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Guild Wars 2 |OT3| Two Week Updates, One Box, Zero Subscriptions

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first off, not really picking on you
second off, how the hell have you had less than 30g? that's crazy low. unless you're buying every skin or gold to gems or something..

... If you're rolling in the gold and think THAT'S small potatoes than please, feel free to bestow upon me some 30 something gold ... cause I haven't been able to make it pass 20g so far :/


after pooling all my characters to one wallet i had a whopping.... 13G, (+5 i still have sitting in the TP, which may be 14G now)
Something I always imagined that GW2 would do prior to launch was that the game would be much more dynamic. ANet say noone noticed their new events but that is probably because they were probably more of the same.

What I always wanted was a much more dynamic world with much bigger impact. Imgine if for example one day, randomly and not predetermined by a living story update, dragons for example attacks Lion's Arc and you would have a several day long battle to defend the city. If you would fail this LA could be in ruins and players would have to work together to help rebuild the city, gathering materials, crafting things, help npcs with various things and so on. It could take several weeks to help rebuild it.
This may not happen again for a very long time, it's all random. Something like this would create a much bigger impact and a sense of a living world instead of only just small events that reallly does not affect anything and are just restarted a few minutes later. We could even take the dynamics further by say having the dragons provoked by people killing them in the world and this would help trigger an event like this.
This is just one example of how I hoped for things to be. Dynamics events of this scale actually affecting the world and be triggered by player actions rather than a fully announced update by ANet is probably something we wont see, but one can dream right.

I see what, you are saying, but also, I am conflicted.

I had an epiphany at one point, in 2008, when Blizzard made one of the most game-changing things they ever did with World of Warcraft. It was a few months leading up to the release of World of Warcraft: WoTLK, and WoW had been out for 4 years.
They made this meta-event where a zombie epidemic would raze the entire world, and corrupt other players turning them into monsters, thus becoming hostile for all the friendly NPCs in the world.
This was mechanically, while temporarily the biggest change this static and never-changing game world had ever seen.
And it was met with absolute disgust and anger. Not because it was not well implanted. Not because it wasn't fun or exiting or cleaver. But so?

Because people couldn't quest. People didn't care. They just wanted to do their predictable things and get on with it. Dying more often, not being able to turn in quests. Instead of seeing this as a challenge, people got angry.
I was, and still am baffled, by peoples unwillingness to embrace the randomness. Give me chaos and surprise me, instead of making me bored with a static content.


So if what you are proposing is an elder dragon who frequently sacks Lions Arch. Imagine what that would do? To all the people who can't do the content there. Imagine the workload.

They probably used a CRAZY amount of time to design the animations, effects and finetuning mechanics of a highly stating fight like the Shattere or Jormag or Sunless or even the disliked Zhaitan story fight.
All these fights with dragons are static. They can't move, things rarely change up. It's almost like auto-aiming at random hitboxes in the same sequences over and over.
The reason is manyfold; performance, gameplay, workload. Realistically, to give these dragons the freedom, to roam around aimlessly like Skyrim, and destroy any city at will, would be cool. Particularly if it was a rare thing, and if rebuilding a city on a server would take months or/and have consequences on the world.

Some people feel that ArenaNet lied in their manifesto video, but I think that's wrong to say that. Guild Wars 2, really does offer a dynamic world. The problem is, that they would need 10 times as many events to really make you feel like you are not doing the same events over and over. The hearts, don't help this endevour. Unfortunately I am a player who does the hearts, every time, perhaps because I have OCD and because I find it more levelling effective than looking for events(instead doing hearts, and then going to events when they come to me) which unfortunately has made the levelling experience much more like World of Warcraft, for me. Though, only in quest design. And not completely.

Just yesterday, I helped kill a dredge champion in a cave in Snowfarer that I had never seen before. After it was dead, the Norn NPCs started dancing, and sang this really cool song. I had never seen this, even after 800 hours of play.

Guild Wars 2 eventually dropped the up scalling. Had they kept that (along with no-tier traits) the game would be more freeform, and ArenaNet could easily have introduced more gamebreaking elements.
The problem is that a lot of players are not advanced, and a lot of people don't make it far in these games. It's hard to believe that video games can be so difficult for them, but not all are born and raised gamers. Some people come freshly woven in from the streets with no prior experience.

In the end, if you want to fault this, then fault it on GW2s archaic mechanics, like instanced dungeons and personal story. Had they focused all their resources on just making a dynamic world, then perhaps it would be more consequential. At the same note, not everyone plays for the events. A lot of people play for the dungeons, the legendaries, the WvW or even the personal story and 100% completion.



