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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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My significant other makes a valid point - since the Profession Trainers are being depreciated by the new Trait system, they should be turned into *actual* trainers, that you go to and when you talk to them, you can launch into a variety of tutorial instances that... train you in your profession.


The Cryptarch's Bane
As for Mr. Authority's mmo thread - welp, not going to touch that thing with a 10 foot pole.
Hey good idea, that does not read like an aim to engender constructive feedbak
My significant other makes a valid point - since the Profession Trainers are being depreciated by the new Trait system, they should be turned into *actual* trainers, that you go to and when you talk to them, you can launch into a variety of tutorial instances that... train you in your profession.
awesome idea!


Will your PvP look still be distinct from your PvE look? Will PvP looks require transmutation charges going forward? Has this been addressed?

As far as I know, it has not. I would imagine the PVP skins will just be automatically dumped into your wardrobe, but there's nothing official yet. Tomorrow is the Ready Up Livestream so they'll probably discuss it then.

You guys are a riot, the preview headlines are all like the vaguest phrases one could hope to assemble with words :p

We know who wrote them, and we know how much that person loves to troll.


As far as I know, it has not. I would imagine the PVP skins will just be automatically dumped into your wardrobe, but there's nothing official yet. Tomorrow is the Ready Up Livestream so they'll probably discuss it then.

We know who wrote them, and we know how much that person loves to troll.

Watch, "Facilitating Friendly Play" Is some massive competition that will make us turn on one another.


Ok, if the post tomorrow contains nothing about PvP reward systems, game types, or even something out of left field like guild halls, then my minimum expectation would be talking in detail about the armor unification between the two modes.

And next week we have three blog posts and April Fools.


Ok, if the post tomorrow contains nothing about PvP reward systems, game types, or even something out of left field like guild halls, then my minimum expectation would be talking in detail about the armor unification between the two modes.

And next week we have three blog posts and April Fools.

Colin + "facilitating friendly play" + april fools...



Facilitating Friendly Play = PVP. Because PVP makes you not friendly.

Edit: Holy shit, looked in that Authority MMO thread and immediately left, ala Grandpa Simpson. He was already on my ignore list, so that saves me the trouble of having to put him on it. His description of GW2 is basically "The Worst of Reddit Shit-Posts: Volume 1" used as 'evidence'. Nope.
Next week's blog posts are about merging PvE zone servers ('Overflow' becomes a retired term) and maybe even implementing some sort of districting ability.

I guarantee it.



There should definitely be a thread about the feature pack in the discussion board once all the updates have been revealed.

I'm not certain how interesting any of this stuff is to newcomers, but it sure as hell might bring some people back.

Sounds like a job of Jira and I.

/rubs hands together menacingly.


I figured it out.

Facilitating Friendly Play = F F P.

Google "FFP" and the first result is "fresh frozen plasma."

ArenaNet is going to implement a dick filter. If you are a dick, they will bring you to a secure facility to harvest your blood products. This facilitates friendly play by removing dicks from the game and also providing more fresh blood to nice players so they remain healthy and nice.


I think the key is just to put it out there without embellishment. Throw in a "oh yeah and it's free" at the end. We're not salesmen, just passionate.

It'll be a big ass list of awesome features that's being added for free.

That sells itself.
Been busy the last few days, the amount changes they are adding to this feature pack is awesome, I will take some pics of my Juggernaut on my Warrior woot..


The Cryptarch's Bane
It's not an uncommon topic: how do we make just playing out and about in the open world of Tyria more rewarding?

So, I've thought about this a lot and I like my simple solution so much that I'll permanently be a little bit sad unless something like it happens one day. This all stems from the idea that Dynamic Events in Guild Wars 2 are the meat, potatoes, veggies and dessert of the game. They're great, and a ton of work was put into them. They are primarily unique to GW2 in that even games with similar contrivances (Rift and Wildstar each have their variations, as I understand it) are rudimentary in comparison.

