What I always wanted was a much more dynamic world with much bigger impact. Imgine if for example one day, randomly and not predetermined by a living story update, dragons for example attacks Lion's Arc and you would have a several day long battle to defend the city. If you would fail this LA could be in ruins and players would have to work together to help rebuild the city, gathering materials, crafting things, help npcs with various things and so on. It could take several weeks to help rebuild it.
This would only amplify the "problem" that already exists; people are bitching that they miss content, or that there's too much of it too fast (too much content as a bad thing, never thought I'd hear
that). They send out e-mails pretty often and they announce stuff a week in advance, but there are still complaints that people are missing content.
Imagine the tidal wave of rage if people found out a major event happened "randomly and not predetermined by a living story update?" They'd scream "I MISSED IT" and "WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL US THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?!". Especially if there are one-time loot chances attached to it, as there was with the Southsun events (granted, that was ridiculously good loot).
I'm all for things like that happening, but they have to at least give people a hint something is about to happen. The best we can hope for is what we've been getting; clues, hints, and mystery, with a dash of red herring for flavor. We have all of these things; the Molten Alliance, the Aetherblades, the Zephyrites and their connection with Glint... it feels like corner puzzle pieces from different puzzles; they don't fit together. We're waiting for a few more puzzle pieces in the middle to get an idea how everything pans out.
Because officially they've been planning their personal story until the end of the year (at least, last we heard), and I wouldn't be shocked if they try to map out where things are going a year in advance. Remember that they have hardcore lore nerds like Ree Soesbee, Jeff Grubb and the like, who's full time job I presume is making sure everything tells a story.
I like to think we're getting close to a big puzzle piece here soon, on the one year anniversary. The Queen's Jubilee so far feels like a nice "Yay, we made it a full year!" celebration... I'm hoping next week's preview casts a long shadow of the things to come.
Now if this doesn't happen, I'm gonna be really upset with you.
Me too, honestly. Maybe it's just the inane, rabid hate the cropped up in the EQNext thread, or the fact that EQN is really the only MMO on the horizon that could compete with GW2 (and that it so shamelessly cribs from ArenaNet's design philosophies), but I want to see ANet do some stomping soon.
Not just "Look at the content we put out every two weeks!" (Which is incredible) or their awesome support and fearlessness towards major changes (We haven't even begun to see salt over the Magic Find removal yet...). I mean really bring the hammer down and and show that GW2, a year later, is a beast to be reckoned with. I feel like the stream of updates, impressive as they are, hasn't made a lasting impression. The gaming press seems to have this "Yeah, it's cool and all..." attitude but they don't seem all that impressed.
More features, more permanent content, more big profession changes. Luckily, that's all supposed to happen before the end of the year, unless something changes from Colin's blog post.
I just feel like the anniversary is a good time to do it.
I was, and still am baffled, by peoples unwillingness to embrace the randomness. Give me chaos and surprise me, instead of making me bored with a static content.
I was there for the WotLK Zombie event too, and I remember how enraged the community was. It was so stupid, you'd think something as awesome as the undead invading and turning players into zombies would be a blast, but you're right; people were so upset that they couldn't do their quests, that it disrupted raid schedules and farming, that some players actually LIKED being zombies and were really getting into it.
I don't think I remember it with the same level of bile that you do, but it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth. WoW's community wasn't exactly great to begin with, but after Wrath it was completely insufferable. I think that was about the time I started playing LotRO...
Just yesterday, I helped kill a dredge champion in a cave in Snowfarer that I had never seen before. After it was dead, the Norn NPCs started dancing, and sang this really cool song. I had never seen this, even after 800 hours of play.
I see something new every day, even if I'm not looking. Sometimes it's just an aesthetic thing; a little fenced-in path leading to a factory in Diessa; I'd never approached that location from the south, so I'd never noticed it before. Sometimes it's a new event, sometimes NPC dialogue. I found some Sylvari talking about Rock Paper Scissors in Brisbane earlier this week, trying to figure out how paper could possibly beat rock. Another nearby NPCs makes a Firefly reference too (well, Serenity, but still...)
GW2 is one of the few games where I feel like I will never see everything, that someone will always have something new to show me. We were running around hunting Champions Tuesday night (for SCIENCE!) and I'd never seen a lot of them, or places nearby that were pointed out. We took a detour to look at a collapsed bridge in Brisbane with a portal on the other side, leading into a zone with future content. I think only Ash and I had seen it before; it was new to just about everyone else (and I know for a fact they've all played a shitload too).
I mean... I've never seen a Modus Sceleris event. EVER. I didn't even know they existed.
thank god i'm normal with my 20g... I still don't know how to make gold in this game. buying and reselling on the TP just isn't my thing, and I don't know where to farm (i'm not interested in dungeons until we get a proper dungeon finder)
Don't buy anything, ever. Vendor blues and greens, sell rares and exotics on the TP unless you plan to use them. Do world events. Gather EVERYTHING, do EVERY event. Avoid the TP like the plague; it will separate you from your money faster than anything else in the game.
I've never farmed, never gotten a precursor, never played the Trading Post game. Never converted dungeon tokens into armor and salvaged them for ectos. Never converted gems into gold, never made a magic find set.
The closest to farming I've ever done is run dungeons with Keoni's Krewe (usually AC3, CoF1 and usually HotW) almost every day for about 3-4 months. That was more for fun than profit, honestly, because we turned it into a race where every day we got a little bit better, a little more in tune with each other, a little better with the game...
Two 80s, a slew of 60s. No legendaries, but none of them interest me. World completion on only my Warrior. I'm not going to put an exact amount out there, but I've had my Golden tag for a while now (never use it, always feel like it's a "Rob me, please!" flag for hackers and scammers).
I'd probably have more too, except I've converted gold into gems a half dozen times for stupid things like skins, black lion keys (I bought a lot to get tickets for my Aetherblade Shield and Rifle). I dunno how many times I've bought influence for the guild in 10 or 20g amounts, probably 4 or 5 times? But beyond that, I don't buy anything, and that's really the only trick I have. Gold is just another thing I hoard.