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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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I didn't vote!

I don't think most people care too much about the fractal. Also, Kiel is clearly in the inquests pocket. And Asura are the best race.


The Cryptarch's Bane
It's wierd to hear people talking about the fire elemental event being over too fast - at launch it never died due to its insane hitpoints and the almost one shot fireballs it cast. How things change!

With regards to magic find gear - do we know when this change is going in? Didnt realise they were planning to remove it all, wonder if that includes the runes / signals / foods (hopefully it does).
I miss the old fire elemental.

No to foods, yes to everything on gear.
Cannot believe Kiel won... :-(. Thermonuclear reactor is simply dull - I didn't even realise there WAS a mystery behind it. It's a giant Azura power plant - surely the only question was how long it would last before it blew up?
We don't know what happened, but the Infinite Coil and the little base in Brisban both seem stable enough.
I'll give you a hint -- it was the inquest, just like everything bad that happens.
Well it was an Inquest reactor.
Colin said:
it's definitely something that ties more deeply into the lore of Guild Wars 2 than most would realize
That's all we know for now.
BS. Evons stuff was a lot more interesting. But holy shit!!!! Waypoint Travel prices is been reduced, cant wai...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yeah I say the Abaddon fractal deserves a petition!

Though WP reduction will just straight save me stacks of money. A literal silver lining.


Fuck this shit, i'm unsubbing.

Maybe EQN will do a better job of giving me actually interesting lore themed fractals.

The silver lining is that now Ellen will be too busy to be involved with missions. They'll have to come up with someone who actually has a personality.
It was a prototype reactor the Inquest were using to test Dragon energy as a power source - they sort of perfected it at the Crucible of Eternity. It'll give us more backstory into the dragons as a whole and should be very interesting to traverse as a dungeon.

Not sure how it will give us background on the Dragons at all tbh. Unless the Inquest were somehow able to actually trap a Dragon and hook it up to the reactor, which I highly doubt, there really isn't anything to be revealed there. All it would reveal would be more about The Inquest, which is pretty meh to me personally.

I liked the idea of knowing how the defeat of Abbadon went down. The Gods are something that aren't discussed at all in GW2, so learning more about them would be awesome. Meanwhile we know the Dragons are going to continue to be addressed since they're a current problem to Tyria.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Fuck this shit, i'm unsubbing.

Maybe EQN will do a better job of giving me actually interesting lore themed fractals.

The silver lining is that now Ellen will be too busy to be involved with missions. They'll have to come up with someone who actually has a personality.

I'm gonna build an Abbadon fractal in EQN.


I went to a Champion and he said, "Son"
"I hear you want a 'curser but you ain't gettin none"
I got the blue con blues. Baby it just isn't fair.
I got the blue con blues. Can't even find me a rare.

I went to AC full of courage and hope.
And all I got was a big ol' NOPE!
I got the blue con blues. Baby it just isn't fair.
I got the blue con blues. Can't even find me a rare.

I went to CM with my hat in my hand.
Caudecus said "You'll never understand."

I went to TA to fight me some plant
Boss said "Sorry boy, but I just can't"

I went to SE way down in the mine.
Dredge said "leave or we'll take your spine"

I went to CoF to do a speed run.
Getting nothing but commons wasn't much fun.

I went to HotW where it's chlly and cold.
This lack of drops is really getting old.

I went to CoE to find me some loot.
Inquest said "Man, RNG don't give a hoot"

I went to Arah even though it's so long.
No drops there led me to write this song.


Unconfirmed Member
I voted for Kiel. Come at me GAF.

Same here. 250 times actually =p.


I voted for Kiel. Come at me GAF.

fuck yeah. these people are just mad their candidate lost.

patch looks great from the stream. the wallet layout will be awesome for another reason. you can finally see how many of the same dungeon tokens you have.

wonder if those data mined school outfits will go in this month too. we got robbed on the swimsuits.


