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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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Some really good changes and features coming for PvP. I will defenetly come back to play it more competitive now. And retroactivly rewarding rank points is a small but cool way to reward long time PvP players. I don't even need to play now, to be rank 80 after the patch hits. Dragon Finisher, here I come! :D

One thing I did not like about the new PvP reward system is that hey only added 2 new amulets, 2 runes and 2 sigils... I'm all in for having such unlocks for PvP (we had them in GW1 and noone cried about it being unfair or something like that), but only 6 total unlocks? We are gonna get them in the first 30 secs after the patch hits, so what's the point?
They should have added (and rebalanced) all current PvE only stat combos, runes and sigils and made them available through the reward tracks and not only unlockable with gold... Same thing about traits - only unlockable with gold in PvP...

And just removing all pvp crafting materials (mystic powder, orbs, crystals, slivers) without any compensation for them is beyond stupid. Some people have tons and tons of these materials, they should be allowed to vendor them for at least some cash...
Sylvari? These are the nature-people, right? So, they made one of them to be a main antagonist? A twist worth of M Night Shyamalan script.

The very short of it.

A year ago, refugees started appearing in The Black Citadel and Hoelbrak, talking about a strange pairing of Flame Legion and Dredge causing trouble. This unlikely alliance kept causing trouble, and we met Braham Eirsson who's settlement in the north of Wayfarer Foothills got attacked. Later, a Charr named Rox joined the crew and together with them, we fought this new Molten Alliance in various locations and in their bases. Little was known about who formed this alliance and to what purpose.

- This was meant to basically introduce a few characters that would continue forward all through the Living World, reocurring characters we'd come to know, understand, and would fight alongside all the way. The mysterious Molten Alliance was the start of a long foundation being laid for future events.

After the dust settled, the refugees were relocated to Southsun Cove. Except the Consortium was using them as cheap labour, and there was a bit of a revolt. A sylvari named Canach was discovered to have been introducing a toxin into the wildlife, which made them more aggressive. The animal attacks didn't help the tense situation. We shut down riots, defended areas from animal attacks, and eventually cornered and captured Canach. Canach's goal had apparently been to destroy the areas that held the contracts the refugees had signed with the Consortium. In the end, the inspector we'd been working for to unravel all this, Inspector Kiel, decided to put all the contracts on a Lionguard ship for transport, and blew it up, thus freeing the refugees from their indentured labour.

- Meant to introduce Kiel, and I think, the idea that Sylvari - even when having good intentions - can go about things the wrong way.

Dragon Bash came around, a festival inspired by the old Canthan Dragon Festival, meant to celebrate our valiant war against the Elder Dragons. But during the effigy lighting ceremony, there was sabotage. The effigy exploded, killing the charr representative from the Black Citadel and injuring members from the Captain's Council that runs Lion's Arch. A new threat, Aetherblade Pirates, showed up and started attacking Lion's Arch. We were alerted that something was going to happen at the Dragon Bash festival by someone named "E", whom we still don't know who that is. A woman named Mai Trin had tried to heal the charr representative, but failed. We got to know Marjory Delaqua, a private investigator, hired by Logan Thackary to find out who made the effigy explode. We teamed up with Marjory and Kiel to find out it was Mai Trin: the captain of the Aetherblades. She escaped.

- Meant to introduce Marjory, the Aetherblade, Lady Kasmeer Meade (Marjory's partner), and set up an Aetherblade story.

We then found the Aehterblade hideout in Lion's Arch, fought through an awesome dungeon, and discovered that the Inquest were backing the Aetherblade with technology. For the first time, the name "Scarlet" was overheared, with Mai Trin saying "Scarlet would not be pleased". We confronted Mai, took her into custody, and were told that that an election would be held to fill the seat on the Captain's Council left vacant by the death of Theo Ashford, who was assassinated during the effigy lighting ceremony. (The goal had been to kill Theo, and have Mai Trin inserted into the Council).

