August 6 Content Release Notes
Queens Jubilee
A celebration to commemorate ten years of Queen Jennahs rule is about to kick off in Divinitys Reach! The queen has commissioned a new gladiatorial arena for the occasionthe Crown Pavilionas a shining symbol of her peoples endurance. Take a hot air balloon ride with dignitaries from across Tyria to the capital of the Krytan nation, and be there for the opening ceremony. Join in the festivities and compete in ceremonial combat in Her Majestys honor!
Hot Air Balloons
The queens court has sent out hot air balloons to transport celebrants! Look for balloon towers all over Tyria.
Ascend to the top of a balloon tower to claim a royal gift before embarking on the journey to Divinitys Reach.
Watch for all-new dynamic events as the balloon pilots may need help keeping everything running smoothly.
A special hot air balloon souvenir will be given to players who are festive enough to visit 30 towers.
The Crown Pavilion
The arts district in Divinitys Reach that was destroyed by the Great Collapse has been rebuilt into the Crown Pavilion, a grand arena that will host Krytas biggest events.
Enter the Queens Gauntlet to battle mighty representations of humanitys most vicious enemies.
Visit the emissaries from six major nations of Tyria. A unique set of boons to improve magic find and combat stats will be available to those who wish to represent the emissaries.
Earn Watchwork Sprockets, a new trophy from the Watchknights, to purchase rewards from the emissaries. Purchasable rewards include:
New Sovereign weapon sets
New crafting recipes for runes and sigils
Cultural weapon sets
The Queens Gauntlet
Face increasingly difficult challenges in single combat against a variety of unique bosses.
Take a risk with special gambit conditions to earn even more prestigious rewards.
Each entry and gambit costs one Queens Gauntlet ticket. Tickets drop regularly from creatures in the Crown Pavilion and around the world. Players may also purchase tickets from the emissaries in the Crown Pavilion.
Opening Ceremony
Witness the unveiling of the Crown Pavilion in a brand new Living World story instance featuring familiar faces such as Queen Jennah, Logan Thackeray, Countess Anise, Lord Faren, Rox, and Braham.
Rumors are running high that the queen will be taking volunteers for the inaugural contest with the Watchknights. Theres no telling who might show up!
Enter the instanced area simply by visiting the Crown Pavilion for the first time.
Beacons of Kryta
Find torchbearers around Divinitys Reach to activate a special time-limited race to light several beacons around the city.
Successfully complete all four torch runs to earn the Flames of Kryta, a permanent item that can be used to illuminate the players path through darkness.
A rotation of Living World achievements has been added to the Daily Achievement category.
Completing the Queens Jubilee meta-achievement awards the player a Mini Watchknight. Completing this meta-achievement requires players to complete 18 achievements from either the Queens Jubilee category or the jubilee-related dailies.
Exotic Drop
Play Queens Jubilee content for a chance at the exotic Watchwork Portal Device recipe.
The recipe requires a level 400 artificer. It requires 5 Orichalcum Ingots, 1 Master Tuning Crystal, 1 Charged Lodestone, and 75 Watchwork Sprockets.
The Watchwork Portal Device is a one-time use consumable that allows players to create a portal between two points. It cannot be used in conjunction with the mesmers portal.
World vs. World
Supply Mastery has been added to the Ranks and Abilities tab.
Picking up supply is now instant.
Gains swiftness when the entire supply is spent.
Gains courier speed and increases movement speed by 50% after picking up supply.
Gains a chance to recover some supply after its spent.
Deployed siege sites gain 3 seconds of invulnerability.
Currency Wallet
All players now have a new currency wallet that can be found in the Hero panel. All currencies on a character are transferred to the players currency wallet when they log in with that character. Players will need to log in with all of their characters to get all of their currency transferred.
All currencies are now account bound.
Champion Loot
All champions now drop containers based on their family. These containers have coin, skill points, crafting materials, weapons and armor, and rare chances at unique weapon skins based on family.
Defeat the Claw of Jormag: The champions in this event no longer drop loot.
Citadel of FlameFerrah: Blaclan Firetooth is now a veteran instead of a champion.
*Improved Effects Culling
In the open world, dungeons, PvP, and WvW, the new effects-culling system will slowly start reducing the detail of each effect in order to increase combat visibility when many effect types are overlapping.
World Polish
Risen nobles: Decreased the damage on the symbol created by their shadowstep skill.* *
Dungeon Reward Changes
All bosses no longer directly drop gold.
All explorable dungeon paths now give out 1 to 3 gold based on the path. This is an account-based daily reward.
