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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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Doesn't look like guilds will have a lot of weight in the matching, anyways.

It specifically says that it will put you with put you and you party with people from your server and people from you guild will continue to join you as long as the server is not full. I guess like zeroth said, they probably will just look at which server you are reping to decide which server to put you in.

Lot's of speculation so far, lots of question but hopefully the next two blog posts clear some of the things up.


Nah, I'm not jaded, I just started playing, lol :) But the core of this game are dynamic event and most of them require more people...

I'd just stick to all 5 of the low level zones and when you're bored of that the living story zones until the system goes live across the board.
It's definitely the logical next step having seamless overflow technology. I almost wondered why not do away with home worlds altogether until I remembered WvW. :D
If I was in charge of Anet, every time I saw a post like this:

It’s too late for answers, Colin. I’m done with this game. As soon as I saw the word ‘Megaserver’ I knew my time in GW2 was over. If I can’t play on the realm I chose, I don’t want to play at all.

I'd simply right click name, choose: 'end account', and be done with it. Then watch as they come back in an hour going 'omg why I wasn't serious plz unban me'.

The people who scream loudest about 'unsubbing' never actually leave.
If I was in charge of Anet, every time I saw a post like this:

I'd simply right click name, choose: 'end account', and be done with it. Then watch as they come back in an hour going 'omg why I wasn't serious plz unban me'.

The people who scream loudest about 'unsubbing' never actually leave.

Can you please apply to ANET so that you can do this?

With this system it could mean that because there will always be lots of people in Queensdale there is no possible way to ensure that the champs of Queensdale train will wait for the train because people will be doing them at different times...which would kind of destroy the train.
I'm sure I'll get more than a little hate for this, but if there's one thing that Edge of the Mists has really driven home for me, it's that "Server vs. Server" is infinitely more annoying than "Color vs. Color". Stacking, spying, grudges, cheating/hacking, spoiling; that all goes out the window when you're fighting a rough amalgamation of eight servers.

And yeah, I know there's no way they could get everyone into the existing WvW setup without major headaches (they've already said the maps are as large as they can make them, and I'm pretty sure they've got the player cap as high as it will go). I just think from a behavioral standpoint, that extra layer of anonymity makes WvW less directly hostile. If WvW can be divided into two segments, the "Good fights" people benefit from a more diverse selection of opponents, while the "PPT" players still get lots of action without having off-weeks where they're matched with a server that doesn't put up much of a struggle.

I'm not saying this to give you hate, I just disagree.

The rivalry and hatred are the point of WvW. The fact that we (SFR) are united in our hatred of Vizuna is the point. The community we've built to push ourselves to the top is the point of WvW and that aspect of the game wouldn't be half as fun without it.

We have a strong server community, with an official TS server entirely built around our WvW activities but which branches out for PvE events and suchlike (for example we used the same setup for our teakettle attempts). We wouldn't have that without something concrete to cling to. It's nice to know your commanders by voice and name. It's nice to have a shared identity (humans are, after all, tribal in nature) with its in-jokes and what not. Yeah, the spying from other servers is a pain (but we now do verification for the sensitive TS channels), and probably there are some twats from our server who think spying is a good idea (although I've never seen any direct evidence of this).

What pushed me away from SWTOR was the accidental destruction by EA of a similar community for PvP on the Empire side on my server (although we knew most of the Republic players too because we could hop on alts and chat to them and were on pretty good terms, more a friendly rivalry than hatred).

I've been playing Edge of the Mists a bunch this week because the achievement hunters have made the queues for WvW much harder to get through and it's a very different, less focused experience. I'm not saying it's not fun, because it is, but it misses that visceral intense feeling you get from co-ordinated, competitive WvW.

I play Edge of the Mists to relax and get some loot. I play WvW to annihilate the enemy.


It specifically says that it will put you with put you and you party with people from your server and people from you guild will continue to join you as long as the server is not full. I guess like zeroth said, they probably will just look at which server you are reping to decide which server to put you in.

Lot's of speculation so far, lots of question but hopefully the next two blog posts clear some of the things up.