- Yet another Alliance is set up (humans / Inquest?), Mai Trin is evolved somewhat as a character, and Kiel is evolved.

By this point, both Evon Gnashblade (owner of the Black Lion Trading Company) and Kiel were being considered for the seat on the Captain's Council. Both needed to impress the Council, and at this time the Bazaar of the Four Winds began, marked by the arrival of the Zephyr Sanctum. This floating sancutary, built by the Zephyrites using magic obtained from the dead dragon Glint, is basically the flying homebase of a nomadic tribe who trades with various cultures and tries to stay above all the crap happening below. We did tons of stuff in this area, and Kiel and Gnashblade both tried to form a trade agreement with the Zephyrites.

- Bit of a "cooldown" event, I felt. Lots of collecting things, exploring things, and just general awesomeness. Is generally considered one of the best Living World sections.

Kiel and Gnashblade started up the campaign trail for the Council Seat, and we got to vote by collecting tokens. This was a real vote, where the outcome was decided by the players. Kiel won with 52% of the vote.

- Sanctum Sprint was introduced this patch, there was a lot of dialogue and general fun involving defending a crashed Aetherblade ship holding loot from Lion's Arch.

Shortly after the election, Divinity's Reach celebrated it's 10th anniversary of Queen Jennah's coronation. Massive party. The Great Collapse in Divinity's Reach was filled in, and turned into a Pavilion. During the opening ceremony, Queen Jennah revealed the Watchknights, clockwork soldiers meant to bolster the human's army. The Aetherblades made a surprise attack, and we fought alongside Rox and Braham to get rid of them and protect the Queen. A suspicious sylvari (later known to be Scarlet) was seen, taunting us and Jennah.

- This update added an area (the pavilion) that was like a pizza, where each slice held a different terrain type and enemy set, it was farm central for a while. People still get a kind of warm afterglow thinking about all the T6 mat farming that happened while it was around.

A short while later, the Queen gets up to do a speech, when suddenly Scarlet shows up, takes control of the Watchknights, and starts attacking all of Tyria. Turns out Scarlet is behind the Aehterblades and Molten Alliance. The Pavilion is turned into Scarlet's Playhouse, a dungeon of sorts. We fight Scarlet's invasions as they happen across all maps, something funny involving Lord Faren and a cooking pot, and just general plot stuff involving Scarlet, though not much is revealed of her motives, other than she seems crazy.

- This was a fun event, originally advertized as just a general Queen's Speech update, then the page was 'defaced' by Scarlet in a very Joker-ish style, and players got their first real taste of the Scarlet character. It wasn't to everyone's taste, but overall Tara Strong was a good VO for her, and her writing got better over time I feel.

Super Adventure Box came back with a new world. Not everyone liked it.

Tequatl powered up. Players considered the new Tequatl fight impossible. And then they stopped complaining and now the fight is basically on farm, provided you go with an organized guild.

- lol.

A bit later, we get news that Scarlet has taken over a part of the Twilight Arbor dungeon (which added a new path to it). We joined up with Caithe to explore it, discover it's be turned into an Aetherblade base, and that Scarlet had some brief ties to the Nightmare Court.

- The level 80 dungeon path added to TA was considered impossible. Until people stopped complaining and beat it.

Halloween rolls around, and we learn more about the Mad King's son, Prince Edrick Thorn.

- This was an awesome event.

For a while, things had been weird around Kessex Hills. Forests cut down, a weird mesmer-created illusion barrier around the lake, and so on. Then it was revealed that the Nightmare Court and Krait had formed an alliance adn built a huge Tower of Nightmare. This tower would spew out toxic spoors across Kryta. We fought around the tower until an antidote to the toxin was made (we helped!), then finally went inside and zerged up its floors to fight a Hybrid Krait at the top.

- I really liked this whole sequence, personally. The inside of the Tower was a fun zerg, and if you hit it just right, really showed off how things designed specifically for large groups could function well.

