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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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My disappointment with this patch is the hunt for the new traits, sending us back to Orr, really Anet? i will try and acquire a few of them but beyond that i will buy them all for the rest of my characters, I don't mind one trip into Orr, like each class having to take out a different boss, for example a zerg of guardians fighting Lyssa lol that would be funny to see, no originality was put into this...


I can't chat or whisper in game at the moment. I've restarted the client a few times; now I'll turn off my PC for a bit. Rather strange.

Though everything is so great, allow me this one bit of QQ: If I can no longer do my daily through sPvP as it appears, then that's a cruel blow to "playing as one wants to play."

Was it really so bad to allow players to earn laurels there? Given the removal of gathering as a daily achievement as well, this would seem to indicate an effort to make dailies more difficult to achieve.
Looking at the Daily Achievements after the reset, you can complete exactly five of them in PvP matches alone.

Daily Matches Played (PvP only)
Daily Players Killed (PvP only)
Condition Remover
Skill Point Accumulator

If 50 Daily Kills also counts (doubt it), then that's six you can get from playing PvP alone. Likewise, there are five Monthly Achievements you can get from playing nothing else but PvP.
Edit: Just confirmed with someone else that 50 Daily Kills counts for PvP player kills as well. That's six Daily Achievements for PvP players.

I had this too. Very annoying in arena queues. I made do by using /me for awhile.

I'm liking everything except for two things:

* The wardrobe UI is just really...clunky for me. It remembers whatever category you had selected(ie: stats, wardrobe, etc.), when it should just default to stats. Overall it just feels "off".

* The "union" of PvP and PvE weapon sets has got to be fixed ASAP. It's not an issue with hotjoin, but in s/tPvP, where weapon sets are "locked" once the match starts...it's now possible to be "locked" into your PvE weapon set if you join late/swap characters mid-match. On top of this, you have to purchase white weapons/use your PvE weapons in PvP, which is silly, because it clutters your inventory further(if you don't use the same weapon sets in both PvP and PvE). Further, you have to re-skin stuff(yes, they gave us charges for our rank/etc.), but still, I've already dumped 10 charges on ONE character in PvP.

I've been thinking how they can fix it...why not just have the PvP build overwrite whatever you've got equipped in PvE(currently it only functions with runes, sigils, amulet and traits)? If you want to utilize your PvE weapons, then you can still drag/drop them into the PvP build window.

Anyways, the UI issues are something I can live with, but the PvP "bug" needs to be fixed ASAP.
I don't have as much of a problem with the weapon set union, but that's mostly because that's just how it was for PvP players beforehand anyhow. If you liked to alter your build between maps or between hotjoins and tournaments, it's not very different. I do agree that there is an unfortunate loss to those who didn't carry extra weapon sets in inventory for any mode of the game.

I'm just not sure if this is a problem worth solving, because it will also probably up the transmutation cost per character (and I doubt they'd just give you whatever you wanted for PvP only for free; the point of this update is to PvE unification of gear with the downside of those transmutation charges).

Also, my achievements panel is no longer bugged with the recent hotfix. What I think happened was that I completed my April Monthly for the second time after the patch when they changed the requirement from 2 achievements to 4, but kept your progress from before the patch hit. So I quickly got PvP Kill Variety and that counted as a fourth, and then when reset hit at 8pm it caused my Monthly Achievement Panel to reset to January (I even have a screenshot saved). The only annoying part is that while it was bugged, I got no progress done on Daily or Monthly Achievements. Grr...
I realized with my Transmute charges, I could change my entire outfit and weapons 28 times before I'd run out of charges. Twenty, eight, times. I don't even have enough skins for that to be viable in any conceivable way.

leng jai

How exactly would you want them to handle it, with the caveat that they still need to make money somehow to continue developing large feature updates like the one they released today?

I like how you're implying that all of the flaws in the wardrobe system are due to them needing to make money.


I realized with my Transmute charges, I could change my entire outfit and weapons 28 times before I'd run out of charges. Twenty, eight, times. I don't even have enough skins for that to be viable in any conceivable way.

But I wanted to change my outfit every hour for free. Now I can't. GG anet. Unsubscribing.


I like how you're implying that all of the flaws in the wardrobe system are due to them needing to make money.