I probably should have said that guilds won't have much weight relative to other matching parameters.

ACE 1991

I've been thinking about jumping about into this game recently, is the GAF server still heavily populated? I was always very interested in really getting into hyper competitive PVP but the lost the drive when it seemed that Arena net had little interest in pushing this game as an esport.
I've been thinking about jumping about into this game recently, is the GAF server still heavily populated? I was always very interested in really getting into hyper competitive PVP but the lost the drive when it seemed that Arena net had little interest in pushing this game as an esport.

GAF server is nicely populated, but server populations are about to not matter anymore in a couple weeks.
I've been thinking about jumping about into this game recently, is the GAF server still heavily populated? I was always very interested in really getting into hyper competitive PVP but the lost the drive when it seemed that Arena net had little interest in pushing this game as an esport.

GAF guild is populated and very active.

Guild Wars 2 PvP has had non-stop weekly ESL tournaments and monthly tournaments practically since launch, so I'm not sure how that translates into Anet having "little interest in pushing the game as an esport". They've hosted multiple events with huge prizes, there was the Internationals last year...

I'd say they've been spending too MUCH time pushing it as an esport during a time when the PvP community cares more about complaining than actually playing, and wasting resources on it, but that's me.


I've been thinking about jumping about into this game recently, is the GAF server still heavily populated? I was always very interested in really getting into hyper competitive PVP but the lost the drive when it seemed that Arena net had little interest in pushing this game as an esport.

More importantly, GAFguild is very active and personable.
Anet can't be unaware of what this change means in terms of the Queensdale train. I'd be really surprised if the next two blog posts don't talk about some changes made in the 1-15 areas to address this exact issue. If they don't, I'll personally be forming a guild with the express purpose of doing nothing but disrupting the train until they bugger off. Thinking of calling it "Queenpeace". Or "Society For The Prevention Of Troll Farming". SPOTF, for short.


Can you please apply to ANET so that you can do this?

With this system it could mean that because there will always be lots of people in Queensdale there is no possible way to ensure that the champs of Queensdale train will wait for the train because people will be doing them at different times...which would kind of destroy the train.

I'm guessing it will perform like overflows currently do(ie: a separate instance), and there will be multiple trains going on.

I'm interested in seeing how this change impacts "timed events" like SB, Teq, etc. Will one server be the "host", so that you can still use API trackers like gw2stuff to guest there? or will it become some kind of "megaserver #3241819" and only be joinable by either a drop-down menu/party join.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
So should I risk it and create multiple unidentified greys and give each of my character duplicates so that I'll be given unidentified dyes once the patch rolls out? I mean, UDs might go down in price after the patch...
So should I risk it and create multiple unidentified greys and give each of my character duplicates so that I'll be given unidentified dyes once the patch rolls out? I mean, UDs might go down in price after the patch...

Immediately after the patch, there will be a hilarious supply of Unidentified Dyes available, meaning a low price for them at least for a while. They might go back up over time since they will no longer be drops, however.

I probably should have said that guilds won't have much weight relative to other matching parameters.
That table shows percentage increase. It's likely that most guild members are on the same server and hence the same map, so percentage increase is expected to be small. What I interpret from this table is that roughly 5% of guild members aren't on the same server on average.


So should I risk it and create multiple unidentified greys and give each of my character duplicates so that I'll be given unidentified dyes once the patch rolls out? I mean, UDs might go down in price after the patch...



If all you want is a large number of unid dyes, then wait until patch day, as the patch is going to drop the value on them by a substantial amount(This is assuming they are not accountbound, which is possible, as PvP dyes are. If they are accountbound, ie: not re-sellable, then the value of them will stay largely the same for now). Wait until the patch hits, then scoop them up cheap and open them. Same goes for speculation: wait until the patch hits, then scoop them up and hold them until later down the road.

Crafting unid gray dyes atm is expensive and returns hardly any profit(aside from the 400 level, which is only ~5s profit atm).

Thanks for the responses! I got pretty bored halfway through leveling my warrior, do you guys find the elementalist remains fun over the long haul? Think about rolling one of these.

Ele is a TON of fun endgame, but leveling is...tedious(likewise for Mesmer).