Playstyles differ and a lot of people have constant costs, so amassing a ton of gold isn't common at all.

The only time I've been able to amass anything north of 30g was farming SAB skins and selling them. I made like.. 120g or something after all was said and done. But that promptly went into Legendary materials. So yeah.. I've seen both sides of the spectrum and unless someone is farming events/dungeons or is really good at playing the TP and doing little else, they likely don't have a lot of gold.


thank god i'm normal with my 20g... I still don't know how to make gold in this game. buying and reselling on the TP just isn't my thing, and I don't know where to farm (i'm not interested in dungeons until we get a proper dungeon finder)
second off, how the hell have you had less than 30g? that's crazy low. unless you're buying every skin or gold to gems or something.

I've been playing since launch and only have 42 gold. Granted I will buy gear from the TP rather than craft it or chase materials but, still, 30 gold isn't that low.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Lol Khold must be laughing seeing all these gold amounts...he has 3 legendaries.
Haha, though I'm pretty sure he was bankrupted a few times on the way!

I've saved a lot, but there was a point at which I began doing so very consciously and really didn't spend gold on much of substance for a really long time afterward. Prior to that moment I never had more than 15G on me at a time. And Ash as an example has a freaking ton of stuff that I do not.
imbask said:
I still don't know how to make gold in this game
Decent start, if you haven't seen it!
buying and reselling on the TP just isn't my thing
Me neither. It's just kinda boring, even though it is certainly a source of constant profit.
I don't know where to farm
Not for nothing but there's currently this 30x30 foot room in Divinity's Reach that spits gold at you in an endless stream.

Made almost 5g in well under 2 hours in Orr last night as well. Explore the three Orrian zones a lot to get waypoints and check it out when folk are hunting. The champions in Frostgorge are also srs bsns. Also, just following the world event train around daily is kind of a form of farming, and very consistent and easy silver.
i'm not interested in dungeons until we get a proper dungeon finder
If I may, what is your aversion to guild runs or gw2lfg?


I tend to spend a lot, but I'm at around 120 gold, That'll likely be gone over the weekend. I used to hit the world boss train everyday, but thats rare lately. Mostly just do dailies, hit whatever world boss I run into, and occasionally do AC3 / hotw 1. I pretty much TP every rare over 20s and all the runes from armor salvages. Its not much, but it seems to work for me. Hours upon hours of 'pure' farming isn't something I can handle.

I was shocked lastnight when a friend who only does world bosses and guild missions told me they were buying precursor. Turns out he had hoarded around 500g. Regular play just seems to add up if you let it.

Had a pug show us how to skip most of SE path 3 lastnight. In a weird way, I'm more comfortable with walking along the rafters and edges like than then something like stacking, which always felt more like an explotic to me.


I am also in the habitually poor camp in most MMOs. I just hate farming, and when I do have the money I tend to spend it before it accumulates into much. Gotta have armor skins.


If I may, what is your aversion to guild runs or gw2lfg?

not interested. I want an in-game, easy to use method. I already stated in this thread that i've pretty much always been against the grain with the Dungeon Finder that WoW uses : I liked it. I'm aware that people disliked the fact that it killed the "community" aspect of the game, but it was the perfect farming tool!

I want the game to match and group me with people without having to do it myself, i'll talk to them once we're in a group, but i'm not running around yelling LFG.

Also, since the game has been out for a year now, and i've done about 4 dungeon runs overall : I don't know how they work, what the paths are or what to do in them... I don't like being the guy who slows everybody down because I have to ask what to do every 3 seconds especially if I had to find or make the groupe myself... + add to that the fact that i'm not geared yet since I stopped playing for like 7 months

I don't know really, it's just me I guess, i'm just not interested in dungeons right now because I don't like the way they work/feel. They almost feel like a "private club" for experimented player. That's why I like WvW, if you fuck up you have 50 people around you to back you up, it gives me a break


Also, since the game has been out for a year now, and i've done about 4 dungeon runs overall : I don't know how they work, what the paths are or what to do in them... I don't like being the guy who slows everybody down because I have to ask what to do every 3 seconds especially if I had to find or make the groupe myself... + add to that the fact that i'm not geared yet since I stopped playing for like 7 months

I can relate to this, this is why I try to run with the guild as much as possible.


not interested. I want an in-game, easy to use method. I already stated in this thread that i've pretty much always been against the grain with the Dungeon Finder that WoW uses : I liked it. I'm aware that people disliked the fact that it killed the "community" aspect of the game, but it was the perfect farming tool!

