like the Guardian being able to trait for 50% more HP above base can bring a build into proper existence. The only thing I can agree with is the fact that many of the new traits may not make a meaningful contribution towards forcing the meta (in all three modes) to change.

Edit: Anyway, the point of this post is that I think I need to step away from balance discussions because my preferences just don't run parallel with what most people want from the game.


This update was tailor made for me.

Ha Ha!

EDIT: Holy shit this is exactly what I wanted, down to like, the most basic functionality. It also makes me really want to start up a new alt, since I can customize them really quickly from the start.


Unidentified Dyes are at 1g now, and the price of all dyes has shot up. What used to be 30 copper is now 30 silver, because people are buying up crap dyes so come the 15th, they're refunded as unidentified, potentially not crap dyes.

I would wait if you want to fill out your collection. Not only will the price of Unidentified Dyes tank on the 15th when suddenly everyone has tons of them, but everyone who decides to try their luck and use them will flood the market with a ton of crap dyes while trying to get the big ones like abyss or celestial.

The Wardrobe changes look brilliant. As long as the Transmutation Charge prices are fair, it will be the perfect system.

If the price for Transmutation stones / crystals is fair now, I see no reason why it would change.

I think this will add even more to horizontal progression.

First Trait hunting, now Skin hunting. Should be fun!

I'm really looking forward to filling in all those blank slots, there's definitely a 'gotta catch 'em all' thing about to happen with skins, especially for cosmetic-oriented players like myself (I would almost consider re-activating my WoW account just to get a screenshot of my hoard of pretty dresses). We'll have to do a ton of dungeon runs to fill in some of those.

And interestingly enough, a lot of skins are obtained in ways that are under-utilized now; the Personal Story and Karma vendors.

The only sad spot for me is that I used two Aetherblade Pistol skins for my engineer a while ago; if I had saved one I could have sold it for a nice chunk of money. Good thing I didn't do the same with my Super Pistol skins, that made me a nice 140g.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hmmm this is all laughably near-identical to what people have been asking for.
So I bought 2 Infinite Lights for nothing? Lodging a support ticket to get my subscription refunded.
Make sure they pay you retroactively for your fees every month and not just the ones since you crafted your swords :D
Lump said:
The Wardrobe changes look brilliant. As long as the Transmutation Charge prices are fair, it will be the perfect system.
Transmutation Crystals can be directly converted into charges, and Transmutation Stones can be converted at a three-to-one rate.
*shivers of goodness*


Yeah, it's almost exactly what people were asking for, with even more thrown in. I'm glad they took the time to build it from the ground up.

God, if only I had these systems a few months ago. I was making dye sets like crazy.

I don't like to make crazy PR statements, but it still blows my mind that none of this is behind a paid expansion. Any other game and this is expansion material in a game that you've already been paying a fee for. Theoretically, if you haven't bought anything through the gem store, you've still only spent 60 bucks on this, potentially less.

I mean, It's clear to see that streamlining this will help them make more money on skins and transmutation stuff through the gem store, but hey, the functionality helps everyone, regardless of whether you're paying or not.

EDIT: I just realized that the wardrobe vault means I won't have to copy any code and paste it into a message to preview sets I don't have. God... that might be the best part of this update. *banderas.gif*


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah I spent $46 on the base game. But the transmutation stone conversion really jumps out to me actually. That's a huge bone thrown to people who have played the game tons but haven't necessarily touched the gem store.


Both the new dye system and the fact you can convert old transmute stones/crystals over to the new system...is a departure from what I expected.

Pretty impressed.


So I realized something. I don't dislike "passive" traits. What I dislike are boring traits. I dislike traits like the little 10% more damage traits that just become a matter of "gobble all the little bonuses you can!" Especially on Thief. None of these traits alone tend to change the way you approach a fight. I tend to not dislike many of the Grandmaster minor traits in this category as much, but that's mostly because they tend to be thematic and therefore take a type of playstyle to keep turned on.

Those are pretty much exactly the traits I zero in on. "+x damage", "y% chance", "increases damage by z." They're boring, but theorycrafters love them because they give simple, easily-calculated bonuses with no room for error. They're foolproof damage increases that make the character better regardless of the player's skill. I think we probably align on what constitutes a 'good' trait and what constitutes a 'boring' trait.