ACE 1991

Thanks for the responses! I got pretty bored halfway through leveling my warrior, do you guys find the elementalist remains fun over the long haul? Think about rolling one of these.


Unlimited Capacity
There is a whole lot to this game, lol.

As I understand it, all of the Living Story stuff that has happened, we will never get to experience, correct? Though we can all go through each others personal stories together, it will just scale us down when we go back to the start of someone else (we are doing mine right now)? I am going to have a lot of questions while I am at work :D


There is a whole lot to this game, lol.

As I understand it, all of the Living Story stuff that has happened, we will never get to experience, correct? Though we can all go through each others personal stories together, it will just scale us down when we go back to the start of someone else (we are doing mine right now)? I am going to have a lot of questions while I am at work :D

There are two types of "stories" in GW2: Personal story, which are based on your character, and give items/rewards for you upon completing them, and Living Story, which are world events that happen on real time, like how we had Living Story releases that focused on a NPC and her doings to the world. You can do your personal story any time (though once completed you can't repeat the quests), whereas living story stay up for a few weeks then are gone forever.

As for your question regarding scaling, if you invite friends to do your personal story with you, their level will be scaled to the level of the quest (I'm not sure if they can scale up though).


That table shows percentage increase. It's likely that most guild members are on the same server and hence the same map, so percentage increase is expected to be small. What I interpret from this table is that roughly 5% of guild members aren't on the same server on average.

That makes more sense, thanks. Not the first time I read a chart wrong.

Thanks for the responses! I got pretty bored halfway through leveling my warrior, do you guys find the elementalist remains fun over the long haul? Think about rolling one of these.

I like ele, it's a demanding class and you will be squishier than pretty much everything else in the game while leveling. But it has a whole lot of utility, a lot of ways to give damage, a lot of movement options that helps with survivability. I have to "think" the most when I'm playing my ele.


The Cryptarch's Bane
If I was in charge of Anet, every time I saw a post like this:

I'd simply right click name, choose: 'end account', and be done with it. Then watch as they come back in an hour going 'omg why I wasn't serious plz unban me'.

The people who scream loudest about 'unsubbing' never actually leave.
I don't consider myself a vindictive person, but I have a hard time disagreeing. I can never go too far without running into this sense that ArenaNet is not providing an online game, but some sort of basic necessity for life to which all people should be entitled without caveat. Since I'm feeling masochistic, mind sharing where you found that comment?

The Megaserver idea- hadn't been named at the time- is something ANet devs first told us they specifically wanted to do back in November 2012. It's awesome to watch the game evolve like this.
There is a whole lot to this game, lol.

As I understand it, all of the Living Story stuff that has happened, we will never get to experience, correct? Though we can all go through each others personal stories together, it will just scale us down when we go back to the start of someone else (we are doing mine right now)? I am going to have a lot of questions while I am at work :D
Some Living Story content is cyclical- keep your eyes peeled for the Queen's Jubilee and Zephyr Sanctum during the year. Two Living Story dungeons and boss fights from past releases can also be found in the Fractals of the Mists, a randomized set of mini-dungeons. Finally, some Living Story content is permanently gone, but the effects they had on the world remain. Kessex Hills, Southsun Cove, and Lion's Arch obviously, are very different today than they were when we first saw them.
Since I'm feeling masochistic, mind sharing where you found that comment?.

From the Feedback/Questions: MegaServer thread, I think: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/Feedback-Questions-MegaServer

Ironically, the guy I quoted is apparently a chronic quitter, having quit five times, and even has "the empty achievement panel to prove it", and yet always talks as if they *will* be quitting. And... they post regularly on the forums, in spite of having quit/is quitting. Other forum members even called them on it.

Found it: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/game/gw2/Feedback-Questions-MegaServer/page/5#post3847912

I mean, spot the conflict in these two posts, posted almost one after the other:

It’s too late for answers, Colin. I’m done with this game. As soon as I saw the word ‘Megaserver’ I knew my time in GW2 was over. If I can’t play on the realm I chose, I don’t want to play at all.

