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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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I don't think they'd ever take bosses out of the real world.

I don't either, but when Taco / Marionette / Wurm hit, they were all released to a bevy of bitch posts on the Official Forums / Reddit / Guru about how everything should be instanced and you should get to lock people you don't want out of your copy of the world.

That level of instancing / phasing / whatever is how you end up with hot garbage where people can be standing next to each other, even in public areas, and only see an arrow where they should be, even when grouped and on the same quest. Or quest givers being out of phase and not showing up unless you login/out. (Guess which major MMO that just came out those issues are from? Hint:
its OT has only a couple hundred more posts than the Goat Simulator 2014 one.

I will bet my hat that there will be a change to commander tags.

Maybe not in the blog posts, but I would guess one will show up in the Feature Update. Considering there were multiple colors of Commander tags datamined (Nacho Cheese, Salsa Verde, and DINAMITA® Fiery Habanero), I think your hat is safe. I'd put my hat on at least one of those being guild-specific too, so guild leaders can have a way of getting members organized without having to buy a Dorito. I know a lot of people in WvW want to lead groups but not throw up a commander tag because it pulls in people from all over the map that maybe you want somewhere else (following Zed around in FA BL last night was harder than it needed to be because he didn't want to tag up when we were just tapping doors and kicking over camps and towers).


What if they made it as simple as something popping up whenever a world event happened, and then you could click it to "Join" the battle. Or there's a set "radius" of an event that once you're in it it would activate UI stuff to designate commanders for that specific battle.

I guess that wouldn't work for map-spanning events though, so I dunno.

To be incredibly honest, I've never enjoyed open world events all that much. They're fun, but I prefer the more focused Guild Missions and the even more more focused dungeons/fractals. I just think open world events are so uncoordinated and there's a delicate balance of actual difficulty to "oh god that one guy fucked everything up again" frustration. They also tend to boil down to a lot of repetition that gets padded out over a long period of time, which is not fun. The combat system just isn't built to make those type of large scale fights as engaging as they should be. Plus the game is very bad at letting you know how much you're actually contributing, so it can feel moot. I've never minded the lack of a trinity, but in big events you do want more "roles", so that people can feel like they're contributing in more ways than just personally DPS'ing well, popping might occasionally, and knowing how to dodge. Anet talks at length about having challenging events to help make players better, but in a huge group it's much much easier to blame someone else for the loss than to say "oh, well I need to have better survival stats to help out the team".

I get the reason people want their own instances: It's to have better communication. And it's true, in order to beat some of these events, communication is crucial. I'm not sure where I stand on the issue to be honest. I just know they're not going to do individual instances for bosses, at least not for the time being. Although, they did do it for Scarlet, so that's something.

I guess the tldr; here is that how they handle world events is going to affect how much I play moving into the future. I think the biggest thing that knocked me out of the game was just pure boredom with the combat system after awhile. I mean, it was bound to happen. I'd played nearly all of the classes and enjoyed my time with it, but at the end of the day it just wasn't engaging enough to keep me any longer. But hey, it lasted 1.5 years which is fucking nuts for me, I've never played a game so long.
Of course it is. It's the culmination of about 1.5 years of feedback and tool development. It's only natural for newer content to best the old.

And yet, my opinion seems to be in the minority. (In terms of vocal opinion, anyway - not what the actual community thinks)
I love seeing people say "I just logged in after a few months, what the hell happened to Lion's Arch? Where is everyone?"

With any luck, Guild Wars 2 will revitalize the idea that an MMO world need not be static, fixed in time and space forever


Sorry we weren’t super clear on how this whole thing works so let me try and clear it up here!

The dungeon tracks are on a 2 week rotations and only 1 will be active if you don’t unlock them. When a track you were currently progress

So when the 4/15 build hits you will need to complete the story mode of the corresponding dungeon reward track you wish to unlock permanently on your account. By completing the story mode on any character you will be able to run the repeatable dungeon reward track whenever you so please forever.