I want the game to match and group me with people without having to do it myself, i'll talk to them once we're in a group, but i'm not running around yelling LFG.

Also, since the game has been out for a year now, and i've done about 4 dungeon runs overall : I don't know how they work, what the paths are or what to do in them... I don't like being the guy who slows everybody down because I have to ask what to do every 3 seconds especially if I had to find or make the groupe myself... + add to that the fact that i'm not geared yet since I stopped playing for like 7 months

I don't know really, it's just me I guess, i'm just not interested in dungeons right now because I don't like the way they work/feel. They almost feel like a "private club" for experimented player. That's why I like WvW, if you fuck up you have 50 people around you to back you up, it gives me a break

This is why running with the guild is fantastic. That being said, gw2lfg is basically the same concept. Not as convenient as an in-game system, but pretty dang good nonetheless. Just sit tight though, in-game lfg is probably in the pipeline.

Also, in terms of difficulty, dungeons are traditionally some of the hardest content in this game. It takes teamwork and coordination, however none of them are so hard that I've had one guy completely ruin a dungeon for me. The guild is laid back. If you used an in game dungeon-finder, you'd almost be guaranteed to get a group that wants to get through as fast as possible with no mistakes. Most people in the guild are willing to train people and guide them through their first couple of times.


This is why running with the guild is fantastic. That being said, gw2lfg is basically the same concept. Not as convenient as an in-game system, but pretty dang good nonetheless. Just sit tight though, in-game lfg is probably in the pipeline.

Also, in terms of difficulty, dungeons are traditionally some of the hardest content in this game. It takes teamwork and coordination, however none of them are so hard that I've had one guy completely ruin a dungeon for me. The guild is laid back. If you used an in game dungeon-finder, you'd almost be guaranteed to get a group that wants to get through as fast as possible with no mistakes. Most people in the guild are willing to train people and guide them through their first couple of times.

i'm on Blackgate in a WvW guild (because I love WvW, obviously) and they don't run dungeons, which kinda adds to my disinterest


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just sit tight though, in-game lfg is probably in the pipeline.
It is rather close to done. I'd be surprised if I'd not included in one of the 3 releases between now and the end of Sept.
Don´t remember...but was in Honor of the Waves p2 last boss.
Gilded Strongbox. Much obliged.

edit: Getting pretty fleshed out here :)
Big middle finger to Krill and Quaggan for being annoying outliers in an otherwise consistent pattern (they appear to always count as "Monster" and "Aquatic" family respectively, even in Icebrood/Risen form). Still need to try a Risen Krait champ, actually.


What I always wanted was a much more dynamic world with much bigger impact. Imgine if for example one day, randomly and not predetermined by a living story update, dragons for example attacks Lion's Arc and you would have a several day long battle to defend the city. If you would fail this LA could be in ruins and players would have to work together to help rebuild the city, gathering materials, crafting things, help npcs with various things and so on. It could take several weeks to help rebuild it.

This would only amplify the "problem" that already exists; people are bitching that they miss content, or that there's too much of it too fast (too much content as a bad thing, never thought I'd hear that). They send out e-mails pretty often and they announce stuff a week in advance, but there are still complaints that people are missing content.

Imagine the tidal wave of rage if people found out a major event happened "randomly and not predetermined by a living story update?" They'd scream "I MISSED IT" and "WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL US THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?!". Especially if there are one-time loot chances attached to it, as there was with the Southsun events (granted, that was ridiculously good loot).

I'm all for things like that happening, but they have to at least give people a hint something is about to happen. The best we can hope for is what we've been getting; clues, hints, and mystery, with a dash of red herring for flavor. We have all of these things; the Molten Alliance, the Aetherblades, the Zephyrites and their connection with Glint... it feels like corner puzzle pieces from different puzzles; they don't fit together. We're waiting for a few more puzzle pieces in the middle to get an idea how everything pans out.

Because officially they've been planning their personal story until the end of the year (at least, last we heard), and I wouldn't be shocked if they try to map out where things are going a year in advance. Remember that they have hardcore lore nerds like Ree Soesbee, Jeff Grubb and the like, who's full time job I presume is making sure everything tells a story.

I like to think we're getting close to a big puzzle piece here soon, on the one year anniversary. The Queen's Jubilee so far feels like a nice "Yay, we made it a full year!" celebration... I'm hoping next week's preview casts a long shadow of the things to come.