There are so many. In every zone, so much content that is underutilized at best and entirely ignored at worst. Ignored! Some of the best content in the game, completely passed by, not even touched once a day. There are event chains in this game I absolutely love, some that can even last upwards of an hour, ultimately rewarding you with 20 or so silver and a few blues, greens and mob drops. This is a shame because even a player like me, who is happy to do content for the fun of it rather than the reward, will triage activities based on reward. In other words, if I'm choosing between two types of content, both of which I substantially enjoy, I will far more often choose the more lucrative one.

I attempt to solve this problem by unifying a few different concepts:
  • Playing in almost any zone of the game should be substantially, and in some ways equally, rewarding
  • Dynamic Event completion (success) should provide tangible rather than incidental rewards
  • Adventuring throughout a zone clearing many events- making an impact on the fabric of that zone- should carry a sense of gameplay momentum with it
  • Doing many different events should be rewarded greatly; repeatedly doing the same events should not be rewarded at all (thematically, the same idea as the changes to dungeon rewards)
  • Ultimately, the best currency that can be delivered as a reward is always gold, because it's the language of the trading post
I have framed this idea largely in cold, mathematical terms, but perhaps my favorite thing about it is that it makes a fair bit of sense in roleplaying terms, especially compared to the existing system. I'll touch a bit on that again at the end.

Here goes.


Each unique dynamic event completed to success awards n silver, where n = the number of unique dynamic events completed in that zone. Repeating completed events would earn you no silver reward at all (XP/karma unaffected).

Put more simply: every new event you do in a zone earns you one more silver than the one before.

This would reset upon leaving a zone, and your "streak" potential for each zone would reset on the daily timer.

So as an example, if you go to Metrica Province and do 1 event it gives you 1 silver, do another event and it gives you 2 silver, do another and it gives you 3 silver, for a total of 6 silver for having done 3 unique events in that zone. The formula for how much you earn by doing how many events would be: (n * (n+1)) / 2.

So if you continue adventuring in that zone:

  • 10 events will net you a total of 55 silver.
  • 20 events will get you a total of 2 gold, 10 silver- on par with a run of COF1 + SE1.
That seems like a lot of gold for "just events" at first, but think about it: if you've completed 20 unique events in a row in a single zone, you are a force in that zone. You've severely shifted the battle lines with the centaurs in Kessex Hills, you've taken out a ton of Branded threats in Blazeridge Steppes, you've given the Inquest a run for their money and driven them from the Infinity Coil in Mount Maelstrom. There's no doubt this would take longer than a couple of the easiest dungeon paths- but if you didn't mind spending the time, you could keep going.

Under the existing system, event silver rewards vary by zone (and are apparently being further nerfed per devaluing champ trains), but 20 events would get you somewhere in the ballpark of 70 silver, and you'd be rewarded just the same even if you just repeated the same 4 events five times.

Once you break 30 events in my system the gold reward begins to grow quite quickly (4.6g for 30, 8.2g for 40). However, most zones have a total somewhere just a bit above 40 unique events, so that would mean either literally (or quite close to) clearing an enter zone of every dynamic event it has to offer. Frostgorge Sound, for example, has 53 including every Group Event, and every single step of both dynamic events- this would be quite a feat, and you'd be in that zone for hours. I legitimately believe that the ultimate gold-earning potential here isn't a deal-breaker. Many events have self-limiting timers, and plenty of chains consume time just progressing between individual steps. It wouldn't be physically possible to just clear an entire zone in an hour- and if someone wants to spend 4 hours in a single zone tackling every single opportunity they find, why shouldn't they be rewarded as though they'd done, say, 2, hours of dungeons?

Alternatively, if the gold acquisition rate was deemed a serious problem, the streak could just be capped- say after 25, no new events would reward you- though if you left and came back, you could start a new streak with the events you hadn't gotten to yet that day, starting back at 1. Though again, I don't think it would be necessary.

Your streak could even be represented as a simple little stack buff in the UI ("Wildlands Samaritan," "Kessex Defender") that simply drops upon leaving the zone.