Would you like me to reinstall the game and take screenshots of my empty achievement panel? I can, in fact, be done with the game and still post on the forums.

And a day ago:

Yesterday I logged out in the Black Citadel. Today I logged into the Uncanny Valley.

Note: This is the same guy who said during Marionette:

Three attempts are my limit. If I can’t kill a new boss in three attempts, I turn my focus to preventing others from completing the content.

Two months ago:

I’m 80 and I’m still a noob. I’ve never done a group dungeon/fractal, sPvP, farmed for a legendary/ascended item nor have I ever joined a guild or even so much as joined a party/group for anything. And I have been playing fairly steady for over a year.

I mean seriously, how entitled must you be to post stuff like:

I want the writer who created Scarlet to come out and make a public video apology followed by a prompt resignation from ArenaNet.

I’m not going to participate in any content that is even remotely related to Scarlet Briar. I’m done with that character.

What's really weird, is he CLAIMS to be Erin D. Roberts : http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,23689/

Which... I don't believe for a second. I mean, saying stuff like this to the lead writer of GW2:

We have never met face to face but you have played my games and I have played yours. There’s a good chance you wouldn’t be in your position if not for my career.

They stopped playing 7 months ago:

I had a wonderful time in GW2 until the living story started. I absolutely loathe the living story. I’ve pretty much stopped playing because of it.

But if you read the forums, they talk about every-single-content-update from first-hand experience.

So, either a) pathological liar, b) crazy or c) one hell of a rich game-producing jackass who clearly has too much time on their hands?

Then again... some people just always sound broken to me:

I only wish I could attack other players in the open world. I would camp all of you for hours on end, gleefully laughing at your angry whispers.

I remember the serial number from the first $20 bill I ever owned (from 24 years ago)…. ‘L 27785967 I’.
I remember my entire family’s social security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, birth days, etc.
I remember a sequence of 30 numbers I was given 26 years ago, in order to test my memory….‘224563811137540691672798207214’.
I can recite the Alphabet backwards, list every US president in order by date of their term(s) and can identify every unclassified military vehicle used by any country in the world.
However, for the life of me, I cannot remember the Living Story plot. It seems most of it wasn’t even conveyed in game but rather through short stories on websites.
More info, thanks to Dev Tracker:

Hi everyone!

First of all, thank you for your overwhelming involvement in commenting this feature. It has been very exciting for me to work on, and I am glad and proud that this excitement is shared by a lot of you!

As Colin mentioned, a lot of your concerns are to be addressed in the upcoming blog posts. I also wanted to answer some of the questions that I’ve seen on this thread.

How does the system know which language I want to use?

The system uses the language spoken in your home world (or your guested world, if you’re guesting). It doesn’t use the language of your client. It is done this way so there is no conflict of priorities between the home world and the language in the algorithm (as both are always aligned), and because in my mind, when you’ve picked your home world, you’ve picked the community you want to play with. And while you may want to set your client to a different language (because you’re better at it, or because you want to learn it), you still want to play with people from that community.

Will this system breaks existing communities?

The whole goal of this new system is to enhance the in-game social environment. We completely get that the community of your home world is important to you, and this is why MegaServers takes that into account. But I also think that with this tool, we can go further. While home world communities are important, they are also very abstract. Choosing which home world to pick is a difficult task, even more difficult when you’re playing the game for the first time, because more often than not, you don’t know what the differences are between each of those worlds. Also, home worlds communities can be quite unbalanced, population wise.

With MegaServers, the idea is to start taking into account more meaningful data to create communities. People you’re playing with, people sharing your interests or your goals, … We want to try to create this “town-like” feeling, in which while there are a lot of different people, you are also encountering the same ones frequently enough to be able to establish meaningful relationships.

This is one of the long term goals for this new system. On April 15th, we’re introducing the core elements that makes it possible, and in this configuration, the home world you’ve picked is very important. And for the other informal communities, we will monitor and adapt the system accordingly.

Once again, thank you for your comments, questions and involvement in this process! I’ll keep an eye on this thread as much as my tight schedule allows me to.