Now if this doesn't happen, I'm gonna be really upset with you.

Me too, honestly. Maybe it's just the inane, rabid hate the cropped up in the EQNext thread, or the fact that EQN is really the only MMO on the horizon that could compete with GW2 (and that it so shamelessly cribs from ArenaNet's design philosophies), but I want to see ANet do some stomping soon.

Not just "Look at the content we put out every two weeks!" (Which is incredible) or their awesome support and fearlessness towards major changes (We haven't even begun to see salt over the Magic Find removal yet...). I mean really bring the hammer down and and show that GW2, a year later, is a beast to be reckoned with. I feel like the stream of updates, impressive as they are, hasn't made a lasting impression. The gaming press seems to have this "Yeah, it's cool and all..." attitude but they don't seem all that impressed.

More features, more permanent content, more big profession changes. Luckily, that's all supposed to happen before the end of the year, unless something changes from Colin's blog post.

I just feel like the anniversary is a good time to do it.

I was, and still am baffled, by peoples unwillingness to embrace the randomness. Give me chaos and surprise me, instead of making me bored with a static content.

I was there for the WotLK Zombie event too, and I remember how enraged the community was. It was so stupid, you'd think something as awesome as the undead invading and turning players into zombies would be a blast, but you're right; people were so upset that they couldn't do their quests, that it disrupted raid schedules and farming, that some players actually LIKED being zombies and were really getting into it.

I don't think I remember it with the same level of bile that you do, but it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth. WoW's community wasn't exactly great to begin with, but after Wrath it was completely insufferable. I think that was about the time I started playing LotRO...

Just yesterday, I helped kill a dredge champion in a cave in Snowfarer that I had never seen before. After it was dead, the Norn NPCs started dancing, and sang this really cool song. I had never seen this, even after 800 hours of play.

I see something new every day, even if I'm not looking. Sometimes it's just an aesthetic thing; a little fenced-in path leading to a factory in Diessa; I'd never approached that location from the south, so I'd never noticed it before. Sometimes it's a new event, sometimes NPC dialogue. I found some Sylvari talking about Rock Paper Scissors in Brisbane earlier this week, trying to figure out how paper could possibly beat rock. Another nearby NPCs makes a Firefly reference too (well, Serenity, but still...)

GW2 is one of the few games where I feel like I will never see everything, that someone will always have something new to show me. We were running around hunting Champions Tuesday night (for SCIENCE!) and I'd never seen a lot of them, or places nearby that were pointed out. We took a detour to look at a collapsed bridge in Brisbane with a portal on the other side, leading into a zone with future content. I think only Ash and I had seen it before; it was new to just about everyone else (and I know for a fact they've all played a shitload too).

I mean... I've never seen a Modus Sceleris event. EVER. I didn't even know they existed.

thank god i'm normal with my 20g... I still don't know how to make gold in this game. buying and reselling on the TP just isn't my thing, and I don't know where to farm (i'm not interested in dungeons until we get a proper dungeon finder)

Don't buy anything, ever. Vendor blues and greens, sell rares and exotics on the TP unless you plan to use them. Do world events. Gather EVERYTHING, do EVERY event. Avoid the TP like the plague; it will separate you from your money faster than anything else in the game.

I've never farmed, never gotten a precursor, never played the Trading Post game. Never converted dungeon tokens into armor and salvaged them for ectos. Never converted gems into gold, never made a magic find set.

The closest to farming I've ever done is run dungeons with Keoni's Krewe (usually AC3, CoF1 and usually HotW) almost every day for about 3-4 months. That was more for fun than profit, honestly, because we turned it into a race where every day we got a little bit better, a little more in tune with each other, a little better with the game...

Two 80s, a slew of 60s. No legendaries, but none of them interest me. World completion on only my Warrior. I'm not going to put an exact amount out there, but I've had my Golden tag for a while now (never use it, always feel like it's a "Rob me, please!" flag for hackers and scammers).

