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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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For the Facilitating Friendly Play posts this upcoming week, I'd have to guess that each part is targeting a specific game mode (PvE, PvP, WvW) with a systems change that will probably have an effect on one or the other two game modes.

First post would be about PvE and changes to make other stats more viable. Maybe they'll do something crazy like make Power have diminishing returns! I fear for the April Fools post. But more than likely it'll be updates to the way mobs work in some way, like updating their Power/Toughness/HP values, altering some dungeon content, or even adding more ways that Healing Power interacts in the game (like ressing). I'd hope to see changes to Defiant on Champions here.

Second post would be about WvW and probably focused on Commander changes, party changes, and taking the LFG tool out of beta (is it really still in beta?). Maybe we'll get some kind of alteration or update to the current WvW borderlands. This may be the weakest looking post because the WvW season has already started so they can't change too much. This is also where they'd include any changes to ressing in WvW (I doubt there will be any).

Third post would be about PvP and give them something to show off on Ready Up. So probably changes to the arena queue system, and then parading around a new conquest map or game mode. I personally hope for at least two maps and can see one of them being conquest and the other one something new. An out of left field change might be something related to activities, but I think that'd be a bad idea.

And then we'll have an empty week where we just wait, and wait, and wait, and wait...
And then we'll have an empty week where we just wait, and wait, and wait, and wait...

We can make the wait suck less by going into WvW and smashing the faces of BP and NSP assuming the match all the teams that come in second this week together for next week.

Peck got me hyped this morning for next weeks blog posts even more, just by saying "You have to wait and see!"
Alright, probably about to hop back into this game, so here's a quick question: what are the fastest ways to level up that don't cost huge amounts of cash? I've heard talk of the living story events being really good, but are those consistent? I'd like to get a few characters up to 80.


Alright, probably about to hop back into this game, so here's a quick question: what are the fastest ways to level up that don't cost huge amounts of cash? I've heard talk of the living story events being really good, but are those consistent? I'd like to get a few characters up to 80.

Erm, the only living story update that is live is the epilogue for season 1 in which there's no actual gameplay (it's all story) to take part in. It's much like tv before vcrs where you had to be there to see it and if you weren't then you missed it. Also, when LS content IS going, typically speaking you don't have to be max level ever because you either get auto-leveled to 80 or the content is placed in a zone that's sub 50 so you can join in without much issue. As for leveling quickly, this isn't an MMO where it's a race to the cap so you can start playing a completely different game. GW2 doesn't change really at all from 1 to 80, the only differences are how many zones or dungeons you have access to.

Next up is some kind of update for April 1st which we know nothing about, then April 15th is this really huge Feature Pack https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/feature-packs/

and then Season 2 of the LS will likely start up in May.

Oh also the http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/WvW_Spring_Tournament_2014 started yesterday so there's that which you can see the skins you can get here http://dulfy.net/2014/03/18/gw2-mistforged-hero-weapon-skins-gallery/


Alright, probably about to hop back into this game, so here's a quick question: what are the fastest ways to level up that don't cost huge amounts of cash? I've heard talk of the living story events being really good, but are those consistent? I'd like to get a few characters up to 80.

Crafting is fast, but expensive. You can gain 10 levels for each profession you get to level 400. The price of materials, especially in the wake of Ascended crafting, is going to make this expensive unless you have an existing stockpile from the last time you played.

The Queensdale Champion Train is efficient, but about as thrilling as watching paint dry.

The best way to level is still the most enjoyable; playing the game. Gathering whatever nodes you come across, doing any events you stumble on, exploring the world and just having fun playing.

Which brings me to my point; why the rush to get to 80? The 'endgame' of Guild Wars 2 is identical to the leveling experience, there's just more of it available because your level isn't a barrier to entry. You don't need to be 80 to do PVP, WvW or any of the Living Story events because they automatically up-level you to 80 for those.There's nothing magical or new waiting for you at 80, just more of the same kind of content. If that content isn't something you enjoy, and if your goal is to just get past it as fast as you can without wasting much time, you're probably playing the wrong game.