— Samuel Loretan

More info, thanks to Dev Tracker:... you don’t know what the differences are between each of those worlds.
Except for the very popular server-specific meta trains, like Atrophis mentioned earlier. During off peak times everyone will be in 2 or 3 megaservers, and spawn times will be off.

Hypothetical scenario, but say a Vyrance-led Temple run fills up and late GAFfers end up in the second megaserver, with no Temple run happening. Will have to try to guest over and hope the hard cap hasn't been reached. Worst case scenario, a Taco-like guesting spamathon for major metas during prime time because you can't predict which type of server you'll end up in.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Lump, this one reminded me of a previous comment of yours
I guess its time to farm all the dragonites you need because we may have to say bye bye to event trackers with that update, even finding open CoF+CoE maps might be a pain in the kitten >.>

I hope their announcement later this week will allow dragonite to be farmable and somehow provide a realiable source of open CoF/CoE maps.
I'm drowning in Dragonite without ever having "farmed" it... and would having to actually do the events as intended really be the end of the world? They're actually both pretty fun :[


I've been thinking about jumping about into this game recently, is the GAF server still heavily populated? I was always very interested in really getting into hyper competitive PVP but the lost the drive when it seemed that Arena net had little interest in pushing this game as an esport.

While there are cash prizes every couple of months, it's still a rarity. Anet doesn't look like it has plans to create an esport scene in the same way Riot/Valve/Blizzard have because they aren't throwing any money at it. Which means all that's left is for the tournament scene to grow from grassroots.

Some of the support we do get is nice, but it doesn't change the fact that most of the prizes even from the ESL Cups are in-game currency.

The two things required for something to become "eSports" are thousands of viewers and tons of money. If you have enough of one you'll also get the other, but most games have neither.
Lump, this one reminded me of a previous comment of yours

I'm drowning in Dragonite without ever having "farmed" it... and would having to actually do the events as intended really be the end of the world? They're actually both pretty fun :[

I don't think that exact comment was my own, but I did predict that a server 'combining' would likely have to mean alterations to the way dungeons are unlocked. Honestly, I'm guessing that they'll all simply be unlocked from the get go, but the player MIGHT have to do the lead-up events / Story Mode once to get that 'unlocked forever' state for themselves.

We shall see in the next couple of days.

The system as it exists right now is pretty janky as hell. "Let's do CoF!" is followed by one of the members guesting to servers and looking at a third party website to see if the dungeon is unlocked. It's just unintuitive right now and should be changed, regardless of Megaservers.


The Megaserver idea is not new; but it IS wonderfully executed versus some other games. Trying to aggregate players together is a wonderful idea.
Hey GAF!

I bought GW2 and am currently just starting out on it. I'm a lvl12 Engineer and just learning the ropes. Trying crafting for the first time yesterday, etc. It's also the first major MMO I'm trying to dive into. Couple questions:

I'm in the Crystal Desert server. I'm assuming guilds are server-bound, that the GAF guild is not in that server, and that I can't join it? Feel free to correct/confirm/clarify

Also, I bought the Heroic edition with an armor, 10 EXP boosters, and some other stuff. None of this stuff appears in my inventory. How do I redeem it?


Hey GAF!

I bought GW2 and am currently just starting out on it. I'm a lvl12 Engineer and just learning the ropes. Trying crafting for the first time yesterday, etc. It's also the first major MMO I'm trying to dive into. Couple questions:

I'm in the Crystal Desert server. I'm assuming guilds are server-bound, that the GAF guild is not in that server, and that I can't join it? Feel free to correct/confirm/clarify

Also, I bought the Heroic edition with an armor, 10 EXP boosters, and some other stuff. None of this stuff appears in my inventory. How do I redeem it?

You can not only join it, but guest on to our home server Stormbluff Isle any time you want free of charge. This lets you do all PvE content with the guild. The only restriction is WvW - you can only queue and fight for Crystal Desert. If you want to fight in World versus World for Stormbluff Isle, you can delete your level 12 guy and reroll on SBI to make it your home server.