Think about how this new system would feel in practice. You'd get your party or guild together, pick a zone and head out into the world to start adventuring. As you clear more and more of the problems you come across, the gold starts to pile up- the denizens of that zone offering their thanks for your hard work. Soon most of the obvious, high-profile events have been done- but there is more of Tyria in need of help, more insidious evil to fell. So you'll press deeper into the nooks and crannies of the zone- maybe there's one underground you forgot about- maybe there's one you've never seen before. Every unique event represents an opportunity to keep your streak alive in that zone, and once you've got an "epic streak" going you'll just be hunting for more to do in that zone. Each explorable map in Tyria is a playground of opportunity. Bonus points if you get some sort of recognition for maxing your streak, literally clearing every single event in the zone, which I suppooooooose could be an achievement, though I'd feel sorry for the OCD-laden out there.

Potentially Asked Questions:

"You moron. People will just find the most optimal dynamic event paths to do the quickest for gold with the least amount of effort!"

You've just described the exact scenario taking place right now within every avenue of content that offers adequate gold reward. This would merely be adding a new lane to that highway, and in terms of time investment, making real money this way would still not surpass other daily methods for pure efficiency.

"What about that happening in the newbie zones? Sure the Queensdale champ train would be gone, but wouldn't you be replacing it with a constant stream of people doing all the easy events in a set sequence, subject to the same toxic environment?"

Yeah. I've thought a lot about this, and I say we just go with Occam's Razor: this simply shouldn't be in effect in the 5 newbie zones of the game. Or in more humorous form: No streaking in front of the kids!

"If this wouldn't actually make me more gold per hour than a dungeon rotation or [other activity x], what's the point?"

In-game activities don't have to be the most profitable thing to do to be worthwhile. There's a "fun vs. reward" dynamic that every player considers constantly during a play session, and the ratio is different for almost every individual who logs in. This simply makes dynamics events- some of the game's best content- relevant in terms of reward. For my part, I would take advantage of this constantly no matter how outclassed it was by other methods of making gold.

"What about event contribution levels- Gold, Silver, Bronze medals? What about failure?"

Good questions. One way of handling it would be to have only Gold give you the full, n+1, reward, while Silver and Bronze give roughly what they do now, but still increment your streak. I think this would be a good balance between rewarding the prime contributors over tagalongs and tailgaters, but without punishing them too harshly- stick around, get gold on the next one and you get the full reward.

If you fail an event, I'm totally down with giving XP, but you really shouldn't get any gold for it.
I don't understand why that happens.

"You're dramatically upsetting the rate of gold acquisition during the leveling process. You really want first-timer level 30s earning multiple gold per hour?"

No, that's a good point. I think I'd like it most if the ability to earn "streak" rewards was just something that you unlocked per character by reaching level 80. This would mesh well with the "entire game is endgame" motif- after all, you're not doing anything you couldn't have done while leveling- but also provide a new answer to "well what am I supposed to do at level 80?" as suddenly every zone in the game is a newly ample source of fun and profit.

Congratulations on making it to the end of my idea! I'll take your questions and criticisms now, though beware my concept is completely bulletproof. :D


You know what your idea needs, Hawkian? Unique skins that only become available when your streak meter hits certain thresholds.

Throw an NPC onto the map who offers to sell you items if you assist him in keeping the peace, like a Magistrate or Constable. Give him a fancy icon and everything, like the scouts.

The number of items he will sell you is based entirely on where your streak meter rests; if you're at 5, maybe he'll sell you some basic vendor items. Get it up to 10 or 20 and he starts selling unique, zone-themed skins. Kessex already has the Lionguard uniform scattered on the various Karma vendors, so more stuff like that. It doesn't need to be a full armor set or anything either; maybe it's one new weapon skin type, and each zone sells a different item (Axe in Kessex, Mace in Gandaren, etc.)

You know, because with the Wardrobe coming, I NEED MORE SKINS.