Which brings me to my point; why the rush to get to 80? The 'endgame' of Guild Wars 2 is identical to the leveling experience, there's just more of it available because your level isn't a barrier to entry. You don't need to be 80 to do PVP, WvW or any of the Living Story events because they automatically up-level you to 80 for those.

There's nothing magical or new waiting for you at 80, and if your goal is to just get there as fast as you can without wasting much time, you're probably playing the wrong game.

I can kinda see the draw to being at least close to 80 - you've got more trait and skill points to play around with. When I'm on my lower level characters all I can think about sometimes is how I wish I could try out some skill I haven't unlocked yet. Not to mention being able to join up in any group forming, run around anywhere, picking an armor set and not having to worry about upgrading it in 20 levels and having to re-apply your favorite skins, etc. The actual gameplay does stay the same, though. I just don't fault anyone for wanting to be 80.

That said, I've found it easiest to level by chasing events around the world. Not necessarily the world event trains (although those are nice) but by finishing the events that lead into other events. For example, escorting the guy to Morgan's Spiral and then defending it from waves of Risen before the Champion spawns. It's a nice little event chain. Also gather everything you see, maybe kill everything you see (stuff that hasn't been killed in a while gives you a nice bonus) and then once you've gathered some mats, give yourself a boost with crafting.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I can understand looking for the fastest way to get to 80 after your first character, but the world is designed for you to take your time with your first one. A lot of the basics for all classes as well as mastery of my main class took place while leveling my first character. it really happens fast anyway:

-running through the world, skill points, Vistas, way points, hearts and especially events all get you xp. the large daily world events, especially once you hit 39, are especially good in this respect
-mining, gathering and chopping down trees all get you xp, and you can use those mats for crafting which earns you even more
-once you hit level 30 you can begin doing dungeons for tons of xp
-low level fractals (which uplevel you) are great xp if you can get a good group together
-though some more serious players may frown on it there is plenty of xp to be gained running around with a commander in wvw maps or Eotm, also good to learn the basics of the mode

Retro was probably getting at how if none of this appeals to you now, there's no reason it suddenly would at 80; no new types of content are suddenly unlocked. you just get your pick of all of it.
It's mainly the skills bit. I remember thinking how my ranger was a lot more fun to play as at level 80 than at level 20, but I like to jump characters around a lot so I have like 4 characters around ~25, and only one at 80.
And I was just wondering, it's not a make or break scenario.


The Cryptarch's Bane
It's mainly the skills bit. I remember thinking how my ranger was a lot more fun to play as at level 80 than at level 20, but I like to jump characters around a lot so I have like 4 characters around ~25, and only one at 80.
And I was just wondering, it's not a make or break scenario.
Well yeah, if it isn't your first character I completely understand. You can finance quick leveling with the others a bit with the money you get on your 80, most directly through crafting. http://gw2crafts.net

Since you're probably pretty decent at the base game mechanics at this point, you could try content in a zone 5-10 levels above you during the leveling process. You might find you like the challenge and it's a great XP bonus.

The queensdale champion train is very fast, very easy (very boring) XP and basically always available.

edit: Nobody really answered, but the Living Story events when occurring do tend to be tons of XP. We're just in between Season 1 and Season 2 right now.


I may have (read: absolutely did) come down a little blunt in my response. Let's call it a combination of seeing the old "I got to 80 and quit cuz there was nothing to do" chestnut dragged out recently (and not in this thread) with a lack of sleep from being up until almost 4 AM fighting for every inch of Fort Aspenwood's Bay.

I had to go before we took it, and a look at the map today makes me think everyone focused on that point (their entire overnight crew HAD to be on that map, nothing else was being taken and it was wall to wall in there) allowed IOJ to just bumble around claiming everything that wasn't nailed down. Then when they all went to bed, FA just swept in and took everything back without a fight. They're back on top again, or were when I last looked.

Anyways, yeah, sorry if my last post came across as a little grumpy. Old man, etc.
Well, finally got to Lions Arch for the first time.


Seriously though, that music is the doldrums.


Well, finally got to Lions Arch for the first time.


Seriously though, that music is the doldrums.