I'm in the Crystal Desert server. I'm assuming guilds are server-bound, that the GAF guild is not in that server, and that I can't join it? Feel free to correct/confirm/clarify

Also, I bought the Heroic edition with an armor, 10 EXP boosters, and some other stuff. None of this stuff appears in my inventory. How do I redeem it?

Guilds are not server bound. Just post your account name (xxxxx.####) and an officer will invite you.

As for the bonus stuff, I don't have that pack, but with my free item I get it in the mail when I create a character. Check for a mail icon at the top of the screen.


Another podcast a friend and I did, this time it's MUCH shorter than the last one(45 minutes). Enjoy!


Lately I've been changing my mind on a lot of the design of the game. Yeah, the game doesn't have a lot of tells, making it more of a prediction game than a reaction game. It's just a prediction focused game isn't bad in itself; it can just be more frustrating at times. If I was speaking on these things I don't think I could help myself from playing devil's advocate.

Tells seem to be less and less the more squishier a class is on the spectrum, and only go back up in cases related to hidden information outside of cooldowns (most commonly profession mechanics like Warrior Adrenaline).

On auto-attacks, you clued into the fact that many melee kits (and a few ranged) are designed for the auto-attack to be the main source of damage and the other skills to be utility. It was the primary design of those weapons, and they'd have to completely redesigned if that was changed. You also mentioned the inherent melee risk, but didn't mention that for a lot of those auto-attacks the meat of effects happen on the third hit of the chain, which takes near 2 seconds to reach.

As for auto-attacks with conditions, I can agree to a point. My main thing with those weapon sets is that much like high power damage auto-attacks that will consistently send at you a stream of 1k+ crits, the main counter is to force them to use skills other than their auto attack. If you feel like a shitty way to design that, then auto-attacks mostly become weak little things you do in-between cooldowns like the Elementalist has on certain weapon+attunement combinations. Or more like the system in GW1 and other games where auto-attacks aren't even their own skill.

I'll skip commenting on much else so this post doesn't get too long. I'm surprised you didn't link this to the PvP forum rather than the Profession Balance forum, or maybe on Reddit, although people will ask "who the hell do these guys think they are?" even if they agree. The format is a lot easier for digesting and it'd be even better if you had show notes saying "This topic discussed at X:XX time."

The main con is that you guys are giving your opinions and are mostly in agreement, so it feels more like a jumping off point for a discussion. Longer discussion, debates, and in-depth experiences are for me what make podcasts interesting.

Edit: After finishing it, I'd halve the number of topics and add more time for each of you. Some of the topics were practically throwaways. Many of the more interesting ones felt too cut short. I'd also add some time for rebuttals from each of you or chat.


Hey GAF!

I bought GW2 and am currently just starting out on it. I'm a lvl12 Engineer and just learning the ropes. Trying crafting for the first time yesterday, etc. It's also the first major MMO I'm trying to dive into. Couple questions:

I'm in the Crystal Desert server. I'm assuming guilds are server-bound, that the GAF guild is not in that server, and that I can't join it? Feel free to correct/confirm/clarify

Also, I bought the Heroic edition with an armor, 10 EXP boosters, and some other stuff. None of this stuff appears in my inventory. How do I redeem it?

You can still join the guild. You just won't have access to the guild bank or any of that stuff as of right now for all we know. Also, someone will probably suggest rerolling on Stormbluff Isle (by means of banking everything that can be banked and deleting and remaking your character(s) since names are bound to account for 24 hours after deletion) if you're playing solo and don't have too much binding you to Crystal Desert since you're still at a low level.

Need a character name or accountname.#### to proceed for the guild invite though


The Cryptarch's Bane


Megaservers? Megapost.

If I was in charge of Anet, every time I saw a post like this. I'd simply right click name, choose: 'end account', and be done with it.

The official forums don't even have an ignore feature.

I'm not saying this to give you hate, I just disagree.

I know I am definitely the minority when it comes to WvW (it's something I have to be in the mood for and when I am, I tend to hit it hard and then stop), so I don't expect my opinion to be very popular. I realize the server rivalries (which, if I may reflect for a moment, everyone said was 'stupid' and 'never going to happen' when GW2 first came out) are an important part of the game and that there's a whole layer of intelligence gathering (not spying, but reading reports from matchups and discerning tactics, behavior, numbers, etc.) that rests upon that.