I'd probably have more too, except I've converted gold into gems a half dozen times for stupid things like skins, black lion keys (I bought a lot to get tickets for my Aetherblade Shield and Rifle). I dunno how many times I've bought influence for the guild in 10 or 20g amounts, probably 4 or 5 times? But beyond that, I don't buy anything, and that's really the only trick I have. Gold is just another thing I hoard.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I mean really bring the hammer down and and show that GW2, a year later, is a beast to be reckoned with. I feel like the stream of updates, impressive as they are, hasn't made a lasting impression. The gaming press seems to have this "Yeah, it's cool and all..." attitude but they don't seem all that impressed.
If from nothing before, this will occur when the first batch of new skills is added to the game. Remember that this is guaranteed by December 24th at the latest.
I mean... I've never seen a Modus Sceleris event. EVER. I didn't even know they existed
For serious. what is their deeeeeal.
Yeah I've had at least two of the Skritt Burglars (and I don't explore that much after getting my 100% completion) and none of the Modus Operandites. ;p


from IGN: Colin talking about GW2 anniversary plans

"We’re going to do a release on the 20th that is intended to be our big anniversary release celebration," he explained. "That release is intended not only to provide a lot of awesome content for people to experience, but to also set the tone for what they should expect for the living world and the types of things we want to do with events in the year to come.

"It takes the story of the last year and brings it all together. It makes it clear where everything has been going and really closes a lot of open questions that players have had. It’s a story that really affects the entire world and permanently creates content and change for the entire world game-wide, which is really something that’s important to us and we want to showcase that that’s where stuff is headed.


from IGN: Colin talking about GW2 anniversary plans

Hype levels rising. Something big's gonna go down in Divinity's Reach.

Super Random Guess Mode Activate: Something will permanently affect the dungeons, and Anet will also introduce the LFG tool.
Hawk, I'm not sure if you already got this covered in your spread-sheet, but I think there is a Champion Ice Elemental at the top of the Commisar Tower...just before you enter that Jumping Puzzle.

Could be wrong. Haven't been up there since we had a jumping puzzle day, way back when Retro and Jepsen would run them.
Hawk, I'm not sure if you already got this covered in your spread-sheet, but I think there is a Champion Ice Elemental at the top of the Commisar Tower...just before you enter that Jumping Puzzle.

Could be wrong. Haven't been up there since we had a jumping puzzle day, way back when Retro and Jepsen would run them.

I did this the other day for the monthly and it was a veteran. Maybe it will scale to a champ?


If from nothing before, this will occur when the first batch of new skills is added to the game. Remember that this is guaranteed by December 24th at the latest.

I wouldn't be shocked if it's earlier. The Blog post rattled off a ton of stuff like the Wallet, dungeon reward changes, champion loot boxes, new crafting materials (do Quartz and Watchwork cogs count?), and solo queues for PVP that are already done. I wouldn't be shocked if Account MF and the LFG tool are in soon too. Then all that's left is Ascended Armor, new Legendaries, Crafting to 500 and new skills / traits... for the entire last half of 2013?

I feel like even with all the amazing stuff in that blog post, they're selling the last half of 2013 really short... we know how fast they get this stuff done... and we know that Colin had to cut that blog article by HALF. What else was in there that we don't know is coming?

Other MMOs, you wait for the features they've announced.
GW2, you wait for the stuff they haven't.

For serious. what is their deeeeeal.

The wiki says "Modus Sceleris" means "Way of Crime", but it seems more like a Fight Club than anything.

from IGN: Colin talking about GW2 anniversary plans

I love that this feels like a "Season Finale" event; everyone has kind of come to Divinity's Reach for a party, our new friends Rox and Braham have showed up, and now we know that we're going to get some of the mysteries revealed... probably right before a big cliffhanger.

I need to find this place ASAP.

It's three Sylvari talking together in a town in the western area (I forget the name, gimmie a sec). One of the Sylvari says
"I am a leaf on the wind." Maybe not exactly a Serenity reference, but my ears perked up at it.


I already got mine. Running to 30 balloon sites is a good way to get your champion, representation (each emissary you escort is worth 10 points) and Aetherblade achievements done quickly too...


"yay... we're having some fun now..."

Cheer up Dhalion, it's a party. Sheesh.
It's three Sylvari talking together in a town in the western area (I forget the name, gimmie a sec). One of the Sylvari says
"I am a leaf on the wind." Maybe not exactly a Serenity reference, but my ears perked up at it.

DEFINITELY a Serenity reference. There's no way it isn't.


The Cryptarch's Bane
11 days y'all. Hype.


*sigh* Don't mistake me for jumping on the "Dulfy is everything bad about gaming" hate train, but her Champion weapons page has become a real source of frustration for me.

Typically I find her guides and data dumps to be a solid source of confirmation on info I'm piecing together, but she has really gone about this all wrong. So many of the listings say "Drops from the Champion Boar in Queesdale," "such-and-such dugeon boss," "Frozen Maw" (??? that's just the name of the event)... a couple seriously just say "Twilight Arbor" and "COE". Those are entire dungeons! They easily have at least two kinds of Champion/Bosses apiece...