It's due to them continuing to want to MAKE money, yes. If they removed all penalties, that removes a vital source of cash flow in an already dwindling market for themselves. Introducing infinite X item means players will never buy the regular items and slows down gold sinks in the game.


wardrobe system is great. great compromise, adds incentive to hunt for skins, clearly better than what we had before, and Anet creates more demand for transmutation stones.


I like how you're implying that all of the flaws in the wardrobe system are due to them needing to make money.

I can only assume your gripe is with the monetization element, because it's doing pretty much everything else right. If the purpose of the wardrobe is to create a centralized space to store skins and allow them to be duplicated and reused infinitely, then the system delivers.

In what way is it 'disappointing', then?
It doesn't even have to be about monetization, though I'm sure that's the major reason for the design choice. Diablo 3 also charges bucketloads of gold to transmog unlock skins on to items. It's a way to keep an internal economy alive, to give purpose to the player.

I'm more impressed that you can design an entire outfit, and dye it, before even applying any of it. So you can play dress-up as much as you want, but you're only charged if it's what you want.
So I just loaded up, and saw that the trait requirement has been raised. Didn't even get a refund for the money spent on the training manual. Why'd they change it?

Also, regarding the wardrobe system, if I was to apply a skin, would it then be permanent, even if I changed my actual armor, until I chose to change it myself?


I can see being disappointed about town clothes not being mix-and-matchable though. Honestly, I can understand not liking that the system still requires a "currency," so to speak.

Neither bother me so I suppose that's why I like it.

So I just loaded up, and saw that the trait requirement has been raised. Didn't even get a refund for the money spent on the training manual. Why'd they change it?

Wanted to streamline builds. In practice having 70 points was very redundant because people only cared about multiples of five.
Also, regarding the wardrobe system, if I was to apply a skin, would it then be permanent, even if I changed my actual armor, until I chose to change it myself?

Skins are applied to armour/weapon pieces, not the slot itself. You're changing the look of the actual item.

So I just loaded up, and saw that the trait requirement has been raised. Didn't even get a refund for the money spent on the training manual. Why'd they change it?

You don't get a refund because, since you bought the manuals, you don't need to now go and buy/find those traits, you have them already. New players need to buy them or go unlock them by doing events.


MEGA-SERVER enabled zones as of 4/16 12:29 AM.

1. Black Citadel
2. The Grove
3. Rata Sum
4. Heart of the Mist
5. Timberline falls
6. Straits of Devastation
7. Fields of Ruin
8. Southsun
My disappointment with this patch is the hunt for the new traits, sending us back to Orr, really Anet? i will try and acquire a few of them but beyond that i will buy them all for the rest of my characters, I don't mind one trip into Orr, like each class having to take out a different boss, for example a zerg of guardians fighting Lyssa lol that would be funny to see, no originality was put into this...

To be fair, the Traits are spread out across the entire game - but only if you're playing from level 1. Traits are attached to story dungeons, mini dungeons, wVw, personal story, map completion and etc - though most of the Grandmaster ones, being "end game" and only usable at level 80, would naturally be found in the areas you're going to generally be at 80 (when you're first getting there), which is Orr.
Experimented with my PvP build. There's definitely more interesting options for my Thief but I can't really tell if it's enabling a better performance given that there's so many people PvPing right now that the average skill level could be lower than it was Pre-patch.

On the definite plus side, I only competed in one match at got 2% of my reward progress bar completed. So that's nice.


Whoever came up with the new full screen heart pop up thing needs to be shot. Cutesy graphics are one thing, but blocking most of the screen? Oy.


Whoever came up with the new full screen heart pop up thing needs to be shot. Cutesy graphics are one thing, but blocking most of the screen? Oy.

I actually think it's pretty awesome, because instead of having to clear out mail all I have to do is read it, close it, and be done. And the mail text was annoying as hell to read.


I actually think it's pretty awesome, because instead of having to clear out mail all I have to do is read it, close it, and be done. And the mail text was annoying as hell to read.

That's what I did on the old mail. Usually forget about em half the time because they were so nicely unobtrusive. Now I have a dancing Barbie heart just inside my field of vision and a huge arse popup. They could have done a better graphic and still put it where the event chest thing goes and have a smaller popup, or at least give me the option to rescale it.