Dumped around 250 for Evon this morning.

I think the annoyance is stemming from the lack of Lore/Guild Wars related content. Everything is 'new' and feels almost entirely different. Abbadon, as a fractal, held the promise having some of the old lore coming in. While the other is strictly more guild wars 2 stuff. I'm annoyed by that, and I can understand people being pissed at ANet. A rather real problem with the game was dangled about, and then dressed up as something else.

Of course the masses are going to vote for Kiel. She's human. She's got boobs. She's been the "Character" we interact with on the last few living world bits. Her opponent was nearly a a Lex-Luthor Charr that just popped up. Derp. And really, shouldn't maybe the human be more interested in the Human God stuff instead of you know, pissing about with an Asura explosion?

Oh well. Like most, don't really give two shits about the election. Just wanted to see that bit of lore come in.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
It's possible, and Im hoping in my heart, that they will still release the abaddon fractal, but at a much later date.


For me it was more that we already have an inquest dungeon. This was something potentially new.

I guess we'll just have to see what it is, but ultimately for fans of the lore, it's a huge disappointment.


Colin (I think) said something about the losing fractal not being built to make the decision not inconsequential. Doesn't mean they can't target the content/lore in some other fashion other than fractal at some later date.


Colin (I think) said something about the losing fractal not being built to make the decision not inconsequential. Doesn't mean they can't target the content/lore in some other fashion other than fractal at some later date.

exactly. We might see it as a flashback or perhaps some sort of time travel content or something.


Eh, I mean it was clearly just a concept they threw up. I don't know how far along they were on it, but from how it sounded, it was just a concept they threw out there.

I don't see them revisiting it. Plus, they seem loathe to touch on a lot of heavy lore, so I can't see it happening in any meaningful way. The problem is that the way they designed this game is very anti-lore. I don't mean that in a bad way, necessarily, but the current system is just not built to introduce new players to older concepts. Storytelling is incredibly passive due to the lack of quests and emphasis on living story and world events. I think those are great for current events, but for a larger story they just haven't worked.

We'll see what changes they make to the living story, though.


Man, to sacrifice lore for what will probably be not even 50 gold saved, you must be super strapped for cash.

You can't be serious? I voted for the better character. Their mini-games and fractals will be cute for a bit but this person is probably going to be a large part of the story going forward. Gotta go with the better character.

Edit: Also, the number of shits I give for the first guild wars is 0.


Man, to sacrifice lore for what will probably be not even 50 gold saved, you must be super strapped for cash.

The concept of the Fall of Abaddon sounds really cool, but in reality we don't know what exactly has been sacrificed other than a vague theme for a single fractal, which is in itself a very small thing. How long does it take to do 1 fractal? Not long. We're not talking about a massive amount of content and storyline here.

I think our imaginations have been running wild with "what ifs." I think some players are imagining fighting as the gods against Abaddon, or something equally cool and epic. For all we know, the fractal wouldn't show us that much cool stuff at all, and not at all what we expected. None of us are in the developers' heads. As Wooden Potatoes pointed out (I've quoted him several times in posts about this topic already, but it bears repeating), the execution may not have lived up to players' internal expectations. It may have had annoying mechanics. It might even have gotten boring after a while. How sad, for such an awesome event in the game's history to turn into "Oh god, not this one again."

And that all applies to the Thaumanova concept, so don't think I'm just picking on the one idea. I guess my point is really that we really don't know what's coming or what might have been, so there's no point in getting upset about it.


Calling either Kiel or Gnashblade a better character is... tenuous at best.

One's a plank of wood we've known for a few months, and the other is a plank of wood that just showed up and has a mean streak.
but, what if Kiel dies in a tragic "accident", passing the council membership to Evon, then we realize Kiel didn't die, and she was a remnant of one of the other elder dragons, exposing Evon as one sky pirate trying to protecting Lions Ark, then having a big battle that end with a ship crashing and opening the road to Elona.