All story dungeons now give out 50 silver upon completion. This is an account-based daily reward.
Ascalonian CatacombsHodginss Plan: Kendricks Sarcophagus will not be interactable until Search the secret room for the scepter is active.
Ascalonian CatacombsHodginss Plan: Defend Hodgins by destroying graveling burrows will not activate until Slay the spider queen has been completed.
Ascalonian CatacombsHodginss Plan: Find the scepter pieces will not be active until Join Hodgins in finding the first scepter has been completed.
Ascalonian CatacombsDethas Plan: Defend Detha from gravelings will not activate until Slay the spider queen has been completed.
Ascalonian CatacombsTzarks Plan: Defend the essence collectors will not activate until Slay the spider queen has been completed.
Caudecuss ManorIll look for the Seraph: Mad Martha will not become hostile until Overwhelm the bandit defenses is activated.
Caudecuss ManorIll look for the Seraph: Search for the captured sergeant will not activate until Place powder kegs near the blocked gate has been completed.
Caudecuss ManorIll help you find the missing butler: Search for the missing servants will not activate until Destroy the bandit turrets has been completed.
Citadel of FlameFerrah: Breach the Sanguine Vault will not activate until Find a way into the Enkindling Chamber has been completed.
Citadel of FlameMagg: Find a way into the ritual chamber will not activate until Travel to the ritual chamber has been completed.
Honor of the WavesThe butcher: Defeat the Ice Dragon minion to continue will not activate until the doorway leading to its location has been opened.
Honor of the WavesThe plunderer: Defeat the corrupted Son of Svanir will not activate until Stop the Svanir vandals has been completed.
Honor of the WavesThe zealot: Icebrood Goliath and guards will not be attackable until the doorway leading to their location has been opened.
Honor of the WavesThe zealot: Defeat Sorges disciple, Svánigandr will not activate until the door leading to its location has been opened.
Crucible of EternityAll paths: Mark T-B34RC3 will not be attackable until Shut down the advanced golem is activated.
Crucible of EternityTeleporter: Defeat the Evolved Husk will only activate after Kill Subject Alpha has been completed and the Teleporter path has been selected.
Crucible of EternityFront door: Defeat the laboratory specimen will only activate after Kill Subject Alpha has been completed and the Front Door path has been selected.
Profession Skills
Reaper of Grenth: This skill can now be cast on the move. Added an unblockable skill fact to indicate its functionality.
Prayer to Lyssa: Fixed a bug that allowed Lyssa to grant more than one boon or condition.
All signet skills now play their overhead bang effect at the start of the skill to help telegraph these skills.
Tornado: Added a duration skill fact. This skill can now be used while moving.
Glyph of Renewal: Improved the readability of this skill so enemies can see it more clearly when players are casting it.
Magnetic Wave: This skill is now blockable.
Signet Mastery: This trait will now properly reduce the recharge of Signet of Restoration in PvP.
Arcane Power: The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Arcane Retribution: Increased the duration to 30 seconds to be consistent with Arcane Power. The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Arcane Shield: Added the buff to the skill fact. The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Final Shielding: The buff provided when this trait is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Packaged Stimulants: This trait now properly increases the duration of the boons provided by the Med Kit skill Throw Stimulant instead of lowering the recharge.
Elixir X: This skill will now display the proper skill facts when underwater.
MortarMortar Shot: Fixed a bug that caused this skill to have increased recharge time when Elite Supplies was traited.
Healers Retribution: Fixed a bug that caused this trait to provide more retaliation than intended with Healing Breeze.
Sword of JusticeCommand: Added a range skill fact.
Sword of JusticeRemoved the range skill fact on the summon.
Bow of Truth: Removed the range skill fact on the summon.
Hammer of Wisdom: Removed the range skill fact on the summon.
Hammer of WisdomCommand: Updated the range skill fact to better represent the range of this skill.
Shield of the Avenger: Removed the range skill fact on the summon.
Purifying Ribbon: Fixed a bug that caused the projectile to hit targets further than its intended maximum range.
Virtue of Justice: Added a radius skill fact.
Virtue of Resolve: Added a radius skill fact.
Virtue of Courage: Added a radius skill fact.
Shield of Wrath: The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Counter Blade: The projectile velocity has been doubled and is now wider with an increased effect size.
Phantasmal Duelist: This skill now has its range increased with Duelists Discipline. Fixed a bug that enabled the duelist from being cast at 1200 range at all times.
Illusion of Life: Updated the animation and effects on this skill to make it easier to read when it is being cast in combat. The timing and effectiveness remains unchanged.
