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Guild Wars 2 |OT5| We've got fun and games

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ANET taking too long with expansion. Please never again.

Heh I don't think they're necessarily taking "too long." It's more like "this is what expansions are like." In every MMO I've played, there's been a bit of a pre-expansion lull in interest (for me anyway). Boatloads of excitement at the announcement, then it's "why bother doing x, there's an expansion coming that could change all that" when it turns out that it's not just around the corner like we hoped.

Games take work, no denying it, and good work takes time. It just stinks when the Living Story approach seemed to be so good and now I don't know when that's going to come back.

People were using a slur against them

I apologize for quoting it/saying it myself. It wasn't ill-intended, and it's one of those commonly used words where people don't think of what they really mean until you look at the word's origins.


Really? Kanik and/or hythloday making an obvious joke asking if someone put a "Gypsy curse" on them is now a slur and deserving of censorship? I hope all of y'all sanctimonious folks never use the term "Gypped," which is an actual slur.


Heh I don't think they're necessarily taking "too long." It's more like "this is what expansions are like." In every MMO I've played, there's been a bit of a pre-expansion lull in interest (for me anyway). Boatloads of excitement at the announcement, then it's "why bother doing x, there's an expansion coming that could change all that" when it turns out that it's not just around the corner like we hoped.

Games take work, no denying it, and good work takes time. It just stinks when the Living Story approach seemed to be so good and now I don't know when that's going to come back.

ANET taking too long with expansion. Please never again.

I need a price so i can pre-order from their website TODAY, maybe with a price i will get my motivation back otherwise it's Teq my daily and i sign off...
Started Witcher 2 after remap of the keyboard this game is fun..


ANET taking too long with expansion. Please never again.

Before HoT was announced, all we heard was "We want an expansion, we hate these 20 minute Living Story chapters and lame holidays." Now that they're making an expansion, all we hear is "We want the Living Story, or at least a holiday or something I hate waiting!" Once HoT hits, you can rest assured that all you'll hear is "I finished everything in a week, that was it?! Now what?!" There's no way to please everyone and trying to do so generally ends badly.

I fall into the camp that has been quite satisfied with the Living Story; though a few chapters didn't land quite the way I would have hoped (they can't all be Echos of the Past, but still) for the most part they're a nice helping of content that keeps me satisfied just long enough that by the time I'm done the next course is right ahead.

In my wildest dreams, the Living Story team uses the time they have now while the expansion is being built to get way ahead of schedule. The expansion comes out and the groundwork is laid for them to run the Living Story all year long with short breaks for Feature Packs that build upon the expansion's systems; more Guild Hall build options (furniture, room templates, whatever), more Elite Specs, more Masteries, more Fractals. They have all of these platforms for content delivery waiting, and I think HoT should be the big step that makes all of those platforms ready so that they're regularly updated. I'd love it if we got a couple new Fractals every 4-6 months, for example.
I as you know, never asked for an expansion. I just wanted the to figure out a way to have a more consistent Living Story schedule. I did not like the huge breaks in the middle of seasons and between two season.

I hope you are right about the LS team working side by side the Expansion team to get a head of the schedule so they can keep releasing episodes bi-weekly all of 2016.

I also worry about LS ever coming back because of how quite they are about it.


I as you know, never asked for an expansion. I just wanted the to figure out a way to have a more consistent Living Story schedule. I did not like the huge breaks in the middle of seasons and between two season.

I hope you are right about the LS team working side by side the Expansion team to get a head of the schedule so they can keep releasing episodes bi-weekly all of 2016.

I also worry about LS ever coming back because of how quite they are about it.

I didn't say you did. I didn't either, but I won't say no to content, ever. As for why they've been quiet about the LS coming back, I imagine they're just busy and don't want to distract from HoT.


It's like gamer whack-a-mole. Focus on Living Story, the expansion crowd pops up and moans. Announce an expansion, the expansion people settle down but the living story fans moan. I know MMO development is one job I definitely would not want to put up with :)

leng jai

Before HoT was announced, all we heard was "We want an expansion, we hate these 20 minute Living Story chapters and lame holidays." Now that they're making an expansion, all we hear is "We want the Living Story, or at least a holiday or something I hate waiting!" Once HoT hits, you can rest assured that all you'll hear is "I finished everything in a week, that was it?! Now what?!" There's no way to please everyone and trying to do so generally ends badly.

