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Guild Wars 2 |OT5| We've got fun and games

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So on the trait revision livestream the devs mention you would need to have completed approximately 100 skill challenges per character to unlock all skills and traits. Now that I'm attempting it, I can confirm this is a significant grind across all nine professions.

I've previously dismissed accusations of grind in GW2 because I've only seen it applied to utterly non-essential content. But I'm not sure what's more essential than having all of your skills and traits unlocked. And that will apparently be gaited behind a significant grind of traversing much of the world and repeating trivially easy PvE content eight additional times for those of us with all professions. Expect lots of "fast skill challenge waypoint" guides on reddit.


So on the trait revision livestream the devs mention you would need to have completed approximately 100 skill challenges per character to unlock all skills and traits. Now that I'm attempting it, I can confirm this is a significant grind across all nine professions.

I've previously dismissed accusations of grind in GW2 because I've only seen it applied to utterly non-essential content. But I'm not sure what's more essential than having all of your skills and traits unlocked. And that will apparently be gaited behind a significant grind of traversing much of the world and repeating trivially easy PvE content eight additional times for those of us with all professions. Expect lots of "fast skill challenge waypoint" guides on reddit.

Where'd you get the 100 skill challenges estimate? Here's the only thing I found (from here):
Most skill and trait unlocks will cost five Hero Points. While the numbers should not be considered final or absolute, Jon estimated that it will require roughly 465 Hero Points to unlock every trait and skill available to a character. The process of leveling to 80 will award about 400 Hero Points, so players will only need to complete a fraction of the available hero challenges to have enough points to unlock everything.

Still a lot, but it's not 100... and you also pick what you unlock now, so if you're not interested in a particular set of skills or traits you don't have to buy them right away. Another article mentions that "A level 80 character that’s done none of the hero challenges should be able to unlock more than enough skills, specializations, and traits to make several unique full builds. A single character who’s done a fair amount of the hero challenges should be able to unlock all of the core specializations, skills, and traits." I think just by roaming the world while leveling, players are likely to have enough. I'm also fairly certain existing characters won't have to deal with any of this.

I dunno. I would only see it as a grind like you're describing if you leveled every profession to 80 while purposely avoiding every Hero Challenge and then purposely did Hero Challenges for all nine back-to-back... and even then you could pick different challenges to grind, in theory. I'm just not seeing it.
I was wondering, have the devs ever addressed the problem of clipping? It is really a minor thing (and I'm sure it would need quite a lot of work to fix), but I found it really annoying, especially when I'm using Dagger+Dagger for example.




Where'd you get the 100 skill challenges estimate?
From the livestream, which I quoted. But you can also see the math here on the wiki:
400 pts from leveling
60 pts per "core" specializtion cost per trait line x 5 trait lines = 300 points
5 per utility skill * ~20 = 100 points
15 per elite skill * 3 at least = 45 points
??? for the elite specializations, but reasonably at least 60

Of course they also said these numbers could change, but they made it clear you would need to complete a significant number of skill challenges for every character.

I'm also fairly certain existing characters won't have to deal with any of this.
I have no idea on what evidence you are basing this assertion. How can they just assign existing characters hero points from challenges they haven't completed?

I would only see it as a grind like you're describing if you leveled every profession to 80 while purposely avoiding every Hero Challenge and then purposely did Hero Challenges for all nine back-to-back... and even then you could pick different challenges to grind, in theory.
What about those who leveled characters in PvP or EotM? In the current system, those characters can then go into PvE or WvW with enough accumulated materials to unlock everything. No longer; all characters must complete half the map.

And different challenges? There are 189 listed on the map, 220 mentioned on the wiki, and the devs stated you'll need about 100. And this is for every character.
what are cheese curds
this is poutine

From Wikipedia:
Cheese curds in cuisine, or cooking, are the solid parts of soured milk either eaten alone or used in various regional dishes, mostly in eastern Canada and the northeastern and midwestern United States. They are sometimes referred to as "squeaky cheese".[1][2]

From Wikipedia:
Cheese curds in cuisine, or cooking, are the solid parts of soured milk either eaten alone or used in various regional dishes, mostly in eastern Canada and the northeastern and midwestern United States. They are sometimes referred to as "squeaky cheese".[1][2]

Had this as a kid FUCKING DISGUSTING...should revisit one day so many things i hated as a child i like as an adult...