Just a friendly PSA:

Ever since the election in Cutthroat Politics, Ellen Kiel has:
  • Basically done nothing.
  • Let Lion's Arch get blown up.
  • I guess she discounted those savepoints for like.. a week.
  • Seriously, she let Lion's Arch get blown up.
Meanwhile, Evon Gnashblade has:
  • Provided a ton of wonderful items for us to use.
  • Offerered great discounts on said wonderful items.
  • Bankrolled all of the armor repairmen so that armor repairs are free.
  • Totally predicted Lion's Arch would get blown up and tried to tell people.
  • Like I said, free armor repairs!
Ask yourselves, Tyrians... Was Ellen Kiel really the right choice? For Tryia? For you?


Just a friendly PSA:

Ever since the election in Cutthroat Politics, Ellen Kiel has:
  • Basically done nothing.
  • Let Lion's Arch get blown up.
  • I guess she discounted those savepoints for like.. a week.
  • Seriously, she let Lion's Arch get blown up.
Meanwhile, Evon Gnashblade has:
  • Provided a ton of wonderful items for us to use.
  • Offerered great discounts on said wonderful items.
  • Bankrolled all of the armor repairmen so that armor repairs are free.
  • Totally predicted Lion's Arch would get blown up and tried to tell people.
  • Like I said, free armor repairs!
Ask yourselves, Tyrians... Was Ellen Kiel really the right choice? For Tryia? For you?

don't blame me I didn't vote


I like your idea hawk but the math or other specifics could make it rough. I think a reward that large would turn the champ train into an event chain bringing the toxic players with it. Events don't always pop up or players arrive just after they are done and those players get less content then they do today because all the zone's events are being ran.


Chinese Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition statue

Also, TA Aetherblade path was a complete sucess, thanks to Hawk's excellent Leeroy Jenkinsins...



Just a friendly PSA:

Ever since the election in Cutthroat Politics, Ellen Kiel has:
  • Basically done nothing.
  • Let Lion's Arch get blown up.
  • I guess she discounted those savepoints for like.. a week.
  • Seriously, she let Lion's Arch get blown up.
Meanwhile, Evon Gnashblade has:
  • Provided a ton of wonderful items for us to use.
  • Offerered great discounts on said wonderful items.
  • Bankrolled all of the armor repairmen so that armor repairs are free.
  • Totally predicted Lion's Arch would get blown up and tried to tell people.
  • Like I said, free armor repairs!
Ask yourselves, Tyrians... Was Ellen Kiel really the right choice? For Tryia? For you?

We haven't heard squat from Kiel in a long time but this isn't cool either.



That Charr statue... I wonder if that will be available in the US somehow. I would actually import a copy of the game for that, my OG Rytlock is lonely.


The solution to PvE is to make it more like Diablo 3.
Give us an incentive to go to the world and kill enemies, clear areas, and do random events other than Champ Trains.

God damn love your proposal Hawkian


Just started playing.... I know I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay late to the party but damn, the world is so empty. I met maybe one other player so far :p


Just started playing.... I know I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay late to the party but damn, the world is so empty. I met maybe one other player so far :p

That's cuz it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay late at night / the ass-crack of dawn, it's 3am pacific, 6am eastern. That's pushing it, even for energy-drink fueled, sugar supercharged gamers. =p

Try guesting to Blackgate or Jade Quarry, I'm pretty sure they have strong overnight populations.


Nah, I wasn't talking about now-now :p I actually started yesterday evening, around 8PM CET so yeah, I guess it's around peak hours. We'll see tonight...
"You're dramatically upsetting the rate of gold acquisition during the leveling process. You really want first-timer level 30s earning multiple gold per hour?"

No, that's a good point. I think I'd like it most if the ability to earn "streak" rewards was just something that you unlocked per character by reaching level 80. This would mesh well with the "entire game is endgame" motif- after all, you're not doing anything you couldn't have done while leveling- but also provide a new answer to "well what am I supposed to do at level 80?" as suddenly every zone in the game is a newly ample source of fun and profit.

Ahm.. given (what i assume is) somewhat proper use of the AH, this already happens. Maybe not per hour, but i'm still lvl 16, so... there's that. Silver is coming pretty regularly past 11.