We eventually took down the tower (kaboom), found out more about what happened at the Thaumanova Reactor via a temporal replay inside the Fractals of the Mists, and then it was Christmas.

At the start of this year, Scarlet built a huge Twisted Marionette weapon, which we fought, it was an amazing fight. Everyone was there, Braham, Rox, Kasmeer, and Marjory - and the newly introduced asura Taimi, who has a strange infatuation with Scarlet. We discover Scarlet's Lair, and more of the general plot is revealed.

- Much plot. Very story. Wow Kasmeer has been programmed with like, the saddest backstory ever.

Edge of the Mists is introduced, Mai Trin escaped from prison, and then LION'S ARCH IS ATTACKED. Scarlet showed up with Aetherblade Airships, bombarded the crap out of the city, and her Breachmaker floated on over and started drilling into the lake where old Lion's Arch is submerged. We helped refugees escape, and planned a counterattack. Vigil Keep is made the new temporary hub.

Finally we counterattacked, boarded the Breachmaker, and killed Scarlet. "Don't you want to know why I did all this?" Scarlet asked? "No" says Braham, in a clear poke from ArenaNet's writers at the playerbase who had, for the most part, until now, really not given a crap about any of this and just wanted precursors to rain from the sky after every Living World update.

Anyhoo, Scarlet had been researching the magical leylines under Tyria, and poked just the right one to wake a dragon, we presume to be Mordremoth. Swamp dragon, or something. Why did she do this? Welp, here's my short and rather inaccurate summary.

Scarlet wasn't always insane. She was a very talented, nay, gifted Sylvari with an insatiable curiosity about the world and a bit of a rebellious streak against authority. She didn't get along with the Pale Tree, ended up travelling all over Tyria and learning everything faster than people expected. Even the Asura were impressed by her intellect, she studied at all three colleges and seemed interested in combining disparate types of study into a cohesive whole. She became obsessed with the Asura's "Eternal Alchemy" idea, met Omadd who had a machine he claimed would let her see "outside the universe", but was my count was just a fancy sensory deprivation tank.

Scarlet went in, saw something, cracked, went mad, killed Omadd and then started brewing up all her plans. Formed the alliances, started building tech, all with the goal of hitting that leyline and setting Mordremoth free. Or so we think. But what did Scarlet see?

Inside Omadd's machine, Scarlet saw only what she brought with her. All Sylvari are connected to the Pale Tree, as we know. But Scarlet saw beyond what the Pale Tree wanted her to see, and conjecture is, she saw that the Pale Tree was created by Mordremoth, and that all Sylvari are actually the servants of the elder dragon, an unwitting army to be used. The Pale Tree protects the Sylvari from this knowledge. Scarlet saw this, saw the elder dragon, and the elder dragon saw Scarlet. It's likely that then Mordremoth instilled in Scarlet a command, that she was to free Mordremoth from his slumber. We got access to Scarlet's diary at one point and she seemed at odds with herself, both following the commands of a master, and trying hard to fight an evil she could barely comprehend.

End result: Lion's Arch is in ruins, people died, we made new friends, and Tyria is a year older and a lot of stuff happened.


Suck it, sub mmos.

What the lore behind Mists wars?

Not much. Scarlet opened a portal to it, it exists outside time much like the Fractals. We initially went there for fight the Aetherblade, but it's become a warground for inter-server fighting. WvW doesn't have much lore period, since there isn't really much of a way to explain why three separate parallel universes are fighting each other. Though the fighting happening in the Mists explicitly, does make it a bit more tidy, since anything can happen in the Mists, due to all that timey-wimey stuff.


i think otherwise about the mist war, it goes very simple:

people found out how to get to the mists, people found out that there are a shitload of resources, everyone wants a piece of the pie, but dont want to share, other tyrias came to discover the mists too, since people dont know how to share and cant be friends, they fight, because i dont know.
The Mists is like the Afterlife/Purgatory. The dead go there but it's also the realm of various Gods. It lies between the realities of the various worlds and as such has sort of siphoned off bits and pieces of the different worlds at different times, creating islands of reality within The Mists. Places like The Underworld are located there and portals to The Mists can only be created from within The Mists. The Lions Arch portals are said to have been created by Balthazar before the Old Gods left. All the other portals that were created in the past seem to have disappeared or become inaccessible.


