there's nothing like SAB anywhere else ever and it is pure distilled arcadey joyous golden awesome FUN. It's a uniquely enjoyable experience in a game filled with enjoyable experiences and nobody can get me to love it with any less fervor or exuberance.
If its presence offends you enough that you can't safely ignore it then the game will certainly still be around come October We'll be here!
If its presence offends you enough that you can't safely ignore it then the game will certainly still be around come October We'll be here!
Womp womp. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense since it's a total stat budget being split. I'll still use it as one of my sets though.Celestial will stay as it is minus the MF bonus on it.
MF food will work as it is working now.
Utility Infusion will still work.
In order to bring you these tidbits I had to read a whole thread and I'm sad now.To answer a few more questions:
If you currently have listed an item with MF on the Trading Post, they will be returned to you, as they become account bound.
Upgrade components that currently give MF bonus will be updated with new functionality.
All existing drops and crafting recipes that have created Magic Find gear will be replaced with new stat combos.