On an earlier livestream they said you'd need 465 points to unlock all (non elite spec) skills and traits and you get 400 from leveling. So you'd just need 65 hero challenges


On an earlier livestream they said you'd need 465 points to unlock all (non elite spec) skills and traits and you get 400 from leveling. So you'd just need 65 hero challenges
65 wouldn't be so bad and that's indeed what Dulfy quoted. But it doesn't line up with the math they revealed, it would seem. Whatever.
Thanks for ruining my weekend arseholes. You've just caused me my biggest cheatday-weekend in over a year, thanks to your enticing pictures of morally questionable deep fried foods. I hope you all get extra constipated.

I've had so much Pizza it's hard to breathe. I've had to balance it with ice cream and chocolate chip cookies.

In more positive news. I just hit 9000 achievement points. /swaggerswagswag


Thanks for ruining my weekend arseholes. You've just caused me my biggest cheatday-weekend in over a year, thanks to your enticing pictures of morally questionable deep fried foods. I hope you all get extra constipated.

I've had so much Pizza it's hard to breathe. I've had to balance it with ice cream and chocolate chip cookies.

In more positive news. I just hit 9000 achievement points. /swaggerswagswag

Hmm, maybe I should order a pizza tonight...


Excellent Makeup Missions, as always. Crab Toss challenge, Snowden Puzzle, Yanonka the Rat-Wrangler / Devious Teesa for bounty and then Baby Bears for Rush.
Thanks for coming everyone, especially to our volunteers who help out.
Mission Fever is 9pm next Saturday.

We've also hit 499 members, so there will be a culling shortly. As always, this is simple housekeeping and not personal; anyone who was removed is welcome back upon their request. HoT is probably going to require spill over into GAFO or we're going to have to cull so close to the bone that we're removing people who haven't played in weeks, rather than months and that's just too recent for my tastes.

Here's hoping we get some news this week on guilds, either Guild Halls or some QoL improvements to get around the technical limitation of the 500 member cap (some kind of alliance or something, so GAFO people could come with us and get comms?) We'll see.

I was wondering, have the devs ever addressed the problem of clipping? It is really a minor thing (and I'm sure it would need quite a lot of work to fix), but I found it really annoying, especially when I'm using Dagger+Dagger for example.

Very unlikely, this is one of those things that happens in every 3-D game but sticks out more in MMOs because of all the various race / gender / size differences on top of all the armor differences with weapon scaling and design on top of that. There's too many variables to go through them all to make sure clipping issues are fixed.

From the livestream, which I quoted. But you can also see the math here on the wiki:

In the livestream, Jon Peters says "The goal is that leveling is going to give you about 400 points, these are all placeholder numbers, and that the goal is that you need about four-hundred and... right now I think the number about 465 points to get everything, which means literally you need to do about 65 of the 220 skill challenges to literally have every single thing unlocked that's not elite, like all the core stuff. Um, and if so... Definitely anyone who is world completed is going to have like... Hero Points left over to spend on, uh, elite specializations and already go into them before they need to get more stuff."

I dunno where the math on the wiki is coming from, but it's not matching what the developers are saying (and remember, the wiki is fan-edited; those may be estimations, and at the very least they're based on placeholder numbers). The article I linked to and the Livestream both say 65, which is still significant but it's not "half the map."

I have no idea on what evidence you are basing this assertion. How can they just assign existing characters hero points from challenges they haven't completed?

Existing characters won't need to worry about anything but their elite spec (which the wiki has no info on how much that will cost) because they should have plenty of skill points needed to unlock skills from earning them post-80. I suppose if someone is just sitting on a bunch of skill points without unlocking all of their skills, then yeah, they'd need to grind Hero Challenges to unlock core stuff after HoT releases. But that's on them for not taking care of it.

What about those who leveled characters in PvP or EotM? In the current system, those characters can then go into PvE or WvW with enough accumulated materials to unlock everything. No longer; all characters must complete half the map.

For PVP you'll still be getting Tomes of Knowledge from the reward tracks to get your 80 levels and 400 skill points, and you level in WvW/EotM. You'd have to dip into PVE to get the last 65 points (unless they award Hero points in PVP / WvW somehow as well; we don't have any details yet) if you need every single skill unlocked.

And different challenges? There are 189 listed on the map, 220 mentioned on the wiki, and the devs stated you'll need about 100. And this is for every character.

Again, I'm not seeing anywhere where they say you'll need 100, and even the goal of 65 they've mentioned is subject to change. I think it's just too early to start trying to figure out the math when every single source clearly says these are placeholders aand far too early to start making comments like "I can confirm this is a significant grind," in my opinion.