I was actually talking to a GAFer about the game via PMs, trying to explain just how dramatic the changes the Living Story is capable of making, and how ArenaNet isn't afraid to do very big things to very familiar places in the name of telling a good story (even if that story doesn't start off that way).

I looked for good before and after shots and videos, but I ended up not linking anything and cutting that whole section out, actually. Someone who didn't start their day in Lion's Arch, visit it repeatedly for everything from mundane banking and trading to finding a group to hanging out before missions, and then end their day there just won't understand that it's not just changed geometry and a new skybox. It was the center of the game world that everyone was intimately familiar with whether they realized it or not. If you didn't get a little choked up to see LA completely destroyed, a visit to the massive graves probably will. And if those don't, the dialogue in the graveyard or the posts about missing parents definitely will.

So, I'm not trying to rub salt in the wound or anything, Skates. I actually think it's kind of cool that you've seen it now and can feel a little regret at not having seen it before. For all the 'game-y' discussions about how the Living Story is just awful because people might miss content if they stop playing, etc., from a less cynical standpoint it just means the game world is like the real world; things happen and it doesn't matter if you were there or not to witness them if you have the sense to appreciate / lament they happened. I think if the game scaled back on achievements for living story segments (and I'm so glad they purposely didn't include any for the Aftermath chapter), it would have less of a "I missed getting these rewards, whinewhinebitchbitchwine" element and more of a "Damn, I'm sorry I missed that" effect.

I'm totally going to whore some shots from Miktar's Google+ gallery, if only because he captured so much of the everyday detail in his composites;








I hope whatever they build (or, more hopeful, we build) is a monument to the city. It's interesting that Sea of Sorrows is basically a retelling of how Lion's Arch was rebuilt after the Rising of Orr, since that's now the situation the players find themselves in. When we used to talk about the Living Story being able to make changes, we would say "Some player will come across the Ancient Karka in Southsun and ask why its there, and we can say 'Oh, that, we fought it for 6 hours and drove it back into it's hive and dumped it in the volcano' once upon a time". That was a really crummy example, in retrospect, considering someday someone will say "Wow, Lion's Arch is pretty" and the old guard will say "You should have seen it back when".


Alright, probably about to hop back into this game, so here's a quick question: what are the fastest ways to level up that don't cost huge amounts of cash? I've heard talk of the living story events being really good, but are those consistent? I'd like to get a few characters up to 80.

1. Crafting is no longer a great way to get to level 80. You only get 7 levels taking a crafting profession from 0-400 because they extended crafting to 500 for certain professions. It'd still get your above the Grandmaster tier so I wouldn't complete discount it. But it'll still cost cash.

2. After April 15th I'd say PvP is the best way for someone who already knows how to play the game. Especially if you'd be ticked off without access to certain traits for many levels.

3. In PvE, the most fun way is dynamic events, I believe. Easiest way is the champ trains (ugh). Most efficient I think is dungeon runs, but you'll probably burn out from that if you aren't playing with people in voice chat.

4. In WvW, there's a chance that if you're not close to level 80 you'll get yelled at for being in the Borderlands or Eternal Battlegrounds because of the WvW Tournament in progress. I've already seen a thread pop up on the official forums over the weekend about someone looking to level there, and if things get close for any servers in a couple weeks then some of that toxicity is going to leak into the game, I fear. However,

5. Edge of the Mists should be fine and safe, as long as you can keep up with the Commander for when they're capturing objectives, and turn tail when they're about to fight a big group of enemies. This advice is good in general for all parts of WvW until you get to 80.

Edit: I shouldn't have said PvP was the fastest right after commenting on crafting.


Neo Member
This interview gives a hint at what Facilitating Friendly play is gonna be about at Question 10

10. Are they thinking about putting the bigger bosses that need lots of coordination onto special maps? So that those who do this content don’t disturb those who want to level in that zone.

He refers to the last few bullet points on the April 2014 Feature Pack release and tells us to wait for those to be revealed ((Facilitating Friendly Play Parts 1, 2 and 3 which will be shown April 2 – April 4)). This question will be answered in detail in there.
Wait, what is edge of the mists? I haven't played in a LONG time.