None of these weapons actually drop from anything she lists them dropping from. All that drops from the reported mobs are the bags, and the bags aren't associated with any individual mob or even any individual mob type, just the family. So sure, the Queensdale boar drops a Fallen Adventurer's Backpack. So do the Champion Jungle Skelk in Mount Maelstrom, the Spider and Wurm bosses in Twilight Arbor, the Champ Ice Drake in Frostgorge Sound, and the Champ Reef Rider in Southsun Cove alongside like 30 others. Any of those Backpacks can be opened up to have Lord Taeres’s Shadow pop out – which according to her page "Drops from: Champion spider in Queensdale."

It's just frustrating because while an incomplete list of Champions is one thing, this is misleading information and it's such a popular site that people who are actually hunting religiously for these weapons will get completely the wrong idea based on how she describes them dropping... whereas I've already put a fair amount of effort into confirming these things, such as hoarding all of my Deluxe Gear Boxes to verify that ones from Dredge stack with ones from Inquest stack with ones from Aetherblades (or that Gilded Strongboxes from Icebrood stack with ones from Destroyers). That means they have the same item code (the game literally cannot tell them apart) which ensures that the contents can drop from either and the specific mob is irrelevant. There is strong evidence (though not confirmed) that even the ones that don't stack (Pirate and Bandit Coin Purses do not seem to) are just item code discrepancies and still have identical contents.

She doesn't have a single mention of Champion families, name the loot bags associated with the skins, or note the fact that you could farm for many of them in literally any zone in Tyria. Luckily the info from my research is being reproduced on a page on the wiki, so I'm gonna keep working on it.
I did this the other day for the monthly and it was a veteran. Maybe it will scale to a champ?
Dredgehaunt isn't high level enough for such scaling to occur :(

That's a shame, because Elementals we've gotten the least data on really. I just have one patient zero essentially, the "fire creature" from the Mount Maelstrom "shrine of the silver monkey"-style event, and that's a fire elemental/ember type.

Champion Warbeasts (i.e. the shiny things raised by Centaurs) are listed on the Wiki as elementals but I don't particularly get why. They drop the same bags as Centaurs, anyway.


DEFINITELY a Serenity reference. There's no way it isn't.

I looked it up, it's definitely in Zindar Slope, Southeast corner of Brisbane. The only other town on the east side is a Seraph encampment at Wendon. It's a group of three Sylvari talking, the line comes from a male who was going on about how good he is in combat.

None of these weapons actually drop from anything she lists them dropping from. All that drops from the reported mobs are the bags, and the bags aren't associated with any individual mob or even any individual mob type, just the family. So sure, the Queensdale boar drops a Fallen Adventurer's Backpack. So do the Champion Jungle Skelk in Mount Maelstrom, the Spider and Wurm bosses in Twilight Arbor, the Champ Ice Drake in Frostgorge Sound, and the Champ Reef Rider in Southsun Cove alongside like 30 others. Any of those Backpacks can be opened up to have Lord Taeres’s Shadow pop out – which according to her page "Drops from: Champion spider in Queensdale."

The path of least resistance is a way of life for the majority of MMO players. I enjoy a quick COF1 run as much as the next guy (and before the revision, Ghosteater runs), but if Dulfy says it drops there, you can bet your ass people are going to stand there and grind it... and then bitch that GW2 is all a big RNG Grind and the Manifesto was a lie, most likely.
I looked it up, it's definitely in Zindar Slope, Southeast corner of Brisbane. The only other town on the east side is a Seraph encampment at Wendon. It's a group of three Sylvari talking, the line comes from a male who was going on about how good he is in combat.

Does he die promptly after saying the line? ;x

Colin did state a few nights ago that the biggest upset ever wasn't Evon losing, but was Serenity getting canceled. :p

Firefly* and sadly true. :(
I think should GAF should take it up for themselves to farm as many Branded Strongboxes, Slim-Covered Strongboxes, Beaded Pouches and Heirloom Seed Pouches to hopefully find out if there are any other new weapons in them.


Colin did state a few nights ago that the biggest upset ever wasn't Evon losing, but was Serenity getting canceled. :p

Not to go off on a wild tangent here, but is it weird that I felt bad/guilty for getting into Firefly so late (watched it on Netflix last year)? Here's a great show that has this rabid fanbase that fought (and still fights) for the show, and I just wandered into it 'eventually'. It feels weird to become a fan of something so late after a lot of people have put a lot of work into keeping it alive.