So I don't like it when people endlessly complain about something. There was a guy filling up map chat in EBG about the current commander. I made the mistake of getting in an argument with him.

But I suppose I should ask for another opinion. The guy upgrades Quentin Post to full and soon afterward it gets attacked by IoJ. The only reason IoJ even gets across the map is because we (the commander's zerg) had gotten into and taken Stonemist something like 10 or so minutes before and were now tangoing with FA who were catapulting the walls and such. FA has a larger force, but we manage to push them back and patch up any holes they make.

From the taking of SM through the fight with FA the guy is complaining/whining/pleading in map chat for people to come, eventually moving on to shouting at the commander. His reasoning is that an upgraded tower is more important than the SM fight the latter of which we were winning. I dislike seeing the chat being spammed like that as it tends to mean I ignore the chat even more, and I don't like seeing someone criticizing a guy who's putting out his time and energy to helping out the server while not putting his neck on the line. So I tell him to tag up.

He says no, calls us mindless followers of the tag, continues to wish for support (and actually gets some help, but unfortunately one or two end up contributing to filling the chat with asks for support), and even eventually whispers me about it. I'm just telling him that if his complaint is that people aren't following him but following the commander instead, he should tag up. Otherwise, leave a single notice and stop complaining.

He calls me dumb and gives me excuses. By this point it's whispers, with his first whisper being "tell your commander to come over here and help" (paraphrasing). Of course, it's not "my commander." I don't even know the guy commanding, I'm just trying to help out, and if we can actually keep and stabilize SM from now into the afternoon and beyond then I value it more than a recently max upgraded tower. But I don't even say that, as it's not important. I tell him that complaining doesn't help, and if he wants to lead people somewhere who aren't following him because someone else has a tag, then he should tag up. He tells me he's an NA player (which I didn't understand what that had to do with anything) and further elaborates that he doesn't want to usurp control over an SEA commander. He says that defending the tower over SM is fact and I'm not backing up anything I'm saying with facts. He doesn't need a tag to get people to follow him regardless. I tell him that if it's a fact that people are just following the tag then he should tag up to get people where he feels they should be. If it's not a fact, then he doesn't need to keep complaining.

At some point he says I should go back to KWBH (I had no idea what that was and had to scroll through the TS afterward to find out that they were a guild on our server). At the end he calls me a troll, tells me to go back to PvE, and blocks me. Of course 10 minutes later the commander that he complained about logs off and leaves EBG without a commander. And of course the only volunteer (who does eventually tag up before I decide to log off) is some other player who says he's inexperienced and doesn't know the current TS address (which we tell him doesn't matter because no one has been talking on the TS the entire time and there's only 7 people in the EBG channel).

So, what good points does this complaining guy have and what bad points do I have in this whole thing?

And I'm still wary as ever over buying a commander tag myself. I used to be really active in WvW for the first six months of the game but started to decline after all the shit that caused War Machine to leave for Kaineg. Even when I eventually left to Kaineg myself a year ago I just didn't feel like playing as much anymore (along with the guild I left with), so when the first WvW season was starting we all came back to SBI. And then I didn't even bother playing through the season enough to unlock the meta achievement chest. I've played so little that the Warrior I spent most of my time in WvW with still has 20-something WvW rank bonus chests to achieve. But I have a couple thousand badges so I'm sure I could sell enough siege to fund a commander tag right now if I wanted to.