I fall into the camp that has been quite satisfied with the Living Story; though a few chapters didn't land quite the way I would have hoped (they can't all be Echos of the Past, but still) for the most part they're a nice helping of content that keeps me satisfied just long enough that by the time I'm done the next course is right ahead.

In my wildest dreams, the Living Story team uses the time they have now while the expansion is being built to get way ahead of schedule. The expansion comes out and the groundwork is laid for them to run the Living Story all year long with short breaks for Feature Packs that build upon the expansion's systems; more Guild Hall build options (furniture, room templates, whatever), more Elite Specs, more Masteries, more Fractals. They have all of these platforms for content delivery waiting, and I think HoT should be the big step that makes all of those platforms ready so that they're regularly updated. I'd love it if we got a couple new Fractals every 4-6 months, for example.

10/10 Retor.


There's a teaser image for a new Black Lion weapon skin, but they're not available yet. Might be some kind of update tomorrow?

Already a new one, that seems a little fast .....

I just hope they bring back the Pact-Fleet and Mordrem ones back at 1 ticket around the time HoT launches.


Just had the "A new build will be available in 10 minutes." message pop-up.
Edit: It's live!

Patch Notes: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/info/updates/Game-Update-Notes-May-19-2015
5/19/15 – May 19 Release Notes
Release Notes:


Attention, citizens of Lion’s Arch,
The rebuilding effort has begun! Please tread carefully around the construction zones, and try to respect the workers as they transform our beloved port into something new. Planning has taken much time, as the architects have had to work through many engineering and architectural challenges before agreeing on the final design of the city. Thank you for your patience and resilience during this difficult time. Together we’ll make the new Lion’s Arch a metropolis for the ages.
—Ellen Kiel

Daily Achievements

  • PvP Daily Achievements that required players to win as a specific profession have now been changed to require winning as one of two professions.
  • The Daily Achievements rotation has been updated.

  • The longbow’s string will no longer clip in first-person mode.
  • Mail carrier previews have been adjusted for better viewing.
  • Custom mail carriers now show up for all received mail unless the sender specifically selects a carrier other than the Mail-Carrier Pigeon.
  • The dye panel now allows you to switch between dyeing an outfit and dyeing armor by clicking the relevant dye areas. Changing the Hide/Unhide check box for outfits is no longer required.
  • Fixed an issue in which the Streaming Client would not work with custom playlists.
  • Fixed a UI bug in which Balthazar’s Outfit showed a fourth dye channel that was unusable.
  • Increased the rate at which some salvage kits give upgrades so that the practical rate matches the stated rate in those items’ descriptions. The following salvage kits have had their upgrade salvage rates increased:
    • Basic Salvage Kit
    • Fine Salvage Kit
    • Journeyman’s Salvage Kit
    • Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic
  • Rune of Vampirism: Updated the sixth tier ability (mist form) to activate when struck while under 25% health, and profession-specific skills are no longer usable.
Structured Player vs. Player
  • Adjusted drop rates on container items given from reward tracks to match PvE drop rates. The following items will be obtainable with a higher frequency:
    • Black Lion Chests
    • Black Lion Keys
    • Aetherkey Pieces
    • Piles of Silky Sand
  • Updated the installer icon.
  • Fixed an issue that caused extra windows to appear in Mission Control when running Guild Wars 2.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the “About Guild Wars 2” window to reduce in size when opened.
New Items and Promotions

  • The new Daydreamer’s Weapons set is available at vendors for the limited-time price of 1 complete Black Lion Claim Ticket from a Black Lion Chest. Keys are available in the Special category for 125 gems.
  • A Raven Mail Carrier has been added to the Black Lion Chest as an uncommon drop.
  • A Parrot Mail Carrier has been added to the Black Lion Chest as an uncommon drop.
  • A new Snow Owl Mail Carrier is available in the Upgrades category of the Gem Store for 350 gems.
  • The Minis 3-Pack (Set 3) no longer drops from the Black Lion Chest.

Rebuilding LA? What?!



Lion’s Arch Construction Nears Completion; New Player Poll Announced

Well, the cat’s out of the bag now. Anyone who’s visited Lion’s Arch today has already noticed some pretty exciting changes—the increased activity of the construction workers, watchful reviews by the surveyors, assembly airships, a construction yard, and a whole lot of scaffolding! At long last we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and our beloved Lion’s Arch—the heart and soul of Tyria—will soon be rebuilt!

