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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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I've tried every class for a couple hours and none of them have really clicked with me. :
Maybe GW2 is just not for me.

Try to jump in the pvp lobby you'll be lvl 80 with all skills and traits unlocked , should give you a better idea.

Took me some time to figure things out with my first char but i really enjoyed the levelling and exploring aspect of the game.


5 free Transmute Charges just for logging in tomorrow after patch.


I'm still hoping for an Infinite Transmutation Item of Eternity. I would pay massive amounts of gems for one.
Based on when they usually patch, it's a 12-15 hour window to get those free transmute charges. Some people are going to get left out.

Well, the longbow skills (3 and 5, I believe) are getting "shaved", so that's a good start. Same goes from engie's automated response and thief's pistol wirp, which will bring down these specs, or at least I hope so.
The eles are getting buffed, especially their healing, and I'm predicting most builds will use both power and energy on weapon swap sigils, as it just sounds strong.

And maybe celestial will become a viable option after 2 years of uselessness.

Longbow will be interesting for me because I've used it since launch. All the other nerfs didn't change how I used it much, but the 3/4 second cast time on Pin Down might screw with my head for an unnecessarily long time. The Pistol Whip nerf is something that I'm looking forward to as well, although a Trickery Thief should still be able to pull out three Pistol Whips almost back to back. At least it will take two dodges and maybe one face tank from now on, or I'll be okay if I predict well while having Vigor.

I also need to check the number of new amulets. They showed off Cavalier and Magi, but then Knight's Amulet was also spotted in their test build, so people looking for a Tough/Power/Prec combination may be very happy.

I was watching cmc's stream last night while he was solo queueing, and every match had at 2-4 elementalists in it playing D/D, Sc/F, or Staff. It was surreal.


Based on when they usually patch, it's a 12-15 hour window to get those free transmute charges. Some people are going to get left out.

Potentially every Mac user will be sol if they don't fix the broken trading post/cert issue. (It's been nonfunctional since last tuesday, minus a workaround which fixed it for about 12 hours yesterday.) That's if they don't completely break the game for OSX users, which I'm completely expecting.
Potentially every Mac user will be sol if they don't fix the broken trading post/cert issue. (It's been nonfunctional since last tuesday, minus a workaround which fixed it for about 12 hours yesterday.) That's if they don't completely break the game for OSX users, which I'm completely expecting.

I've owned Mac's for years, gamed on iMacs for years. Even set up bootcamp and all that. Eventually it got to be too much of a hassle, so I built a custom PC and switched to a Mac laptop. Integrated graphics doesn't matter so much when you've got a desktop GTX 780 running a couple of feet away.


Based on when they usually patch, it's a 12-15 hour window to get those free transmute charges. Some people are going to get left out.

No, I think people have roughly a 24 hour window. It's worded strangely.

So there's one PvP issue on which the announcements have been unclear: merging PvE and PvP weapons with sigils. The process for merging PvE and PvP armor and runes seems clear- you keep PvE armor skins, but not PvE stats or runes, while a "single rune" is changed on the new PvP management screen. Now consider weapons- if you keep PvE weapon skins but ignore PvE stats and sigils, the equivalent system should not be assumed. That is, it's awfully tricky for the UI to assign and track a PvP sigil for each individual weapon. Would it remember the sigil if that weapon is unequipped, or put in bank, or switched to another character?

I suppose it will be that the PvP management screen maintains two sigils for "Weapon(s) 1" and two for "Weapon(s) 2." But that's a rather inelegant solution that offers less build diversity and functionality than present. Another solution is to use the PvE sigils in PvP, but that has its own obvious problems.

I'm not too worried because Anet probably has it handled, but the potential is there for this to be a small mess.


I've owned Mac's for years, gamed on iMacs for years. Even set up bootcamp and all that. Eventually it got to be too much of a hassle, so I built a custom PC and switched to a Mac laptop. Integrated graphics doesn't matter so much when you've got a desktop GTX 780 running a couple of feet away.

I do most of my gaming on consoles, so it's not really worth me building a PC. (Not to mention I'd have no where to put it.) Yeah, yeah, bootcamp, yeah yeah.... I'm lazy. It's just unfortunate Anet is using a Cider wrapper than a real port, and that it keeps breaking anytime anyone looks at it funny. Runs ok the rest of the time...


The Cryptarch's Bane
5 free Transmute Charges just for logging in tomorrow after patch.