Also, can someone explain to me why Build Mastery causes the first hammer swing to use up 8 supply, but then the next swing to use up 6? I only put points into it because I thought it was consistent. Annoying. I'm going to have to upgrade it to max to use up 15 supply in two swings, sigh.
Best thing to do in WvW map chat is just call out enemy positions and your location if it's helpful for the commander to know.

Don't worry about that guy Proven just ignore people like him. I will follow GAF commanders before I follow anyone else no matter how experiNced they are.

The supply thing might be worth reporting as a big because it makes that trait kinda of bad when you have 15 supply. Like you said it should only take 2 hammer swings.

Also if you have a lot of badges buy a Gift of Battle just incase you want to go for a legendary in the future.

Also if you are interested in getting a tag I will help you with gold if you let me.


Sounds like the guy was just being an asshole. Stonemist generates more than double the points per tick (35) than Quentin (12), and Quentin isn't exactly a hard position to take or retake for Blue Team, whereas Stonemist can become a colossal nightmare if it gets locked down, with the waypoint cutting travel times in half and being able to treb all over the damn map with relative impunity.

He had an objective he claimed for his guild, and probably spent a lot of time and energy doing so and wanted to hold onto it for bragging rights or whatever. It's a tactically inferior position for the most part, unless you're trying to take the blue third. If he had locked down, say Kloven or something in the north to harass IoJ, then it might be worth trying to hold, if only as a distraction to draw numbers off SM or a point to harass other objectives. On reset night, shit gets flipped constantly. I dunno why people are surprised. Hell, we were in IoJ Borderlands with a queue and a little GAF Squadron (maybe 10?) was pushing garrison and hills.


You have enough badges for 100 gold? How many badges is that?

Nah, I have a bunch of gold I just never hold enough of it to ever stay over 100 for long. I think I have around 60 or 70 right now, and since the WvW tournament should cause demand to go up I probably can sell enough siege to make up the difference.

I'll check around about Build Mastery. Also, I bought my Gift of Battle during those first six months of WvW playing. Like I said, I played a lot.

Edit: It seems like putting one rank in Supply Mastery (so I hold 16 max instead of 15) gets around whatever is the issue with Build Mastery. I'll test it later today.


I should have added pictures, huh. ;..;

I was surprised you didn't considering you have such awesome shots from stuff like TA and the Bazaar.

Actually, Jira and I are putting together a news post for the Feature Update, I wonder if including a "The Story so Far..." section could help bring new/returning players up to speed. It's that or a shitload of "I just logged in, what happen to Lion's Arch?!?"-type posts.

Still a solid week away so we'll see what happens.
I was surprised you didn't considering you have such awesome shots from stuff like TA and the Bazaar.

Actually, Jira and I are putting together a news post for the Feature Update, I wonder if including a "The Story so Far..." section could help bring new/returning players up to speed. It's that or a shitload of "I just logged in, what happen to Lion's Arch?!?"-type posts.

Still a solid week away so we'll see what happens.

All my shots from last year are backed up to an external drive, in a zip.

I think a Story so Far brief synopsis would be very useful, but it'd need more brevity than I had. :p


I just checked and did the math... I have over 3400 badges of honor. The best conversion I gets me about 11 gold through the trading post. Apparently prices have been trending down since last month but even before that it would have only netted me a few more gold. If I never spent any badges from launch I'd have... over 4k? I never used badges for much beyond twinking one level 80 with exotics and buying the Gift of Battle for my own satisfaction. Damn, this is worse than I thought. Now I'm waiting for ANet to allow the buying of commander books for 1k badges.

There are better going rates through superior pieces though, and I have 300 skill points to spare on my Warrior...


Blue keep > Langor > Bravost. Durios and Quentin are within trebbing distance and reset night and first night of season queues make holding anything against FA/IoJ kind of moot. Besides it's a karma train for all servers involved until stuff gets to the T2/T3 state where the priority levels come in. Our karma trains end much earlier then theirs though since FA was easily fielding 40-50+ last night and IoJ with 20-30 while we were out-manned with no more than maybe 15 or so spread across our third of EBG.