Each unique dynamic event completed to success awards n silver, where n = the number of unique dynamic events completed in that zone. Repeating completed events would earn you no silver reward at all (XP/karma unaffected).

you should put this up on the official forums :p


It's not an uncommon topic: how do we make just playing out and about in the open world of Tyria more rewarding?

So, I've thought about this a lot and I like my simple solution so much that I'll permanently be a little bit sad unless something like it happens one day. This all stems from the idea that Dynamic Events in Guild Wars 2 are the meat, potatoes, veggies and dessert of the game. They're great, and a ton of work was put into them. They are primarily unique to GW2 in that even games with similar contrivances (Rift and Wildstar each have their variations, as I understand it) are rudimentary in comparison.

There are so many. In every zone, so much content that is underutilized at best and entirely ignored at worst. Ignored! Some of the best content in the game, completely passed by, not even touched once a day. There are event chains in this game I absolutely love, some that can even last upwards of an hour, ultimately rewarding you with 20 or so silver and a few blues, greens and mob drops. This is a shame because even a player like me, who is happy to do content for the fun of it rather than the reward, will triage activities based on reward. In other words, if I'm choosing between two types of content, both of which I substantially enjoy, I will far more often choose the more lucrative one.

I attempt to solve this problem by unifying a few different concepts:
  • Playing in almost any zone of the game should be substantially, and in some ways equally, rewarding
  • Dynamic Event completion (success) should provide tangible rather than incidental rewards
  • Adventuring throughout a zone clearing many events- making an impact on the fabric of that zone- should carry a sense of gameplay momentum with it
  • Doing many different events should be rewarded greatly; repeatedly doing the same events should not be rewarded at all (thematically, the same idea as the changes to dungeon rewards)
  • Ultimately, the best currency that can be delivered as a reward is always gold, because it's the language of the trading post
I have framed this idea largely in cold, mathematical terms, but perhaps my favorite thing about it is that it makes a fair bit of sense in roleplaying terms, especially compared to the existing system. I'll touch a bit on that again at the end.

Here goes.


Each unique dynamic event completed to success awards n silver, where n = the number of unique dynamic events completed in that zone. Repeating completed events would earn you no silver reward at all (XP/karma unaffected).

Put more simply: every new event you do in a zone earns you one more silver than the one before.

This would reset upon leaving a zone, and your "streak" potential for each zone would reset on the daily timer.

So as an example, if you go to Metrica Province and do 1 event it gives you 1 silver, do another event and it gives you 2 silver, do another and it gives you 3 silver, for a total of 6 silver for having done 3 unique events in that zone. The formula for how much you earn by doing how many events would be: (n * (n+1)) / 2.

So if you continue adventuring in that zone:

  • 10 events will net you a total of 55 silver.
  • 20 events will get you a total of 2 gold, 10 silver- on par with a run of COF1 + SE1.
That seems like a lot of gold for "just events" at first, but think about it: if you've completed 20 unique events in a row in a single zone, you are a force in that zone. You've severely shifted the battle lines with the centaurs in Kessex Hills, you've taken out a ton of Branded threats in Blazeridge Steppes, you've given the Inquest a run for their money and driven them from the Infinity Coil in Mount Maelstrom. There's no doubt this would take longer than a couple of the easiest dungeon paths- but if you didn't mind spending the time, you could keep going.

Under the existing system, event silver rewards vary by zone (and are apparently being further nerfed per devaluing champ trains), but 20 events would get you somewhere in the ballpark of 70 silver, and you'd be rewarded just the same even if you just repeated the same 4 events five times.