Thanks for ruining my weekend arseholes. You've just caused me my biggest cheatday-weekend in over a year, thanks to your enticing pictures of morally questionable deep fried foods. I hope you all get extra constipated.
Hmm, maybe I should order a pizza tonight...
This thread made me fatter today

All part of our nefarious plan to make everyone too fat to do anything but sit and play Guild Wars 2 all day.

In more positive news. I just hit 9000 achievement points. /swaggerswagswag


All of my characters finally together in one image.

That's a nice looking group, I'm so used to seeing you on Brynn though that I only associate you with that character so it's good to see the rest of your stable. Is the female charr an Engineer? If so, we're twins (same face and the fur colors are pretty close).


Sonic handles my blue balls
Thanks for ruining my weekend arseholes. You've just caused me my biggest cheatday-weekend in over a year, thanks to your enticing pictures of morally questionable deep fried foods. I hope you all get extra constipated.

Are you a gypsy? Because you definitely hexed me.


The Cryptarch's Bane

How did we get to the guild cap again already? Sheesh!

how did the lotto go last night with Zeroth at the helm?
Started prep for my next legendary but all i am doing is creating the Gift of Fortune, i have a feeling t6 mats will spike once HoT drops...


Okay, pet peeve that I hope to hell they address in Heart of Thornes.

You know what's fun about your class? Traits. You know what traits are fun? Grandmaster traits. Up until you get Grandmaster traits, you don't really have much build defining or interesting synergy. It reminds me that ANet has stats, and back when the Marionette came down they talked about how the majority of players, the casuals, almost never touch their traits. Like, literally just leave those trait spots blank and don't bother picking any.

And I know why. It's because while leveling, traits are near useless. They're minor perks. Some classes have powerful traits at the Master level, like Mesmer with Deceptive Evasion. Most have the interesting traits at the Grandmaster level. You don't unlock Master and Grandmaster until level 60 and 80 respectively. By then, people will have forgotten that traits exist and will not bother.

In the Specialization system, people must be allowed to trait a Grandmaster trait as soon as humanly possible. You should unlock the first specialization line by level 20, and can crank that all the way to Grandmaster as long as you amass the Hero points. Second specialization comes at 40, third comes at 60, and at 80 you can then switch one of those regular specializations for an elite.

Doing anything other than this means that I will reconsider leveling my upcoming Revenant by any means that don't include mass usage of Tomes of Knowledge.


In the Specialization system, people must be allowed to trait a Grandmaster trait as soon as humanly possible. You should unlock the first specialization line by level 20, and can crank that all the way to Grandmaster as long as you amass the Hero points. Second specialization comes at 40, third comes at 60, and at 80 you can then switch one of those regular specializations for an elite.

Doing anything other than this means that I will reconsider leveling my upcoming Revenant by any means that don't include mass usage of Tomes of Knowledge.

Here's what we know so far;
The ability to select one, two, and finally three core specializations will unlock as you level your character from 1 to 80.
Each core specialization will have three minor traits associated with it. These are automatically equipped along with the specialization itself and help define the playstyle of that particular specialization.

In addition, there will be nine major traits tied to each specialization. There are three different tiers of traits: adept, master, and grandmaster. Once a specialization has been equipped, a character will be able to select a single trait for each tier to help customize that specialization. By locking traits to tiers and reducing the overall number of traits, we’ve made each choice much more compelling (source).

So it sounds like once you pick a specialization, you get all of the minor traits at once and get to pick all of the major traits right then; the second blog post sounds like it confirms that;

Core Specialization Reward Tracks
These will unlock the specialization itself and all of its minor and major traits (source).

Again, it sounds like unlocking a specialization unlocks everything in it and you can go all the way to Grandmaster at once, unless I'm reading that wrong (it is late).

Currently Adept / Master / Grandmaster traits are unlocked at at 30, 60 and 80, and I wouldn't be shocked (but deeply saddened) if that's the case with your first, second and third specialization unlocks. I like your suggestion of 20, 40, 60 and then Elite specs at 80.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but really I wish they would just do away with trait lines and tiers altogether. Merge / improve / remove traits until they all feel like they're all viable choices, then give the player 8 slots (one per 10 levels). 8 Traits max. When you go to use an elite specialization, it changes a set number of your slots to accept Elite traits only.


just finished experimenting with a new pvp build on my ranger

it's a 6/2/2/4/0 sword+dagger/longbow build with great team support and high mobility
i enjoy it much more than the "meta" power ranger build
so far, so good. i haven't lost a match with the build yet :D

it also feels nice that i'm only using longbow less than half the time now :p
that, and getting double-teamed by the enemies isn't as bad as it was with my previous glass-cannon build


welp, i am craving poutine now

edit: haha, didn't realize that everyone was talking about poutine last page :eek:

edit 2: poutine is great
Here's what we know so far;

So it sounds like once you pick a specialization, you get all of the minor traits at once and get to pick all of the major traits right then; the second blog post sounds like it confirms that;

Again, it sounds like unlocking a specialization unlocks everything in it and you can go all the way to Grandmaster at once, unless I'm reading that wrong (it is late).