I tend to want as little drama as possible in my MMOs. Not conflict, mind you, even directly between players, but there's a difference between face-to-face combat and then the sort of background conflict that paints in broad strokes and veers far too closely to racial / cultural / sexual hatred than I would like sometimes. I guess I'd rather not care about where the guys we're fighting come from and rather focus on where they'll meet their end. In that regard I guess I have the mentality of the "Good fights" WvWers with the gameplay inclination of the PPT players; I want to hold objectives to win, but I don't really care that Server X and Server Y can suck it this week as long as they put up a fight.

I've been thinking about jumping about into this game recently, is the GAF server still heavily populated? I was always very interested in really getting into hyper competitive PVP but the lost the drive when it seemed that Arena net had little interest in pushing this game as an esport.

The GAF server, Stormbluff Isle, is pretty heavily populated (but then, every server is). As others have said, it won't matter after the 15th when the Megaserver thing starts to kick in. As for PVP, that's getting a shot in the arm, reward-wise, on the same day, and it might jumpstart the otherwise lagging PVP mode. It seems like the developers want an eSport, and the population wants the thrill and excitement of an eSport, but somewhere in the middle there's a disconnect. Perhaps because the PVP mode itself doesn't lend itself to easily-readable combat, or they're trying to capture part of the eSports pie from the likes of DotA.

If anything, Queensdale champ trains are going to be massive starting on the 15th.

Too massive, which is a good thing; they will continually be stepping over each others' toes and organizing them will prove next to impossible. It is my hope that Megaservers dump so many people into a single map that no champion event is ever waiting around for the train to come get it. Instead, players just do what they're supposed to and eventually the train fades out because it just can't compete with the 'natural' way.

Anet can't be unaware of what this change means in terms of the Queensdale train. I'd be really surprised if the next two blog posts don't talk about some changes made in the 1-15 areas to address this exact issue. If they don't, I'll personally be forming a guild with the express purpose of doing nothing but disrupting the train until they bugger off. Thinking of calling it "Queenpeace". Or "Society For The Prevention Of Troll Farming". SPOTF, for short.

I always liked our idea of "Queensdale Derail [ANTI]". If what I said above comes to pass, there won't be a need for it.

Thanks for the responses! I got pretty bored halfway through leveling my warrior, do you guys find the elementalist remains fun over the long haul? Think about rolling one of these.

Warrior may be the most boring profession in the game, and I say this as someone who plays a warrior as my main character. You really have to want to swap weapons and tactics a lot for it to stay fresh, or do silly things like try to fight more mobs at once.

Almost any profession will give you more excitement.

As for your question regarding scaling, if you invite friends to do your personal story with you, their level will be scaled to the level of the quest (I'm not sure if they can scale up though).

Personal Story does not upscale.

Note: This is the same guy who said during Marionette:
Three attempts are my limit. If I can’t kill a new boss in three attempts, I turn my focus to preventing others from completing the content.

Oooooooh, THAT fuckerer. Yeah, he needs his account banned. There aren't many ways to grief in this game and anyone who goes out of their way to ruin the experience of others needs to be plucked like a weed, root and all, and tossed into the compost heap with the rest of the horseshit.

Hey GAF!

I bought GW2 and am currently just starting out on it. I'm a lvl12 Engineer and just learning the ropes. Trying crafting for the first time yesterday, etc. It's also the first major MMO I'm trying to dive into. Couple questions:

I'm in the Crystal Desert server. I'm assuming guilds are server-bound, that the GAF guild is not in that server, and that I can't join it? Feel free to correct/confirm/clarify

Also, I bought the Heroic edition with an armor, 10 EXP boosters, and some other stuff. None of this stuff appears in my inventory. How do I redeem it?

Welcome! (I realize the about-face from my comment above to being cheerful and welcoming is ironic, shush!)