It's hard to find a catch-all term other than 'passive' for these kind of things, because boring is to subjective. I used "mindless" at first, but it comes off as condescending. ArenaNet tends to talk in terms of "Skillful" traits and abilities, though I can't for the life of me remember what their opposing term was (it was mentioned in a stream a while ago). I like traits that change things in a very noticeable, tangible way. You just cant get that with 'little bites' of power.

I'm fine with certain "uncounterable" traits. That's because many of them are build defining. The issue comes to their trade off and design. What people want are more opportunities. One example is Fresh Air, a trait that you can't completely avoid allowing to trigger but you can mitigate the advantage and the opportunities it gives the Ele player through good play. Using the word "passive" is disingenuous to a lot of traits.

Fresh Air doesn't really fall into my definition of a 'passive' trait, though it is close. Yes, the function itself is passive, but it's triggering something the player has to acknowledge and act on. It's not just "lets you pew-pew harder" or "lets you pew pew again sooner" automatically because all it's doing is giving you the option to switch attunements, which is arguably one of the more skillful aspects of the profession.

Again, this is why 'passive' isn't perhaps the best term, but as a catch-all may be the most appropriate for quick discussion without sounding like I'm talking down to people.

Part of the problem is the ease, or lack of, in playing against it. Some traits gain their opportunity by being defensive minded, and it's harder in this game to change up your method of offense than your method of defense. Examples of this are in Automated Reponse and Diamond Skin.

Both of those traits are pretty boring, but it's hard to argue against wanting some kind of defensive option. That's one of the reason I allowed specific slots for reactionary traits (which both Automated Response and Diamond Skin would likely fall under); they give you a way to incorporate 'emergency', defensive traits without feeling like you're gimping your damage.

But I digress. What I really wanted to do was make a comparison to Monster Hunter. The thing is, most of Monster Hunter's closest equivalent to GW2's trait system, the armor skill system, is used to improve some thing you already do by X%. The primary difference is that those changes make huge mechanical differences for different weapon types (classes). One example is the fact that everyone in Monster Hunter has an endurance bar for dodging, but many weapons come with different additional ways to use endurance so getting more or less regeneration changes the opportunities and decision making for them. Even raw attack damage has a place because it can effect flinches, trips, and limb breaking of the monsters.

This is what I'm constantly getting at when I talk about a "rule-breaking" approach to mechanics. To use your MH example, endurance is used for dodging, but based on weapon choice that rule can be broken to perform different functions. "Huge mechanical differences" is more or less what I would like traits to do.

Your system, Retro, would make GW2 even less of an RPG than Monster Hunter in ways. Not saying that that's good or bad, but an observation of parts like the Weapon Traits (although that can also be seen as just a streamlining).

That was my intent; to make traits big, gameplay changes rather than tiny little shifts in the under-the-hood math. RPGs are defined by their math, since they're digital versions of tabletop games which, when you get down to it, used all of the stats and dice rolls to simulate conflict resolution (since the alternative is "I killed the goblin with my axe", "No you didn't, he dodged", "Well, I predicted his dodge and moved with him and still killed him", "Nuh-uh!"). Which is fine for both table top games and RPGs. But we're at a point where games can do all the heavy lifting math used to and put that power in the hands of the gamer rather than the numbers.

Basically, the less stats and number crunching involved in a game that I am not specifically playing for those kind of mechanics (i.e JRPGs, SRPGs,etc.), the more I enjoy it. My ideal MMO is a stat-less, class-less, level-less skill-driven horizontal-oriented action game.

It's also why I see potential in a large majority of the new Grandmaster traits. While most see them as underpowered or useless, I see opportunities created for a lot of types of builds that are nowhere near the radar of the meta. Even something simple like the Guardian being able to trait for 50% more HP above base can bring a build into proper existence.

The Force of Will trait could be handled in a much more interesting way though. Instead of just "have more health!", it could be treated almost as a 'layer' of health over your existing HP bubble. Something like this:


Anyone who wants to injure you has to get through the "Blue" health first. And while that extra health effect is active, there's a visual indicator on your character; you're glowing with blue fire or something cool like that. The trick is, the extra health you get cannot be healed in combat, and is instead restored only after your health regenerates fully outside of combat.