The only excuse I have is that I both working and going to college full time which didn't leave much time for anything back then (including sleep).

Serenity Spoiler

I think should GAF should take it up for themselves to farm as many Branded Strongboxes, Slim-Covered Strongboxes, Beaded Pouches and Heirloom Seed Pouches to hopefully find out if there are any other new weapons in them.

Branded Strongboxes are tough since there's only like.. 4 listed events with champions, they're nowhere near each other and only one of them is a non-group Event. My guess is the others are like that as well.

But seeing as how nearly all (if not all) of the datamined weapons have been found in other bags, the liklihood is that they would have a weapon (or weapons) found in other bags.

Not to go off on a wild tangent here, but is it weird that I felt bad/guilty for getting into Firefly so late (watched it on Netflix last year)? Here's a great show that has this rabid fanbase that fought (and still fights) for the show, and I just wandered into it 'eventually'. It feels weird to become a fan of something so late after a lot of people have put a lot of work into keeping it alive.

The only excuse I have is that I both working and going to college full time which didn't leave much time for anything back then (including sleep).

I didn't find the show until.. 5 or 6 years after the cancellation? I randomly bought the first episode on PSN one day when I was especially bored and didn't want to leave the house to rent anything. Bought a purchased every ep they had (which oddly was missing the episode "Safe"). I've since repurchased the series and the movie on Blu Ray and regularly use some of the Firefly created terms and quotes. I swear I'm not a fanatic though...


The Cryptarch's Bane
I think should GAF should take it up for themselves to farm as many Branded Strongboxes, Slim-Covered Strongboxes, Beaded Pouches and Heirloom Seed Pouches to hopefully find out if there are any other new weapons in them.
*nod* Blazeridge actually seems like a poor choice for Champions (at least, for known ones- I'm sure they're there, but the Wiki doesn't list a single one!). Fields of Ruin, though, might be an excellent choice- how'd you guys feel about doing that say this upcoming Wednesday night?


*nod* Blazeridge actually seems like a poor choice for Champions (at least, for known ones- I'm sure they're there, but the Wiki doesn't list a single one!). Fields of Ruin, though, might be an excellent choice- how'd you guys feel about doing that say this upcoming Wednesday night?

I like fields of ruin. I think it's pretty much my least explored area.
I had an epiphany at one point, in 2008, when Blizzard made one of the most game-changing things they ever did with World of Warcraft. It was a few months leading up to the release of World of Warcraft: WoTLK, and WoW had been out for 4 years.
They made this meta-event where a zombie epidemic would raze the entire world, and corrupt other players turning them into monsters, thus becoming hostile for all the friendly NPCs in the world.
This was mechanically, while temporarily the biggest change this static and never-changing game world had ever seen.
And it was met with absolute disgust and anger. Not because it was not well implanted. Not because it wasn't fun or exiting or cleaver. But so?

Because people couldn't quest. People didn't care. They just wanted to do their predictable things and get on with it. Dying more often, not being able to turn in quests. Instead of seeing this as a challenge, people got angry.
I was, and still am baffled, by peoples unwillingness to embrace the randomness. Give me chaos and surprise me, instead of making me bored with a static content.

For the record, the zombie outbreak may well be both the second fondest memory and the most fun I've had out of the 5+ years I played WoW. I got myself infected as early as I could (in the first stages you had to go out of your way for it), when most people didn't know a thing about it, and recruited armies of NPCs by turning them into zombies, then assault lone players while mumbling "braaaains". Later on it was utter madness. Possibly WoW's biggest stroke of genius.

Most of my friends' reactions ranged from mild amusement to disgust at, indeed, not being able to keep doing the same thing they were doing for the past few years. I could never understand that. I would be lying if I said I didn't learn a sad, disappointing lesson those days.


The Cryptarch's Bane
For the record, the zombie outbreak may well be both the second fondest memory and the most fun I've had out of the 5+ years I played WoW. I got myself infected as early as I could (in the first stages you had to go out of your way for it), when most people didn't know a thing about it, and recruited armies of NPCs by turning them into zombies, then assault lone players while mumbling "braaaains". Later on it was utter madness. Possibly WoW's biggest stroke of genius.