Guild are game-wide, and you can belong to up to five at once (but only have one active at a time). So if you have some friends you're in a guild with, you don't have to choose between them and GAF (though if you had to, you'd want to pick GAF). You can join by posting your username (name.####) in the thread and one of the officers will scoop you up immediately and place you in the loving embrace and warm bosom of the GAFGuild.

Your characters are more or less game-wide as well (you cannot play with members from Europe, nor can they play with those in NA); simply click "World Selection" at the login screen, pick a server (Hint: GAF plays on Stormbluff Isle), and then click "Guest". You'll then be temporarily playing on that server until you switch characters or log off, so think of it as free server transfers.

There are two stipulations on that, however; World vs. World, the big server-vs.-server mode, can only be played on your 'home team' since it would be a bit unfair if they did't restrict it. You also can only guest to two servers within a 24 hour period, but that's usually a non-issue unless you have friends everywhere.

Finally, your Heroic Edition items should be in your in-game mail, I believe.


Semi-on topic: Olives, didn't you just have the big "Non-Traditional MMO" thread on gaming side?

Edit: Derp, of course I can check. So how did you end up coming back to GW2 after using it as your example of what you didn't want? Just curious, I read over that thread but didn't see any point in suggesting Guild Wars 2 considering you seemed pretty adamant about wanting something else.

Welp, had to work yesterday so I missed out completely. Wonderful.

Sorry man, I don't think they planned for too many players to work 24 hour shifts. =(


Semi-on topic: Olives, didn't you just have the big "Non-Traditional MMO" thread on gaming side?

Yeah, I was just about to bring that up. I wonder what changed. His post was pretty balanced and I could see how and why GW2 didn't hit those spots for him even though they hit for me.


Hey GAF!

I bought GW2 and am currently just starting out on it. I'm a lvl12 Engineer and just learning the ropes. Trying crafting for the first time yesterday, etc. It's also the first major MMO I'm trying to dive into. Couple questions:

I'm in the Crystal Desert server. I'm assuming guilds are server-bound, that the GAF guild is not in that server, and that I can't join it? Feel free to correct/confirm/clarify

Also, I bought the Heroic edition with an armor, 10 EXP boosters, and some other stuff. None of this stuff appears in my inventory. How do I redeem it?
You can join it, you'd just have to "guest" over to our server. It's a feature on the world selection menu on the character select screen. It allows you to play with GAF guild, but still remain on your own server if you choose to. Alternatively, you just started; you could delete your character and re roll on Stormbluff Isle, our server.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Are you guys just messing with him at this point? What was wrong with Trey and Moondrop's initial responses? :D

I hadn't seen that thread on the other side. Interesting! There are some things that I think GW2 does tick off for sure- including the most important thing to me by far, that the moment-to-moment gameplay is engaging. EatinOlives, be sure to let me know if you're interested in trying GW2 with a Gamepad.

One thing, though, this:
it feels like I'm at least 60+ hours away from getting maybe 1 character to level 80, where I'm told the endgame content is "the real PvE"
I'm not sure about the number of hours- you could rush it, though I honestly don't recommend it- but the rate at which you gain levels honestly accelerates the closer you get to 80. This isn't like many other games in any genre and I really like that about it. It's actually worth slowing down in my opinion and enjoying the world as there's no specific, tangible distinction to just "being 80."

Which brings me to the second half of that, I dunno who told you that, but there really is no traditional "endgame content," nor is the stuff that you can do only at 80 any more "real PvE" than anything else. All of it, whether you're level 10, 40, or 80, doing events in a level 1-15 zone, doing jumping puzzles, doing a level 30 dungeon, doing fractals (which scale you up in level), doing world bosses (spanning the entire range of zones in terms of levels) or clearing the temples in Orr, all of it's "real PvE."


The Cryptarch's Bane
Well yeah. Though to be honest I kind of miss those early days of running AC explorable with a group of 35s, using only our cunning to make it out alive :')
Well yeah. Though to be honest I kind of miss those early days of running AC explorable with a group of 35s, using only our cunning to make it out alive :')

Fun times when you considered how the AC was before the balance, after the balance did it with a group that was 35-42 it was a complete joke..and i was the level 35 my ranger was the new class i was working on when AC got balance..
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