Therefore, fuck if anyone cares what you do during reset because it's just a rush to flip stuff.


Out manned in IoJ all day, even with a zerg. Our Achievement hunters tend to fold when its more than a few enemies, so I just started steering clear of the blobs. I doubt we're beating FA, and we should be able to stay ahead of IoJ with just karma training. Next week might be more interesting.

Looked IoJ was attempting to siege/fortify up in a few places. Probably waiting for Weekend SBI to drop before making their run for 2nd.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Aww man, I'd join the guild run but will head out.

Oh wait, maybe I could catch up. What time is it again?
I just started playing in the past couple of days and am in a different server. Thinking of guesting onto Stormbluff Isle because I don't want to pay for a real transfer and really don't want to do all the human starting stuff again (level 13 atm).

Any chance of getting in the guild or should I just start all over on Stormbluff Isle?
I just started playing in the past couple of days and am in a different server. Thinking of guesting onto Stormbluff Isle because I don't want to pay for a real transfer and really don't want to do all the human starting stuff again (level 13 atm).

Any chance of getting in the guild or should I just start all over on Stormbluff Isle?

What's your name.####


I just started playing in the past couple of days and am in a different server. Thinking of guesting onto Stormbluff Isle because I don't want to pay for a real transfer and really don't want to do all the human starting stuff again (level 13 atm).

Any chance of getting in the guild or should I just start all over on Stormbluff Isle?

You can definitely guest over, though it will have some impact on getting into Overflows and you won't be able to engage in WvW with SBI at all.

However, while it seems like you spent a lot of time getting to level 13, you're still fairly early in the game. If you do decide to delete your character, you should know that your names are reserved for 24 hours and your bank/collectables tab is account wide. That means any items you've gotten that aren't soulbound (which, at level 13, shouldn't be too many) can be put into your bank and used by your new characters.

The only reason I mention it is that it will be expensive if you decide to transfer later. Guesting obviously works 99% of the time, and since guilds are game-wide there's absolutely no reason you can't join the guild either way.
I just started playing in the past couple of days and am in a different server. Thinking of guesting onto Stormbluff Isle because I don't want to pay for a real transfer and really don't want to do all the human starting stuff again (level 13 atm).

Any chance of getting in the guild or should I just start all over on Stormbluff Isle?

If you are in an NA server you can guest and PvE with us without any problem but you can't do WvW. If you are on an EU server you cannot do anything with us, just chat on guild chat.

If you want to be on SBI, you can delete your characters and start over on SBI.
What's your name.####


You can definitely guest over, though it will have some impact on getting into Overflows and you won't be able to engage in WvW with SBI at all.

However, while it seems like you spent a lot of time getting to level 13, you're still fairly early in the game. If you do decide to delete your character, you should know that your names are reserved for 24 hours and your bank/collectables tab is account wide. That means any items you've gotten that aren't soulbound (which, at level 13, shouldn't be too many) can be put into your bank and used by your new characters.

The only reason I mention it is that it will be expensive if you decide to transfer later. Guesting obviously works 99% of the time, and since guilds are game-wide there's absolutely no reason you can't join the guild either way.

Thing is, I hate the appearance of pretty much all the races except the human. I kinda like the Norn but they're just TOO big size-wise. I tried the tallest and skinniest Norn but I didn't like it. And I originally played the game when it first came out for a couple of weeks as a human to level 15 and then stopped playing. So technically this is my second time doing all of it and I reallyyyy don't want to do it all over again.


Thing is, I hate the appearance of pretty much all the races except the human. I kinda like the Norn but they're just TOO big size-wise. I tried the tallest and skinniest Norn but I didn't like it. And I originally played the game when it first came out for a couple of weeks as a human to level 15 and then stopped playing. So technically this is my second time doing all of it and I reallyyyy don't want to do it all over again.