I'm still hoping for an Infinite Transmutation Item of Eternity. I would pay massive amounts of gems for one.
gonna have to figure out a way to do this. I wish I could chill with you guys tomorrow! I will be busy most of the day and will barely even get a chance to do anything Wednesday (though might be on from the airport again) enjoy it! if there are "secrets" not in the patch notes that would be nice to discover, please use spoiler tags :D


Just as a heads up, Mumble has been down most of the day and our host has the status listed as "Unknown". Looking into it now.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Was it lump that spent a ton of gold buying these in the hopes the value would shoot up?

Or am I mistaking someone else and something else entirely?


Was it lump that spent a ton of gold buying these in the hopes the value would shoot up?

Or am I mistaking someone else and something else entirely?

Kos bought a bunch of something and then discovered he carried the 1 wrong and wouldn't turn a profit unless some miracle happened.


Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Kos bought a bunch of something and then discovered he carried the 1 wrong and wouldn't turn a profit unless some miracle happened.


i would laugh...

... but I have a full set of Enamel Dye - all six, from the Lion Arch Survivor's packs saved away, unused, in the hope of their value shooting up when they disappear from the gem shop.


How long do you guys plan to stay in 'metrica? Asking because noon server time is... waaay too early :(

dont worry, i'll be around until no one else wants, we are probably be running all day long until everyone gets the map completion/people get bored/people dont have time anymore/people dont want to play anymore.

so as LONGS as you want to join the party tomorrow, there will be a party just waiting for you!
Marketing is too powerful



I know the video was a joke, but...

The price of sigil of water was out of whack relative to the price of sigil of renewal. Post-patch, both will have essentially the same healing output, so they should be roughly equal.

Now whether water was under-priced or renewal over-priced (*coughthelattercough*), that's for the market to decide. And this is coming from someone who actually attempts to heal in this game; I'm eyeing sigil of benevolence personally.


No, I think people have roughly a 24 hour window. It's worded strangely.

So there's one PvP issue on which the announcements have been unclear: merging PvE and PvP weapons with sigils. The process for merging PvE and PvP armor and runes seems clear- you keep PvE armor skins, but not PvE stats or runes, while a "single rune" is changed on the new PvP management screen. Now consider weapons- if you keep PvE weapon skins but ignore PvE stats and sigils, the equivalent system should not be assumed. That is, it's awfully tricky for the UI to assign and track a PvP sigil for each individual weapon. Would it remember the sigil if that weapon is unequipped, or put in bank, or switched to another character?

I suppose it will be that the PvP management screen maintains two sigils for "Weapon(s) 1" and two for "Weapon(s) 2." But that's a rather inelegant solution that offers less build diversity and functionality than present. Another solution is to use the PvE sigils in PvP, but that has its own obvious problems.

I'm not too worried because Anet probably has it handled, but the potential is there for this to be a small mess.

Oh crap, you're right. I read it as 12:01, but it's 11:59 on the Wednesday. So it's actually a 36-39 hour window.

I believe the logical solution is to keep two sigil slots open for "Weapon 1" and "Weapon 2" as you described, and have the sigils not change no matter what weapon you have equipped (although if you fail to equip an off hand weapon I wonder if they'll remember to deactivate the second sigil). I'm not sure how it limits functionality or build diversity based on your description though. As it is it means you can carry a cheap white weapon for PvP purposes similar to how you carried multiple weapons with you anyway in PvP, especially if you were testing a new build or doing some kind of weapon-buffing-then-swap right before a match started.

Marketing is too powerful


Of course the only video comment is from "All Vain"

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Nah, I'm there with you, bro /bropaw.

100% Rata sum? Sure. Quick and easy.
100% Black Citadel? eeeeh....

I dunno, BC is easy to do if you do it clockwise. It's essentially The Grove with easier platforms.

Want a bullshit homeworld? Divinity's Reach is the answer!

Carrion is condition damage primary, power and vitality secondary.

Hmm I guess I can make my Engineer carrion gear'd.


Very much digging the game so far, have made it up to 32 on my charr warrior. I'd love an invite to the GAF guild, I'm Broodhollow.3498 - Bloodfang Ironjaw. Just added the officers in the OP to my friends list but so far people have been offline/AFK.

Edit: And now in and representing Gaming Age Force!


I'm not sure how it limits functionality or build diversity based on your description though. As it is it means you can carry a cheap white weapon for PvP purposes similar to how you carried multiple weapons with you anyway in PvP, especially if you were testing a new build or doing some kind of weapon-buffing-then-swap right before a match started.