Also, PvP gives PvE experience now? I'd totally be up for that, wanted to get into PvP. I might rejoin the GAF guild if you guys do PvP at all.


Wait, what is edge of the mists? I haven't played in a LONG time.

Also, PvP gives PvE experience now? I'd totally be up for that, wanted to get into PvP. I might rejoin the GAF guild if you guys do PvP at all.

Edge of the Mists is an entirely new map that is technically part of WvW but not really part of it, and for all the right reasons. The short version is that it cuts out the 'hardcore' component of WvW, though that immediately paints it as 'WvW for casuals' which is somewhat negative and mostly untrue (the regular WvW is still where it's at for that kind of play). It's certainly a more casual experience, but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing given what it's meant to be.

First, when one EotM map fills up, another is created, so there's never a queue for it. You can queue for a WvW map and still get a variation of WvW-stye gameplay while you wait (and the achievements / rewards carry over). In that way, it's sort of a glorified WvW Lobby that lets you WvW while you wait to WvW-for-real.

It's a smaller map than Eternal Battlegrounds, and it has lots of narrow walkways, ledges and such that keeps people from clumping up too much because they have to carefully navigate through. This also provides a lot of side routes and passages that make it fairly easy to get past the zergs or flank them if you're careful. The map may be the best in GW2 right now in terms of design, if not aesthetics.

Finally, there's two important distinctions that keep it from being such a grisly hatefuck of a community activity. The first is that EotM battles only go on for about 4 hours, so there's no coverage wars, no night shift, nobody screaming in Team Speak like it's the Battle of the Bulge (whether you like that or not, and sometimes I do, it's still nice to get away from it if you want). Second, instead of the fights being server vs. server, it's instead team color vs. color (for example, SBI is blue this week, so we share EotM with Tarnished Coast, Dragonbrand, etc.). Immediately the bitter rivalries and nasty server politics are washed out.

To answer your last question, PVP will do lots of awesome things in two weeks that are quite different from how they are now, but one of the biggest is that PVP will now give you all sorts of goodies to help your PVE-side improve (scrolls to level up, gold, etc.). Right now it just gives gold.


Being 80 has tangible economic and character build benefits.

Those are the benefits to being 80, but they're not exactly the strongest reasons to be 80. Being able to make more gold and have a more diverse selection of doesn't mean much if you don't really like the game you're playing enough to play it.

WvW is definitely a grey area here though, where you want all of those things but maybe don't want to level there. I've never really understood why it doesn't take the PVP route of having everything unlocked anyways.

So, you are right, those are good things that really only exist at 80, but I'd say neither is something worth rushing through the game for.


Returned to my ranger after some months off from the game and was disappointed at the state of grouping for dungeons, most of the groups for random dungeons are people selling runs for gold, and the rest are people wanting to do quick runs but with class restrictions, so me being a ranger is a big no no.

I´m considering rolling a guardian or a warrior, because otherwise its much harder to get into pugs.


Returned to my ranger after some months off from the game and was disappointed at the state of grouping for dungeons, most of the groups for random dungeons are people selling runs for gold, and the rest are people wanting to do quick runs but with class restrictions, so me being a ranger is a big no no.

I´m considering rolling a guardian or a warrior, because otherwise its much harder to get into pugs.

It's unfortunate, but true; in a game where your choice of class has almost no bearing on your ability to complete content, the player base has still managed to find a way to be a bunch of elitist snobs. Mostly because speed runners are the proxy for other MMOs' raiders; "If this subset of players with an unhealthy attitude is behaving that way, certainly we must all think that way if we aspire to such greatness!"

I don't even think about the professions I group with beyond the combo fields they're dropping and how cool their armor looks. This is why rolling with GAF is always the best possible solution. I haven't seen a class flat out fail to do something since very early in the game. I'd say the emphasis on fragile Berserker builds has lowered the bar nicely enough that nobody surprises me; every class can get one-shot as efficiently as the others.
Returned to my ranger after some months off from the game and was disappointed at the state of grouping for dungeons, most of the groups for random dungeons are people selling runs for gold, and the rest are people wanting to do quick runs but with class restrictions, so me being a ranger is a big no no.