Even if you have run the dungeon in the past you will need to run it again after 4/15 to unlock the reward track. The reason for this is to put both PvE and PvP players on the same level once the 4/15 build hits. So PvP only players wouldn’t be the only people that need to run the dungeons on 4/15.

You can unlock the dungeons at anytime AFTER 4/15 regardless of where it is in dungeon track rotation. So on 4/15 if you complete the story mode of all the dungeons you will have all 8 repeatable dungeon rewards tracks available to you day one.



Started a Guardian recently. I never really played a melee role before and i'm having a real tough time seeing things due to all the spell effects flying around. Is there anything in the settings i can tweak to prevent me from going blind playing my Guardian?


What if they made it as simple as something popping up whenever a world event happened, and then you could click it to "Join" the battle. Or there's a set "radius" of an event that once you're in it it would activate UI stuff to designate commanders for that specific battle.

I guess that wouldn't work for map-spanning events though, so I dunno.

I think that creates a whole new set of problems without solving the existing ones. It'd still create overflows, and it'd still suffer from people logging in and going afk in the event radius, just like they do for entire zones now. You'd still have groups trying to have their own private event as well. But on top of that, you now have to deal with world 'phases', which was horribly implemented in WoW and seems to be working out just wonderfully in that other game. What happens if you're feared out of the radius of the event, does it kick you out like a personal story mission? What if the UI stuff designates someone who's AFK?

Just seems like a bigger headache than is needed, especially when the point of having big world events is to serve as an alternative to instanced content (i.e. dungeons).

They also tend to boil down to a lot of repetition that gets padded out over a long period of time, which is not fun. The combat system just isn't built to make those type of large scale fights as engaging as they should be. Plus the game is very bad at letting you know how much you're actually contributing, so it can feel moot. I've never minded the lack of a trinity, but in big events you do want more "roles", so that people can feel like they're contributing in more ways than just personally DPS'ing well, popping might occasionally, and knowing how to dodge. Anet talks at length about having challenging events to help make players better, but in a huge group it's much much easier to blame someone else for the loss than to say "oh, well I need to have better survival stats to help out the team".

I get the reason people want their own instances: It's to have better communication. And it's true, in order to beat some of these events, communication is crucial. I'm not sure where I stand on the issue to be honest. I just know they're not going to do individual instances for bosses, at least not for the time being. Although, they did do it for Scarlet, so that's something.

I dunno if you were playing at the time, but the Marionette addressed a lot of those problems, and based on how the Scarlet battle went they're adapting that further (the actual battle, not the story instance where you finish her off).

The "Lots of people doing things" element was broken up by the five lanes, and further broken up by the five platforms (Scarlet had the three platforms for the hologram fight, but there were more players in there at a time).

There was also a very clear indication of individual contribution since each platform had only five players, and all five platforms needed to beat their warden to succeed (this also addresses the "That one guy fucking things up" problem since it was, at all times, a team effort.) And even failing one phase didn't ruin the entire run, as they were pretty generous with second chances (I think two or three lanes could fail completely and it was doable).

The Marionette fight also had a nice distribution of roles, though no where near the level of the Taco fight. Front line defense (stopping the Watchwork mobs), back line clearing (getting rid of the other Alliance mobs that destroyed your barriers and siege), and barrier-builders (to slow down the watchwork mobs) were all needed if you wanted to keep the lanes locked down. I honestly think they could go bigger, and I think the Wurm and Scarlet General fights were tests to see how far-flung cooperative objectives can be.

In the end, I guess what it really boils down to is that nothing is really exclusionary in Guild Wars 2. There's dungeons, and open world fights, story instances and Living Story events, WvW and sPVP. There's really nothing off the table here, but it's also pretty clear they don't just throw shit in because that's what every other MMO is doing, instead choosing carefully what works and what doesn't for this particular game. For all I know, they could be announcing World Event instances this Wednesday. But I'm pretty sure that if they did, it'd be in a way that feels right for the game.

I think EotM is better than the Borderlands and Eternal Battleground.

You're not alone or wrong, and hopefully it's use as a testbed for future WvW development starts paying off soon. I want destructible bridges and barriers to create all sorts of unpredictable trouble in the borderlands.