Invite sent, whispered you in game.

No problem if you want to keep your character, like we said, Guesting will work for just about everything you'd want to do with your character. You can always transfer later if you really want to, but I don't think it's anything you'd need to worry about.
Invite sent, whispered you in game.

No problem if you want to keep your character, like we said, Guesting will work for just about everything you'd want to do with your character. You can always transfer later if you really want to, but I don't think it's anything you'd need to worry about.

Got it, thanks for the invite!
SM gets capped left and right. Especially during prime time. A fully upgraded tower is more valuable in my opinion than Stonemist. But that's just me, I'm not a commander.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Congrats to Mordio/Aquila for winning our door prize and the bonus Anura staff provided by Zeroth.

Congrats to Roxie on continuing her streak of skill at winning things by random chance.

As always, thanks very much to everyone who came out to help with our weekly mission blitz! If you missed out, makeups take place Sundays at 3:00PM EDT.

We had over 40 members online at peak tonight and it always warms my heart to see so many of that number hanging out and joking around on Mumble. :) Different people get a lot of different things out of Guild Wars 2 but for me, the game is at its best when I'm just relaxing and having a good time with friends, no matter what we happen to be doing.

Sorry I can't make the guild stuff - I've got family in town. hooray parents
there but for the grace of god we succeeded nonetheless!


SM gets capped left and right. Especially during prime time. A fully upgraded tower is more valuable in my opinion than Stonemist. But that's just me, I'm not a commander.

It depends, but in this particular case they had just won SM and were keeping it locked down in the immediate aftermath when it's most vulnerable. Going off to protect a tower over Stonemist, especially on reset night and especially with that tower a stone's throw away from spawn? No way.


SM gets capped left and right. Especially during prime time. A fully upgraded tower is more valuable in my opinion than Stonemist. But that's just me, I'm not a commander.

You're correct. If I am commanding I will pull off SM immediately if a home tower get's hit.

Basically SM is just a waste of resources. It's too big, too much of a target, and too vulnerable to waste supplies upgrading or sieging up. Holding SM is also an open invitation to get double teamed.

Therefore it's usually best to flip it, hold it for a few ticks if possible, then let it go.
Hawk and I sharing a quiet moment.


Digging the new load screen for EotM.


Game is dead. Nobody plays.

Another possibility of this coming week's blog posts: GW2 may go free to play, and rely completely on the gem store for monetization.
Ugh, I actually prefer the B2P entrance fee. I'd like to believe it helps reduce the trolls and spammers. F2P has negative connotations in my eyes.


Another possibility of this coming week's blog posts: GW2 may go free to play, and rely completely on the gem store for monetization.

I don't really see that being under "Facilitating Friendly Play".

Also, while it probably won't be in this update, I'm curious as to whether we'll ever see any more Guild Missions. Those are easily my favorite thing Anet has rolled out. I'd love to see even more challenges added.


Hiya GAF guild, I started playing GW2 after a long hiatus and was surprised to see you fine folks in wvw tonight. Map chat got the call out of FA's garri's water gate being ninja'ed. I hop onto an arrow cart and see 5ish GAFers ramming away. It was fun raining arrows down on ya'll :p

It was interesting logging in after being away for several months. "What da fuck happened to LA!? o_O." Guess I should have read those Anet emails about their new content, I had no idea what was going on, where everyone had gone and where the new hub was. This new place, I didn't even have the WP for it >.>


Thanks for the opinions on the SM vs. Quentin thing. Looks like I'll need to play more. Won't be buying a tag just yet.

For Moondrop and others, what I was talking about with the rank progression changes a couple hours ago in guild chat:

First is this post which describes what you currently get out of rank boxes. If you've checked dulfy for the Rank Rebalancing section of the recent livestream, you'll see that the new rank up boxes are a little different from the current Large rank up boxes. It's champ bags vs. crafting mats.