Read further for more insights into the new Lion’s Arch, get a look at some imagery of possible layouts commissioned by the Captain’s Council, and talk about celebrating this exciting event!

The New Lion’s Arch
The plan of the city leaders is not to attempt to fully restore the landmark as it once was, but rather to implement an enhanced design that will more realistically serve the Tyria of today. In light of the lessons learned from the attack by Scarlet Briar and her massive airship drill, the Breachmaker, the city will be a more fortified city, with a design intended to protect citizen and visitor alike.

And yet, the city will retain its distinctive beauty. There will be new gathering places, focused service areas, refreshed locations, and commemorative area names and place names that are sure to delight. Lion’s Arch will remain a glorious meeting place for Tyrians of every race, profession, and background.


We look forward to the fun and excitement of exploring this newly refreshed city and learning about its every corner, cubbyhole, and building!

Show Your Civic Pride: Naming Poll
Can’t wait to see what this revitalized old city has to offer? Want to get involved and show your civic pride? Read this invitation, as a Lion’s Arch town crier might offer it:

Hear ye! Hear ye! The city leaders of Lion’s Arch invite you to participate in the reinauguration of our beloved metropolis. You are invited to help in the naming of important structures, locations, and areas within Lion’s Arch!

If you’d like to help name new locations or rename old favorites, head over to this page to vote on the names of selected buildings, spaces, and landmarks. Voting will end in a week, on May 26. Check back later to see if your favorite name becomes the final choice.

Construction projects are dependent on workers and weather, both of which can be unpredictable. But while we don’t have a date for the final unveiling, we can say that—due to the advantages of off-site construction—one morning in the next few months you’ll awake to a newly refreshed Lion’s Arch.

In the meantime, we’d like every guild, group, and gang of friends to consider how they’re going to celebrate the new Lion’s Arch. A poetry reading? A historical reenactment? A musical extravaganza? Or how about just…a party? Put on your collective thinking caps, and start coming up with plans for your group’s party. We’ll give you a heads-up as the date approaches. And don’t forget to share your party plans on the official forums. Who knows—maybe some ArenaNet folks will stop by during your event!
I like that one of the choices in the naming poll for the lighthouse is "Graidy Lighthouse", in memory of Ellyna's father sacrificing himself so she could escape.

But come on, King Doric and Theo Ashford? Pshaw.

Doric led the expansion to Ascalon which fucked over the Charr, so that's a huuuuge nope from me. As for Theo, meh. The central memorial shouldn't be named after a political assassination



Adjusted drop rates on container items given from reward tracks to match PvE drop rates. The following items will be obtainable with a higher frequency:

Black Lion Chests Yay?
Black Lion Keys yay
Aetherkey Pieces yay?
Piles of Silky Sand yay?


I hereby request to have the giant broken lion statue be replaced by a huge statue of our hero Marshal Thrahearne , he who cleansed orr and vanquished Zhaithan and died valiantly holding Back the hordes of Sylvary to give Destiny's edge time to get to safety


PvP Daily Achievements that required players to win as a specific profession have now been changed to require winning as one of two professions.
So wait, is it:
- Daily achievement A: win as an elementalist or warrior.
- Daily achievement B: win as a mesmer or guardian.

That would be an improvement.

Gotta get that money up front to show to the stockholders, I suppose.


Ironically we're still going to get the exact same "What happened to Lion's Arch?" questions in map chat even after the rebuild.

I replied to the last one with, "tornado." Seemed like the simplest explanation.


Ironically we're still going to get the exact same "What happened to Lion's Arch?" questions in map chat even after the rebuild.

I replied to the last one with, "tornado." Seemed like the simplest explanation.
Eh. "A villain destroyed it" is both simple and true.


All of the Debris of The Breach maker has been cleared out of the water .

Also the house on Deverol island has been completely removed


Decided to abuse the celestial amulet while its around and go full on shoutbow. Depressing it works so much better than hambow. Not even sure celestial nerf will hurt it that much.

If its guild halls announced this week, Hope it picks things up. Finding a non-dead guild lately isn't easy.


Decided to abuse the celestial amulet while its around and go full on shoutbow. Depressing it works so much better than hambow. Not even sure celestial nerf will hurt it that much.

It's being removed? I didn't know that. Maybe I should try out more builds that use it before they do that.
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