It doesnt contribute so its kinda pointless >_<

What I played of it when it first released and a little last night while waiting for the queues was fun, if fairly simple and disorganized. Being fun should really be enough, but I think it also has the added benefit of the Karma trains sort of relocating there. As Lump said, when they sort out the overflow issues it'll be much better, especially for that extra purpose.

It not contributing to WvW proper is kind of the point, I imagine, since it would just become a frustrating, unpredictable thing WvW players have to deal with. That said, I also don't see any reason why it couldn't affect WvW in bigger ways if they wanted to add it later.

Started a Guardian recently. I never really played a melee role before and i'm having a real tough time seeing things due to all the spell effects flying around. Is there anything in the settings i can tweak to prevent me from going blind playing my Guardian?

Options > Graphics > Check "Graphics LOD" at the bottom. This will reduce the level of detail of the spell effects. It's still pretty crazy in there at melee, but it should help. Really needs to be a slider at this point.
Started a Guardian recently. I never really played a melee role before and i'm having a real tough time seeing things due to all the spell effects flying around. Is there anything in the settings i can tweak to prevent me from going blind playing my Guardian?

Turn off Post-Processing, turn on Effects LOD if you haven't already.
Stop worrying about this weeks blog posts. You all know who is writing it and he never brings bad news only great news for this awesome game.

Can I get a guild invite? Sprouter.5169
I'll add you when I get a chance this morning before heading to work. Welcome to the guild.

Update: Invite Sent.


Options > Graphics > Check "Graphics LOD" at the bottom. This will reduce the level of detail of the spell effects. It's still pretty crazy in there at melee, but it should help. Really needs to be a slider at this point.

Turn off Post-Processing, turn on Effects LOD if you haven't already.

Thanks that helps quite a bit. I wonder if they'll work on this for the next patch. GW2 is a beautiful game but looks like a mess when in combat.


Whens the patchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

April 15th.

Are you saying they're not giving us a stealth patch tomorrow?

They usually do something for April Fools. Fake patch notes are always good, but something in-game will probably happen too. Probably not as mind-blowing as SAB, but still fun for a day of goofing off, which is the point.

Thanks that helps quite a bit. I wonder if they'll work on this for the next patch. GW2 is a beautiful game but looks like a mess when in combat.

It wouldn't surprise me if the Feature Patch has a delicious graham cracker crust of technical bells and whistles tucked beneath all that tasty Feature-cream filling.

Fuck, now I want pie and it's only 9am.


Thanks that helps quite a bit. I wonder if they'll work on this for the next patch. GW2 is a beautiful game but looks like a mess when in combat.

It's been this way for a long time so I don't know that they will. PvE isn't so bad as I can usually snooze away zerged events where it's a big problem. But it does get annoying trying to run with a melee train in WvW. Most players end up targeting the commander as even the dorito doesn't help much when you're trying to follow them closely. Honestly, I think Best Performance is almost needed in WvW not just because of fps but as it removes a lot of unnecessary models and effects that only hinder your sight of the fight.
What I'd really love is the ability to save a custom setup for my graphics settings as Auto Detect puts on stuff such as Post Processing I don't want if I'm switching off of Best Performance.
Are you saying they're not giving us a stealth patch tomorrow?
There will be something probably but I think markot was asking about the PACK.

There's a chance tomorrow might not include an update at all. ANET can push small game changes usually without having players leave the game.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Looking at Thursday after work for our next guild event which will focus on ARAH. This one won't be a race but more of a dungeon crash course.


Looking at Thursday after work for our next guild event which will focus on ARAH. This one won't be a race but more of a dungeon crash course.

That reminds me; people might want to get their Personal Story up to the last chapter ("Victory or Death"), as Arah Story mode is going to get run a lot more than usual after April 15th makes it an unlock for the Arah Reward Track. Plus, the Pact weapon skins are pretty snazzy-looking, and jumping hardcore in price (the Warhorn is 15g). Might as well add 'em to your wardrobe.