I´m considering rolling a guardian or a warrior, because otherwise its much harder to get into pugs.

Honestly, play the profession you enjoy playing most, and don't group with people so short-sighted or selfish that they have profession restrictions. I've partied with rangers in dungeons often, and haven't found them lacking in any way.


It's unfortunate, but true; in a game where your choice of class has almost no bearing on your ability to complete content, the player base has still managed to find a way to be a bunch of elitist snobs. Mostly because speed runners are the proxy for other MMOs' raiders; "If this subset of players with an unhealthy attitude is behaving that way, certainly we must all think that way if we aspire to such greatness!"

I don't even think about the professions I group with beyond the combo fields they're dropping and how cool their armor looks. This is why rolling with GAF is always the best possible solution. I haven't seen a class flat out fail to do something since very early in the game. I'd say the emphasis on fragile Berserker builds has lowered the bar nicely enough that nobody surprises me; every class can get one-shot as efficiently as the others.

I think this could be solved by an auto group finder, similar to FFXIV's, which i found to be the best grouping tool out of all the mmo's i have played so far, it's simple, fast and very functional.


I think this could be solved by an auto group finder, similar to FFXIV's, which i found to be the best grouping tool out of all the mmo's i have played so far, it's simple, fast and very functional.

It doesn't change the fact that players have a bias against certain classes, as they probably still have the ability to kick them from the group, right? I mean, if it's anything like WoW's auto-group finder, you'll still have people who kick specific classes on sight (priests that queue as DPS was the one I always noticed, Mages and Warlocks hated the competition and I think people in general always hated priests who weren't being healbots).

Besides, GW2's group finder works, it's just that it maybe works too well. Groups fill up fast, to the point where it looks like no one is using it at all. The "For sale" runs and stuff are basically all that's left behind after people pounce at the regular groups.

I most certainly wouldn't ever want to see it automated. WoW's auto-group thing could have just as easily given you bots instead of players (admittedly, bots programmed to be as impatient as possible) and I never would have noticed.


It doesn't change the fact that players have a bias against certain classes, as they probably still have the ability to kick them from the group, right? I mean, if it's anything like WoW's auto-group finder, you'll still have people who kick specific classes on sight (priests that queue as DPS was the one I always noticed, Mages and Warlocks hated the competition and I think people in general always hated priests who weren't being healbots).

Besides, GW2's group finder works, it's just that it maybe works too well. Groups fill up fast, to the point where it looks like no one is using it at all. The "For sale" runs and stuff are basically all that's left behind after people pounce at the regular groups.

I most certainly wouldn't ever want to see it automated. WoW's auto-group thing could have just as easily given you bots instead of players (admittedly, bots programmed to be as impatient as possible) and I never would have noticed.

Good points. I guess ill just find a good guild to join once the big update hits and i play with more regularity.


Wait, what is edge of the mists? I haven't played in a LONG time.

Also, PvP gives PvE experience now? I'd totally be up for that, wanted to get into PvP. I might rejoin the GAF guild if you guys do PvP at all.

Currently if you're above rank 30, every time you go up a rank you'll get a Tome of Knowledge, which is one free PvE level up. After April 15th you'll still have the rank up method, along with reward bars you can fill up that should periodically give extra Tomes of Knowledge.


Good points. I guess ill just find a good guild to join once the big update hits and i play with more regularity.

Refresh my memory; are you in EU or NA? Because we have plenty of room in the guild and you could guest over to SBI for PVE (wouldn't even need to do that for dungeons). It's pretty rare that I see someone run up the "Anyone want to do a dungeon?" flag and not get at least a few people. Hell, it wasn't more than a week or so that somebody wanted to do Caudecus Manor and got a full group.


Refresh my memory; are you in EU or NA? Because we have plenty of room in the guild and you could guest over to SBI for PVE (wouldn't even need to do that for dungeons). It's pretty rare that I see someone run up the "Anyone want to do a dungeon?" flag and not get at least a few people. Hell, it wasn't more than a week or so that somebody wanted to do Caudecus Manor and got a full group.