How is Kiel a better character? We generally just talk to her once in whatever new location, and then zoom. Those random text blurbs mid mission aren't a lot to go on.

And yeah, not everyone cares about the first game. Nothing wrong with that. But the game is a sequel. it is using the same world, races, history, etc. and for those of us that -were- huge fans, the connection is a bit lacking beyond the superficial stuff. The only real hope now is that whoever it was at ANet was being honest when they said more GW-related stuff was coming.

I think our imaginations have been running wild with "what ifs."
Most likely. Still a drop of something is better than nothing.


Calling either Kiel or Gnashblade a better character is... tenuous at best.

One's a plank of wood we've known for a few months, and the other is a plank of wood that just showed up and has a mean streak.

I came back to guild wars 2 when the sanctum landed so both characters were brand new to me. Kiel is better.


I came back to guild wars 2 when the sanctum landed so both characters were brand new to me. Kiel is better.

I mean, I can't argue with that. Anet really stacked it against Gnashblade, who was really presented in a negative light the whole time.

Your case is probably extremely similar to most people who voted: Oh, well this character is nice, and this character sucks. Which is true. Others were voting on fractal content, in which case I'm not really sure who wanted Thumanova over Abbadon.

It's weird because I think if people were given a choice of fractals, it's a no-brainer that abbadon would win. But purely voting for characters? I would have been surprised if Gnashblade won, considering how badly he was handled.


but, what if Kiel dies in a tragic "accident", passing the council membership to Evon, then we realize Kiel didn't die, and she was a remnant of one of the other elder dragons, exposing Evon as one sky pirate trying to protecting Lions Ark, then having a big battle that end with a ship crashing and opening the road to Elona.

Better yet, what if we got to Elona and found out that Kiel was the one behind the Molten Alliance because she's been corrupted by the deep sea dragon, Bubbles (and it turns out that's actually his real name, he's a very cute dragon). Your new quest is to defeat Kiel and cleanse her of the corruption from Bubbles.

And guess who has a magic plant sword that can do that! :D



Hey folks,

I wanted to take a moment and address this, it’s a totally fair question and something as a player (removing my GD hat) I’d wonder the same thing as well. As I covered in my blog post last month, a major focus of our living world releases in the second half of the year will be on focusing our living world releases on content that has a larger sense of persistence, and more permanent effect on the world.

You’ll start seeing this strategy come into effect with the release 2 weeks from now, and grow as the year continues. The story of these living releases will occur long enough for it to play out reasonably and then update as the story moves forward, while the content and playable experiences (except specific story beats) will persist forever as a result of that story occurring.

We still want to have some content that can happen each year, our holiday festivals, Super Adventure Box, Zephyr Sanctum, and the new Queens Gauntlet are all intended to be content that will regularly return. The goal of having these in our portfolio of event content that can occur again each year is they allow us the opportunity to easily build on something we’ve already completed as themes for some of our releases for year 2.

We wanted to get to the end of the first year of Gw2 with a decent amount of these events that can happen each year in our pocket, to allow our second year a lot more opportunities to lean on these while we focus on much larger projects we’ve been working on in the background. You will not see another new recurring style event in 2014 once our core portfolio of returning events have been completed with the Queens Gauntlet. You’ll already see the benefits of this as the return of Halloween, SAB, and Wintersday has given some of our teams time to focus on other bigger projects during that time.

As to the point of this specific release, there are a ton of permanent features and content. From the update of mini-games becoming permanent on a rotation, champion loot, solo queue PvP and leaderboards, dungeon reward changes, currency wallet, PvP leaver penalties (dishonorable), the FX culling system and more! However, we do recognize one of the components is returning content rather than constant, we need one more core event in our portfolio to fill out our ability to pull off the ambitious plans we have for next year. We too want to have an even larger playable content impact as stated in our goals for the second half of 2014, you’ll be see seeing that play out shortly.