Most of my friends' reactions ranged from mild amusement to disgust at, indeed, not being able to keep doing the same thing they were doing for the past few years. I could never understand that. I would be lying if I said I didn't learn a sad, disappointing lesson those days.
During the epidemic, normal gameplay was disrupted. Player responses varied but resembled real-world behaviors. Some characters with healing abilities volunteered their services, some lower-level characters who could not help would direct people away from infected areas, some characters would flee to uninfected areas, and some characters attempted to spread the disease to others.[1] Players in the game reacted to the disease as if there was real risk to their well-being.[4] Blizzard Entertainment attempted to institute a voluntary quarantine to stem the disease, but it failed, as some players didn't take it seriously, while others took advantage of the pandemonium.[1] Despite certain security measures, players overcame them by giving the disease to summonable pets.[5] Blizzard was forced to fix the problem by instituting hard resets of the servers and applying "quick fixes".[2]

Every once in a while I just love to read about it. Maybe the only thing I've ever heard described that made me wish I'd been playing WoW back in the day. I can't believe it wasn't intended by the dev team.

edit: Oh, I guess you're talking about an intended knockoff world event years later? Meh!


Every once in a while I just love to read about it. Maybe the only thing I've ever heard described that made me wish I'd been playing WoW back in the day. I can't believe it wasn't intended by the dev team.

You're reading about two different things. We're talking about an intentional event that occurred for the Wrath of the Lich King launch where everyone turned into zombies and could infect each other.

The wiki article you're looking at was an earlier, unintended effect. There was a debuff introduced in the Zul Gurub raid called Corrupted Blood that basically dealt a ton of damage every second and spread to nearby players (the mechanic involved basically meant you had to stay spread out and priests had to be on their A-game to remove it before it spread). Players found out they could hearth back to their home cities with the debuff still on, where it spread rapidly and killed a ton of people. It was originally a bug, but when people found out about it a lot of of intentional griefing was done.

That was a little bug that had unintended consequences that the community, for the most part, thought was an annoying, but didn't care about too much (it was fixed after a day). The other outbreak was an intended event that the community had a shit-fit about because it rocked their happy little world on purpose (for lore reasons, the undead were basically invading).
You're reading about two different things. We're talking about an intentional event that occurred for the Wrath of the Lich King launch where everyone turned into zombies and could infect each other.

The wiki article you're looking at was an earlier, unintended effect. There was a debuff introduced in the Zul Gurub raid called Corrupted Blood that basically dealt a ton of damage every second and spread to nearby players (the mechanic involved basically meant you had to stay spread out and priests had to be on their A-game to remove it before it spread). Players found out they could hearth back to their home cities with the debuff still on, where it spread rapidly and killed a ton of people. It was originally a bug, but when people found out about it a lot of of intentional griefing was done.

That was a little bug that had unintended consequences that the community, for the most part, thought was an annoying, but didn't care about too much (it was fixed after a day). The other outbreak was an intended event that the community had a shit-fit about because it rocked their happy little world on purpose (for lore reasons, the undead were basically invading).

I do think the general reactions being so far apart is rather telling. Vanilla Community vs WOTLK community.


I do think the general reactions being so far apart is rather telling. Vanilla Community vs WOTLK community.

I think when people get nostalgic for Vanilla WoW, they're not really thinking about the fight mechanics (which were bad), the quests (worse), or class design (the worst)... they miss the community that swelled up because of those things, that dealt with those problems and wasn't scared off by the rough-hewn feel of the game at that point. When WoW was streamlined and distilled into a formula, that's when the game started to go downhill, from both a gameplay and a community aspect.

That's not me saying "Casuals ruined WoW", or even "Blizzard's catering towards casuals ruined WoW"... it's me saying that Vanilla WoW was not an open, endearing world and it took a certain kind of personality and a certain degree of camaraderie to make your way in it, which made for a strong community. When the game was streamlined so that anyone could play it, it wasn't so much the hardcore being driven out by casuals as it was the people with the mentality to keep at something because it's rough (not in terms of difficulty, but in terms of it needing a lot of effort) being left with little to discover in a game that was increasingly on-rails.

It's like the people who appreciate the shine of silver because you have to spend a lot of time polishing it, being wiped away in favor of a slick, cool, stainless steel that, while easier to care for and just as functional, lacked the incalculable charms of 'roughing it', so to speak. It's not that silver is older, it's because it's been lovingly managed despite being a lot more work.

I dunno if that makes sense, it's kind of hard to explain... the community was more tight-knit because not just everyone 'got it', for no other reason than it was just not a great game yet, but packed full of promise. Vanguard was sort of the same way, but in much worse shape and with a much less patient MMO Fanbase.
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