We don't have all the details on the UI, so we don't know when it locks you out of changing your build. For example, what if you can only change your build outside of a match? Under the previous system, I could swap out my gear after checking my opponent's roster composition, but this may no longer be possible.

Also this suggests one will now need to carry around all their PvP weapons in inventory.

This is all probably nothing, but I'm waiting to see the implementation.
Nope, and I was even looking to see if there would be any Guild Wars 2 representation - but I was there all 3 days from opening to closing, and according to PAX East, Guild Wars 2 does not exist.
Supposedly they were at a hotel across from the event meeting with press to show off the feature pack. Should have send him mail in game, might have been able to see them and gotten some nice swag.
Supposedly they were at a hotel across from the event meeting with press to show off the feature pack. Should have send him mail in game, might have been able to see them and gotten some nice swag.

Was not aware of any of this. Ironic too, since I'm press. And yet I have to fight to cover the game in the magazine - if I don't, nobody will, and it'll get *zero* coverage.

I see someone on the forums even brought up GW2's lack of presence and marketing.


I was about to link that thread when I saw Kos' post (glad I scrolled down). But yeah, assuming PAX East was in the same convention center (couldn't go this year) they were in the connecting hotel. I wonder how common it is to do interviews over there. In some ways it can be easy to run over there, but it depends on the locations for the interviews.


To be fair to Anet, a bunch of major companies opted out of PAX East.

I don't think it's a big deal that they're not spending money at PAX. At this point, I can't see it having much benefit.
To be fair to Anet, a bunch of major companies opted out of PAX East.

I don't think it's a big deal that they're not spending money at PAX. At this point, I can't see it having much benefit.

Sure... but NCSOFT dominated half the show floor with their WildStar booth. They couldn't spare a corner for some GW2 love? Anet may not be spending money at PAX, but their publisher sure is throwing it around at PAX like it's candy. Or, I dunno, let the press know that some Anet staff would be at the Westin and up for interviews?

Even at PAX when I was talking to some randoms there about games and MMOS, and I brought up GW2, they all looked at me dumbstruck. "Is that still going? I thought it shut down, or went F2P or something". That sentiment comes up 9 times out of 10 when I bring up GW2, no matter where I am. It gets a bit weird.


Sure... but NCSOFT dominated half the show floor with their WildStar booth. They couldn't spare a corner for some GW2 love? Anet may not be spending money at PAX, but their publisher sure is throwing it around at PAX like it's candy. Or, I dunno, let the press know that some Anet staff would be at the Westin and up for interviews?

Even at PAX when I was talking to some randoms there about games and MMOS, and I brought up GW2, they all looked at me dumbstruck. "Is that still going? I thought it shut down, or went F2P or something". That sentiment comes up 9 times out of 10 when I bring up GW2, no matter where I am. It gets a bit weird.

i believe theres a brighter side to this, isnt there?
i believe theres a brighter side to this, isnt there?

No idea. I mean, there isn't anything intrinsically wrong with this. Ncsoft wants to push WildStar since it's the new hotness, so that's where their advertising budget is going. Anet can afford to be frugal with marketing if they feel they're in a good place in terms of their gemstore numbers and unit sales.

The only thing that weirds me out is the apparent lack of word-of-mouth when it comes to GW2. That whole "oh, I thought the game was shut down" thing. GW2 is very "quiet", compared to other MMOs. I guess it's fanbase isn't as vocally rabid? No need to bark loudly when you're actually pretty happy with what you got. Seems the louder an MMO fanbase, the more unhappy it actually is with the game they're playing?


Neo Member
Sure... but NCSOFT dominated half the show floor with their WildStar booth. They couldn't spare a corner for some GW2 love? Anet may not be spending money at PAX, but their publisher sure is throwing it around at PAX like it's candy. Or, I dunno, let the press know that some Anet staff would be at the Westin and up for interviews?

Even at PAX when I was talking to some randoms there about games and MMOS, and I brought up GW2, they all looked at me dumbstruck. "Is that still going? I thought it shut down, or went F2P or something". That sentiment comes up 9 times out of 10 when I bring up GW2, no matter where I am. It gets a bit weird.

NCsoft also did the same with GW2 before release what's the problem? Wildstar is getting its spotlight like GW 2 did before release. If anet is gonna be at any PAX it's gonna be PAX Prime.

What are they gonna market there's no LS currently and Anet is gonna be tight lipped about LS S2 and the feature pack I just don't seeing bringing in new players it's more about the players already here.
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