Polymorph Moa: This skill should now animate when used with a greatsword.
Veil: This utility skill now acts as a light field as its description indicates.
Fetid Ground: Added a radius skill fact.
Well of Blood: Added a radius skill fact.
Wail of Doom: Increased the spell effect to better represent the actual spell area.
Tainted Shackles: This skills damage tooltip now displays the appropriate damage.
Doom: Added an effect that plays on the necromancer when this skill is used.
Reapers Mark: This skill now uses a distinct animation compared to the other mark skills on staff to help improve readability when this skill is cast. The timing and effectiveness of this skill remains unchanged.
Summon Bone Fiend/Rigor Mortis: Added a range fact to these skills.
Reapers Touch: Updated the skill fact to display the proper regeneration amount.
Crimson Tide: Fixed a bug that allowed this skill to ignore line of sight.
Entangle: Updated the damage and immobilize skill facts to reflect the actual amount of pulses.
Sharpening Stone: Counters will no longer decrement on every attack going, but only on attacks hit, evaded, missed (from blind), or blocked. The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Keen Edge: The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Precise Strikes: This trait now functions correctly with Remorseless.
Shadow Assault: Fixed a bug that caused this skill to have a longer than intended range. It will now properly match the range skill fact.
Assassins Signet: The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Nine-Tailed Strike: Updated this skills skill facts.
Concealed Defeat: Fixed a bug that caused this traits effect to have a longer than intended recharge.
Basilisk Venom: The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Devourer Venom: The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Ice Drake Venom: The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Skale Venom: The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Spider Venom: The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Signet of Might: The buff provided when this skill is activated will now properly display the remaining number of charges.
Counter Blow: This skill will now properly set its recharge with the Sundering Mace trait when players strike an enemy after blocking.
Structured Player vs. Player
Removed the Tournament panel.
Added an Arenas tab to the PvP panel.
Replaced Rated Matches with Team Arena. The rankings and leaderboard are the same.
Added a Solo Arena. Only individual players may queue for the Solo Arena; players will also have a separate ranking and leaderboard from the existing Team Arena.
Moved the Custom Arena browser to the PvP panel.
Added a Leave button to PvP games.
PvP games can now be joined from any location in the game, including outside of the Mists.
Leaving PvP will send players back to their last non-instance location.
Spectators can now see the currently selected target of the player being followed instead of their autoattack target.
Leaving rated arena games will punish players with a Dishonorable debuff. Each stack of dishonor lasts for 72 hours. If a player has the maximum amount of dishonor (5 stacks), they will be prevented from joining rated games.
Players in an arena game cannot switch characters after the game has started.
Added a Finisher tab to the Hero panel. Use the Finisher tab to choose and activate a finisher.
Finishers may now be unlocked either permanently or on a limited, per-use basis.
Using a finisher item now adds five uses of that finisher. Each finisher use is consumed when players successfully use the finisher on a downed enemy.
Using a permanently unlocked finisher will never consume it. Players may switch between any unlocked finishers at any time outside of combat.
Rank finishers are now unlocked permanently and automatically when players achieve a new rank in PvP. Rank reward chests will no longer contain Rank Finisher items.
Updated the capture point progress animation for all maps.
Heart of the Mists: Replaced two of the training golems with indestructible training golems.
Skyhammer: The cannon can no longer be reconfigured while the player is in stealth or invulnerable.
Skyhammer: Updated a couple of spectator camera positions.
Temple of the Silent Storm: Increased the cooldown of Mediation on Ferocity from 2 minutes to 4 minutes and increased the buff duration from 45 seconds to 2 minutes.
World vs. World
Keep and castle assault events are now group events and will count towards monthly achievements.
New Items and Promotions
The Royal Pass* *gives you admittance to the Royal Terrace, the queens own shopping area in Divinitys Reach, with easy access to crafting, merchants, banks, entertainment, and more. Each pass is good for two weeks and available in the Consumables category for 300 gems each.
There are three new helmet skins available for purchase to celebrate the Queens Jubilee: Mask of the Crown, Mask of the Jubilee, and Mask of the Queen. These are combat armor skins usable by any weight class and available in the Style category for 400 gems each.
Players can now purchase permanent finishing moves usable in PvP, WvW, and select content throughout the game. Change the finisher at any time after purchasing Cow, Whump the Giant, Thornroot, and/or Spectre finishers in the Upgrades category.
Aetherblade weapon skins are no longer in season and will now cost 5 Black Lion Weapon Tickets at a Black Lion Weapon Specialist.