Currently Adept / Master / Grandmaster traits are unlocked at at 30, 60 and 80, and I wouldn't be shocked (but deeply saddened) if that's the case with your first, second and third specialization unlocks. I like your suggestion of 20, 40, 60 and then Elite specs at 80.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but really I wish they would just do away with trait lines and tiers altogether. Merge / improve / remove traits until they all feel like they're all viable choices, then give the player 8 slots (one per 10 levels). 8 Traits max. When you go to use an elite specialization, it changes a set number of your slots to accept Elite traits only.

How fast you get a Grandmaster will be based on the Profession Reward Track and how many hero points you have.

Based on this image if the grandmasters are all the way at the end of th track it will probably take awhile.

On another note, is it a holiday today in the U.S. Of A?


Memorial Day is the last Monday of the month, and then we have Independence Day (I think) observed on the Friday of the week after.


I know, I live here, but I think we're getting it observed for Friday since the fourth is on a Thursday this year. Or I heard something weird last month.

It's always observed on whichever day July 4th lands on.

And the fourth is on a Saturday this year. Sounds like you got your months mixed up.
Ok. Guys what do you think on the META status on Warrior Shout Healing and do you think it will exist in HoT?

I have two lvl 80 Warriors now. One I can run in Berserkers and just be a might-madness from hell to use in Dungeons, and then I want the other to be a shout healer from hell to use in sPvP, PvE, WvW.

But as I am standing here trying to make my Ascended armor. I now got some smaller vision crystals, I have some angur stones, I refined by ascended mats. I have no idea how I should get the expensive stuff like Domask. Jesus.

I need to figure out if I should go with Berserkers or perhaps try Clerics for that healing power. I am afraid that damage will take a hard hit.

Last time I ran shout healer in 2012 it was amazing. my shouts shouts would buff a ton of people up to 20-33% of their health relatively quickly. it was before healing signet was nerfed. it was really nice!


Assorted PvP thoughts:
  • Shout out to my man Leaf aka Chillingsworth. I finally got that Synaptic Overload trait so I can try a crazy power engi too now.
  • Fresh/air scepter ele is the most interesting build I'm playing right now. The margin between frying your foes and becoming a grease spot yourself is razor thin. Here are some of the tricks I've worked into my current 46400 build:
    [-] Signet of Air for emergency stun break and 25% movement speed. Mobility is different than on a tankier ele spec- you can't just lightning flash away unless it's to a secret spot; you'll be chased down. But the movement speed allows you to position yourself ahead of time in good situations (aka never outnumbered at a point).
    [-] Runes of earth + elemental shielding in the earth line. This gives you three sources of protection and another reflect. It's my newest tweak but the little bit of defense seems to have made a substantial increase in survivability.
    [-] Lava tomb aka lava font on down. So glorious.
  • Power necro may be my second best class now. I previously felt about it as I do now for scepter ele, but with more experience my survivability and team utility has increased greatly. It can do everything except flee.
  • On thief, I was previously using a 06404 D/P executioner build. But I was convinced to try the 60206 panic strike meta build, and it is clearly superior. I finally feel like a decent thief.
Ok. Guys what do you think on the META status on Warrior Shout Healing and do you think it will exist in HoT?
Shout healing has never been meta in PvE. It has recently risen to the meta in PvP and WvW, but not as a cleric or anything stacking healing power greater than that of celestial. As someone who crafted a set of ascended cleric gear, I now only use it in fractals- and it ain't meta there.

And we really can't comment on HoT until we have some info on the most guarded elite specialization of all.


It's always observed on whichever day July 4th lands on.

And the fourth is on a Saturday this year. Sounds like you got your months mixed up.
*scratches head* July, you know?

that's my birthday btw.

I was more referring to the fact that next month is June. lol


Edit: I hope this week's news is a weekend beta, but that would have to be announced by tomorrow.
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