Same effect (3000 HP is how much health you'd have at 80 with the trait), different approach. It takes the rule "Guardians have x health" and breaks it; Guardians have x health, but also have a special health 'armor' you have to break through first to hurt them. Using my trait concept above, Force of Will would be considered an "Expertise Trait". A nice "Ascended Trait" could allow you to break the broken rule, and allow you to restore your Force of Will-based health in combat somehow.

And it's a lot more interesting than 300 vitality.
Finally, a use for the several stacks of Transmute thingies I have.

When you unlock a dye after the feature pack is released, all characters on your account will have unlimited access to that color.

Whoop, better go scrape the AH for all the colours. Dang, that sucks - I have /every/ colour unlocked on my main.

you will be able to preview dye colors on your equipped armor by simply selecting a color and moving your mouse over the armor dye channels.


Though I'm really glad I'll be able to use my Legendary skin on all my shield-wielding characters now, if not the stats.


I don't like to make crazy PR statements, but it still blows my mind that none of this is behind a paid expansion. Any other game and this is expansion material in a game that you've already been paying a fee for.

And we're only five blog posts in; there's still seven more to go. SEVEN!

Since dyes and armor skins are now account bound and have had their restrictions removed, what the fuck are the "Account-bound" and "Removing Restrictions" blog articles going to be about? And what the hell is "Facilitating Friendly Play" and why does something so innocuous-sounding take three articles to explain?

And when does Season Two of the Living Story begin, and how big is it going to be considering the Living Story teams have had all this time to work on them? The last time they had a large chunk of time to flesh out the Living Story was the six weeks in December / January and we ended up getting Marionette, Jungle Wurm, Escape from Lion's Arch and the Battle for Lion's Arch (not to mention some periphery elements around Edge of the Mists). And that was when they were hamstrung by the Scarlet storyline. Assuming they started working the day after the Aftermath update, they'll have had 4 weeks by the time the Feature Update hits, and who knows how much time they'll have to work after it.

Anyone who still thinks Guild Wars 2 needs an expansion to deliver content should have their head examined.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Since dyes and armor skins are now account bound and have had their restrictions removed, what the fuck are the "Account-bound" and "Removing Restrictions" blog articles going to be about?
One or the other must be WXP.

I shoulda bought some dyes to flip! Owell.


One or the other must be WXP.

I had the crazy idea that the "Removing Restrictions" one might entail Cultural Armor not being racially locked anymore. After all, the wardrobe basically removes all limits on what you can and cannot wear with the exception of weight class. Somehow I think it would be a bigger deal than that.

I shoulda bought some dyes to flip! Owell.

I was just thinking, we have about a dozen and a half dyes sitting in the guild bank, what if I sell those all off to put towards the transfer fund or lottery?


And we're only five blog posts in; there's still seven more to go. SEVEN!

Since dyes and armor skins are now account bound and have had their restrictions removed, what the fuck are the "Account-bound" and "Removing Restrictions" blog articles going to be about? And what the hell is "Facilitating Friendly Play" and why does something so innocuous-sounding take three articles to explain?

And when does Season Two of the Living Story begin, and how big is it going to be considering the Living Story teams have had all this time to work on them? The last time they had a large chunk of time to flesh out the Living Story was the six weeks in December / January and we ended up getting Marionette, Jungle Wurm, Escape from Lion's Arch and the Battle for Lion's Arch (not to mention some periphery elements around Edge of the Mists). And that was when they were hamstrung by the Scarlet storyline. Assuming they started working the day after the Aftermath update, they'll have had 4 weeks by the time the Feature Update hits, and who knows how much time they'll have to work after it.

Anyone who still thinks Guild Wars 2 needs an expansion to deliver content should have their head examined.

Three articles for three words, Retro

Article 1: Queensdale

Article 2: Train

Article 3: Nerfed


Three articles for three words, Retro

Article 1: Queensdale

Article 2: Train

Article 3: Nerfed

Not even worthy of a full article. The best the Queensdale Train deserves is a line in the patch notes that just reads "all champions in zones lower than level 30 have been replaced with elite mobs".


And what the hell is "Facilitating Friendly Play" and why does something so innocuous-sounding take three articles to explain?

Here's what I'm wishing for this one. I want a way for guilds to be able to start map instances of world event fights (teq, worm). So you can join let's say a TTS guild and have schedules of taking down those bosses whenever without interfering with map caps of other players.