Sitting down and reading some of the patch notes on World changes... they turned some Champions into Veterans and Elites... they updated a lot of the World Bosses... it looks like I got my wish in overworld changes.


Count me among those this patch brought back to the game. I haven't played since the Bazaar of the Four Winds, and clearly an incredible amount has changed. Wow. I'm really looking forward to looking around more later.

Immediate thought upon logging in: now I remember how beautiful this game is.
Whoever came up with the new full screen heart pop up thing needs to be shot. Cutesy graphics are one thing, but blocking most of the screen? Oy.

I actually don't mind that it's big - it only comes up when you ask it to, and it's dismissed/muted easily - I mind that it just looks bad. I know what they were going for, in trying to better communicate that doing a heart unlocks its vendor (I know people who have two or more level 80s who NEVER once talked to a heart vendor and didn't even know they WERE vendors). But it just looks... bad. Cheap, and half-arsed. I know they also wanted to put the mail text somewhere, but it feels weird now. When it was a mail, it had a bit more context, like the person mailing you thanks - but this is just a popup.



I actually don't mind that it's big - it only comes up when you ask it to, and it's dismissed/muted easily - I mind that it just looks bad. I know what they were going for, in trying to better communicate that doing a heart unlocks its vendor (I know people who have two or more level 80s who NEVER once talked to a heart vendor and didn't even know they WERE vendors). But it just looks... bad. Cheap, and half-arsed. I know they also wanted to put the mail text somewhere, but it feels weird now. When it was a mail, it had a bit more context, like the person mailing you thanks - but this is just a popup.

There had to have been a better way to accomplish this. For example, I think I'd have less of a problem if they ditched the heart at the top and kept everything else roughly the same size. Or just do it for the low levels, like they do with the big arse envelope that fills your screen around the time you leave the starting instance. Hell, just give me a checkbox option to do it the old way or not at all.


Just downloaded this before going to work and was able to quickly browse some things for ten minutes.

I'm actually amazed at how many people did not understand how the base system of the wardrobe was going to work ( a.k.a a glorified ingame 'preview' system ).

Really like the ideas of going off in the world to unlock traits, will 'force' a bit more variety when leveling, I just hope it's a bit random and not always the same.

Now I have to work an entire day reading about people playing this ... :mad:


I don't get what some players are raging about? Everything is how Anet described it to be. It's not like they lied or hid anything. The official forums are full of outrage in every category, it's fun just to read through some of the QQ. :)
Managed to patch and login before going to bed last night. Sure, there are a few things about the feature patch that are broken or a hassle, but I just don't care because my thief can now wear her PvP stalwart's hat (*not* the same skin as the story stalwart set) in WvW/PvE whereas previously that skin was PvP only. Everything else is merely the cost of the perfect hat.


Thanks for the videos. Found a couple more showcasing keep battles as well. A buddy of mine told me the other day that he's resubbing wow after a long hiatus. I'm hoping these examples of wvw will change that idea.

The rage about the new wardrobe is ridiculous. For a b2p game with an in-game cash shop, the system is near-perfect. Obviously I want all of the transmutations to be free, but then I'd be paying a sub too.

I haven't had a chance to try the new traits yet. The fact that some of the unlock requirements for them are on the 3 per day bosses is a shame. Guess I have to buckle down on finally leveling my alts and finishing map completion.


Put in a few hours. Hadn't really played much in the last 10 months. Got my Ranger from 74 to 79.5.

I forgot how fun PvP/WvW is in this game.

I just gotta learn what there is to do in PvE.


Why are people crying? Im not visiting the forums like some creep.

Works great imo.

It's mostly people who should learn to read, that hate any kind of change, and others who struggle to understand the new systems.

And well the usual buff/nerf QQ :p

There are some minor complaints that I've seen that seem quite reasonable to me though :
- Using a transmutation charge on a non 80 character costs now 3 times more than before, as the 1-79 stones transform with a ratio of 3:1.
Some of the more RP oriented players seem pretty pissed about it, and I can't really blame them.

- People that used transmutation stones to swap sigil/runes between items are unable to do so.
Very situational, but now your only option is to salvage the item and hope you get the rune, or directly buy a new rune.