I´m playing on seafarer's rest in europe.


I'm sort of getting back into this game after almost a year. I noticed the new LFG system. I remember last year, gw2lfg was full of parties looking for more. There were so many people using it that it was hard to keep up because it moved so fast. This new LFG system has maybe 3-5 parties looking for more at a time out of the entire game and gw2lfg doesn't work. . . What's happening?

Also, are there any changes that I should know about? I noticed that Lion's Arch is useless now. But I want to know if there are any new features/zones/abilities/dungeons or anything else like the Edge of the Mists.

Last question: have they fixed their big event things? I remember the Frost/Fire one was so frustrating and impossible to complete because of glitches. Have they improved on this in their subsequent events?


I´m playing on seafarer's rest in europe.

Ah, that kinda throws a wrench in things then.

I'm sort of getting back into this game after almost a year. I noticed the new LFG system. I remember last year, gw2lfg was full of parties looking for more. There were so many people using it that it was hard to keep up because it moved so fast. This new LFG system has maybe 3-5 parties looking for more at a time out of the entire game and gw2lfg doesn't work. . . What's happening?

Also, are there any changes that I should know about? I noticed that Lion's Arch is useless now. But I want to know if there are any new features/zones/abilities/dungeons or anything else like the Edge of the Mists.

Last question: have they fixed their big event things? I remember the Frost/Fire one was so frustrating and impossible to complete because of glitches. Have they improved on this in their subsequent events?

As mentioned above, the LFG tool works so well you may not notice it working because groups are filling up relatively quickly and then get nixed from the list. Post a listing for all but the most unpopular dungeons and they'll usually fill up quickly unless it's off hours or something else big is happening. It's pretty much what was happening with gw2lfg, but there's no record of when they fill. That said, things might have slowed down as much as you describe, but that'd be because of the WvW tournament that started Friday and a lot of people in a 'wait and see' pattern because of the upcoming Feature Update.

Lion's Arch is useless specifically because of your last question; the Living Story has been doing very big things since you left, the most obvious is the burnt out shell of LA. There are still a few bugs (the last update had some issues that were ironed out in the first few days, some achievements were bugged for a tad longer), but for the most part their updates are pretty good (especially considering how quick they're releasing them now, every two weeks vs. the monthly updates when you were playing).

As for other new features that weren't temporary (otherwise this list would be a fuck ton longer), since the Flame and Frost update;
- Daily and monthly achievement overhaul.
- Ascalon Catacombs overhaul.
- Guild Missions
- A new condition (Torment)
- Skyhammer PVP Map
- Sanctum Sprint activity (the best in the game, a sort of Mario Kart-esque foot race)
- Account-wide wallet
- Improved champion reward chests
- Removal of culling in all game modes
- Account-wide Magic Find, removal of MF gear
- Ascended crafting
- New Tequatl the Sunless fight (much more difficult)
- Ruins of Power added to WvW (replaces the large lake in the center of the Borderlands)
- A new path in Twilight Arbor, the "Aetherpath"
- Three new Fractals (Molten Facility, Aetherblade Retreat, Thaumanova Reactor)
- Two new Boss Fractals (Mai Trin, Molten Duo)
- One new Healing skill for every profession.
- A new Triple Wurm world boss in Sparkfly, very very difficult.
- Edge of the Mists
- Lion's Arch escape / battle / aftermath changes
- Several balance updates
- Probably a lot of little things that didn't get mentioned on the Wiki's overview.

And in just over two weeks;
- Massive PVP overhaul, including PVP reward tracks
- Massive Rune / Sigil changes
- Balance updates
- New grandmaster traits, one for every single trait line for every profession.
- Account Wardrobe
- Account-wide dyes
- Removal of repair and trait reset costs
- Account bound World XP
- Account bound Legendaries and Ascended gear
- Changes to Critical Damage (will now have a dedicated stat called "Ferocity"
- "Something Else" that's coming next week and is big enough it takes three articles to explain it.