And when does Season Two of the Living Story begin, and how big is it going to be considering the Living Story teams have had all this time to work on them? The last time they had a large chunk of time to flesh out the Living Story was the six weeks in December / January and we ended up getting Marionette, Jungle Wurm, Escape from Lion's Arch and the Battle for Lion's Arch (not to mention some periphery elements around Edge of the Mists). And that was when they were hamstrung by the Scarlet storyline. Assuming they started working the day after the Aftermath update, they'll have had 4 weeks by the time the Feature Update hits, and who knows how much time they'll have to work after it.

I'm thinking that LS season 2 should start April 29th.
  • April 1 - SAB
  • April 15 - Feature Patch
  • April 29 - (end of SAB) start of LS Season 2

Also, it's going to be more time than you're saying. Since the 4 living story teams are rotating, this means that the team working on the start of Season 2 is probably the team that did November (Tower of Nightmares). So that would be 6 months.


I've really been racking my brain over what "Facilitating Friendly Play" means. It's three friggin articles, and it's NOT about anything concerning LFG, since that's already it's own update.

I don't want to overhype it, but given it's the last update and it's 3 whole posts, it seems like the centerpiece of this whole feature pack. It could just be some words of wisdom or it could be a complete UI overhaul to better explain how you're affecting your allies. My guess is there might be some kind of "karma system", where you get rewards based on how much you're helping others. When I hear "facilitating", I think of rewards for good behavior. But what kind of good behavior and what kind of rewards is beyond me.

Also, my suggestion for April Fools: All female characters are turned into Scarlet, all males are turned into Trahearne.


Not even worthy of a full article. The best the Queensdale Train deserves is a line in the patch notes that just reads "all champions in zones lower than level 30 have been replaced with elite mobs".

Hahaha yes, just total nonchalant off-hand remark. BOOM. dead.


Oh my, the new wardrobe system sounds amazing. Kind of surprised they're making skins account bound, considering that's less individual skins bough per account. Though I guess this will give people more incentive to actually buy skins in general.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I was just thinking, we have about a dozen and a half dyes sitting in the guild bank, what if I sell those all off to put towards the transfer fund or lottery?
Go for it, please do just that.
Oh my, the new wardrobe system sounds amazing. Kind of surprised they're making skins account bound, considering that's less individual skins bough per account. Though I guess this will give people more incentive to actually buy skins in general.
They probably expect to pick up anything lost in the per-character skin sense with more total transmutations sold based on the ease of use of the new system.


Sweet, this will probably open up at least one entire bank tab. Good changes all around - town clothes in combat will be fun!


EDIT: Holy shit this is exactly what I wanted, down to like, the most basic functionality. It also makes me really want to start up a new alt, since I can customize them really quickly from the start.

Anet loves to do this. This is how I felt across the entire GW2 development process. I'm going to make a Retro-tier post on my opinion of the creation of this game one day.


Unidentified dyes really going for 1g each right now? Haha so glad I saved some up.

So after the patch do dyes still drop? Just they wont be unidentified right? That blog post is a tad unclear.


Sweet, this will probably open up at least one entire bank tab.

Considering I have tabs for all of my characters' costume gear, plus an entire tab for holiday skins I'm just sitting on until I want to use them... Jesus, I'll end up with like 6 or 7 empty tabs.

I have no idea what I will put in them.

Anet loves to do this. This is how I felt across the entire GW2 development process. I'm going to make a Retro-tier post on my opinion of the creation of this game one day.

I'm flattered that any time someone makes a large post, it's "Retro-tier".

Unidentified dyes really going for 1g each right now? Haha so glad I saved some up.

So after the patch do dyes still drop? Just they wont be unidentified right? That blog post is a tad unclear.

Dropped down to 52s now, but people are still at work. And that's also a good 20s higher than they were last night.

Unidentified Dyes won't drop anymore, but you can still get them with Laurels and Crafting. I think the goal is to make dyes feel more 'special'. The secondary market will still be the prime place to fill out your collection, if you ask me.

I dunno if straight up identified dyes will drop. I don't see why they would.

That part is just what

A certain someone was online this morning and mentioned that Town clothes are basically being eliminated. In their place are outfits (which can be worn in combat, but can no longer be mixed and match) and the rest are rolled into Endless Tonics (which cannot be used in combat, obviously).
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