Soon, you won’t need to ask “is this permanent or temporary?”, you’ll simply be able to look at story specific parts and know the story goes away when it’s done, and the playable core content remains and changes based on the outcomes of the story. As a player, I’d rather login and experience an event knowing the outcome and the results of the story will create content I can see and experience for years, than have it all go away 2 weeks later, and have no impact.

We’re also looking into options that would allow players to experience the story sequences that will go away as the story moves forward for those who missed them, but this is still a ways off as we look at various options.

As a reminder, this is where we’re headed and the goals we’ve given to our teams to accomplish, it just takes a few months until we fully get our projects on this track: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-guild-wars-2-in-2013/


Better yet, what if we got to Elona and found out that Kiel was the one behind the Molten Alliance because she's been corrupted by the deep sea dragon, Bubbles (and it turns out that's actually his real name, he's a very cute dragon). Your new quest is to defeat Kiel and cleanse her of the corruption from Bubbles.

And guess who has a magic plant sword that can do that! :D

Hope you guys are ready for the Logan/Trahearne buddy cop arc coming this fall. Here's the kicker, Kormir is the chief of police!

Everyone's favorites!



Welcome to politics.

And GW1 lore is officially dead.

Fuck arenanet.

Because nothing ever happened in Maguuma in Guild Wars 1. Not the Bloodstone, not the Temple of Balthazar, not the White Mantle's last refuge, not the Mursaat (okay, so they were in a 'dense forest', but that certainly sounds like Maguuma to me).

Also, there's no mysterious seeds that produced an entire race of tree people and oh yeah, there's definitely at least one unseen Pale Tree sprouting them

Though the reactor is Inquest in nature,we don't know what were they using to power it, or if the reactor just a front for something else?

Just because the event was recent doesn't mean it was unimportant.



Welcome to politics.

Because nothing ever happened in Maguuma in Guild Wars 1. Not the Bloodstone, not the Temple of Balthazar, not the White Mantle's last refuge, not the Mursaat (okay, so they were in a 'dense forest', but that certainly sounds like Maguuma to me).

Also, there's no mysterious seeds that produced an entire race of tree people and oh yeah, there's definitely at least one unseen Pale Tree sprouting them

Though the reactor is Inquest in nature,we don't know what were they using to power it, or if the reactor just a front for something else?

Just because the event was recent doesn't mean it was unimportant.

For me, it was less lore, and more potential setting. We've been to Thumanova, but where Abbadon would have taken place is something completely new to GW2. Oh well.
I'd rather see the Crystal Sea over a dumb asuran nuclear reactor.


You just did not want it hard enough. Should have spent real money then converted it into gold and bought support tokens with all that money. For sure Evon would have won.


The Cryptarch's Bane

Cliffsnotes: Either Queen's Jubilee is the last, or there will be (not necessarily right after) one more "event" which bring with it temporary story/content implications, then all of the returning event/fesitval aspects of the Living Story will be known quantities for 2014. Besides this (or these) all living story releases for the rest of the year will be focused on permanent impact.

You just did not want it hard enough. Should have spent real money then converted it into gold and bought support tokens with all that money. For sure Evon would have won.
Sometimes your humor really does it for me Kos :p


Kinda bummed that I won't have T4 Evon achievement even thought I did with a few time without having the first achievement first.

I am trying to do it now, I don't remember that it has 3 spawns spot for the plunderers..


Kinda bummed that I won't have T4 Evon achievement even thought I did with a few time without having the first achievement first.

I am trying to do it now, I don't remember that it has 3 spawns spot for the plunderers..

Yeah, when it first came out there were only two. Three were supposed to spawn but they didn't. A few days later it was patched to fix this making it much more difficult to solo.


Come celebrate the gracious reign of Queen Jennah by watching people fall to their death.

Those Krytans have a pretty sick sense of humor.
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