Wow! Thanks a lot. I remember being pissed about missing the Molten Facility because of the Flame & Frost event glitching out. I'm glad to see that they aren't throwing ALL of their produced content into the garbage. The Ascalonian Catacombs overhaul does explain why I couldn't remember any of the fights the other night. :p


Wow! Thanks a lot. I remember being pissed about missing the Molten Facility because of the Flame & Frost event glitching out. I'm glad to see that they aren't throwing ALL of their produced content into the garbage. The Ascalonian Catacombs overhaul does explain why I couldn't remember any of the fights the other night. :p

The way they've handled the Molten / Aetherblade dungeons is pretty much exactly what we all predicted when the Living Story started; Fractals exist as a place for content that no longer makes sense from a story perspective to return.

On that note, I would expect the Scarlet Hologram fight to return as a Boss Fractal and the Marionette to return as some kind of world event. I still say it'd fit perfectly in the Crown Pavilion as a "We kicked Scarlet's ass, let's beat up her toys to celebrate"-sorta thing, and that way it could return yearly so new players could see it. It just needs way too many people to be a Fractal, even though it could be one-person-per-lane / all-platforms-at-once. It was more fun when there was the chaos of people burning at the front, clearing siege in the back and building barriers in between.

The Nightmare Tower though is a bit tricky. The end instance wasn't nearly interesting enough to exist as a Fractal by itself (nor was the boss especially difficult), but the fun of the Nightmare Tower was that it was a big, multi-floor open-world dungeon. It'd lose something if it were reduced to Fractal form, with only 5 players. It's also a tad too long for a fractal, especially if all of the fights are on (it'd maybe be okay if it picked a random assortment of them).


So, 2 days till April Fools. What do guys think Anet has in store this time?

I remember we actually found out about SAB well before the actual day it went up.


So, 2 days till April Fools. What do guys think Anet has in store this time?

I remember we actually found out about SAB well before the actual day it went up.

Yeah, they used to preview stuff well in advance. That said, did we know it was actually a real, playable part of the game? I think back then it was assumed to be a joke, right up until it gloriously wasn't.

Makes me sad for World 2 and what could have been. Maybe we'll see it again someday.


It sounded like that might be an account bound thing though?

It is;

Hugh Norfolk said:
So when the 4/15 build hits you will need to complete the story mode of the corresponding dungeon reward track you wish to unlock permanently on your account. By completing the story mode on any character you will be able to run the repeatable dungeon reward track whenever you so please forever.


It doesn't strike me as that of a big deal. The dungeon reward tracks are on a two-week rotation so even if you can't be bothered to run the story mode (an hour at the most, maybe?) for the dungeon gear you want (which would normally take a heck of a lot more runs, and the much harder explorable modes at that), you can still earn them. Having to a story mode dungeon ONCE, EVER to gain access to that dungeon's reward track!?

I'll do even the worst of the story modes (CM or Arah, I can't decide) at the drop of a hat just because so few people do them anymore. Looking forward to there suddenly being a demand for them on the 15th, actually.

If true, they REALLY want me to stop playing don't they?

I'm actually with you, kinda. If this is merely a District system like GW1, I'm fine. We basically have the same thing now with Overflow servers, except there's no labels applied and no way to choose them. People already create their own private little overflows, this will at least let them manage it and maybe not make it so obtuse. If it's some kind of instancing thing, however, where world bosses stop being worldly and start appearing in little instances or whatever, then fuck yes, bring on the clouds and we'll yell at them together.


As I said to Retro earlier, I can't imagine they'd spend X amount of man hours working on some system just to allow a group of people to fight 2 world bosses. I mean yeah it can be used for future big fights as well, but it would go against everything ANet has built which is stuff taking place in the actual world versus closed off instances. Hence why I do think that it's likely Districts which would be a more universal thing that affects the entire playerbase instead of a small subset. Instancing breeds elitism and I'm unsure how they'd go about solving that issue.


I don't think they'd ever take bosses out of the real world.

The response was clearly meant to say "oh, people are annoyed at how boss events work? Well, wait for the feature pack announcements to see how we're going to make them more inclusive and less obtrusive"

I will bet my hat that there will be a change to commander tags.
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