No, I think people have roughly a 24 hour window. It's worded strangely.
So there's one PvP issue on which the announcements have been unclear: merging PvE and PvP weapons with sigils. The process for merging PvE and PvP armor and runes seems clear- you keep PvE armor skins, but not PvE stats or runes, while a "single rune" is changed on the new PvP management screen. Now consider weapons- if you keep PvE weapon skins but ignore PvE stats and sigils, the equivalent system should not be assumed. That is, it's awfully tricky for the UI to assign and track a PvP sigil for each individual weapon. Would it remember the sigil if that weapon is unequipped, or put in bank, or switched to another character?
I suppose it will be that the PvP management screen maintains two sigils for "Weapon(s) 1" and two for "Weapon(s) 2." But that's a rather inelegant solution that offers less build diversity and functionality than present. Another solution is to use the PvE sigils in PvP, but that has its own obvious problems.
I'm not too worried because Anet probably has it handled, but the potential is there for this to be a small mess.