I'd be okay if they made everyone a Skritt and we spent the whole week looting "Shinies!" from enemies that could be turned in for goofy stuff, preferably including a Endless Skritt Tonic.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Shout out to those two GAF guild players who helped us in the CoF story dungeon. Especially you, pungeon master.

That was a relatively smooth, straightforward run. Compared to what I endured earlier this morning (my time zone) with Sorrow's Embrace. Good god how many times did we die there. Also it's pretty hard especially with the last boss (compared to Bowlingbaelfire).


Shout out to those two GAF guild players who helped us in the CoF story dungeon. Especially you, pungeon master.

That was a relatively smooth, straightforward run. Compared to what I endured earlier this morning (my time zone) with Sorrow's Embrace. Good god how many times did we die there. Also it's pretty hard especially with the last boss (compared to Bowlingbaelfire).

Happy to be of service. Like I said yesterday, I'm always down for Story Dungeons. The rewards might not be amazing and there are some with a few dicey spots in terms of difficulty, but they're (almost) always a good time.

That was a solid group, competent in terms of damage but not so cocky that they didn't ask when they didn't know something (in my experience, players are usually too afraid to admit they don't know something for fear of ridicule).

EXCELLENT DUNGEON, A++++++++++, would run COF Story with again!!!.


Happy to be of service. Like I said yesterday, I'm always down for Story Dungeons. The rewards might not be amazing and there are some with a few dicey spots in terms of difficulty, but they're (almost) always a good time.

That was a solid group, competent in terms of damage but not so cocky that they didn't ask when they didn't know something (in my experience, players are usually too afraid to admit they don't know something for fear of ridicule).

EXCELLENT DUNGEON, A++++++++++, would run COF Story with again!!!.

COF Story, when Logan and Rytlock have a Bro moment :)


Happy to be of service. Like I said yesterday, I'm always down for Story Dungeons. The rewards might not be amazing and there are some with a few dicey spots in terms of difficulty, but they're (almost) always a good time.

That was a solid group, competent in terms of damage but not so cocky that they didn't ask when they didn't know something (in my experience, players are usually too afraid to admit they don't know something for fear of ridicule).

EXCELLENT DUNGEON, A++++++++++, would run COF Story with again!!!.

Or they're like me, in a perpetual state of not knowing wtf is going on.


That reminds me; people might want to get their Personal Story up to the last chapter ("Victory or Death"), as Arah Story mode is going to get run a lot more than usual after April 15th makes it an unlock for the Arah Reward Track. Plus, the Pact weapon skins are pretty snazzy-looking, and jumping hardcore in price (the Warhorn is 15g). Might as well add 'em to your wardrobe.

I'm actually checking the prices, and seems like only the warhorn got a price hike. I'm curious though, since more people will be doing the Arah story, doesn't it mean the prices will drop since many people will get the tokens?
So are they going to announce SAB world 3 yet ?
I want it noooow...

Only reason why GW2 is still installed. :(

I am not sorry to say that because I complained a lot about how SAB does not belong in GW2 and it is very shitty, they will never make another world again. Go ahead an uninstall.
I feel the same about Polymock, so I guess I see where you're coming from. But not like anyone forced you to play SAB. Geeze. "Old shitty games" my ass. Someone's got no skills. :p
I really didn't care about digital beards disappearing when certain helms were put on either but you didn't see my campaigning against them. That's Official Forum level QQing.
Clearly, Kos couldn't handle the graphics.





While I never stepped foot in SAB, I don't really see how it doesn't fit into the game. It felt like a more in-depth version of the many other activities in the game. (I don't do a majority of the activities in the game either. A friend had to drag me in just to try Keg Brawl months after release).


That's a horrible post for the first post on the page because for a second I thought that they added polearms. Had to go back and look to see that it was just from that expansion joke post.


As for SAB: Hilarious in concept, kinda lousy in execution. I thought it was an excellent april fools day event, but I never enjoyed playing it. Bringing it back so soon and in the way that they did kinda proved that it was a bit of a one-trick pony at that point, at least in my opinion. I think that it was an amazing marketing point for them that brought in a decent spike in game traffic the first time they did it and that's why they did it again so quickly.
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