But the main point was the fact that any glory you're earning now still works towards rank boxes in the future. So if you're at the conversion point (rank 39-40) or even above rank 30, I'd continue ranking up for the skill points and tomes of knowledge. The primary reason not to would be if you want to roll on the champ bags instead, but you'll have the opportunity to get more champ bags as you rank up in the future.

If you're worried that they'll screw up the rank rebalance and you won't get the chests for the rank difference between your pre-Feature Pack rank and your post-Feature Pack rank, I wouldn't worry. They shouldn't screw up that badly. Even with their precedence... well, if they do, you should only lose out on a handful of chests at best. You'd have to play PvP for several hours each day to miss much, and I don't think there's anyone in the guild that plays enough for this to factor in.

There's only one wrinkle. Anyone who is above the cutoff for post-Feature Pack rank 80 will lose out on chests. As described in this post, anyone who's rebalanced rank would be above 81 will only get chests equal to (81 - pre-Feature Pack rank). Meaning that if you're currently rank 60, and would be (random guess) rank 84 after the conversion, you only get 21 rank up chests instead of 24. This sucks.

Oh, and one last thing on dungeon tracks:
Hugh Norfolk said:
Sorry we weren’t super clear on how this whole thing works so let me try and clear it up here!

The dungeon tracks are on a 2 week rotations and only 1 will be active if you don’t unlock them. When a track you were currently progress

So when the 4/15 build hits you will need to complete the story mode of the corresponding dungeon reward track you wish to unlock permanently on your account. By completing the story mode on any character you will be able to run the repeatable dungeon reward track whenever you so please forever. =)

Even if you have run the dungeon in the past you will need to run it again after 4/15 to unlock the reward track. The reason for this is to put both PvE and PvP players on the same level once the 4/15 build hits. So PvP only players wouldn’t be the only people that need to run the dungeons on 4/15. =)

You can unlock the dungeons at anytime AFTER 4/15 regardless of where it is in dungeon track rotation. So on 4/15 if you complete the story mode of all the dungeons you will have all 8 repeatable dungeon rewards tracks available to you day one.

Hiya GAF guild, I started playing GW2 after a long hiatus and was surprised to see you fine folks in wvw tonight. Map chat got the call out of FA's garri's water gate being ninja'ed. I hop onto an arrow cart and see 5ish GAFers ramming away. It was fun raining arrows down on ya'll :p

It was interesting logging in after being away for several months. "What da fuck happened to LA!? o_O." Guess I should have read those Anet emails about their new content, I had no idea what was going on, where everyone had gone and where the new hub was. This new place, I didn't even have the WP for it >.>


Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
oh yeah, what world bosses/maps are frequented and what waypoints should I unlock for future references?

Also are guild back gear equipment worth it if you can't get exotic back gear equipment?


oh yeah, what world bosses/maps are frequented and what waypoints should I unlock for future references?

Also are guild back gear equipment worth it if you can't get exotic back gear equipment?


Clicking any of the boss/event names will show you where the boss spawns. Frozen Maw, Shatterer, Jungle Wurm, Shadow Behemoth, Melandru, Grenth, Dwayna, and Fire elemental are probably the most popular ones.

Guild back stuff is overpriced if you don't want the skin. You can get a rare dungeon-dropped back pieces off the Trading Post much cheaper . But the easiest thing to do is pick up an exotic back from one of the Orr temples for 42,000 karma.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Orr has no guild activities right? Thank goodness.


Clicking any of the boss/event names will show you where the boss spawns. Frozen Maw, Shatterer, Jungle Wurm, Shadow Behemoth, Melandru, Grenth, Dwayna, and Fire elemental are probably the most popular ones.

Guild back stuff is overpriced if you don't want the skin. You can get a rare dungeon-dropped back pieces off the Trading Post much cheaper . But the easiest thing to do is pick up an exotic back from one of the Orr temples for 42,000 karma.


Ah I see. I guess it is better to buy in TP.
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