Once you break 30 events in my system the gold reward begins to grow quite quickly (4.6g for 30, 8.2g for 40). However, most zones have a total somewhere just a bit above 40 unique events, so that would mean either literally (or quite close to) clearing an enter zone of every dynamic event it has to offer. Frostgorge Sound, for example, has 53 including every Group Event, and every single step of both dynamic events- this would be quite a feat, and you'd be in that zone for hours. I legitimately believe that the ultimate gold-earning potential here isn't a deal-breaker. Many events have self-limiting timers, and plenty of changes consume time just progressing between individual steps. It wouldn't be physically possible to just clear an entire zone in an hour- and if someone wants to spend 4 hours in a single zone tackling every single opportunity they find, why shouldn't they be rewarded as though they'd done, say, 2, hours of dungeons?

Alternatively, if the gold acquisition rate was deemed a serious problem, the streak could just be capped- say after 25, no new events would reward you- though if you left and came back, you could start a new streak with the events you hadn't gotten to yet that day, starting back at 1. Though again, I don't think it would be necessary.

Your streak could even be represented as a simple little stack buff in the UI ("Wildlands Samaritan," "Kessex Defender") that simply drops upon leaving the zone.

Think about how this new system would feel in practice. You'd get your party or guild together, pick a zone and head out into the world to start adventuring. As you clear more and more of the problems you come across, the gold starts to pile up- the denizens of that zone offering their thanks for your hard work. Soon most of the obvious, high-profile events have been done- but there is more of Tyria in need of help, more insidious evil to fell. So you'll press deeper into the nooks and crannies of the zone- maybe there's one underground you forgot about- maybe there's one you've never seen before. Every unique event represents an opportunity to keep your streak alive in that zone, and once you've got an "epic streak" going you'll just be hunting for more to do in that zone. Each explorable map in Tyria is a playground of opportunity. Bonus points if you get some sort of recognition for maxing your streak, literally clearing every single event in the zone, which I suppooooooose could be an achievement, though I'd feel sorry for the OCD-laden out there.

Potentially Asked Questions:

"You moron. People will just find the most optimal dynamic event paths to do the quickest for gold with the least amount of effort!"

You've just described the exact scenario taking place right now within every avenue of content that offers adequate gold reward. This would merely be adding a new lane to that highway, and in terms of time investment, making real money this way would still not surpass other daily methods for pure efficiency.

"What about that happening in the newbie zones? Sure the Queensdale champ train would be gone, but wouldn't you be replacing it with a constant stream of people doing all the easy events in a set sequence, subject to the same toxic environment?"

Yeah. I've thought a lot about this, and I say we just go with Occam's Razor: this simply shouldn't be in effect in the 5 newbie zones of the game. Or in more humorous form: No streaking in front of the kids!

"If this wouldn't actually make me more gold per hour than a dungeon rotation or [other activity x], what's the point?"

In-game activities don't have to be the most profitable thing to do to be worthwhile. There's a "fun vs. reward" dynamic that every player makes constantly during a play session, and the ratio is different for almost every individual who logs in. This simply makes dynamics events- some of the game's best content- relevant in terms of reward. For my part, I would take advantage of this constantly no matter how outclassed it was by other methods of making gold.

"What about event contribution levels- Gold, Silver, Bronze medals? What about failure?"

Good questions. One way of handling it would be to have only Gold give you the full, n+1, reward, while Silver and Bronze give roughly what they do now, but still increment your streak. I think this would be a good balance between rewarding the prime contributors over tagalongs and tailgaters, but without punishing them too harshly- stick around, get gold on the next one and you get the full reward.

If you fail an event, I'm totally down with giving XP, but you really shouldn't get any gold for it.
I don't understand why that happens.

"You're dramatically upsetting the rate of gold acquisition during the leveling process. You really want first-timer level 30s earning multiple gold per hour?"

No, that's a good point. I think I'd like it most if the ability to earn "streak" rewards was just something that you unlocked per character by reaching level 80. This would mesh well with the "entire game is endgame" motif- after all, you're not doing anything you couldn't have done while leveling- but also provide a new answer to "well what am I supposed to do at level 80?" as suddenly every zone in the game is a newly ample source of fun and profit.

Congratulations on making it to the end of my idea! I'll take your questions and criticisms now, though beware my concept is completely bulletproof. :D


Quoting this huge post and i dont curr.
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