MEGA-SERVER enabled zones as of 4/16 12:29 AM.

1. Black Citadel
2. The Grove
3. Rata Sum
4. Heart of the Mist
5. Timberline falls
6. Straits of Devastation
7. Fields of Ruin
8. Southsun

Where is this confirmed? Cool if true but their change of plans made it sound like we would be waiting days/weeks for a further roll out.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Hmm... Anyone suggest a sigil that complements Superior Sigil of Perception? I'd go for Bloodlust but apparently you can't use two stacking sigils.

Force is good for that +5% damage... but is Rage good too (50% chance for Quickness during crit, but has a 30 sec cooldown)


so are there other skills to unlock other the ones in each trait listed at the top? cause the guardians are meh. condition is blah.


Where is this confirmed? Cool if true but their change of plans made it sound like we would be waiting days/weeks for a further roll out.

Unless they fucked up, when you go to those maps, you have population from every server.
More than that, you can also see by the contested waypoints.


I think the people with the best ground to stand and bitch on are RPers. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bummed to see town clothing turned to undyable tonics, though the number of times I was ever in town clothes was pretty low. I'll definitely be getting a refund for the Rider's pants, which looked cool black but now is brown AND forces the aviators cap.

Maybe a compromise is to allow you to transmute any white-quality item for free. Then the RPers could just transmute their RP outfit whenever they want.

I also wouldn't mind if adding a skin item (that is, one you can apply to an item for free) gave you a Transmutation Charge when you added it to the Wardrobe. Right now I'm still sitting on a ton because of that free application.
My problem with the daily is the opposite - usually there were enough PvE ones that you could ignore the time consuming ones (like 3 skill points or 5 events) and just do the easier ones.

Now those are gone, forcing you to do the time consuming ones if you want to complete the Laurel.

... Or you can do PvP and/or WvWvW.

Some days I only have time to finish the Laurel. With this change odds are most days I won't be doing it any longer. :-/


The ONLY thing I wish there was for the wardrobe was an unlock with a free charge. As in, I have like 40 skins sitting in my bank and alts. If I trash those, I need to use a charge when I finally use the skin. So I'll instead just keep holding onto them still until I'm ready to use them.

My problem with the daily is the opposite - usually there were enough PvE ones that you could ignore the time consuming ones (like 3 skill points or 5 events) and just do the easier ones.

Now those are gone, forcing you to do the time consuming ones if you want to complete the Laurel.

... Or you can do PvP and/or WvWvW.

Some days I only have time to finish the Laurel. With this change odds are most days I won't be doing it any longer. :-/

Yeah, the PvE daily has limited options so far. Hopefully they adjust it over time. I wish they'd remove the aquatic daily altogether. Such a waste of time. I don't mind the 3 skill pts achievement but I keep a surplus of those scrolls of knowledge and just use them if I don't have time to get 3 skills doing something else.


The daily stuff used to mostly just pop up for me as I played, now you have to actually go out of your way.... Stupid change.


Looking at the Daily Achievements after the reset, you can complete exactly five of them in PvP matches alone.

Daily Matches Played (PvP only)
Daily Players Killed (PvP only)
Condition Remover
Skill Point Accumulator

If 50 Daily Kills also counts (doubt it), then that's six you can get from playing PvP alone. Likewise, there are five Monthly Achievements you can get from playing nothing else but PvP.
Edit: Just confirmed with someone else that 50 Daily Kills counts for PvP player kills as well. That's six Daily Achievements for PvP players.

Hmm, well I believe you on Condition Remover and Daily Kills, but I want to test it nonetheless. Skill Points I dispute, in that I have to us my scrolls rather than earn it by playing like PvE/WvW. And for Recycler, I just opened my two boxes that were one node on the reward track and I got two items to recycle (and one skill point).

Technically you're correct, but I strongly dispute this conclusion in practice. I used to be able to log on, knock out my daily in ~25 minutes, and that was it if I liked. That appears to be no more, at least without burning significantly more resources. But I'll adjust I guess.


Unless they fucked up, when you go to those maps, you have population from every server.
More than that, you can also see by the contested waypoints.

Sneaky Anet and their secret roll out. I didn't get a chance to check out any cities last night but the Mists were buzzing :D
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